Fedora :: DvD Playback Without Livna Being Online?

Aug 10, 2011

I had a bad timing when I set up my system yesterday evening.Livna beeing not online for like almost 24hrs.I did download the rpm from a mirror mainwhile, but for some reason i dont understand, yum still aborts EVERY command if i dont add --disablerepo=livna.

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Fedora :: Install The Livna Repository For DVD Playback

Oct 26, 2010

I was trying to install the Livna Repository for DVD playback and I get this


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OpenSUSE :: Online Video Playback, BBC IPlayer?

Feb 15, 2010

I previously posted about noob attempts with Google Earth Problems with Google Earth - openSUSE Forums and discovered my setup 3Ghz Intel p4 i386 with RADEON X300(PCIE) and RADEON X300SE as shown in YaST Hardware Information may not be compatible with linux/opensuse. I've attempted some of the suggestions and either I've had difficulties following instructions (noob alert!) or the solution didn't work for another reason. any offers on improving online playback, in particular; should I get a new graphics card, what would be my best option with limited funds (<50) when I want to be able to watch streams online smoothly but not play games/edit video. Efficient rather than powerful?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 11.04 - Online Playback Jumpy And Stutter

May 26, 2011

I like to watch TV shows online. 75% of the shows I watch are on the big sites like Hulu or CBS. But a lot of the shows I catch (normally older shows I never watched during first-run) are hosted with Megevideo or Loombo (moreso Loombo). 10.10 had no issues with playback quality. But since the upgrade to 11.04, online playback from loombo or megevideo like sites are very poor quality, jumpy and stutter. Video from the big sites are ok. I also noticed that playback in Firefox is not watchable on these sites but if I use Google Chrome it's watchable but still bad. I downloaded Flash from Adobe and installed, and so far I know I have all the plugins I need.

Here's what I have running:
Ubuntu 11.04 32bit.
Firefox 4.0.1 (Canonical).
Google Chrome 10.0.648.151.
Flash Plugin (according to about: plugin in Firefox) Shockwave Flash 10.3 r181.

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Fedora Installation :: Should Disable Livna Repo?

Feb 24, 2009

I recently upgraded successfully from F8 to F10 with no problems. I have a question about repo compatabilities. The livna repo is still enabled after the upgrade. Is is compatable with the rpmfusion and fedora repos? should I disable the livna repo? will this cause any problems?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Livna 9800GTX+ Isn't Working?

Mar 19, 2009

so i installed the livna driver according to leigh123@linux and when i tried to "gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" as root i got


No protocol specified

(gedit:5031): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.0

i was able to oped gedit when i wasnt root, so i changed the permissions of xorg.conf and added the extra


ModulePath "/usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers"

to the existing Section "Files" then rebooted. when i run livna-config-display as root i get


No protocol specified Cannot import GTK. Please try setting DISPLAY and try again

this didn't really make sense to me, so installed gtk+, not sure if that just added to my problems or not...

when i run system-config-display as root i get


No protocol specified
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/system-config-display/xconf.py", line 312, in <module>
hardware_state = XF86HardwareState(xconfig)


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Fedora :: Why Does Xorg.conf Get Recreated By Livna

Dec 30, 2009

I am trying to configure an additional input device so I need to edit my xorg file. Any change I make is being lost when I reboot. The xorg gets reverted to seme default configuration. Even if the change is as simple as adding a comment. I have tried disallowing livna to edit the configuration file (using livna display configuration), but when I reboot, the system reverts back to the vesa display drivers.

How can I figure out what is recreating the xorg file? How can I disable this so my changes persist. Or is there another file I can add input devices to (or a way to automatically add them upon boot but before x starts?)

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Fedora :: Cannot Setup Livna Repository Or Install Libdvdcss

Sep 3, 2010

I did a fresh install of Fedora 13, 32-bit, with GNOME desktop. My goal is to watch DVDs with VLC media player. I followed the steps in this website to install the media players, codecs, VLC etc. -

Everything was successful until I got stuck at this point (the DVD Playback section) -
#Setup the Livna Repository:


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Fedora Hardware :: Livna Driver Release Schedule?

Oct 15, 2010

Is there such a schedule on this or other Fedora oriented sites? Livna currently installs 256.xx and I need 260.xx for CUDA 3.2 apps. Tried installing 260.19.04, 260.19.12 and 260.24 direct from Nvidia (while removing nouveau driver) on an updated F13 and startx fails.

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Fedora :: Error: Cannot Retrieve Repository Metadata (repomd.xml) For Repository: Livna

Jun 14, 2010

When I try to install some programs, like Asunder, I get the following:

[root@localhost theAdmiral]# yum install asunder
Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit
Could not retrieve mirrorlist http://rpm.livna.org/mirrorlist error was
14: PYCURL ERROR 7 - ""
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: livna. Please verify its path and try again


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Fedora Installation :: No Way To Get A Video Playback / Need That

Jun 3, 2009

It should never be this hard. no way to get a video playback. at least msn comes with a complete workable system.

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Fedora :: AVI Playback - Inverted Colors ?

Jul 18, 2009

I rediscovered a concert I converted ~3yrs ago but playback inverts the colour. It plays ok on Windows and virtualdub reports the avi as DivX though I believe I was using xvid & ffdshow at the time. how to invert the inverted colours?

I discovered the extended settings in vlc. I guess it just doesn't show the colour blue. Kind of ironic because of the concert.

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Fedora :: No Video Playback - Only Audio?

Oct 8, 2010

I recently installed Fedora 13 in my laptop, installed the audio codecs(mp3..and etc) and worked just like a dream. But every time I try to play a mpeg, avi, mov file in a player (vlc, xine, mplayer) I get no video, just a black screen. But I get the audio from the video.

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Fedora :: Grip - No Audio Playback

May 18, 2011

I can't get grip to playback an audio disc. Seems like the most simple of it's functions. I am not aware of any other issue with grip's operation.... including ripping a disc.

what I should be looking for?

F14 with pulseaudio... I have no other audio problems with audio on this machine that I am aware of.

I should have added the following:

In the "status" tab within grip, the only entry is "Grip started successfully". Grip is playing... the tracks advance, track time advances and the player is running. In the "Applications" tab of "Sound Preferences" it reads, "No application is currently playing or recording audio." If I start grip from a terminal window.... no errors appear.

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Fedora :: Plugins Already Installed But No DVD Playback

Aug 4, 2011

It seems that no matter what I do, my box simply refuses to play DVD movies! I've already installed:

libdvdread libdvdcss libdvdnav gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-plugins-bad

As per the "Fedora FAQ", with the libdvdcss coming from Livna. Yet, even still, Totem will come back with "Could Not Read DVD". VLC acts the same.

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Fedora :: Does 14 Online-defrag

Nov 5, 2010

Does Fedora 14 online-defrag?

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Fedora :: F11 - Lost Accelerated MPEG Playback

Jun 19, 2009

Have a system that previously had F9 and F10 on it, with video hardware:
Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)

xorg.conf is using
Driver "intel"

F9 and F10 would pass MPEG to the video card for accelerated decoding and playback and it worked just great in VLC, MPLAYER, etc.

F11 installed (fresh install, not upgrade) and the accelerated path seems to be gone. CPU utilization goes very high when playing back any MPEG video.

Additionally, the following information is observed coming out of MPLAYER:

MPEG-ES file format detected.
VIDEO: MPEG2 1920x1080 (aspect 1) 59.940 fps 15000.0 kbps (1875.0 kbyte/s)
================================================== ========================
Opening video decoder: [mpegpes] MPEG 1/2 Video passthrough


It looks to me like the video driver is being queried whether it supports Mpeg PES colorspace, and the answer seems to be no, so then it falls back to software decoding.

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Fedora :: Sound Stops During Video Playback F12?

Jan 15, 2010

I've been running F12 x86_64 for almost a week now without significant issues, until now. I found this annoying problem with the audio system during video playback (both with VLC and with Kaffeine).It happens after a while playing a video: sound just stops (video continues). I found that sound is not dead though (can open Rhythmbox and music sounds).I discovered some system messages in /var/log/messages regarding this (attached).What could be happening

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General :: Video Playback Without Sound On Fedora

Dec 12, 2010

No sound on my Fedora when I play stuff on my hard disk. Video plays but there would be no sound. But there is sound/audio when I start using a browser. So I guess flash is working. Any basic trouble shooting stuff for audio? I tried this [URL] but the stuff is way over my head.

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Fedora :: All Online Walkthroughs Don't Work Either

Jan 21, 2010

I have tried and tried to install this program. I end up in dependency hell if I go one way, then if I go the other it can't find files...

I have tried searching google, the forums and everything else I can think of, but all attempts at a solution and I can't find one that works.

All online walkthroughs don't work either.

I am trying to get Gnome's Mail Notification to work with Yahoo! Mail.

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Fedora :: How To Get Instant Messenger Online

Jun 11, 2010

to use google mail account to login Empathy, but I cannot get it connected on line.Should I use System->Administration->Firewall and check some service?If so, which service of System->Administration->Firewall should I check?

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Fedora :: Listening Online Radiostations

Nov 24, 2010

With wich mediaplayer I can listening online radiostations.

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Fedora :: Cannot Install Wine Online With Yum On F14

Feb 7, 2011

I have fedora 14 installed on my dell laptop and I am trying to install wine (wine-core). I downloaded it in rpm format but when in tried to install it I got a message that I needed to install two more packages (nss-mdsn and wine-common). I installed nss-mdsn but when I tried to install wine-common I got a message that I have to install wine core for it and when I tried to install wine-core. I got a message to install wine-common first and I tried to install both of them at the same time but still it didn't work. I cant install it online with yum because of a few other problems.

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Fedora :: Smooth Fullscreen Playback In BBC IPlayer On Netbooks

Oct 3, 2009

Netbooks play embedded flash well but struggle with fullscreen flash playback on sites like BBC iPlayer. Fortunately, in Fedora it is pretty easy to change video mode to match the required resolution and get smooth playback.I tested this on an Acer Aspire One, but should work on most netbooks, even the original eeepc 701 can playback smoothly with a small mod to overclock the celeron to it's 900mhz potential (use eee.ko, it compiles in the latest kernels if you do sed 's/&proc_root/NULL/g' -i eee.c and sed '/owner/d' -i eee.c before running make)

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Fedora :: VLC Divx AVI File Playback Shut Down With No Warning

Oct 11, 2009

Whenever I try to play a divx avi file in VLC it starts up, then shuts down again with no warning or error. Is this a bug in the current version. Kaffeine seems to play files OK. Using Fedora 11.

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Fedora Hardware :: Audio Playback Device Does Not Work

Apr 18, 2010

Every time I log in, I get the following notification from Phonon: The audio playback device does not work. Falling back to RV635 Audio device [Radeon HD 3600 Series] Digital Stereo (HDMI) and of course, I get no sound.

Sound is integrated Intel HD "82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller" (courtesy of lshw), and it did work before, it just seems to have appeared suddenly out of nowhere, I can't even tell when and whether it's connected to any updates or other configuration changes.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Video And Audio Playback Too Fast In 13?

Oct 23, 2010

I'm in trouble with playbacks (video and audio, desktop apps and live streams on Firefox). They are all running at least at double speed.


Running Fedora 13 - 64 bits - cpu AMD Phenom II X2 955 (dual core) flat, no overclocking, no hacking of any kind. I've tried a re-install of all media codecs and plugins. The problem persists since fresh install of Fedora.

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Fedora :: Multimedia Player For RMVB Movies Playback?

Feb 24, 2011

Is there a multimedia player that can play downloaded *.rmvb movies?

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Fedora :: Playback Error Encountered - Missing Plugin

May 25, 2011

I'm completely new to Fedora. I've tried using both Rhythmbox and Exaile to no avail. I keep getting a message that says "Playback error encountered! Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in." I have searched all over countless forums and blogs trying to figure out this issue. I went into add/remove software and searched GStreamer and basically checked everything that appeared to be what I needed, but that still hasn't worked. Insanely annoying not being able to play my music and even more annoying because I never had this issue with Ubuntu.

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Fedora :: Prevent 15 Displaying Screensaver During Video Playback?

Jun 29, 2011

i use totem and vlc player for video playback, i had enabled the option in both player to prevent screensaver during video playback.yet screensaver is played during a video playback how to fix this bug in fedora 15.

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