But when I look at the advertized window size it's only 1K? Why is it not set to more than that? I should see it 16M somewhere it doesn't start with it neither does it scale that much. tcp_window_scaling is also set to 1
Whenerver I try to log on to our Windows 2008 R2 server via rdesktop, the window stays at the same small size. I can neither enlarge the window at the borders nor maximize it. Alt+Ctrl+Enter simply gives me the same window-content on the full screen with the rest simply grey.
Is that normal behaviour for rdesktop? Is there an alternative?
I have asked for a video capturing software before but recommend a GOOD screen recorder where you can select the window/window size the axis and also a good editing software which will render/export into FULL 720p HD
i'm not sure for using the correct channel here but i hope someone out there can answer my little questions. 1st in older version i was able to change the settings of the terminal look as the font color, background color and so on. I was also able to define a default window size of a new terminal window. But since after upgrading to to the first release this year and a complete new installation of the current release Maverick i do not find this option anymore. Is there a way how to set up the terminal default window size?
8.04 on a Lippert PC104, no xwindows. This is a little computer intended to just run one program headless in an instrument i am developing. I would like to run this one program from boot.The obvious answer is to add the program to rc.local followed by an &. This doesn't work.I have tried adding all sorts of things to rc.local including mkdir, touch, echo etc etc. the only utility that works is 'touch' which tells me that rc.local is getting executed.I tried creating a new service called local and putting that in rc2.d as priority 80 using rc-update.d. again, only touch worked. so i tried adding sleep 10 and running the utilities as daemons and still they won't run (except touch /var/lock/local).
I have a user that is reporting the following error on a bounced message:
smtp;554 5.6.1 Body type not supported by Remote Host
He is forwarding emails from his exchange server to a recipient in Germany relaying through our smtp server using Surgemail as the MTA.
He called a senior tech specialist at Microsoft to get help thinking the problem was on his end (exchange server). According to this "specialist", he said the problem was that our smtp server was not advertising 8BitMIME in its 250 statement. I tested this myself by log in on to the smtp server and doing typing the following:
As you can see, 250-8BITMIME is not listed here. From the bit of research I made, I found that most MTAs send this by default. Is it possible that the characters from the German language are causing this problem?
NOTE: This problem did not exist or was never reported until now. No one has made any changes on any settings on the server.
(I hope I am not repeating myself here, as I have tried to send this before but don't see the post): I now have upgraded to Suse 11.4 and I can't find how to set the console settings. It fills the whole screen, and the font is tiny. I am able to enlarge the font, but not to change the window size. Under 11.2, I was able to set the font, and an 80 characters per line, 40 lines window, and then make all that permanent.
How do I get Nautilus to "remember it's window size? It seems that with F12 when I open a nautilus window it starts at some preset default size, and even though I change it and then close it. It returns to the default size when I open it again.
I have 11.2 32 bit running in ESXi on a Dell 2850 in my colo and its working just fine. I even set the VM to allow large resolutions and am running the console at 1440x900. At first I also had the issue with just a black screen and white X pointer, but after reading I found that going into YaST > etc/sysconfig > Desktop > Display Manager > Setting of: DISPLAYMANAGER_REMOTE_ACCESS: > and changing the value from yes to no then back to yes again then rebooting, all was good.
Now on to my actual issue. Now that I can get to my system remotely via RealVNC and don't have to keep an open session logged in (ala Remote Desktop) I am finding that the window is stuck at 1024x768. I just cant find where I need to change the geometry settings to make it 1440 x 900 like my console window is in ESXi. Have been doing a lot of reading and have tried a bunch of stuff but none of it works, too much to list. I am obviously missing something and its probably really simple, but I am just not getting it.
Is there anyway to change the size of a window that's already open to a specific value? For example, I want to resize the size of an instance of gedit to exactly 100x200. Is there any way to do this?
I'm using the Gnome desktop in openSUSE 11.3. I've set the "Command" to gnome-terminal --geometry=80x58 for the Gnome terminal in its Launcher Properties. This opens a terminal of the size I want every time I click it. However, when I right-click the desktop and click "open in terminal" it opens a terminal of a much smaller size and I can't figure out how to correct this. The same thing happens when I click: File->Open Terminal from a terminal window, and also when I click File->Open in Terminal from from the File Browser. Why am I getting a much smaller window and how to fix?
In Ubuntu 10.04 using Document Viewer 2.30.0 I've noticed that every time I open the program or a PDF file I haven't opened before the window size seems to reset to default. Thumbnails sidebar re-enables, view goes back to "Fit Page Width" and the actual size of the window goes back to being very small (default).
Can the size of the Ubuntu desktop window be reduced so that it displays on a monitor or via a data projector with a surrounding black border? If so, how? The tragicomic chain of events which leads to the question is as follows. Community group, short of cash, want to equip lecture room. Pull-down screen is set up permanently on one wall. Contractor sets up old data projector via ceiling mount. Data projector is just too far away from wall, such that image cannot be reduced sufficiently by the data projector to fit on the screen.
Annoyingly the image, as displayed, is only slightly too large - just enough to lose the top and bottom panels, Applications menu, File Menu on full-size windows, Indicator applet, Trash, and restore desktop button. The data projector is hooked up via VGA cable to a recycled PC running Ubuntu 10.04 with proprietary NVidia driver (version 173) for GeForce 8400 GS. I'll give anything to be able to do this on the PC, rather than having to move the projector!
I find that changing the window size is extremely difficult. The area to click and then drag is very tiny and requires very precise arrow positioning. Is there a way to increase this area?
I lastly used KDE (version 1.x ). Now I'm using KDE 3.5 for several weeks and one thing really annoys me: there are a lot of programs that don't remember their last window position and/or size. They always default to a specific location/size when I close and open them again. I give you some examples:
Program that doesn't remember anything: - Konqueror
Program that remembers window size, but not position: - KMail
Nice Program that remembers everything: - Basket Note Pads
Is there a way to tell these programs to remember their position/size?And a second question about konqueror: Can I tell konqueror to remember the view mode? I prefer MultiColumn view, but it always defaults to Icon view.
How do I change the size of the window borders in Openbox. I find great difficulty in getting my pointer to 'catch' the window border to resize the window.
F13 with default GhostScript 8.71Trying to crop an eps file.The window size adheres to command but the location(offset) never does.Tried several different layouts and none work.Quote:ps2pdf -dEmbedAllFonts=true -dProcessColorModel=/DeviceCMYK -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -r300 -g1086x1201 -dPDFOPT someeps.eps test.pdfYields the same asQuote:ps2pdf -dEmbedAllFonts=true -dProcessColorModel=/DeviceCMYK -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -r300 -g1086x1201+100+100 -dPDFOPT someeps.eps test.pdf
The issue is that Gnome will not "remember" the size and location of the window in which an app was last run. For example - I run Disk Usage Analyzer and stretch the window to be the full height of the screen and about half the width of the screen and move it to the far left of the desktop. I then close the app. The next time I run it the app comes up in a "default" window size, not the size I last used, positioned randomly on the desktop.
p.s. I should add that some apps seem to remember their prior window size/position. For example OpenOffice.org, Firefox, Nautilus.
I am in the process of customizing my desktop, and I have run into a problem. As a programmer, I will invariable end up with tons of windows open. I would like to expand the gnome-panel's Window List's y size to allow more applications to show without being crunched together.
That's the way the desktop currently looks, notice the tiny Window List in the top left. That's as big as it gets. I want to expand it all along the entire left side. I have a feeling the answer is in gconf-editor, but i just can't find the right field to modify.
I can't stand looking at the ugly, off-center, non-themed maximize/minimize/close buttons in the maximized global menu. Is it possible to set a window to maximize *below* the top panel? Or at least to have its set fixed size be its fixed size when not maximized?
Using Compiz window rules I've been able to set a fixed size in some applications (Opera, for example), but whenever I open them, the window automatically opens as maximized. When I un-maximize, it reverts to whatever size it wants, and having to resize my windows all the time is a pain.
I use ioctl to get the console window size (the SSH window). I use the following code: struct winsize ws; int returnValue = ioctl(pCommandStructure->terminal, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws); int numberOfColumnsOfTerminalWindow = ws.ws_col; When I debug on linux pc, it gives me the correct window width. But after I try it on router (this is my enventual place where my code shall run), ioctl always give me 0 width, that is, numberOfColumnsOfTerminalWindow == 0. but the returnValue is 0 which means that the function call succeeds.
In 10.4 I had set my default terminal size to my screen width - I type some long commands. After running an update this morning, my terminal comes up in the install default size. Using the preferences dialog, I cannot find the control to set the default width. Has it been removed? I hope I'm looking in the wrong place, but I have a chilling feeling that it's been dropped or perhaps just accidentally commented out.
Xfwm4 has a very nice option when right-clicking on the window decoration to choose a full screen mode... but how do I come back to the normal window size?
I have problem with internet connection on my Ubuntu, but the major problem is that i can't copy the message from my terminal while I type:ifgonfig and paste it here to show you what is the problem.
Is there a way to set a default terminal window size when I click on the "Terminal" icon? I need my terminal to be of a certain size every time I click on it?