Fedora :: Audacity Without Device / No Sound System To Choose At Preferences/devives/host?
Jun 1, 2011
as audacity comes without MP3 support I tried to compile audacity for Fedora 13 myself. The compilation works fine (configure/make/make install) but there is no sound system to choose at preferences/devives/host.
Does anyone ahve an idea what went wrong with compilation or where I can finde rpm files including MP3 support?
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Dec 20, 2010
Every time I open "sound preferences" from either the sound applet or the preferences menu pulseaudio CPU usage goes right up to 100% and proceeds to lock up the entire computer. pavucontrol, paman, and all the other pulseaudio utils work fine, except for ubuntu's sound preferences. It affects a new account.This is my 10.04 desktop that is affected. I have just the default pulseaudio config.
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Sep 7, 2010
(prior to this i had 8.10 and sound) added a lot of things through command lines,etc...and accidentally stumbled on the fact that the wrong device was chosen in the sound preferences... can someone explain to me what the settings should be? i have just done a clean install of lucid lynx 32 bit i386, no dual boot, just plain clean and fresh lucid lynx. under the output tab- this is where i have a choice between: Internal Audio (analog stereo duplex) USB Audio i know the usb is my speakers now...but what is that analog thing?
under the hardware tab- the internal audio can be analog stereo duplex or analog stereo output, analog stereo input, off, or analog surround with various levels of output from 4.1 to 7.1 the usb audio has only two choices: analog stereo output or digitla stereo duplex under the input tab- internal audio analog stereo is the only device listed choice of connector: microphone 1, mic 2, line in
at the moment i dont have my headphones plugged in, dont want to complicate things. but i am hoping to get skype working and be able to leave the speakers in and when i plug in headphones they will must the speakers automatically. if it doesnt work like that i wont die...but i would like to no have to disconnect the speakers just to use headphones, which is what people i know say they have to do.
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Jan 4, 2011
I've found somewhere on the forum I need to check whether "wave" in alsamixer is not muted. There is another posibility: change source in audacity to "wave". There is no option like this in my program and I don't know where can I find that "wave" in alsamixer. I don't use any like artsd, jack... Just alsa + fluxbox + audacity.
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Apr 15, 2010
When I try to playback a sound file in aucadity just after having played one in rhythmbox or totem or vlc (or presumably any other media player), I get the following message :
"Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate."
When I try again 2 or 3 seconds later, playback works fine. In fact if I wait 2 or 3 seconds after having stopped playback in rhythmbox or totem before starting playback in audacity, audacity doesn't give me the error message at all. Just wondering what causes this delay (as there are no delays when I go from rhythmbox to totem or vlc or anything else).
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Oct 11, 2010
Upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 using standard Update Manager procedure. Now I get a sound (thump) in my speakers for almost every button click. The sound theme in System / Preferences / Sound is "No sounds". I would like to completely disable any "activity" sounds from the OS, but nothing works.
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May 21, 2010
I am having a problem with my Lucid L. I installed Mac4Lin and when trying to change login window, grub window, splash screen, or even system sounds, I simply don't have the option.
I go to the application like System-Preferences-Sounds and simply don't have the option to change the system sounds, all I have is 5 tabs without that option.
Login widows is the same thing, I can only choose if I want a login sound or not and that's all, I can't even choose to make auto login since it does not give a user as option.
I tryed also with art manager, but the "Install" button is greyed, and startupmanager does not give me any of those options too.
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Feb 26, 2010
I have to use alsa for audio to work under wine (otherwise pulseaudio starts eating up processor cycles and the audio comes out horrible and distorted), but I have been unable to use the mic. The mic boost is up on the alsa mixer, and they are not muted. I cannot find any options under my system menu for Sound Preferences (which seems to get references in a lot fo help forums), or anywhere else to determine which audio driver the line in on the front uses.
I'm using an Acer laptop from a couple years ago, so support should be no problem.
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Jan 4, 2010
I am trying to use FC12 to edit multimedia projects for my work.
Right now I just want to edit some audio in Audacity.
I switched back to Linux after a few years, because it usually is "better" than Windows.
I cannot get any sound. I installed ALSA removed and reinstalled PulseAudio and everything else I could find in a forum, to no avail.
Linux tells me my sound card is: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)
I used to be able to play MP3s but that went away in the process of all this.
Is there one solution I am missing, or do I have to change everything around depending on what I am doing?
I would like to use Linux for this but deadlines might make me go back to the dark side....
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Jul 6, 2011
I'm running Fedora 15 XFCE spin, Audacity 1.3.13-beta and my sound is ALSA/Pulseaudio (I'm not totally sure what these are anyway, are they drivers?) Anyway, when I'm in Audacity and I go to the record options I can choose from default, pulse, and HDA ATI SB:ALC268 Analog (hw:0,0). If I try any of these three options and press record I get static. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like to press record for each of the three options in order.
The last option won't even record nothing, it just doesn't work. Also, if you look where the little picture of the microphone is, the option to drag the input volume is greyed out.
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Aug 3, 2010
I was just using the mic and watched it stop working suddenly. I was in the middle of a skype test call when the graphical mixer level died down to zero in the middle of the call. When the test call was played back, the first part sounded fine then the sound got lower until it became inaudible. Since then I can't get any sound from my mic in skype.
Also, the audio input level graphically shown in Sound Preferences shows no fluctuations in sound as it used to before. The input device is enabled. I tried using Sound Recorder to record some sound clips and that worked fine. So the mic is working but Sound Preferences and Skype seem to have the mic level really low. I'm not sure what else to think considering it was working perfectly a few minutes ago. I've tried restarting, but that didn't fix it either.
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Oct 26, 2010
I'm trying to get 5.1 surround sound working on my Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop running Fedora 13 (64 bit), but there is no option for it under "Sound Preferences - Hardware - Profile". There is an option for "Analog Surround 4.0 Output", which does as it says and uses four of the speakers (front and rear left and right) correctly (and the subwoofer as well I think, though not sure if this is done correctly).Running "aplay -L" gives the following:
HDA Intel, STAC92xx Analog
Front speakers
it looks like it should be possible to set 5.1 surround sound (i.e. I don't think it's a driver issue).Though running "speaker-test -c 6" doesn't quite work as it should - it outputs via the subwoofer on "Center" and doesn't produce any sound on "LFE". But to start with at least - is there a way of manually forcing "Analog Surround 5.1 Output" to be a choice under "Sound Preferences"?
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Jun 19, 2010
user that started using Ubunto 6 month ago and I have now also installed fedora 13 to see wich operation system I like best... I have 3 primary partitions 1 for windows 1 for fedora and 1 for ubuntohen I installed ubunto I had a LILO (linux loader) like program that made me choose between Ubunto and Windows at start up... after installing fedora it goes automaticaly to fedora w/o making me choose... I can still mount my win/ubunto partitions so I haven't messed up compleatly... how do I "restablish" the linux loader deamon so that I can choose freely between the 3 operation systems?
second... when I installed linux stupid windows killed my backup hard drive where there are a lot of valuable resarch data... so now I have a 6 gb "unalocated" partition that I would love to be able to recover.... I would appriciate if somone had the answers to my guestions... so fare I like fedora because it seems better organised than ubuntu though the difference between the two linux distrubitons are hardly notacable
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Aug 17, 2011
Cannot see System > Administration > Login Screen / Login Windows in Fedora14. how to get it or any command to be used?
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Apr 3, 2010
On my system, System->Preferences->Software Updates, as best I can determine, completely ignores the "Check for updates: " setting. It looks as if, regardless of what I set, I get daily checks. Is anybody else experiencing this? Anybody got a fix? I like the idea of having the system check for me, so I don't want to just pitch the program.
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Mar 4, 2010
How to add something to start when you are logged in (System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications), but I want to know, where this parameters stored.
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Jun 17, 2010
i recently installed ubuntu 10.4 lucid, and i have no sound. also, the sound preferences will not open so i cannot see if anything is muted. there is a sound preferences icon in the pannle, which has a slider that is doing nothing. videos will not work, and there is no splash sound when i start up my computer.
i am also 15 and new at computers, so a simple, or step by step answer or test would be appreciated.
1) the volume preferences is back, i was logged in as root, and now as my account, and preferences are here, but still no sound. it was also not on mute.
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Jul 8, 2011
I am using ubuntu 11.04.
By the command : aplay -l | grep card
I got this output:
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC272 Analog [ALC272 Analog]
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: ALC272 Digital [ALC272 Digital]
card 1: HDMI [HDA ATI HDMI], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
I was tinkering with sound preferences, assuming that there would be something like "Reset to defaults" button, but there isnt. Earlier the sound was fine (not great quality, but it was there), but now its gone. I am attaching the status of my sound preference's hardware, input and output tab as a screenshot.
P.S. I know that most probably earlier in the hardware--->Profile option, "Analog stereo duplex" was selected. But selecting that doesnt work now. Also, isnt digital better than analog ? (why wasnt it something like digital stereo duplex, when I seem to have that ability in my sound card ?)
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Dec 28, 2010
Im on XP and am trying to get a 9 min piece of music from a cassette on my music centre into audacity on my comp got the line from earphone socket into the blue socket at back of comp (there are 3 sockets in a line then 3 more below them in a line go the line in socket... blue top left. )
Im getting sound ok on the comp with radio, its playing vids etc well so I cant think anything is wrong with the sound card. Playing the cassette on my music centre should get the sound into the comp and into the comp speakers.... but I just cant get a peep
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Jun 20, 2010
Audacity doesn't play any sounds, although it can record from my microphone. And kubuntu plays the startup sounds (BTW, how to turn them off?).
arho@a91-156-166-231:~$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
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Mar 21, 2011
When i want to record sound it record but the voice is very low.which means i need to turn up for full wolume on both headset and pc when i want to hear it, and it still is very low sound..I've tried.Re-installing audacity changing microphone plug microphones directly to pc instead of through headset.both the 'pink' and blue jacktick port (also with above options)
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Apr 6, 2010
I'm not sure if this is best done in Perl or Bash. I'm thinking surely someone else has created something close to what I'm looking for. The results of the script would be that someone would kick off "linux_hosts.sh" r whatever you want to call it, then a top "folder" of options (with hosts contained within each of these top menu choices), then, based on which number corresponds to that top level, they're presented with a set of linux hosts that are relevant to that top level name. Example:
$ linux_hosts.sh
1. VMware hosts 4. Private Domain
2. ESX servers 5. Red Hat boxes
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May 10, 2010
I am trying to record in Audacity in Ubuntu 8.10 64 bit on a Dell Studio 1535 laptop.The problem is not that its not recording, per se.Rather, the problem is its not recording the way that I want it to.
Its recording from the built-in mic, and I want to use the mic jack instead as a line in from a guitar (well, technically, an acoustic-electric resonator, but its close enough to a guitar to call it a guitar).
I have tried using various devices for recording, and changing settings in both the Volume Control and Sound Preferences, but no matter what I do, Audacity still records from my built-in microphones, instead of from the line-in.
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May 7, 2010
I installed Fedora 12 64 bit on my HP dx2255 Desktop. The audio was working fine until I ran "Sound Preferences" application to test Microphone, the audio stopped working and the "Output" tab in "Sound Preferences" application showed "Dummy Output". After restarting the Computer audio started working. All of a sudden it stopped working when I tried to run "Sound Preferences" application to test the Microphone. This happens the same way all the time. I am able to get my audio back without restarting the Computer by running the command "pulseaudio --kill", but still the issue persists. I mean when I try to run "Sound Preferences" application to test Microphone, audio stops working and I have to run the "pulseaudio --kill" command or restart my Computer to get the audio back.
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Aug 31, 2010
I just installed Audacity and as soon as it's done installing all sounds (speakers and headphones) go off. As soon as I delete Audacity and reboot everything works fine again.
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May 25, 2010
I just bought an Audigy SE sound card. It sounds fine for regular playback, but, for recording through Audacity, all I hear is this scratchy/distorted sound like it's turned all the way up. I tried lowering the volumes in alsamixer, but, that didn't work. Wanted to know if anyone had a solution before I send it back.
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Apr 13, 2011
Can anyone recommend a simple to use sound recorder akin to audacity that would be easy to install into Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Edition? I want to be able to use: line-in/mic/etc.
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Aug 9, 2010
I have two soundcards on f13, latest kern. I want a media player that lets me choose out device, while the system uses its own, a la mpc-homecinema on Win7
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Mar 26, 2010
Background: I'm digitizing an old record. I used Sound Recorder to make FLACs of each side of the LP, and now I need to edit them down to individual tracks. I'm using the development version of Ubuntu 10.04.
Problem: Audacity ignores these FLAC files when I attempt to import or open them.
The FLAC files play if I hover the mouse over them in GNOME.
Audacity gladly imports FLAC files I ripped from CD last year (using Sound Juicer I think).
But when I try to do the same for my recorded FLAC files, nothing happens. I tried running audacity in a terminal window, and there is no additional output when I attempt the import. This comes out when I start it:
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)
bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)
Expression 'stream->capture.pcm' failed in 'src/hostapi/alsa/pa_linux_alsa.c', line: 3653
Looking at the file properties, they're basically the same except the Juicer-generated file has values filled in for title, artist, album, year. They are all FLAC Stereo 44100 Hz. I thought it might be a file-size problem, so I made a 5-second test with Sound Recorder, and that also refuses to import.
So, why do only the ripped files work with Audacity?
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Jun 12, 2010
I want to be able to record the sounds coming through my soundcard with Audacity. How would i go about doing this?
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