Fedora :: Removing Shutdown/Restart In Pull Down Menu And Login In 13?
Sep 20, 2010
I have a workstation with Fedora 13. This workstation is used for very long remote processes. Recently it has been shutdown accidentally by a user and has caused the loss of some of these processes. As such, for precautionary reasons, I have decided to remove these options from all our workstations so that only the super user can initiate reboots or shutdowns.
In previous versions I was able to do this by using gdmsetup and unchecking the Show Action Menu option. This also added the SystemMenu=false flag under [greeter] in the /etc/gdm/custom.conf file. This was under RedHat EL5. However in Fedora 13 neither of these methods work. Gdmsetup no longer exists and adding that flag to the custom.conf file does not work. I rebooted after editting the file and the shutdown option still appears at login.
I have lost my ability in KDE Menus to do a shutdown or restart. My only option is to logoff or cancel. This started occurring about 2 weeks ago, possibly 2 KDE workspace updates ago. I have been assuming it would get fixed with an update but so far it has not.
I am running Fedora 10 x86_64, kernel =, and the KDE version is:
I have 3 different systems all running the same OS and KDE versions and it is happening on all 3 systems. All systems have the "Offer Shutdown Options" selected in Session Manager. I have even turned this option off, rebooted, and then back on to try to jumpstart it but that did not work.
Additionally, I have tried deleting the contents of the /tmp directory while in single-user mode and also the .kde under my home directory. This made no difference.
Another symptom I am noticing is that any desktop widgets that I create all get moved to the upper left-hand corner of the display whenever I reboot and log back in. Any extra shortcut widgets that I add to the panel are also gone the next time I log in.
Again, these same symptoms are occurring on 3 different machines.
These symptom do not occur after a fresh install of FC 10. It is breaking during one of the yum updates but I have not narrowed it down yet as to which update is causing this to happen.
The start menu in kde 4 is broken. Shutdown and restart are missing.
I hope they weren't removed for some wacky paranoid security reason. My Linux partition is encrypted and I use strong passwords. Any sensitive files or folders that I have are also encrypted.
The switch user doesn't work. Although present, they just either lock the user's screen with a password needed to log back in or log out the user entirely. Linux is, last I heard, a multi-user capable operating system. The switch user button never really worked well at all & I usually avoided using it.
Even XP can handle this sort of challenge. When I was running Fedora 7 with KDE 3.something or other, these functions worked flawlessly. They also worked under Fedora 8.
The logout button appears to work properly. I had a whole bunch of updates to install, resulting in the start menu breaking. The damage is restricted to KDE. The updates have improved my wireless connection, sound quality and speed.
I'm running the newest kernel for Fedora 11, which is what I'm using with KDE 4. I would rather not break KDE entirely or have to use another desktop. I tried fluxbox, but I would like to stick with KDE. What I'm worried about is whether or not KDE will simply continue to deteriorate or break entirely.
I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 (and, on another server, 10.10) and can't seem to figure out how to remove the Shutdown and Restart options from the menu on the bottom right of the login screen.
I've tried
Code: gksudo -u gdm dbus-launch gconf-editor and checking the /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_restart_buttons, but it doesn't do anything even after a reboot. I've also tried the above command as root (without the "-u gdm").
I have also tried adding the following lines to /etc/gdm/custom.conf:
Code: RebootCommand= ShutdownCommand= These seem to have no effect either. Is this a Gnome bug, or am I doing something wrong?
I'm running Fedora 11 with KDE desktop. Yesterday I installed several updates, including a kernel update. Now the Shutdown and Restart icons have disappeared from the Leave menu, which only contains the icons for "Logout", "Lock", "Switch User", "Suspend to Ram" and "Suspend to Disk". I had "Shutdown" and "Restart" icons in my Favorites menu, but when selected they open a "Logout" dialogue.
I can Shutdown and Restart from the command line, but would like to restore the capability to do it from the icons. Has anyone else experienced this and found a fix?
I am running Fedora 12 with KDE on an Acer Aspire One netbook.
A recent update has caused the KDE shutdown/restart/logout buttons (found for example through the Fedora -> Leave menu or by pressing the power off switch)to stop working. I am having to shutdown using shutdown -P now command.
So I have the following questions:
a) Has anyone else had this issue and knows a workaround/fix?
b) Does anyone know what package these belong to so I can try an older version?
c) Does anyone know where this package writes its logs, or if I need to install anything for it to do so so I can have a look?
d) Does anyone know the command-line interface to these commands - that may give me either a more gentle workaround than shutdown -P now, or some insight into why the command is no longer working.
Often, and esp after adding something with apt-get or Synaptics I find Firefox will lose the ability to display either pull down menus or a menu from a mouse's right button.
I've been doing some initial searches for a bug report on Launchpad (but it is unclear if it is being used to actively track bugs vs some other place).
My 'hit it with a hammer' approach to a fix, at least to this point, is to reinstall from the local store or cache, the application;
Synaptic Status Filter Firefox (in the Quick Search field) Mark the existing Firefox for Reinstallation
No files get downloaded, but a restart of Firefox and 'tada'; menus return.
I'm using Fedora 12 with Gnome and I have a slight problem with my places menu. I have entries in the list that I would like to remove, but cannot figure out how. I multiboot Fedora with Windows 7 and windows 98. My Places menus looks something like this:
Places Code: Home Folder Desktop Music .....
Now, if you notice there are 2 entries for both my 'Storage' and 'Windows 98' partitions. On of them will actually open up a window showing the contents of the partition, the other displays an error which basically says "Unable to mount, drive is already mounted". Right clicking on the entry has the same effect as left clicking, it just brings up the error message. They do not appear in the Bookmarks menu.
How do I remove old kernels from the Fedora grub menu? I have three currently and I want to keep only one old version to fall back if I have any problems with the current one. When I was using Ubuntu, I had Ubuntu Tweak which had an option to clean up old kernels from the grub menu .. is there something similar for Fedora?
I am using Fedora 15 Live CD and after I did Yum update there are 2 icons of google chrome showing in the applications menu and also there are few other icons I want to remove, is there a way to do that, I searched in system settings but there was nothing there?
I left a friend playing with my PC and after she was done there are several extra folders now included at the bottom of the pull down places menu. How do I remove these again?
How to add "shutdown" to the user menubar?Everytime I want to shutdown I have to logout and then from there shutdown/restart. Is there a way to add shutdown/restart/hibernate to the user menu bar?How do I add applications to startup? I don't find that option in the system settings !
I am using Fedora 15 x64 gnome 3. I removed Evolution Mail as I prefer to use Thunderbird... However after I removed it the computer got hung. I could not do anything so I did Power OFF and ON. Fedora booted and loaded alright until the Login Screen but when I try to login it says, "cannot login into Gnome Session" or something like that.
I suspect that when I removed Evolution Mail I something else and something important got removed. Now I cannot login at all.
Whenever i click on an icon in the Places pull down menu (except Computer, Network, Connect To Server and Search For Files) nothing happens except I get Ktorrent popping up and claiming it cant open the selected Drive or Folder because it is not a valid torrent file. Which is fair enough, 'cos its not a torrent. Its the entry for my Desktop in a pull down menu in my O/S, and it does this even when I haven't been near Ktorrent in the previous hundred clicks of the mouse, or if Ktorrent is not running. If i un-install Ktorrent, the error message changed, but the correct windows did not open when asked from the Places pull down, and the error returns when its re installed- well, tried it once, in a very basic fashion through the software center.
I think the problem has been caused by two containing folders of torrent data files that have become stuck as entrys in the Pllaces menu- cack handed off me folks, was playing with new mouse settings as I was playing with new mouse settings. Problem may also be something to do with the problems I have been having with Ktorrent- it refuses to accept torrent files unless through a magnet link, bringing up the same "parse error- not valid torrent file" error message as comes up from the Places menu, only of course citing the torrent i just tried, when I know for sure the file is valid and operational because Transmission has no problem with it.I really hope someone can help me fix this, as formatting and re-installing will be a real ball ache, as I'm a new user who's spent the last week learning and starting the customization process, and I was just getting to think about backing it all up.System is Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit, Pentium quad core, one 250Gb system drive and another larger drive called storage that appears under Media path both SATA2, no DVD drive as connector is in the post.
When I try to shutdown or reboot from the system menu in Fedora 12, I am returned to the logon prompt. I am able to shutdown and reboot from a terminal window by issuing the shutdown command as the root user.
Ubuntu will randomly pop up the shutdown menu and then shutdown.It seems to happen when im in firefox and typing and it has been difficult to replicate. I dont think it is a temp issue since watch sensors shows temmp of 40-50C. Someimtes it happens every minute someimtes i can go 10min without it happening.
Dell Inspiron 1525 ubuntu 10.04 (only os on system)
I have a recently new, less than 2 weeks old, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS installl. It is a clean install since the prior install of 10.04 LTS decided it would no longer allow me to login.
My problem is that I cannot shutdown or restart my machine. And I have no idea why it happened.
I have just installed 11.04 on my Acer Z5610 and it won't shutdown or even restart noramally. I have to force shutdown every time. I installed the ati graphics drivers but still no change. What could be wrong?I have reinstalled 4 times, using usb and cd.
I have assembled an Intel D915PDT Administration Intel Desktop motherboard with an Intel 651 Processor which has 3.40 GHz 800 MHz FSB 2MB L2 Cache and 1GB DDR1 400 MHz RAM also GeForce 8400GS 512 Graphics Cards. But this PC have a problem, if once I shut it down I cant restart it again, but the next day it works properly. I tried in various operating systems like Windows XP service pack 2, pack 1, Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate 32bit and I have checked several times the BIOS settings properly but the problem is still the same.
I'm running openSUSE 11.2 Gnome Desktop Environment. Whenever I try to either shutdown or restart my machine as a "normal user", I've been logged off instead! When I try to re-login the screen (xorg) freezes. I don't know how to debug this problem. The problem could be related to hal or d-bus or policykit or X-org..... simply I don't know. N.B. I can shutdown and restart my machine only as "super-user" (root).
I had my netbook which is an Acer AspireOne lock up on me once earlier today and after doing a hard shutdown *holding the power button* and booting it back up I noticed that I could no longer reboot the machine from KDE's graphical shutdown button. Basically I click it and it pops up with the 30 second count down and then nothing. However I can run as root,
Shutdown -r now
and it will comply and reboot. I did notice that rngd was returning an exit status 1 and after some research decided to uninstall it with no change to anything. I decided to attempt and see if it was just a KDE issue as many problems have been, but when I attempted to log into Gnome I got a very nice white screen with one black line where the taskbar should be. Whether they are related or just coincidence I don't know.
I've ran my google researching skills into the ground on this one and I'm tired and a bit grumpy because I haven't been sleeping so it'd be awesome if I could get a heads up, because to my knowledge it's not reporting any errors it just seems to hang without sending the shutdown signals.
I'm in 9.10, I had KDE 4.3 now with SC 4.4, and it doesn't reboot or shut down from any graphical way I can access. Power management works otherwise, and I can shut down from the command line.
I have just installed ubuntu 10.10 so i am new to linux operating systems.In the top right hand corner where the shutdown button is with the options to restart, mine is not there.Could someone please tell me how to get back this button or another way that I restart so I can access my windows boot?
A few days ago an upgrade to FF 3.6.3 was pushed at me by Mandriva. I accepted it, of course.
Since then, firefox refuses to restart after a shutdown, and there are no error messages in any log or in the bash window if I try to start it that way.
I tried a couple of times to uninstall/reinstall it, but no joy.
Finally figured out that if I reloaded the .mozilla directory in my home directory from a daily backup, FF would restart.
This suggests that FF 3.6.3 is corrupting something either while it is running or when it shuts down.
It's pretty consistent, and makes it rather hard to use FF. The lack of error messages is making it rather difficult to sort out.
I'm sure there's an underlying hardware problem for this... but I figured I'd start here as I do not know the specific hardware issue.
I'm in Ubuntu 9.10 (Ubuntu Studio actually) and my computer will not shut down properly. I get the splash, then a black screen, then something like #terminating processes, #closing connections, #blah blah blah, #will now halt(or will now restart if rebooting)
I have been a Debian user for some time already, and lately I experienced a weird behaviour regarding shutdowns/restarts. The thing is my computer shuts down very very slowly, but not because of HDD activity, nor because of CPU activity (as far as I know, I may be wrong). It stops at some point, and after that, it hangs between 5 seconds and... even 5 minutes. The time in which comes back to normal and continues the shutdown process varies and has absolutely no pattern.
This is where it hangs (the last line appeared because I disconnected the mouse):
Logout, Suspend and hibernate works as it should in my gnome-shell desktop.But Shutdown/Restart does not - I just get back to my kdm login screen again...how do I enable this ?