Fedora :: 15 Service Configuration App - Enable / Disable At Startup Setting Is Greyed Out
Jun 25, 2011
When installing Samba and Webmin I use the application "system-config-services" or (if it is easier to find for you that way) menu->Administration->Service management. In this application I can start the services I need (nmb, smb, webmin), but the enable/disable at startup setting is greyed out... Even when I start the application as root it still gives me no possibility to configure the services to start up on boot. This should be possible. It works this way in Fedora 13 and Fedora 14, so why not in Fedora 15?
Before reporting a bug, I would like to ask if other users here have the same problem (and -if possible- a solution)... In the mean tim I guess it is back to the old way of configurating services - sigh..
[edit] I tried to remove the [SOLVED] from the title, but the forum software does not seems to allow me to do that... I thought it was solved by installing xinetd, but I was happy a bit too early. I still have no answer for this problem.
I have accidentally stoped gdm3 service with BootUP-Manager and now i cant enable it again. I can start it from terminal with sudo service gdm3 start i have tryed to dpkg-reconfigure gdm3 and purge/install. This are services running on startup [ + acpid
How do I configure my modem without setting a service provider? When I try to configure my modem I can't get past the page for setting my internet provider. I have DSL and only use a modem for faxing. I'm running SUSE 11.3 32bit with KDE 4.5.2 and the modem is a BCM4212.
I've been using Debian since the early days of Lenny being testing as OS on the same Computer. Its a Acer Aspire Notebook with switches for wireless and bluetooth. While booting Lenny my wireless and bluetooth stayed off as long as I didn't switch them on. But since squeeze they get activated ( you can see it by looking at the LED's ) the moment after the grub screen. I now do have to turn bluetooth and wireless off by hand everytime which is quite annoying since I mostly use eth0.
how to disable bluetooth and wireless per default in a way I can simply turn them back on by using the switch?
We have setup squeeze workstations with gnome, citrix receiver and vmware-view client. Which startup programs and daemons, for example avahi-daemon can be normally disabled or what is disabled on your workstations?
I got a problem with a Dell Latitude E5500. I can not disable the hardware beep after the gdm3 login screen has been loaded. All alsa beeps and system sounds are disabled and/or muted. I also tried setterm -blength 0, xset -b in startup scripts. They disable terminal-beeps, but not the halt or the gdm login beep. I tried wasting around with the gconftool, but nothing happened. It is an annoying sound. If you use, init 0 to shut down, no beep comes up.
i want to start /usr/bin/brscan-key at startup. since i find it handy to push on the scan button , and the scanner is saving the scanned image to my pc.
can i add /usr/bin/brscan-key at /etc/rc.local on a safe way?
I have some issues concerning so called "11-minutes-mode" - RTC update"11-minutes-mode" definition In hwclock man page we can read:"Automatic Hardware Clock Synchronization By the KernelYou should be aware of another way that the Hardware Clock is kept synchronized in some systems. The Linux kernel has a mode wherein it copies the System Time to the Hardware Clock every 11 minutes. This is a good mode to use when you are using something sophisticated like ntp to keep your System Time synchronized. (ntp is a way to keep your System Time synchronized either to a time server somewhere on the network or to a radio clock hooked up to your system. See RFC 1305).
This mode (we'll call it "11 minute mode") is off until something turns it on. The ntp daemon xntpd is one thing that turns it on. You can turn it off by running anything, including hwclock --hctosys, that sets the System Time the old fashioned way. To see if it is on or off, use the command adjtimex --print and look at the value of "status". If the "64" bit of this number (expressed in binary) equal to 0, 11 minute mode is on. Otherwise, it is off. If your system runs with 11 minute mode on, don't use hwclock --adjust or hwclock --hctosys. You'll just make a mess. It is acceptable to use a hwclock --hctosys at startup time to get a reasonable System Time until your system is able to set the System Time from the external source and start 11 minute mode. Here are my questions:1 . How to check if "11-minutes-mode" is on/off ?The output of adjtimex -p looks like this:
I just installed tomcat server in linux and for shutdown and startup, i have to run the script inside $tomcat/bin folder (startup.sh and shutdown.sh) manually.
I want to add tomcat as service and i want to execute as service commands like /sbin/service tomcat start/stop.
how to disable gstreamer???? (and be able to re-enable it also?) i don't want to totally remove gstreamer - as it is required by alot of software. however, when i am using proaudio apps with low-latency having gstreamer enabled is a problem. this is because ( i think ) that my crappy intel-hda (STAC9200) only has one sub-device, while many other cards have multiple.
so when gstreamer is there, i will get more xruns, and a nasty message in dmesg, something along the lines of "intel-hda switching to polling mode". overall performance of the card will suck. BUT! if gstreamer is NOT there, i can run low-latency(2ms) with pretty much no xruns(jackd). the only time i get the odd one is if i am switching drum banks in a wine VST.
well, i remove pulseaudio when i install Fedora, gstreamer doesn't work properly after that, you can't use rhythmbox, or anything. but you will get much better latencies and generally the card is very useful. ie: i can manipulate many sounds/samples/synths in realtime, or actually record in ardour with a decent load...
Sorry but I'm a new user and would like to know how to enable/disable firewall. I have tried to open a port up on my firewall but, for some reason that didn't work. I have found these command in another thread: $ sudo /sbin/chkconfig iptables off $ sudo /sbin/service iptables stop I assume this is to disable the fire wall. How do I enable it once I'm finish running my program.
In Fedora 11, we could use from: System -> Administrators -> Software Source for enable or disable repositories, by Check boxes. For example we disable rawhide or testing repositories! But in fedora 12 I don't see it in System -> Administrators -> Software Source! How I can enable or disable repositories, by Check boxes in Software Source?
I've just configured a bind server for my home domain on Fedora 12. One thing that's buggering me is that Bind tries to do its lookups first with IPv6, which fails and then falls back to IPv4. This seems to me an unnecessary use of resources, so I'd like to turn this off. This is possible by using the option named -4, but there comes the part where. the Named start/stop script is defined in the /etc/rc.d/init.d dir, but how can I get Fedora to start this script with the named -4 option?
I have upgraded to ubuntu 10.4 i have some issues with it, first how to disable service permanently using GUI, second how can i change root passwd i tried sudo passwd root does not work, third i have network shared driver i want to mount permanently and create short cut to desktop.
I have a slackware 12 distro (actually backtrack 3) that I want to enable FTP logins. So I start the proftp service with in.proftpd But when I attempt login with ftp, I get "530 Login incorrect" after entering the correct password for the account.
I've been practicing C programming the past month and had the idea to do this. I don't know if there's already something similar, or if anyone would find this program useful.Slervice simply calls Pat's scripts and the chmod command. I believe it's self explanatory. It can be compiled with cc slervice.c -o slervice.
I want to start a service and a script SiteMonitor.sh at startup.
Here is brief working of SiteMonitor.sh(This script monitors the ip addresses of machines which are using http service of the host. This script checks this after every 5 seconds therefore i have run it at background.)
To start with i have modified /etc/rc.local file.
Here is the content of my /etc/rc.local file.
Code: #!/bin/sh # # This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts. # You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't # want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.
need to talk to ubuntu 10.04 via normal telnet. nstalled telnet from repository, this allows me now to contact other machines from this ubuntu, but I need also to contact this ubuntu from other machines. What do I need to do to enable telnet service reachable via standard p 23?