OpenSUSE Multimedia :: DAAP Sharing In Rhythmbox?

May 26, 2011

I downloaded Rhythmbox from the repositories but found that DAAP sharing is missing (it is not in the plugin list). I've searched around a bit and it's supposed to be in there standard. Does anyone know where I can find this plugin and how to add it?

(I'm using OpenSUSE 11.4 with KDE)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 9.10 - Remove A DAAP Share From Rhythmbox ?

Feb 15, 2010

I've been trying to get Rhythmbox to play with my DAAP enabled HPMediaVault server, and have several entries now under "Shared" in RB -

I've looked everywhere, Googled, and looked in Ubuntu forums to no avail.

Am I just overlooking something simple?

I want to remove the non-working entries that I put in the "Shared" list.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox As DAAP Client : Does Not Close Connections

Feb 9, 2010

This is more of a question for developers of rhythmbox DAAP support. I am using rhythmbox to remotely access music exported by mt-daapd server. It works fine. But it does not seem to close connections properly. This problem is very severe when you press "prev" button a few times. How to reproduce (this just one way):

1) Start playing a few songs (playlist or an album).
2) press "next" button a few times
3) then press "prev" a few times.

The playback might even pause for many seconds if you are not a LAN. Now check connections opened by Rhythmbox.. (netstat -n | grep 3689 on client). You will notice a lot of connections, and they stay for a very long time.. multiple hours. Let me know if anyone needs more info.

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OpenSUSE :: How Can I Enable DAAP Sharing Of Music Library

Sep 29, 2010

I'm using Amarok 2.3.2 on openSUSE 11.3 with KDE 4.4.4r3. How can I enable DAAP sharing of my Music library so that I'm able to access it in Rhythmbox from my Linux Mint 9 desktop?

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Fedora :: DAAP Sharing Between Itunes 9 And Banshee

Jan 2, 2010

Has anyone gotten DAAP sharing to work between Itunes 9 and Banshee? I have a Windows Vista, Mac OS X, and Fedora 12 box setup on my network. Both Mac and Visa have itunes 9 running on them, and when opening Banshee the Itunes Library shows under shared music but when I select it; I get the below error:

Unable to connect to music share

* The provided login credentials are invalid (I removed the share password, same issue)
*The login process was canceled
*Too many users are connected (not the case)
* The music is hosted by itunes 7 (hosted by itunes 9)

Is the Banshee DAAP plugin supported with Itunes 9? Are there any work arounds?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee When Streaming Audio Files From A DAAP Share?

Jul 9, 2011

I've got a small problem with Banshee that I need some help with, if possible. I'm currently using the latest version of Ubuntu 11.04 and it's up to date. The problem i'm having is with Banshee playing music files over my DAAP share. My DAAP server is running Firefly (mt-daapd), and Banshee can see the server and shares just fine. It loads the song list from the server, but when I select a song to play it just sits there. Rhythmbox works just fine, sees the share and plays the songs ok (which is what i've fallen back to for the moment), so I know it's not a hardware or software problem from the sound "system".

Other features of Banshee play just fine, including internet radio stations, internet archives, and importing songs from the server (which makes the song local instead of networked from a single source). Ok, so streaming from the DAAP share isn't working; here's the output from the terninal I started Banshee from:

[Info 07:13:23.440] Running Banshee 2.0.0: [Ubuntu 11.04 (linux-gnu, i686) @ 2011-06-28 05:46:57 UTC]
[Info 07:13:28.765] Updating web proxy from GConf
[Info 07:13:28.998] All services are started 4.668005
** (Banshee:2341): DEBUG: SyncDaemon already running, initializing SyncdaemonDaemon object


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Can't Play M4a Files In Rhythmbox ?

Dec 3, 2010

Rhythmbox refuses to import m4a files. Reading up on the issue, all the answers tell me that I should install certain programs, that I already have. Also, rhythmbox says it needs the gstreamer m4a acc plugin, but I have all of the gstreamer thingys installed, as with FAAC. I'm on 11.3.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Not Able To Play .m4a/aac Files In Banshee / Rhythmbox

Jun 26, 2010

I have a dsi so all of my music in .m4a I have all the codecs/gstreamers packages installed and they are all from packman it's not my sound cause I can play them in vlc but in rhythm box it says that I do not have the proper codec to play the file. Any ideas? Also I'm on 11.2 latest updates.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox - When Doubleclick On A Song To Play, It Doesn't Play And Rhythmbox Quits?

Jan 31, 2011

Whenever I plug my Zune in, Rhythmbox recognizes all the songs on it but when I doubleclick on a song to play it, the song doesn't play and Rhythmbox quits. Any suggestions on how to fix it? I'm running a Dell XPS 410 with 4GB RAM and a 1.75 GHz processor.Also, I imported a CD and it plays fine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Allow DAAP In Firestarter?

Oct 22, 2010

I allowed ports 3689 and 5353 for incoming and outgoing traffic in firestarter but my other machines wont detect a DAAP share. They do see them when I turn off firestarter. I'm even more confused when I see that I have a local connection using port 56690 when I turn off firestarter and monitor the log. It seems that DAAP is using 56690 but when I allow it for incoming/outgoing it still doesnt pick up my DAAP shares.

Is there a way I could fix this? I mean, I could run without a firewall but...idk if thats such a good idea :/

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Connect To Computer Using VNC Ssh DAAP

May 15, 2011

I have two computers and I'm trying to get them to talk to each other, but after I installed Fedora 14 on this computer, my other computer can't connect to this.


Same with DAAP I'm using rhythmbox to both broadcast and listen to the DAAP, and the rhythmbox on the remote computer cant connect here either. ssh and VNC are working on the other computer as well, I can connect to other computers using ssh on both computers, and I can VNC over to the other computer without any problems, its the traffic going myway that seems to be hitting a roadblock. is it possible that since I installed a different system (was Ubuntu Natty before, and I was using all three services before I installed Fedora), I need to do something on my remote computer so that this won't crop up?

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Ubuntu :: Default Username And Password To Access The Firefly Daap Server?

Feb 12, 2010

what is the default username and password to access the firefly daap server?

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Slackware :: (rhythmbox:15745): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: Could Not Open Device /dev/radio0

Aug 8, 2010

we were watching Clint Eastwood in Pink Cadillac on DVD. Earlier, I had been checking out the streaming internet radio on my roommates Mint laptop using Rhythmbox, and found it to be pretty cool. Usually, if I stream any music, it's just from the CBC (like the U.S.'s NPR), so I just stream it directly from them, but all the stations on rhythmbox (there's a whack of them) got me interested. At the start of Pink Cadillac, I proposed myself a challenge: Could I manage to get rhythmbox (a GNOME application) to work on my Slack64 -current box, before the movie ended? There's probably (maybe?) a similar app that installs and works more natively on Slack, but that's not the point; I wanted to try installing rhythmbox in < 2 hrs. Well, I got it installed finally, *just* at the end of the movie credits, but it won't play! And sometimes it segfaults. So, I wonder if anyone has any tips about what I might be missing or whatever.

Here's what I typically get when I first start it up (though it starts & runs OK):


sasha@reactor: rhythmbox
Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".
(rhythmbox:15745): GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_pixbuf_get_width: assertion `GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf)' failed
(rhythmbox:15745): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: Unable to grab media player keys: Could not get owner of name 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon': no such name


Seems even on systems with some sort of 'natural' support for installing this thing, a lot of people are getting the same or very similar errors, but I haven't found a solution (obviously - I wouldn't be posting otherwise ) but people, myself included, have discovered that there doesn't seem to be a 100% accurate list of *required* dependencies for rhythmbox; it needs stuff that it doesn't tell you it needs.

EDIT: Disclaimer (just to cut the 'dependency-hell' arguments off at the pass, so to speak): This is just a fun experiment for me. I don't suggest Slackware newbies start trying to install <xyz Gnome application> into their Slackware boxes unless you want to spend HOURS fixing stuff like this, and you want to have fun doing it, and have it maybe bork your box up. And if you *do* decide to try it anyways, don't blame Slackware for giving you dependency hell. Gnome doesn't come with Slackware (here's the ChangeLog). I like Slackware exactly the way it is - it comes with more than enough apps to satisfy most people, all nicely working out of the box, so installing stuff like this is not really necessary - but I'm choosing to do this one anyway, and am not deterred by this "mess" of stuff.If this dependency stuff isn't your 'cup of tea', an 'automatically-dependency-resolving' distro might be better for you; I prefer to mess my machine up on my own, rather than let my package manager do it for me.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: MTP And RhythmBox Under 10.04

May 26, 2010

I own a Sony NWZ-E345 MP3 player that used to be seen by Rhythmbox when running 9.10 with no issues. After enabling the plugin for MTP within Rhythmbox the player was seen at connection. However, after updating to 10.04 my MP3 player is not seen at all, even though MTP support is enabled under plugins. As a matter of fact none of the media players I installed can see my player and they all support MTP. I tried some other players as a troubleshooting step. I have confirmed that libmtp8 is installed via the repository. Has anyone encountered this as well? I suspect this may be an easy reply for someone. BTW, this occurs with two different machines and nothing has changed with my MP3 player.

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Debian Multimedia :: Stretch - Rhythmbox And NFS Don't Go Together

Jan 9, 2016

I've recently installed Debian Stretch and Gnome. After setting up everything I ran into an issue with Rhythmbox, which apparently only occurs if NFS mounts are present in /etc/fstab, independent on the question of whether they are actually mounted or not. I'll attach the results from running it from console with 'rhythmbox -d': [URL] .....

I guess, the last lines are the "problematic ones" but I can't make sense out of them. After the last line, a window opens telling me that rhythmbox isn't responding, whether I want to kill it.

And the /etc/fstab entrys (in case any of those options is an issue):

Code: Select all192.168.1.100:/media/daten/backup /media/sicherung_htpc nfs noauto,x-systemd.automount,rw,soft,bg,user 0 0 /media/musik_htpc nfs noauto,x-systemd.automount,rw,soft,bg,user 0 0 /media/bilder nfs noauto,x-systemd.automount,rw,soft,bg,user 0 0 /media/transfer nfs noauto,x-systemd.automount,rw,soft,bg,user 0 0

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Won't Quit?

Jul 21, 2010

If i close rhythmbox using the close tab on the window it closes to a daemon on the application bar.This is both fine and handy but i have a problem in that even when i left-click the daemon and hit 'quit', Rythmbox closes and then appears again a few seconds later. The same happens if i 'killall Rrhythmbox' in the terminal.I can also see, in conky, that Rhythmbox is running as a process when it re-opens and i can effectively 'show Rythmbox from the daemon - so its not just a daemon problem.Can someone either tell me how to permanently quit a running instance of Rhythmbox or tell me what setting i have enabled that keeps Rhtymbox opening?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Control Rhythmbox With Ssh

Aug 20, 2010

I was looking around for a way to control rhythmbox playback on a remote computer with ssh (or telnet) and found a few archived posts asking about this without a working answer.After a little searching I found a way to do this on commandelineful.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox 0.13.1 - Can't Install ?

Sep 8, 2010

I have just installed Rhythmbox via Synaptic..All is fine, however, I noticed that it's showing release version 0.12.8. After checking out [url] I noticed there is a newer stable version available. I have downloaded the tar.gz file, and followed the instructions in the INSTALL file.

The first step is to, in terminal, run ./configure before attempting to MAKE/MAKE INSTALL (won't let me do it anyways)..I run .configure, and at the end, I get this error:


This is preventing me from moving on during the installation.

I have tried


And it cannot be found.I have search Synaptic for GTK+-2.0 (for starters) and nothing specific shows up..A LOT shows up, but I'm not sure if there is one specific item I should be downloading?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Rip Using Rhythmbox

Nov 21, 2010

I upgraded to 10.4 (64bit) Ubuntu and since then have been unable to rip CD's using the procedure in the Official DocumentationUbuntu Documentation > Ubuntu 10.04 > Music, Video and Photos > Music > Extract from a CD.But when a CD is placed in the drive Rhythmbox would not run.Typing rhythmbox in a terminal (with a CD) in the drive shows the message segmentation fault.

I found in the documentation that sound-juicer was used in the ripping process and as this was not installed - so I installed this.I can now rip a CD using sound-juicer and can run rhythmbox when there is no cd in the computer but I am a little puzzled as to what is happening.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Add Radiostations To Rhythmbox

Dec 10, 2010

I would very much like to add FEAR.FM [URL]to the Rhythmbox radio-player. I cannot find a direct link on the website and tried some others but none of them worked.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Not Starting 10.10

Dec 23, 2010

Rhythmbox not starting Ubuntu 10.10.

It was installed several times{uninstalled then reinstalled}

It just will not start.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Get Rhythmbox To Login Into Last FM?

Jan 4, 2011

Just did a new install of 10.04, can't get Rhythmbox to login into Last FM, keeps saying my user name and password are wrong. They are not. How do I get it to connect with Last FM, I have a new acct and password and just paid $3.00 for a months subcription. Had no problem with Ubuntu 9.04

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Thrashes My HDD

Feb 15, 2011

I enjoy the features of rhythmbox, but whenever I load rhythmbox it eats up my HDD for about 7 minutes. Is there anyway to make it stop? I have 130gb of music and have already unselected the "monitor folders" box.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Keeps Deciding Can't Use It

May 6, 2011

I like Rhythmbox more than any other music player for the simple reason that it has "Genre, Artist, Album" browsing available and doesn't shove the concept of playlists in my face, when I don't care about playlists 99% of the time. So I want to keep using it.

But lately (some months ago) after trying an upgrade to 10.10, and switching back to 10.04 (unsolvable network issues), Rhythmbox has recognized that its database has been touched by a newer version, and refuses to start.

So I took the next natural step: ~$ find . -name '*rhythmbox*'. Which led me to find ~/.gconf/apps/rhythmbox, which I promptly moved to ~/.gconf/apps/rhythmbox.bak. Lo and behold, Rhythmbox decided to start on the next try. But then, after a new start, something mysterious (to me) happens, and Rhythmbox decides it can't start again. So now I'm up to something like ~/.gconf/rhythmbox.bak12 (my philosophy: why throw away any data when you are still at 10% drive usage?), and I'm hoping that there is a guru out there who can say something along the lines of, "oh yeah, just delete ~/.secretstuff/rhythmbox-please-behave-badly, and that'll take care of it".

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: RhythmBox Is Not Getting CD Data

Aug 13, 2011

I have a lot of CDs and I've been uploading them onto the computer via RhythmBox to be played on RhythmBox. At first, it would get all the song titles and the artist name and the album name and all that stuff. I stopped uploading music for a week or two and started again, but now it's stopped doing getting the info, and I have to enter everything manually, and I've been doing that, but it takes a while.

What's the problem and how to I fix it? It seems it might've been related to Musicbrainz, which apparently gets album data. Did that site stop working, or did I have some free trial which ran out?Did I just happen to upload CDs with the data built in at first, and now am uploading Cs that don't have that? Not even sure it works like that.

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Debian Multimedia :: No Tray Icon In Rhythmbox

Jul 22, 2009

There doesn`t seem to be a tray icon for Rhythmbox. The only way to minimize it seems to be to the taskbar. I have used Rhythmbox. I am using a fully updated Debian Testing with Rhythmbox 0.12.3.

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Debian Multimedia :: Get Iphone Working With Rhythmbox?

Aug 18, 2010

I am trying to get my iphone working with Rhythmbox. I have followed the wiki but I fail at the point of creating the sysinfoextended. I can mount the phone in PCmanFM and read the data on the partition but it doesn't show in Ryhthmbox. Has anyone else managed this?

This is the content of my terminal:


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Debian Multimedia :: Rhythmbox ID3 Tag Demuxer Missing?

Aug 30, 2010

I'm getting an error in Rhythmbox. It says that my ID3 Tag Demuxer is missing. I found this Ubuntu thread and I think it may have the solution:Unfortunately I can't do what it suggests because the command isn't recognised.gst-inspect id3demuxThis could also be an optionAnother solution is to remove gnome-codec-install

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Change Tags In Rhythmbox

Jan 5, 2010

I am trying to organize some music I just copied off cd to my hard drive. the tracks are not listed (there is no track listing or album title etc) so I go to music-properties and try to fill the stuff in. I can't type into the boxes.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Can't Play Today?

Jan 20, 2010

I was using Rhythmbox successfully yesterday. This morning the automatic updates said I should install some new packages, one of which was, I think, rhythmbox. Now it tells me that "The autoaudiosink element is missing" whenever I try to play something. What do I need to do in order for rhythmbox to work again?Other audio programs, e.g. Audacity, work fine.

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