Fedora :: Catch Updates In Order To Install Them Later Offline?

Jan 24, 2011

I have 2 PCs, one of them is updated with latest updates.
For sure the 2 PCs have the same OS Fedora 14. How to install or catch those updates in order for me to install them offline on the other PC ?

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Fedora :: Download Updates While Offline?

Apr 18, 2011

I am about to loose my internet soon, I am not sure for how long, but I am curious, Can I go to another computer that has internet and download updates for my computer, take them back to my computer and install the updates so I can stay up to date?

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Ubuntu :: Installing OS Updates Offline?

Feb 1, 2010

I am having a computer attached to internet and is updating regularly using update manager. Is there any way to update the other computers which are not connected to internet?

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Fedora :: Install Rpm Packages Offline?

Jun 15, 2010

I downloaded some rpm files from rpmfusion.org to my computer using my Windows Vista OS. I then moved the files to the partition where Fedora is installed. When I ran the files on the terminal using the rpm command, it showed a lot of errors like: xyz needs abc.. and so on. How then can I install softwares and codecs on my computer without being online? I don't have screenshots right now.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Install Samba Offline

May 26, 2011

I downloaded and installed the newest version of Fedora, version 15, in my refurbished computer. It's the CD version; so much of the stuff are missing, including an office suite. I didn't have a DVD-ROM drive on the system, thus I installed the CD version. On the CD version, I was displeased that I can't install Samba offline; I had to download it. Don't ask me why I don't want to download it, it's just my preference to be able to have a basic computer function like Samba on an official distribution, like a calculator, an office suite (again, was left out), and a file manager.

Fedora's website describes the DVD edition of the operating system as having more software than the CD version. Now, for those who have used the new Fedora and also used Samba, does it come installed, or do you have to go online to download it? I understand if you don't want MP3s or DVD decryption software, but how does LAN file-sharing count as something that's illegal?

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Ubuntu :: Boot Up Debian In Order To Get Recent Updates

Jan 28, 2010

My system has Ubuntu and Debian (Squeeze) on it.I don't want to have to boot up Debian in order to get the recent updates.Is there a way to do this from Ubuntu?

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Fedora :: Not An Admin And Just Want To Install Mediawiki For Personal Use And Offline?

Apr 10, 2010

I think I've installed MediWiki as you can see (I Just follow some steps from a site...)but whateveI done (Disabling SELinux) making /var/www/html/wiki/ and var/www/html/wiki/readable to my current user (even I make my regular user the owner of all directory and files in these folderes) but nothing happenthen according to some advice I changed the permission to 644 but I become worse and now I don't have the previous picture (on that at least the wiki theme could be seen sth ) but now I encountering this error message:

You don't have permission to access /wiki/ on this server.


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Ubuntu :: Take Ownership Of Firefox In Order For It To Get Updates And To Save Settings

Jan 26, 2011

I remember back a few versions, you needed to take ownership of firefox in order for it to get updates and to save your settings. Is this needed in 10.10? Im giving Ubuntu a go again.

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OpenSUSE :: Online Update Applet Running In Order To Be Notified Of Updates?

Sep 8, 2010

In OpenSuSE 11.2 YaST -> Online Update Configuration I can configure how often the system should check for updates (i.e. daily, weekly). Does this operate independently from the Online Update Applet(kupdateapplet)? The reason I ask is that the Applet doesn't always seem to work correctly. However, if the system will check for online updates automatically regardless of the Applet, perhaps this isn't an issue. If I can avoid messing with the Applet, that would be great.

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Fedora :: Install Ndiswrapper In Order To Install A Windows Wireless Driver

Apr 1, 2011

I am trying to install ndiswrapper in Fedora in order to install a Windows wireless driver.

su -c 'yum install kmod-ndiswrapper'
, I get this:
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit


Rhythmbox crashed and my radio stations disappeared. I'm not sure if this bears any relation.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Re-compile The Src In Order To Install?

Jan 17, 2010

I have Atheros AR8132 Ethernet 10/100 and downloaded the drivers but need to re-compile the src in order to install it. after doing step (make install) it says:-

Makefile:61: *** Linux Kernel source not found. Stop. What does this mean?

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Fedora :: Vim Settings Screen Not Allowing Enough Time To Catch It

Jul 13, 2011

Whether it is vi or gvim, you can view the current non-default settings by writing ":set" and pressing <ENTER>. However, in FC15, vim clears the settings screen really quickly, not allowing me enough time to catch it. Normally it should pause at the settings screen, and clear it only when I press any key. If others see the same problem, I will file a bug.

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Fedora :: Plasma Dock Doesn't Catch Clicks With Compiz?

Nov 9, 2010

I just decided to go with Compiz rather than Kwin for my window manager. I have everything working beautifully aside from one little problem... The plasma dock won't pick up clicks any more. The mouse focuses on whatever is underneath the dock, rather than the dock itself. I'm sure there is a setting I can alter to override this behavior, I just can't figure it out to save my life.

Upon further investigation I found that it only behaves this way if I set the dock to auto-hide.

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Fedora Installation :: Install Packages Of Online Machine Into Offline Machine?

Jan 20, 2009

In Ubuntu I can easily transfer packages from offline machine into online machine using APTonCD feature. In fedora ,Is there anything similar by which I can transfer my packages of online machine into the offline machine

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Updates Returns To Main Window Without Installing Updates

Mar 24, 2011

For some reason Update Manager is not installing updates as of yesterday.I have it set to check daily and notify if updates are available. It has been working without issues for well over a year now.

Update Manager tells me updates are available and presents the list of security, recommended, and other updates. All are selected to update, but when I select Install Updates in Update Manager it returns with a Reading Package Information window overlaid on the main Update Manager window - building dependency tree then reading state information and dumps me back to the main Update Manager window without performing any update actions.

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General :: Getting All RPMs By 'yum Install Pkg1 Pkg2 Pkg3' To Install On Offline System ?

Jun 12, 2011

I need to somehow do a yum installation (or equivalent of) on a system that is offline with no access to the internet. (I do have access to another Linux system that has internet access, but the Linux installations on both systems have different packages installed and enabled.)

Let's say the command to enter is 'yum install pkg1 pkg2 pkg3' (the documentation for some applications I need indicate the installation instructions this way, and not as the actual RPMs I need). Is there a way for me to run that on my offline system?

e.g. one way I can think of is to run that command on the online system, somehow if possible take note of what RPMs get installed, then transfer them to the offline system via USB and install all the RPMs via rpm command.

The problem with my above idea is that the two systems have different packages enabled, so even if yum on the online system shows a few dependencies being downloaded, I could run download and install all these RPMs and their dependencies on the offline system only to find several more missing dependencies, and dependencies of those dependencies.

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Fedora :: Updates Failing On New 12 Install?

Apr 3, 2010

I have recently decided to rebuild my fedora install and have had several problems installing the updates to the system. I am receiving the following error:

libcdio.so.12 is needed by package gstreamer-plugins-ugly-0.10.14-1.fc13.i686 (rpmfusion-free-rawhide)
libcdio.so.12(CDIO_12) is needed by package gstreamer-plugins-ugly-0.10.14-1.fc13.i686 (rpmfusion-free-rawhide)


I am more familiar with using sources.list in debian style distros but I am unsure how to proceed with /etc/yum/repos.d. I am currently attempting to either install them from the CLI or to download the binaries, but I do not think that will fix the problem in my repository lists.

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Fedora :: Install Updates From Another Laptop?

Jul 15, 2010

I have two laptops at home and they are both running fedora 13. Now the problem that i am facing is that the internet over here is a bit expensive and downloading the same updates for both laptops becomes bandwith intensive. Can i update one laptop and update the other laptop from the first one? Do i have to install some server that would act as a repo?

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Fedora Installation :: New F14 Install No Updates?

Nov 17, 2010

i just finished a fresh install of F14 and ran yum update, but it comes back with no updates? In the past, i've always had tons of updates after an install. Did the updates happen during installation so that I have a fully updated version?

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Fedora :: Get Error When Install The Updates?

Jul 21, 2011

I just install Fedora 15 directly to an internal drive. I've installed a few programs using Autoplus, but when I try to run a software update, I get the following error when I try to install the updates:

'could not add package update for fedora-release-rawhide-15-3(noarch)updates: fedora-release-rawhide-15-3.noarch'

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Ubuntu :: Install Blueman - Offline Install (iPhone Tethering)?

Dec 29, 2010

I have just installed ubuntu on my machine which doesn't have Internet. I can access the net on my laptop and copy any files over. I am wanting to install blueman to tether my iPhone. I cannot find a .deb of it, so downloaded the tar.gz but the stock install doesnt have a compiler. I could download and copy over a compiler, but I'm guessing I'm going to be here hours copying over each dependancy that I come across (I'm guessing there may be a few) how I can tether my iPhone or how I can install blueman? Does anyone know of any pre-built packages I can just copy n install?

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Fedora Installation :: No Updates After Fresh Install?

Dec 2, 2009

I have just installed F 12 - clean install- but when I go to get updates today (Dec 2nd) no updates appear.I have done yum clean and yum makecache but still no updates available in software updates

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Fedora :: Unable To Download And Install Updates

Jan 24, 2010

I'm having a problem downloading and installing any updates. It compiles a list of updates, then tells me I need to install further updates and generates a list of those. Then it provides me with an error message. Info on which is in the code quote below. I'm very new to Linux, so I can't say I know how to go about sorting this issue. It's a PC with the following processor
Intel Pentium (R) Dual CPU E2180 @ 2.00Ghz

Error Type: <class 'yum.Errors.RepoError'>
Error Value: Error getting repository data for installed, repository not found
File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/yumBackend.py, line 3125, in <module>
main() .....

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Fedora :: Unable To Install Software Updates?

Feb 15, 2010

I get this message when trying to install software updates in Fedora 12:-Quote:

Error Type: <class 'yum.Errors.RepoError'>
Error Value: Error getting repository data for installed, repository not found
File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/yumBackend.py, line 3125, in <module>


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Fedora :: Cannot Install Updates - Missing Repository?

Mar 24, 2010

I am recently installed Fedora User (From a Live USB) I tried to install the updates that are detected here in my computer, but because a missing repository it don't installs.

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Fedora :: Software Update Says Updates Available But Can't Install Them

Jun 20, 2010

I am running Fedora 12 on a system with Intel Core2 Duo CPU, Linux Kernel, and Gnome 2.28.2. I have two questions about Software Update:

1. Software Update tells me there are two updates available:

openssl-1.0.0a-1.fc12(i686) and

If I try to download and install openssl-1.0.0a-1.fc12(i686), I get the following errors:

Test Transaction Errors: file /usr/share/man/man1/asn1parse.1ssl.gz from install of openssl-1.0.0a-1.fc12.i686 conflicts with file from package openssl-1.0.0-4.fc12.x86_64
file /usr/share/man/man1/ca.1ssl.gz from install of openssl-1.0.0a-1.fc12.i686 conflicts with file from package openssl-


I tried the --skip-broken option, resulting in: Packages skipped because of dependency problems:

openssl-1.0.0a-1.fc12.i686 from updates
openssl-1.0.0a-1.fc12.x86_64 from updates

The Software Update "Help" pages refer to a software log viewer which should be located at Applications-->System Tools-->Software Log Viewer, but it isn't there.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: No Updates Found After F10 X86_64 Install

Apr 5, 2009

I installed Fedora 10 x86_64 from DVD this weekend. Once the install was completed and I booted into the new install, I ran the Software Update expecting to find and download security updates. However, to my surprise no updates were found! The install DVD was downloaded and burnt to DVD about two weeks ago. Did the installer fetch and install the F10 updates? Or did I mess up my install and/or configuration of F10? I remember when I installed F9 there were a lot of updates found right after the install.

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Install Updates / Get It To Work?

Apr 7, 2010

I recently intalled Fedora 12. After installing, I tried to install update, i received an error message as follow:

Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: fedora. Please verify its path and try again.

I enabled RPM fusion free and non-free.

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OpenSUSE :: Install Softwares In Pc Offline?

Jan 16, 2011

my friend does not have a internet connection, he require vlc (to watch movies) and g++(as c++ compiler). how he can install these softwares in his pc offline??

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Ubuntu :: How To Install Valgrind 3.6.1 Offline

Jul 26, 2011

I have downloaded valgrind 3.6.1 from here. I want to install it, how to do it.How to install valgrind on xubuntu 11.04.This program is not in software center.I am already using code::blocks 10.05. Can i integrate it with codeblocks so that as i debug program in codeblocks valgrind called itself and show memory leaks.

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