General :: Play Itunes Library In Fedora 14?

Nov 20, 2010

I imported my itunes library from my ipod. I tried using Mplayer and Banshee to play the music but no luck. Is there a plugin I'm missing for mpeg4 decoding? I also tried using Soundconverter but it's also looking for a mpeg4 decoder.

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Ubuntu :: Transfer Windows ITunes Library ?

May 3, 2009

After recently converting my old pentium 4 pc into a linux machine because of being sick with viruses and malware I was very happy with how robust Ubuntu is. The only problem I had when converting it to Ubuntu was that Apple doesn't have iTunes for linux. In the meantime I had been using my netbook pc with windows xp for my itunes needs, podcasts etc. Because I have 2 iPod's I wasn't going to bother with the hassel of getting iPod's sync'd to Ubuntu as well.

So today I finally decided enough was enough and was going to figure out how to get iTunes working, I had been using Wine since I installed Ubuntu to run uTorrent because it enable schedule downloading.

So enough blabbering, here is a quick explanation of how to get your windows music library onto your Ubuntu machine.


1) First off, you need to install Wine which you can find at
2) You will need to make sure you know EXACTLY where all your songs are. I suggest putting them on an external hard drive to transfer them over to your windows machine.

3) On your windows machine go to File > Library > Export library. And you cant put that file onto your external harddrive as well.

4) So now you have a copy of your itunes library and you have installed Wine, you now need a windows version of iTunes which you can find at any old apps related site. So far iTunes 7.2 works with best for me with Ubuntu 8.10 you can get this from many sites that still host old apps. The latest version of iTunes does not work at all for me, but this doesnt really matter.

5) After installing iTunes you may get an error explaining how you cannot burn discs to itunes, click OK.

6) Now you are ready edit your itunes library xml. Right click on your itunes xml and click 'open with text editor'. Click 'REPLACE' at the top of the screen and type the file path for the song in the 'FIND' field. {For example if the song was 8 Mile by Eminem then in the itunes XML it will say something like C:/my documents/my music/eminem/8mile. You would now type in the FIND FIELD C:/my documents/my music/.} Now that you have typed in the file path for your old music library it's time to time type in the path of the location of your new music library. {For example if your new music is on a external harddrive it will be /media/western digitaldrive/} You now type in the REPLACE field the path of your new music. Then click REPLACE ALL. Then click save as and call it the date of the library in case the xml you typed is wrong you wont have to go and get another copy of your itunes library xml.

6) Now you saved your library, open iTunes and click File > Add file to library and add your itunes library xml by clicking Open.

7) Now go for a walk outside and have a cup of coffee while you wait, this can take some time. For all my 8,802 songs it took 15minutes to import.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ITunes Shared Library On Kubuntu?

Oct 10, 2010

I'd like to know if it is possible to play shared music library of iTunes on Ubuntu.

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Debian :: How To Play Itunes

Nov 8, 2010

I want to listen to some messages on a website: http: but they are Itunes. How would I listen to these on Debian? I tried to play them and it didn't work: gxine opened, but failed to start; I right clicked on the listen button, but didn't get any other options.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mdadm Music Corruption - Link ITunes Library To The Music Files Via A Samba Share?

Dec 19, 2010

I've been building my digital music collection for some time and used to house it on a local drive with no quality issues. A while back I built myself a file server using ubuntu and mdadm in a raid1 configuration to protect against potential drive failure. I link my iTunes library to the music files via a samba share and everything works great on the surface. I've started to notice that random songs are becoming corrupted with pops clicks and silent pauses. I'll even re-download an album and notice that it's corrupted a few weeks later. Now I'm at a loss to what is causing this issue; I ignored it at first but it seems to be getting worse and more widespread as time goes on.

Do you think this could be caused by mdadm? It reports that all is fine via 'cat /process/mdstat' but I wouldn't know where to look or what to look for if there were syncing issues. The other possibility is that I have iTunes set to keep my music folder organized for me, but I've never heard of it actually corrupting the files it shuffles around. The bottom line is that my library is getting crappier as time goes on and I cannot stand for that!

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Unable To Get Video In ITunes Movie Trailer Website To Play

Oct 2, 2010

I am not able to get the video in the iTunes movie trailer website to play. iTunes Movie Trailers.When I try to play a video an error message comes up as something like: PackageKit.gstreamer.plugin not able to find H.264 decoder.This has been discussed in a previous post: H.264 Codec & Mplayer.I have also done some reading and the gstreamer-plugin-bad package has ah H.264 parser, but does that also decode?I have updated my packages to the Packman repo: URL... tried installing and activating both the VLC and MPlayer plug-ins for firefox and am running Firefox 3.6.10 in an up-to-date OpenSuse 11.3 with Gnome

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Which ITunes Style Media Player Will Play Songs Via An SMB Server

Apr 7, 2010

I have an SMB service in my apartment that has all of my media files on it. When I am on Windows and OS X I use iTunes to play my music straight off of my server, no need to copy files over to a local directory. But I have been unable to do this on Kubuntu. Every media player I have used will not add the songs from the server. What iTunes style media player will play songs via an SMB server?

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General :: How Do I Download Itunes For Fedora

Feb 12, 2011

hey I am new to fedora and i was wondering how do I download itunes for fedora?

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General :: Itunes Compatable With Fedora 14?

Jul 24, 2011

Is itunes compatable with fedora 14?

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Ubuntu :: Double Clicking Songs Not In Rhytmbox Library Wont Play?

Jun 5, 2010

Big issue for me with rhythmbox. If I attempt to open a song in one of my folders it wont automatically play them. It will first add the song to the library. Than I have to manually find it in rhytmbox or double click it again. Hasnt it been the normal behavior in EVERY other music application to play a song by double clicking it once? Is there a way to change this setting in Rhythmbox?

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Ubuntu :: Best ITunes Alternative With ITunes-related Features?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm looking for the best iTunes alternative that has almost these features:

- being able to edit the track's name/album (songs in the iPod)
- adjusting volume of tracks

I'm currently using Rhythmbox. I have tried Exaile and Amarok just doesn't work for me. I can't recall what made me turn away from Banshee, too. I'm not really into Wine so installing iTunes itself is not viable.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Doesn't Play Music From Win7 Library Through DLNA?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a PC running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. I have about 50GB of music in the Music library. I can connect from, play to, and download music to my DLNA enabled phone (Samsung Galaxy S), everything works fine.

When I start Rhythmbox on my laptop (Ubuntu 10.10), it sees my PC (appears under "Shared" in the left panel), but the tracks won't show on the list, it seems as if it fails to retreive the list of media. No matter how long I wait, nothing happens, the tracklist remains empty forever.

I have installed the "coherence" plugin from the Software Center.

I'll attach the console output rhythmbox generates when starting up,

Sidenote: it works the other way around, I can "Play to..." Rhythmbox from Windows Media Player.

andras@ANDRAS-LAPTOP:~$ rhythmbox
(rhythmbox:1979): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (GstObject)
WARN coherence Dec 13 17:04:36 Coherence UPnP framework version starting... (coherence/
WARN webserver Dec 13 17:04:36 WebServer on port 39537 ready (coherence/
WARN rb_coherence_plugin Dec 13 17:04:36 Media Store available with UUID


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Software :: Uninstall Itunes So That Can Re-install Itunes ?

Mar 22, 2010

I just got a new iphone (yay me) but later realised that as I have Ubuntu, it is very difficult to get itunes installed on it.

Having said that, I've got Wine installed and attempted to download itunes 7.something and even though the whole process worked, it appears that when I try to access itunes the whole screen goes black and then if I scroll across the screen with my mouse it lights up various bits of what's behind the black screen and then after a while it tells me that it cannot access itunes at all...

So I thought, perhaps I should uninstall itunes, but in doing that it still appeared in my wine folder, so I uninstalled wine, which still appeared in my Applications list, so I edited my applications list and then tried to re-install wine from scratch (I know I sound dumb already - but I was desperate ok!!!). So now wine is installed on my computer somewhere but it now doesn't show up in my Applications list at all and I can't seem to get it back on there - any suggestions there would also help...

But my main objective is to try and uninstall itunes properly (maybe from the terminal window - but I don't know how to even do that) and attempt to re-install it to see if it works again.

I need to do this in order to sync my iphone. Cannot seem to do it with Amarok as I don't have Installer.Apps on my iphone, and cannot get THAT without syncing it with itunes to begin with....

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General :: Update Standard Fedora Library Package Without Internet Access?

Apr 26, 2010

I need to get the library ( on a computer with Fedora 8 and don't wonder why it's so ancient,-there is a good reason for it) but I don't have Internet access from that computer, so I can't get to the online repo's.

However, I do still have the installation disk, and I'm typing this from a computer (SuSE 10) that is half a meter from the Fedora box.

I tried the "ADD/REMOVE Software" option on the menu, but it keeps on looking for the online repo and then if it doesn't get it, it fails.

Is it possible to get this library from the installation disk. How? Could I download the single package from the online repo onto the SuSE machine and then move it to the Fedora machine? How do I then tell the Fedora machine to "incorporate" it.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: ITunes Installation ?

Aug 9, 2010

I want to install itunes. I'm sure someone will already have done this so can you please tell me how to. I've tried the obvious, but no joy. My os is Fedora 12. Thank you.
The 'obvious' was to go to itunes site and download the program, but I was unable to do so, it appears not to be compatible with linux.

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Fedora :: ITunes - Get The Codecs For Rythmbox?

Apr 3, 2010

I want to know if theres any version of iTunes for Fedora, if not how i get the codecs for rythmbox.

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Fedora :: Installing Itunes From A Dmg File?

Jan 19, 2011

I wanted to get itunes on my fedora. I googled and found an itunes insalling file in the format of a dmg file

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Software :: ./configure Problem For Libsf Library Due To Apparently Missing Libdb Library ?

Aug 4, 2011

./configure script fails to configure libsf. Please check the following last few lines of configure script error.

But find command shows the following;

It seems the file libdb does exist. man dbopen displays man page for dbopen. I also tried to ln -s /usr/lib/libdb.a and /lib dir but all were in vain.

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General :: Using ITunes In Windows VM?

Mar 23, 2011

I'm thinking about switching from Windows to Linux when I get a new laptop. As far as I can tell, the only software I use that doesn't run on Linux or have a Linux equivalent is iTunes. Here are the tasks that I currently use iTunes for:

Syncing my iPhone a few times a week (for podcasts, keeping smart playlists up-to-date etc); Downloading podcasts; Using Home Sharing to sync purchases to another machine on my home network. Would I still be able to perform these tasks using iTunes in a Windows VM?

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Fedora :: DAAP Sharing Between Itunes 9 And Banshee

Jan 2, 2010

Has anyone gotten DAAP sharing to work between Itunes 9 and Banshee? I have a Windows Vista, Mac OS X, and Fedora 12 box setup on my network. Both Mac and Visa have itunes 9 running on them, and when opening Banshee the Itunes Library shows under shared music but when I select it; I get the below error:

Unable to connect to music share

* The provided login credentials are invalid (I removed the share password, same issue)
*The login process was canceled
*Too many users are connected (not the case)
* The music is hosted by itunes 7 (hosted by itunes 9)

Is the Banshee DAAP plugin supported with Itunes 9? Are there any work arounds?

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Fedora Networking :: Mt-daapd - Setup For Use With ITunes?

Jan 27, 2010

Has anyone set this up for use with iTunes? Any feedback as to how it works, tips, trciks, experiences?

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Fedora :: Seeking Working ITunes Alternative?

Jun 9, 2011

i have an iPhone 4 - white 32GB.

I run Fedora 14-64bit.

(I also have a win XP pro installation on my machine - but no dual-boot)

I would very much like to be able to transfer music to my iPhone, from my linux-fedora, which the iPod device on the iPhone is able to see...

I have successfully transferred several "libgpod-something.mp3" files to my iPhone, but I can't play them on my iPhone.

I have tried the following software:

Rhythmbox (came with Fedora 14), here i am able to see the content of my iPhone, and transfer libgpod files. But I cannot see any music folder under the iPhone icon. So I just drag and drop .mp3 files to iPhone. iPhone can't see them.

Banshee (newest available version installed with add/remove programs), here I'm also able to see the content of the iPhone, and I can see a music folder icon under the iPhone icon, but I can't drag and drop to the music folder, but I can drag and drop to the iPhone icon, and the files gets transferred, but again iPhone can't see them. But I can play the transferred files from Banshee...

Gtkpod (newest available version installed with add/remove programs), is largely the same as Rhythmbox, but i get a warning that says: Extended info will not be used, when the iPhone is mounted. There is no music folder icon, but only a poscast icon, under the iPhone icon. And again, I'm able to transfer files to the iPhone, that my iPhone can't see...

In Gtkpod, there is no option for the white iPhone 4, so I've used the "xC605" profile, which is for the black iPhone 4, 32GB.

I'm also able to see content of my iPhone with nautilus. I discovered that the linux software I'm using, are converting the .mp3 files into "libgpod" files, but iTunes(transferred with WinXP) is converting the .mp3 files into "XXXX.mp3" files (X= is for random letters).

Is this significant?

I've also just updated libimobiledevice with "libimobiledevice-1.0.6-1.fc14.x86_64.rpm", but my iPhone still can't see any of the linux transferred files. Only the iTunes transferred files.

Believe me I've tried and tried for a week now. I've searched a lot, but most of the hits in my search, were for Ubuntu...

My iPhone is not jailbroken.

Am I missing something here, is my iPhone 4 supposed to be jailbroken to work with the above mentioned software?

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Fedora :: Unable To Use The NFL Game Center On To Watch The Play-by-play?

Nov 26, 2009

I used to be able to use the NFL game center on to watch the play-by-play when I was using Fedora 10.Now that I am on Fedora 12 it no longer works. I am able to click into a game and see all the info but the play-by-play drive chart no longer displays anything. Does anyone out there know how to get this working?

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General :: Link Shared Library Against Other Shared Library?

May 27, 2010

I think that the solution is very simple, but I cannot reach this solution. I'm trying to build an that uses is compiled using C; is compiled using C++;

Inside "Aso.h" file I'had declared:


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {


There's no error to compile that, this library seems to be compiled correctly, but using the "nm" command the functions appear with "U" of undefined. Trying to build an executable using the library, I got this error: /lib/../lib/ undefined reference to `foo(int, int, int)' I think that to solve this problem it's only link the with the .o files generated at the compilation phase of my Bso. Using the "ldd" command I'm able to see that depends on, so what am I missing?

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Fedora :: Unable To Stream Music From F12 Box And Access It Via Itunes 9 On Mac OS?

Jan 6, 2010

I had mt-daapd working fine and was able to stream music from my Fedora 12 box and access it via Itunes 9 on Mac OS X until I edited my /etc/fstab file, so that the Windows vista partition (where my mp3 files reside) would auto map so I would not have to authenticate to map the NTFS drive each time I logged in, the NTFS mount directory is set to /mnt/windows and updated this in /etc/mt-daapd.conf now when I access the Daap share using Itunes 9 via Mac OS X the list of songs loads and I can select the song but it never plays and when I connect to the Daap share using Banshee an X appears next to the song.


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Fedora :: Users Subscribe To ITunes Podcasts (eg

Apr 24, 2010

As a Fedora user, I listen to podcasts via gpodder. But some podcasters only seem to allow one to subscribe via iTunes. For example the well-known website's new "Factcheck Radio" podcast service[URL]..

I can't work out how to subscribe to it using gpodder or any other generic podcast aggregating software.Click on any episode title, and you'll get a page with a "subscribe to the podcast on iTunes" link.

I found some info about iTunes-only podcasts and Linux [URL]..but I don't see how to apply it in this case.Can anyone find a way that Fedora users can subscribe to Factcheck Radio?

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Fedora :: ITunes Under Wine Doesn't Recognize Ipod?

Dec 15, 2010

I have just installed F14.I installed Wine and iTunesSetup.exe.When I installed iTunes it said it couldn't import or burn cds.It also said that maybe playback could be a problem.None of this is an issue for me as I only want to use it to load my ipod.When I plug in my ipod it doesnt show up in the left hand menu bar as I'm told it should.How do I load my ipod?---------- Post added at 05:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:54 PM ----------After installing the 293 updates available to F14 I found that an ipod icon appeared on my desktop.Can I just copy mp3 files to here. There are a few folders, where would I copy them to?It would be good if I could transfer files without Wine. Lately I've been alergic to all things Microsoft.---------- Post added at 06:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:53 PM ---------- iTunes wont even start up from the desktop icon

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Fedora :: Converting .flac To A ITunes Compatible Format?

Jan 20, 2011

I have been searching for a while for a program to convert .flac files I rip off of cd's with my laptop (running Fedora 11) to a usable iTunes format for my desktop (running Win XP). The cd drive on my desktop is currently broken, so my fix of ripping on my desktop, then using Rhythmbox on my laptop is temporarily unavailable.
Any suggestions? I've tried audiokonverter, soundconverter, audio-convert-mod and each come up with errors or wouldn't install.

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General :: How To Install ITunes / Adobe Flash

Apr 9, 2011

I am new to linux how can I install itunes to linux. I was advised to get rid of windows vista from my sony vaio and install fedora, however, I am new to this and I am installing itunes, adobe flash, and so on!

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General :: Set Up Wire To Accommodate Turbo Tax And Itunes

Mar 22, 2011

how do I set up wire to accommodate turbo tax and i tunes?

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