Fedora :: DAAP Sharing Between Itunes 9 And Banshee

Jan 2, 2010

Has anyone gotten DAAP sharing to work between Itunes 9 and Banshee? I have a Windows Vista, Mac OS X, and Fedora 12 box setup on my network. Both Mac and Visa have itunes 9 running on them, and when opening Banshee the Itunes Library shows under shared music but when I select it; I get the below error:

Unable to connect to music share

* The provided login credentials are invalid (I removed the share password, same issue)
*The login process was canceled
*Too many users are connected (not the case)
* The music is hosted by itunes 7 (hosted by itunes 9)

Is the Banshee DAAP plugin supported with Itunes 9? Are there any work arounds?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee When Streaming Audio Files From A DAAP Share?

Jul 9, 2011

I've got a small problem with Banshee that I need some help with, if possible. I'm currently using the latest version of Ubuntu 11.04 and it's up to date. The problem i'm having is with Banshee playing music files over my DAAP share. My DAAP server is running Firefly (mt-daapd), and Banshee can see the server and shares just fine. It loads the song list from the server, but when I select a song to play it just sits there. Rhythmbox works just fine, sees the share and plays the songs ok (which is what i've fallen back to for the moment), so I know it's not a hardware or software problem from the sound "system".

Other features of Banshee play just fine, including internet radio stations, internet archives, and importing songs from the server (which makes the song local instead of networked from a single source). Ok, so streaming from the DAAP share isn't working; here's the output from the terninal I started Banshee from:

[Info 07:13:23.440] Running Banshee 2.0.0: [Ubuntu 11.04 (linux-gnu, i686) @ 2011-06-28 05:46:57 UTC]
[Info 07:13:28.765] Updating web proxy from GConf
[Info 07:13:28.998] All services are started 4.668005
** (Banshee:2341): DEBUG: SyncDaemon already running, initializing SyncdaemonDaemon object


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: DAAP Sharing In Rhythmbox?

May 26, 2011

I downloaded Rhythmbox from the repositories but found that DAAP sharing is missing (it is not in the plugin list). I've searched around a bit and it's supposed to be in there standard. Does anyone know where I can find this plugin and how to add it?

(I'm using OpenSUSE 11.4 with KDE)

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OpenSUSE :: How Can I Enable DAAP Sharing Of Music Library

Sep 29, 2010

I'm using Amarok 2.3.2 on openSUSE 11.3 with KDE 4.4.4r3. How can I enable DAAP sharing of my Music library so that I'm able to access it in Rhythmbox from my Linux Mint 9 desktop?

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Ubuntu :: Banshee Cannot Read ITunes Database

Apr 14, 2010

This may come across as a bit of an isolated and complex problem, but I haven't been able to get my iPod Nano 5th Generation to have any sort of compatibility with any iPod management programs (except with using Nautilus I guess). This includes gtkpod, Banshee and Rhythmbox.With Rythmbox, my iPod shows up in the pane, but I cannot interact in anyway except ejecting it. There aren't any msgbox errors.Banshee cannot read the iTunes database or something and insists that I rebuild the database on the ipod so I can use it with banshee. I did and gained full access to Banshee's iPod management with all the features it carries. I moved my music library on to the ipod but the thing states that I have zero songs whilst banshee states otherwise.

iTunes on my Windows PC will show that I have x number of GB of "other" information after using Banshee to move music. It seems that it is transferring data sufficiently but is not recognising it as "audio" gtkpod wont let me manage the iPod before or after Banshee's tampering.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Playing AAC ITunes Files In Banshee?

Feb 10, 2010

im wondering if this is possible. I have downloaded every gstreamer plugin possible and they still dont play.im running ubuntu 9.10

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get Music Which Was Originally On ITunes Into Banshee

Aug 25, 2011

I am trying to get music which was originally on iTunes into banshee, such that I can transfer "ownership" from a Mac onto Ubuntu, and still sync with my iPhone 3GS. Every piece of this music came from CDs which I still own and have collected since CDs were something most people hadn't heard of, but I seriously do not want to sit there and scan in hundreds of CDs again when I already have them in digital form.

I've tried several things, including dragging and dropping from a USB stick. So I've been getting duplicates, and in the process I deleted an album in order to start over. Now I can't get that album back no matter what. It's like it's black listed or something. I can try to load it from the USB stick, I can copy the containing folder from the USB stick to some place on my hard drive, anything. It knows I deleted it once upon a time and it refuses to touch it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Running ITunes Using WINE For Home Sharing?

May 30, 2011

Im considering buying a 2nd gen apple tv and using home sharing to load movies onto it from my computer. Im running Ubuntu 11.4 and using the latest version of Wine to use iTunes 10. iTunes runs decently fine w/ a couple of small bugs (screen turns temporarily black,laggy,etc.) so im okay with that. The real problem is that my music isnt playing at all. I mean i can load it onto itunes but i cant listen to it. Combine that with the lag and it can get a little irritating.even with the inability of listening to music and the lag in the program, would i be able to stream content to my aTV w/out any bugs or no. I dont want to watch or listen to any of that content on my computer, just on my aTV but I am wondering if this inability would affect the playback on the apple tv. I dont even want to sync any ipods or anything like that, just sync the aTV (if even needed) for setup and use home sharing to listen to music, watch movies and tv shows, etc. on my apple tv w/out any frame rate drops or hitches or anything like that.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Connect To Computer Using VNC Ssh DAAP

May 15, 2011

I have two computers and I'm trying to get them to talk to each other, but after I installed Fedora 14 on this computer, my other computer can't connect to this.


Same with DAAP I'm using rhythmbox to both broadcast and listen to the DAAP, and the rhythmbox on the remote computer cant connect here either. ssh and VNC are working on the other computer as well, I can connect to other computers using ssh on both computers, and I can VNC over to the other computer without any problems, its the traffic going myway that seems to be hitting a roadblock. is it possible that since I installed a different system (was Ubuntu Natty before, and I was using all three services before I installed Fedora), I need to do something on my remote computer so that this won't crop up?

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Ubuntu :: Best ITunes Alternative With ITunes-related Features?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm looking for the best iTunes alternative that has almost these features:

- being able to edit the track's name/album (songs in the iPod)
- adjusting volume of tracks

I'm currently using Rhythmbox. I have tried Exaile and Amarok just doesn't work for me. I can't recall what made me turn away from Banshee, too. I'm not really into Wine so installing iTunes itself is not viable.

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Software :: Uninstall Itunes So That Can Re-install Itunes ?

Mar 22, 2010

I just got a new iphone (yay me) but later realised that as I have Ubuntu, it is very difficult to get itunes installed on it.

Having said that, I've got Wine installed and attempted to download itunes 7.something and even though the whole process worked, it appears that when I try to access itunes the whole screen goes black and then if I scroll across the screen with my mouse it lights up various bits of what's behind the black screen and then after a while it tells me that it cannot access itunes at all...

So I thought, perhaps I should uninstall itunes, but in doing that it still appeared in my wine folder, so I uninstalled wine, which still appeared in my Applications list, so I edited my applications list and then tried to re-install wine from scratch (I know I sound dumb already - but I was desperate ok!!!). So now wine is installed on my computer somewhere but it now doesn't show up in my Applications list at all and I can't seem to get it back on there - any suggestions there would also help...

But my main objective is to try and uninstall itunes properly (maybe from the terminal window - but I don't know how to even do that) and attempt to re-install it to see if it works again.

I need to do this in order to sync my iphone. Cannot seem to do it with Amarok as I don't have Installer.Apps on my iphone, and cannot get THAT without syncing it with itunes to begin with....

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Allow DAAP In Firestarter?

Oct 22, 2010

I allowed ports 3689 and 5353 for incoming and outgoing traffic in firestarter but my other machines wont detect a DAAP share. They do see them when I turn off firestarter. I'm even more confused when I see that I have a local connection using port 56690 when I turn off firestarter and monitor the log. It seems that DAAP is using 56690 but when I allow it for incoming/outgoing it still doesnt pick up my DAAP shares.

Is there a way I could fix this? I mean, I could run without a firewall but...idk if thats such a good idea :/

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 9.10 - Remove A DAAP Share From Rhythmbox ?

Feb 15, 2010

I've been trying to get Rhythmbox to play with my DAAP enabled HPMediaVault server, and have several entries now under "Shared" in RB -

I've looked everywhere, Googled, and looked in Ubuntu forums to no avail.

Am I just overlooking something simple?

I want to remove the non-working entries that I put in the "Shared" list.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: ITunes Installation ?

Aug 9, 2010

I want to install itunes. I'm sure someone will already have done this so can you please tell me how to. I've tried the obvious, but no joy. My os is Fedora 12. Thank you.
The 'obvious' was to go to itunes site and download the program, but I was unable to do so, it appears not to be compatible with linux.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox As DAAP Client : Does Not Close Connections

Feb 9, 2010

This is more of a question for developers of rhythmbox DAAP support. I am using rhythmbox to remotely access music exported by mt-daapd server. It works fine. But it does not seem to close connections properly. This problem is very severe when you press "prev" button a few times. How to reproduce (this just one way):

1) Start playing a few songs (playlist or an album).
2) press "next" button a few times
3) then press "prev" a few times.

The playback might even pause for many seconds if you are not a LAN. Now check connections opened by Rhythmbox.. (netstat -n | grep 3689 on client). You will notice a lot of connections, and they stay for a very long time.. multiple hours. Let me know if anyone needs more info.

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Fedora :: ITunes - Get The Codecs For Rythmbox?

Apr 3, 2010

I want to know if theres any version of iTunes for Fedora, if not how i get the codecs for rythmbox.

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Fedora :: Installing Itunes From A Dmg File?

Jan 19, 2011

I wanted to get itunes on my fedora. I googled and found an itunes insalling file in the format of a dmg file

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General :: How Do I Download Itunes For Fedora

Feb 12, 2011

hey I am new to fedora and i was wondering how do I download itunes for fedora?

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General :: Itunes Compatable With Fedora 14?

Jul 24, 2011

Is itunes compatable with fedora 14?

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Ubuntu :: Default Username And Password To Access The Firefly Daap Server?

Feb 12, 2010

what is the default username and password to access the firefly daap server?

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Fedora Networking :: Mt-daapd - Setup For Use With ITunes?

Jan 27, 2010

Has anyone set this up for use with iTunes? Any feedback as to how it works, tips, trciks, experiences?

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Fedora :: Seeking Working ITunes Alternative?

Jun 9, 2011

i have an iPhone 4 - white 32GB.

I run Fedora 14-64bit.

(I also have a win XP pro installation on my machine - but no dual-boot)

I would very much like to be able to transfer music to my iPhone, from my linux-fedora, which the iPod device on the iPhone is able to see...

I have successfully transferred several "libgpod-something.mp3" files to my iPhone, but I can't play them on my iPhone.

I have tried the following software:

Rhythmbox (came with Fedora 14), here i am able to see the content of my iPhone, and transfer libgpod files. But I cannot see any music folder under the iPhone icon. So I just drag and drop .mp3 files to iPhone. iPhone can't see them.

Banshee (newest available version installed with add/remove programs), here I'm also able to see the content of the iPhone, and I can see a music folder icon under the iPhone icon, but I can't drag and drop to the music folder, but I can drag and drop to the iPhone icon, and the files gets transferred, but again iPhone can't see them. But I can play the transferred files from Banshee...

Gtkpod (newest available version installed with add/remove programs), is largely the same as Rhythmbox, but i get a warning that says: Extended info will not be used, when the iPhone is mounted. There is no music folder icon, but only a poscast icon, under the iPhone icon. And again, I'm able to transfer files to the iPhone, that my iPhone can't see...

In Gtkpod, there is no option for the white iPhone 4, so I've used the "xC605" profile, which is for the black iPhone 4, 32GB.

I'm also able to see content of my iPhone with nautilus. I discovered that the linux software I'm using, are converting the .mp3 files into "libgpod" files, but iTunes(transferred with WinXP) is converting the .mp3 files into "XXXX.mp3" files (X= is for random letters).

Is this significant?

I've also just updated libimobiledevice with "libimobiledevice-1.0.6-1.fc14.x86_64.rpm", but my iPhone still can't see any of the linux transferred files. Only the iTunes transferred files.

Believe me I've tried and tried for a week now. I've searched a lot, but most of the hits in my search, were for Ubuntu...

My iPhone is not jailbroken.

Am I missing something here, is my iPhone 4 supposed to be jailbroken to work with the above mentioned software?

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General :: Play Itunes Library In Fedora 14?

Nov 20, 2010

I imported my itunes library from my ipod. I tried using Mplayer and Banshee to play the music but no luck. Is there a plugin I'm missing for mpeg4 decoding? I also tried using Soundconverter but it's also looking for a mpeg4 decoder.

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Fedora :: Unable To Stream Music From F12 Box And Access It Via Itunes 9 On Mac OS?

Jan 6, 2010

I had mt-daapd working fine and was able to stream music from my Fedora 12 box and access it via Itunes 9 on Mac OS X until I edited my /etc/fstab file, so that the Windows vista partition (where my mp3 files reside) would auto map so I would not have to authenticate to map the NTFS drive each time I logged in, the NTFS mount directory is set to /mnt/windows and updated this in /etc/mt-daapd.conf now when I access the Daap share using Itunes 9 via Mac OS X the list of songs loads and I can select the song but it never plays and when I connect to the Daap share using Banshee an X appears next to the song.


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Fedora :: Users Subscribe To ITunes Podcasts (eg Factcheck.org)?

Apr 24, 2010

As a Fedora user, I listen to podcasts via gpodder. But some podcasters only seem to allow one to subscribe via iTunes. For example the well-known factcheck.org website's new "Factcheck Radio" podcast service[URL]..

I can't work out how to subscribe to it using gpodder or any other generic podcast aggregating software.Click on any episode title, and you'll get a page with a "subscribe to the podcast on iTunes" link.

I found some info about iTunes-only podcasts and Linux [URL]..but I don't see how to apply it in this case.Can anyone find a way that Fedora users can subscribe to Factcheck Radio?

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Fedora :: ITunes Under Wine Doesn't Recognize Ipod?

Dec 15, 2010

I have just installed F14.I installed Wine and iTunesSetup.exe.When I installed iTunes it said it couldn't import or burn cds.It also said that maybe playback could be a problem.None of this is an issue for me as I only want to use it to load my ipod.When I plug in my ipod it doesnt show up in the left hand menu bar as I'm told it should.How do I load my ipod?---------- Post added at 05:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:54 PM ----------After installing the 293 updates available to F14 I found that an ipod icon appeared on my desktop.Can I just copy mp3 files to here. There are a few folders, where would I copy them to?It would be good if I could transfer files without Wine. Lately I've been alergic to all things Microsoft.---------- Post added at 06:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:53 PM ---------- iTunes wont even start up from the desktop icon

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Fedora :: Converting .flac To A ITunes Compatible Format?

Jan 20, 2011

I have been searching for a while for a program to convert .flac files I rip off of cd's with my laptop (running Fedora 11) to a usable iTunes format for my desktop (running Win XP). The cd drive on my desktop is currently broken, so my fix of ripping on my desktop, then using Rhythmbox on my laptop is temporarily unavailable.
Any suggestions? I've tried audiokonverter, soundconverter, audio-convert-mod and each come up with errors or wouldn't install.

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Fedora :: How To Get RPM Package For Banshee 1.5.5

Mar 22, 2010

How I can get an RPM package for the latest version of Banshee. I am struggling with the installation from source code. I tried for about an hour yesterday before giving up. Just when I thought I had cleared up all the dependencies yet another one came up in the ./configure. I am fairly new to Linux/Fedora. I love the concept of the package repositories, but it does get difficult when the software is not in the repos. Are there repos out there that have newer versions of software that don't make it into the base repos?

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Fedora :: Looking For Banshee 1.8 For F13 Platform

Oct 9, 2010

Just wondering, but does anyone out there know when we could expect to see Banshee 1.8 for Fedora 13. I'm getting tired of being stuck with 1.6.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Client PC Sharing Key With Access Files / If Not File Sharing?

Jul 7, 2011

Im using WPA with a TKIP pre-shared key...Can a client pc im sharing my key with access my files if im not file sharing? Router config?

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