Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Run A Program As A Service

Mar 13, 2011

I have this script, called zope, which I am trying to register as a service. When I type "chkconfig --add zope", it says "service zope does not support chkconfig" yet when I type "service zope start", it starts zope server alright.

When I type "chkconfig --list", no zope is in sight. If I run, "chkconfig --del zope", it complains with same "does not support" error.

After registering zope, even while it was complaining, I set the run level ("chkconfig --levels 2345 zope on").

Also, when I run: su -l $ZOPE_USER -c "${INSTANCE_HOME}/bin/instance start" > /dev/null 2>&1 with appropriate substitution for ZOPE_USER and INSTANCE_HOME, zope starts alright.

Or some hidden edict that I am not following?

The file is in /etc/init.d.
# chkconfig: 2345 84 16


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Shows Unrecognized Service After Restart Service Smb

Feb 28, 2010

i can smb in centos 5 and i run service smb restart, it shows :smb: unrecognized service..... i run rpm -qa |grep samba,it shows


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CentOS 5 Server :: Implementing A Java Program As A Service?

Jul 23, 2009

I've a java program which needs to be executed regardless of whether a user is logged in or not. Currently I've a shell script which executes the java program. I login to the server and run this shell script when the server is rebooted. I would like to start this script automatically preferably as a service so that I can stop and restart this service whenever I update the java program.

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Fedora :: Start A Service Before Network Service?

Nov 6, 2010

I need to start a service before network service How to?

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Fedora :: 13 - Can't Make Service Pack Using Gpk-service-pack

Jun 29, 2010

I have little problem with gpk servce pack (from gpk-package-extra package). When im trying to make list of my packages in system i have:


Can't write the file, no permissions. OK, but when i run gpk service package as root, program freeze, i click create packages list option but application never create this file, status is always on 0%, even after 1 hour. I saw video tutorial, where base are created by normal user i /home - why i can't Console says nothing about this.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Perform An Action Before A Service Starts And After A Service Stops

Sep 10, 2010

I am running Server 10. I have a requirement to perform an action before the MySQL service starts, and perform another action after MySQL service stops.

I found the init script for MySQL under /etc/init/mysql.conf. I added my thing to the pre-start script there and works fine.

I am having trouble finding the script that stops the server so I can modify.

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General :: Will Command Service Httpd Restart Apache Service?

Dec 25, 2009

will the command service httpd restart the apache service if i enable httpsd service in graphical mode

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OpenSUSE :: Get A Message That Says 'Search Service Not Running' With A Button That Says 'Start Search Service'?

Jun 12, 2010

The desktop search has stopped working in Gnome.I get a message that says 'Search Service not running' with a button that says 'Start Search Service'.When I click the button nothing happens

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Fedora :: Why OpenVPN Service Can't Start Up

Nov 24, 2009

It is the first time have I used VPN. I installed OpenVPN in my Fedora 11 computer. I did it following:URL...And I stopped at step 16: service openvpn start . The service can not start up. Even if I disabled Selinux . Does anyone know how to treat this trouble.

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Fedora :: Create New Service At Startup?

Dec 30, 2009

i want to start /usr/bin/brscan-key at startup. since i find it handy to push on the scan button , and the scanner is saving the scanned image to my pc.

can i add /usr/bin/brscan-key at /etc/rc.local on a safe way?

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Fedora :: Starting A Service Later Than Usual?

Feb 25, 2010

I would like to start some of my services (VNC Server, FTP Server, HTTP server) in the background AFTER I've booted into the GUI. How can I achieve this?

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Fedora :: ABRT Service Not Running?

Mar 10, 2010

Whenever I log into Fedora, an icon (a triangle with an exclamation mark) pops up in the main panel . When I move the mouse over it, the following is displayed. ABRT service not running. I restarted the service from the service configuration window but there was no difference. How do I configure it to run alway

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Fedora :: Display Graphics From Service?

May 28, 2010

I have a service running as root. This service doesn't have a main graphical screen, but if there is an error it has a pop up box that lets the user know. Of course the user wouldn't be logged into root so how do I get the graphics to show up on a different users desktop?

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Fedora Servers :: Service Is Being Refreshed Right Now

Jun 6, 2010

I have a fresh new F13 installation and I am not linux expert, I need to test Fedora for some reasons. When I try to start HTTPD or vncserver services, status display as "This service is being refreshed right now", it keeps like this for a long moment. Closing and reopening services applet, I notice that both services are stopped. I googled about apache, the 1st thing I understood is to search error_log, opened it in gedit, nothing is written in this file.

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Fedora :: Any Launchpad Like Service For Building RPM?

Sep 4, 2010

Is there any launchpad ([URL] for debian) like service for building and hosting rpm?

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Fedora :: F13 - Nxserver - Service Is Dead

Sep 26, 2010


When I look the Services panel, nxserver is listed but shows as "Service is Dead". Does this mean anything specifically? Could it be related to firewall or security issues? Right above it a related program to nxserver, nxsensor, is listed and it's shown as operational.

Same thing here in my Services panel. Just getting into using NX...the display seems near Win RDP quality over the home lan. I'm now trying to get the sound to work. What is this 'dummy output' in my Sound preferences and where did my sound cards go? I have one onboard sc and a PCI card, neither recognized via the NX client session. Looking to get ESD going which might be the issue.

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Fedora :: Running Java As A Service?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a java program where I want to run it every 30 seconds. So what is the best way to run in that form? Is it running as a service or a cron is best? How to do with it

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Fedora :: No Pid - Cannot Create One - Service Not Starting?

Nov 1, 2010

I installed privoxy to use with tor however, it seems privoxy didnt create a pid file.I tried creating one many times with no avail. Ive reinstalled many times and still have yet to get privoxy to run.When I try to start the service I get told:$ sudo service privoxy restartNo /var/run/ file found, exiting.Starting Privoxy, Failed.

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Fedora :: Service Is Running On The RH Box But Can't Connect To VNC

Apr 13, 2011

I have been away from Linux for years (about 10), I used to use it for everything and I am about to do it again but I need help getting back into it haha. Screen is broken on newish laptop, going to use it for firewall, router, file server, etc. Trying to setup remote desktop. I got Fedora 14 setup and installed on it, got SSH up and running where I can remote into it easily. Setting up VNC is starting to be a pain though.

I have Windows 7 on my other machine, with TightVNC and tried Tiger VNC also, disabled all firewall, on the same LAN. The service is running on the RH box, I just cant connect to I missing something simple? It just times out. I followed [URL] thread for the most part.

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Fedora Servers :: Service X Does Not Support Chkconfig?

Jan 9, 2009

I found and modified the following file. It starts JBoss just fine. However, chkconfig refuses to --add it - saying the file doesn't support it.

its in /etc/init.d, root:root, rwx,rx,r and the first few lines...

# chkconfig: 345 100 25
# description: JBoss App Server
# processname: jboss


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Fedora Servers :: FC10 Hangs On SMB Service?

Apr 16, 2009

I recently setup a file sharing server with FC10 running Samba...

I got it running perfectly and it ran great for a few weeks. I was working on the machine today and tried to reboot it and noticed that it was stuck on FC10's new boot screen. I pressed the esc key and saw that the boot process was stuck on the smb service...

I don't get any errors and the machine doesn't freeze up or anything, it just hangs on the smb service and won't continue with the boot...

Is there anyway that I can get the system to skip the smb service so that I can get into the system? I don't know what's changed or what's causing this sudden hang in the system at boot.

I tried the ubuntu live CD to attempt to go in and edit the /etc/rc5.d scripts to try and skip the smb service start but I am not sure where to look for it...

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Unable To Use The Bluetooth Service?

May 23, 2009

I am using Fedora 10 64 bit, KDE. I have installed KDEbluetooth application. but I am not able to use the bluetooth service. Is there any other application in fedora?

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Fedora Networking :: Cannot Start The Samba Service On 10

Nov 4, 2009

I used samba on FedoraCore2 before...and now i cannot config the same on FC10. I cannot start the service smb ( /etc/init.d/smb restart or service smb restart ) those commands dont work. How can i do to config samba service.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Stop Named Service

Nov 30, 2009

I am new in configuring named.I want to set my firewall (Fedora 11) as a name server. The local domain is a Windows domain. I'd like internal users translate domain name into IP on this server when they go to the internet. After reading some posts on the web, I set up named as below. It seems the named does the job but with some problems.

1) When I start the server, I couldn't find the named process even if the file "named" is in /etc/init.d. I can browse Internet on the server with domain name (DNS works locally). But internal users couldn't get the domain name translated. If I shutdown the server at this stage, it will shutdown within 1 minute.

2) If I run "service named start" after the server boot up, I see process "named" and named work okay. Both internal user and local host can browse Internet with domain name. However, any command starting with "service named" has no response after this, such as "service named status" or "service named stop". I can see it shows "stopping named" and this last forever. I have to kill the process then restart named server so that named may run again.

3) If I shutdown the server now, it will take 4-5 minute instead of 1 minute in 1). The shutdown stuck at "shutdown named" for 4 minutes. Even if I kill process named before the shutdown, it will take 4-5 minutes.

It took me a week on this issue. I appreciate if you could take a look my configure files and guide me through this.

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Fedora :: DHCPD Service Not Starting On Boot

Jan 19, 2010

I just installed F12 from scratch and I'm facing a curious situation with dhpd. The service is enabled, but It fails to start on boot. I see the following error on /var/log/messages:

Jan 18 17:15:28 neo dhcpd: No subnet declaration for eth1 (no IPv4 addresses).
Jan 18 17:15:28 neo dhcpd: ** Ignoring requests on eth1. If this is not what
Jan 18 17:15:28 neo dhcpd: you want, please write a subnet declaration
Jan 18 17:15:28 neo dhcpd: in your dhcpd.conf file for the network segment
Jan 18 17:15:28 neo dhcpd: to which interface eth1 is attached. **

However service dhcpd start, works just fine when I login, after the system boots:

Jan 18 17:26:49 neo dhcpd: Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server 4.1.0p1
Jan 18 17:26:49 neo dhcpd: Copyright 2004-2009 Internet Systems Consortium.
Jan 18 17:26:49 neo dhcpd: All rights reserved.
Jan 18 17:26:49 neo dhcpd: For info, please visit [URL]
Jan 18 17:26:49 neo dhcpd: WARNING: Host declarations are global. They are not limited to the scope you declared them in.
Jan 18 17:26:49 neo dhcpd: Not searching LDAP since ldap-server, ldap-port and ldap-base-dn were not specified in the config file
Jan 18 17:26:49 neo dhcpd: Wrote 0 deleted host decls to leases file.
Jan 18 17:26:49 neo dhcpd: Wrote 0 new dynamic host decls to leases file.
Jan 18 17:26:49 neo dhcpd: Wrote 5 leases to leases file.
Jan 18 17:26:49 neo dhcpd: Listening on LPF/eth1/00:30:48:80:2e:7e/
Jan 18 17:26:49 neo dhcpd: Sending on LPF/eth1/00:30:48:80:2e:7e/
Jan 18 17:26:49 neo dhcpd: Sending on Socket/fallback/fallback-net

So it can't be a problem with my dhcpd.conf file.

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Fedora :: HTTPD Enabled - This Service Is Dead

Mar 26, 2010

I have opened up the Service Configuration window that shows all the services and their status. My httpd says that it is enabled, but also that "this service is dead" and there is a orangish triangle. I can run phpMyAdmin on my server, but I can't run it from any other PC on my network.

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Fedora Servers :: Openvpn Service Is Dead

Apr 12, 2010

i just installed Fedora 12, clean without anything change in it. I opened services dialog, and the openvpn service have status:dead, however it shows that it is enabled.when i try to run it as:/sbin/service openvpn start.It write OK. However if check it:/sbin/service openvpn status it write that service not running. What is a point of a problem? I have opened openvpn in FireWall,however without success, may be some additionsl services for openvpn are not running?

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Fedora :: Allowing A Service To Interact With Desktop?

May 27, 2010

I'm using the Java Service Wrapper to create a service in Linux. This Java Application has no main GUI, but if certain error message occur then it displays a warning box allowing the user to know. If I log into root and install the application everything works fine. But, if I log into a none root user graphically and then do a su - to get to root the service will not start. This is the command I'm using inside the service (/etc/init.d/rc.d/backup) to start the application

export DISPLAY=:0.0
/home/pulse/backups/bin/backup start -Djava.awt.headless=true

If I take out the "export DISPLAY=:0.0" the service will start fine, but when an error occurs the warning box doesn't pop up.

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Fedora Networking :: BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01) Could Not Connect To Service?

Jul 30, 2010

I have some problem with my wireless network in Fedora 13.#:lspci0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)I found the firmware and installed it,but it still can not work!There are some output:

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 70:5B:04:68:96:9C


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Fedora :: KPackageKit - Waiting For Service To Start?

Aug 6, 2010

I have a couple of problems - and am new to Fedora which, up until about three days ago, was flawless.Am using KDE on F13. (Gnome & LXDE are also installed.)First problem is easy to solve, I think. How do I prevent "inactive" windows from fading out? It's an incredibly inconvenient feature and utterly defeats the whole purpose of the "Always on Top" option! I can't seem to find the option anywhere?On to KPackageKit. It has been trying to update KDE for the last three days but always gets hung up with the message: "Waiting for Service to Start."I notice that this problem might be listed as a Bug? - but not entirely sure.Is there a straightforward solution to this or is it, in fact, a bug?It also wants me to repeatedly restart because a new Kernel has supposedly been installed.

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