Fedora :: Can't Login After Removing Evolution?

Jun 4, 2011

I am using Fedora 15 x64 gnome 3. I removed Evolution Mail as I prefer to use Thunderbird... However after I removed it the computer got hung. I could not do anything so I did Power OFF and ON. Fedora booted and loaded alright until the Login Screen but when I try to login it says, "cannot login into Gnome Session" or something like that.

I suspect that when I removed Evolution Mail I something else and something important got removed. Now I cannot login at all.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Removing Evolution From Synaptic Vs Just Removing The Applet

Feb 27, 2011

what i did was, remove evolution mail from synaptic, what i wanted to do was just remove the indicator applet from the task bar. i read a bunch of bad stuff about removing evolution from synaptic vs just removing the applet.

im worried. did i break anything or put my security at risk. after, i used a command (older) (sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop)to install ubuntu desktop. because i thought that it would fix evolution. then i went to synaptic and installed a package called evolution. i rechecked evolution in applications menu. however, i notice that i have both a checkable evolution and two evolution icons. nothing 'seems' broken. im not sure if it ever was. and evolution calender pops up as normal, as does the the installed plain evolution. they both seems to be an exact copy of the other.

all i really wanted to do was remove the indicator applet. did i make a serious mistake. since ive had ubuntu, ive reformatted a lot because i was worried i made a mistake of some kind. however now im into the more "make a mistake and fix it stage' as im pretty happy with my current desktop and have worked hard to customize it. the command, sudo apt-get remove indicator-messages removed the mail icon. i still am worried that i broke something, or put my security at risk. also, now i have two mail icons. evolution mail and calendar, and another just called evolution.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Evolution 2.30 (after Removing Evolution 2.32.2)

Apr 1, 2011

i tried to update my evolution from 2.30.? to 2.32.1 usning


Because the exchange plugin didn't work i uninstalled evolution and removed the ppa. Now when i try to install evolution from the software centre i get this: Package dependencies cannot be resolved This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.
it asks me if I want to repair the catalog, i say yes.

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Fedora :: Removing Shutdown/Restart In Pull Down Menu And Login In 13?

Sep 20, 2010

I have a workstation with Fedora 13. This workstation is used for very long remote processes. Recently it has been shutdown accidentally by a user and has caused the loss of some of these processes. As such, for precautionary reasons, I have decided to remove these options from all our workstations so that only the super user can initiate reboots or shutdowns.

In previous versions I was able to do this by using gdmsetup and unchecking the Show Action Menu option. This also added the SystemMenu=false flag under [greeter] in the /etc/gdm/custom.conf file. This was under RedHat EL5. However in Fedora 13 neither of these methods work. Gdmsetup no longer exists and adding that flag to the custom.conf file does not work. I rebooted after editting the file and the shutdown option still appears at login.

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Ubuntu :: Removing Evolution Removed Date And Time Settings On Top Right?

Jun 16, 2011

i wanted to remove evolution mail and calendar since it was of no use to me..

i removed it..

and then the date and time which used to be visible on top right of my screen have suddenly disappeared..

how can i get them back?

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Ubuntu :: Removing Architecture Independent Files For Evolution Data Server?

Jan 7, 2010

Quote: evolution-data-server-common architecture independent files for Evolution Data Server. Why, when removing this package, does Synaptic want me to also remove:


This seems pretty stupid. I just want to get rid of Evolution! Netbooks are cloud based machines, why was Evolution even included?! The same with OpenOffice.

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Fedora :: Removing Notifications And Safely Removing Drives?

Aug 25, 2010

These should be my last pleas for help with regard to Fedora 13. I've been unable to turn off the notifications that appear in the top right corner, despite a decent amount of searching on google. I can't remove any notifications package without removing a bunch of important software along with it. Also, F13 refuses to "Safely Remove" either of my external disks. I have to yank out the usb cord, touching wood each time.

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OpenSUSE :: Version Of Evolution - Running The Evolution Mail System Under Fedora - 15 / KDE

Jul 26, 2011

I've been running the Evolution mail system under Fedora-15/KDE for about a month now, and it has some very serious problems. I just noticed that it is available for SUSE, and figured that since KDE is the principal desktop supported by KDE the SUSE version may be fixed. Before I go through the very tedious process of getting the SUSE version to compile on Fedora, I'd like to know whether anyone has seen these problems with the SUSE version of Evolution:It ignores font control from the KDE Settings->Applications Appearance window, both KDE font control and GTK+ font control, also its own internal font control window.

It has trouble sending messages to an SMTP server, sometimes taking a l-o-n-g time, sometimes timing out. This can be temporarily cured by restarting it It crashes when a filter attempts to refile an outgoing message. It often asks if I want to recover messages that have never been lost. It often locks up receiving mail from a remote POP3 server. I can live with these, except for items 1 and 2, since I have workarounds. If you are fairly sure that you have not seen these problems with the SUSE version of Evolution

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Fedora :: Error While Fetching Email. Evolution Version: Evolution 2.28.0

Apr 5, 2010

I had configured the evolution to send/recive email. After it had been configured, it could receive emails. Suddendly it can't fetch email anymore. In the inbox of evolution, there were about 200 emails. There are maybe 5K emails in the server, I guessed. I'm not sure whether it's the problem that there's one email in the server too big, so the evolution can not fetch it. The error of evolution is: error while fetching email. Evolution version: Evolution 2.28.0. OS version: Linux xxx2.6.32.9-70.fc12.i686.PAE #1 SMP Wed Mar 3 04:57:21 UTC 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux I'm sure my network is fine, I use pop3 to receive email.

nslookup result:
$ nslookup pop3.163.com
Non-authoritative answer:
pop3.163.comcanonical name = pop.163.com.
pop.163.comcanonical name = pop3.163.idns.yeah.net.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Login After Removing Some Programs?

Jun 1, 2011

after removing some programs I'm not able to login (I'm using an other computer now). I'm using opensuse 11.4the boot screen has changed from the normal to a grey one. before login following messages came up:

bluetoothd[1460]: input-headset driver probe failed for device D8:2A:7E:7F:4E:17
kernel [24.446981] vboxdr: fAsync=0
offMin=0x38a offMax=0xdc2


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Ubuntu :: Removing Nautilus Via Synaptic - Cannot Login

Dec 28, 2010

I think I messed something up with the nautilus, I want to remove nautilus via synaptic, I'm not sure what do I did wrong but, before the process removing the nautilus is over, suddenly it restarted and I at my login screen. When I want to login, I can't, I will be back at the login screen, what I can see is, there is no ubuntu user session below. I can't choose a thing. I can't go into my ubuntu desktop. Now I'm running with my external hdd ubuntu or windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Login After Removing Other User

Aug 15, 2011

Ubuntu 10.10

I was setting up a machine for a friend using my normal username. Once the install was finished I created a new account (Admin) for the friend, logged out, logged in as the friend and deleted my own account. On the next reboot I get a message about not being able to update .ICEauthority for my own account, which I thought was deleted. Then there are messages about the configuration server failing and that Nautilus can't find the home dir for my own account, then just the desktop background, no panel, no nothing, just hangs.

Obviously, in this case deleting the account didn't clean up everything. How can I get to the login prompt for the friend's account?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Login After Removing Unity / Enable This?

Apr 22, 2011

Decided to give Unity desktop a try this afternoon on my Maverick desktop - bad mistake. Found it very slow so I removed it. After that I restarted and all I get after logging in is a white screen.

I don't get an option at login to use KDE or anything else for that matter, so I'm hoping someone can give me some idea how I can rectify this.

Really don't want to wipe the install and start over because I don't have a separate home partition (think I've learned my lesson on that front) and there's a lot of stuff I need to keep on this machine.

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General :: Removing A Cascade Of Increasing Zoomed Copies Of The Login Screen?

Apr 5, 2010

My grandson got a little free time on my login screen. When I got back I found the right half of the screen was covered with a cascade of zoomed copies of the regular login display. Each layer of the cascade larger that the previous as one moved right across the screen. When I reboot it is still there. I have tried various hotkey combinations in the hopes that I could change this, but with no result. I have looked for files which might have such a pattern saved. I found a file /usr/share/gnome-session/session-properties.ui with a promising name and inside was a series of 'child' entries, but removing all but the first child entry changed nothing. how to fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Evolution And Empathy Autostart With Login?

Aug 4, 2010

Here's a neat trick on how to get Evolution and Empathy to start up when you log into gnome. This also hides Evolution to the Indicator Applet, the way it should be.

Install alltray
apt-get install alltray


Go to Systemreferences:Startup Applications and add the following

Name: Empathy
Command: empathy -h
Name: Evolution
Command: sh -c "sleep 10 ; alltray -na -nt evolution"

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Asks For Old Password - Login Keyring?

May 2, 2010

I found much of the info is out of date. I installed Lucid - my /home was on a separate partition so I did not format it to keep the original settings and mail. When trying to send/receive mail, Evolution now asks for the old login password from the previous install to open the mail keyring. "The password you use to login no longer matches that of your login keyring" There is a box to enter the old PW.

-Go to Applications-Accessories-Passwords and Encryption Keys
-Right click on Passwords:login
-Select Change Password
-Type your old login password in the "Old Password" field
-Type your new password in both the Password: and Confirm: fields.
-Click OK

Evolution will now use your new login password to access the keyring.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Email Intermittent Login Error?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm using POP yahoo and it usually works, but often I will get a popup saying unable to connect to POP server... Error sending username: +OK maildrop ready, ... If I cancel & try again later it usually works. The error is getting more frequent.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Mail Privacy After Failed Login Attempt?

May 1, 2010

I've searched lot on forums but couldn't find a related post. My problem is I want to hide my mail folders when login attempt in Evolution has failed. I dont use Remember password option so everytime I'm prompted for password.

When I give no password and escape that dialog, I can see all the mails that have been already downloaded form my gmail account. If any of you guys know already existing post, please redirect me to that one.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Wants Old - Unused Password - Login To Computer No Longer Matches

May 3, 2010

This morning when I opened Evolution, It asked me for a password. It didn't like my login pass. It wanted an old password I used to use. When I click on Evolution I get Enter password to unlock your login keyring The password you use to log in to your computer no longer matches that of your login keyring.


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Debian Multimedia :: Removing Epiphany Without Removing Half The System?

May 31, 2011

I know a bunch of commands and I am comfortable using the terminal, I even set a powerpc server but I can't figure out how to remove epiphany on this new computer I'm setting up. I didn't install anything with tasksel. I installed gnome and xorg afterwards... I load it up and 'startx' just fine. then I check around for the programs that were installed. I lik'em gimp, lot's of utilities. gedit. anyway I find epiphany, which I have already established that I dislike, I immediately go to the root terminal (another nice program that comes with gnome) and type apt-get remove epiphany-browser-data the output says it will be deleting gnome... however I have researched and found these are simpy meta packages that don't really matter.... however under the section that states all the packages that will be removed by autoremove there is a huge list... I doubt these packages are safe to remove. how to remove epiphany without removing a huge amount of probably needed software

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Ubuntu :: Using Hotmail Account On Evolution - Error "Could Not Login On Server POP3"

Mar 25, 2011

I'm having trouble using my hotmail account on Evolution. It used to work just fine but I when I opened Evolution today the following error ocurred: Could not login on server POP3 pop3.live.com. Error when sending username: -ERR command not expected now It then asks me to put my hotmail password... which I do and the same error appears again. Can someone tell me what's going on?

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Fedora :: Removing Non-PAE Kernels

Aug 9, 2010

i installed the PAE kernel and was wondering if it's safe (and how) to remove the non-PAE kernels. from the system.This is F13.

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OpenSUSE :: Restoring Evolution Settings Into Evolution 2.30

Feb 20, 2011

I have been using Fedora 14, which has Evolution 2.32.1 but have recently also installed openSUSE 11.3, which has Evolution I would like to make openSUSE my primary distribution, and so I would like to restore my Evolution settings from Fedora, but Evolution complains that the backup file is invalid. I have tried copying the folders in the backup to their appropriate locations in openSUSE with no luck. I have also tried manually copying with instructions for older versions of openSUSE, but with no luck.

An obvious guess at what might be the problem seems to be that I am trying to restore settings from a newer version to an older version? An obvious thing to try would be to upgrade to Evolution 2.32, but Evolution has a long list of dependencies so before jumping into that fun I thought I would ask if anyone else has had similar problems and found a straight-forward solution. I still have access to my emails in Fedora so this is not hugely pressing, and if upgrading to 11.4 will do the trick then I can just wait for that.

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Fedora :: Removing Icons From The Desktop?

Aug 10, 2009

I hate desktop icons and shortcuts. I don't ever need them, and they look wasteful and cluttery sitting there unused. Since everything is accessible from the menus, I would like to not have any icons on my desktop in Fedora 11. I have been playing around with the settings for days and can't find a way to make them disappear.

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Fedora :: Not Removing Old Transaction Files

Dec 12, 2009

I have just done a upgrade. And I get the message below. I am not sure that I don't have enough on my boot partition to install the new kernel.When I try and upgrade I get this message: There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-complete-transaction first to finish them.

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Fedora :: Uninstalling Or Removing Updates On F12?

Feb 11, 2010

I have three questions regarding software updates 1. Is there a why to remove or uninstall several updates simultaneously?2. Is there a way to remove or unistall updates withouth knowing their package names?3. Is there a list or log showing which updatesave been applied?

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Fedora :: How About Removing Duplicate File

Mar 12, 2010

Anyone know of a good Linux application that will remove duplicate files interactively? I've recently spent a lot of time (read weeks) pruning my music collection, basically by hand. and now I'm moving on to my family photos. Most of the work with the music was done under Windows XP. As for the photos, I have a fantastic Windows application, D'Peg, that I had actually purchased some years ago. This app rocks for Windows. In my opinion it's so good that I would happily pay double the asking price. However, I'd prefer to use Linux if possible, so, what's out there, anything that is worth it's salt? Currently playing around with Picasa.

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Fedora :: Removing Gnome Desktop?

May 3, 2010

I have an interesting question. I had originally installed Fedora 12 with the Gnome desktop. Later i also installed the kde desktop and alternated between them. What would haven if i removed the gnome desktop elements? Would it function and only be a single boot kde system? Or would it kill the whole thing?

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Fedora :: How To Removing Passphrase From RSA Private Key?

Sep 9, 2010

I am using Fedora 13 x64.I want to removing passphrase from the RSA Private Key then harden the decrypted Private Key.When I tried section 6.6 guide line, I get directory does not exist?I don't know where my server.key is stored.

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Fedora :: Removing Space From Files

Oct 23, 2010

I used to have a command that removed the *odd* characters from files and replaced spaces with underscores.

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