Fedora :: 14 Does Not Boot After Installing Zenity?

Aug 7, 2011

I installed Zenity with yum and while it was installing it delete a lot of things.After an reboot Fedora hangs by the inlogscreen.I also tried to uninstall Zenity with system resque but no result.Does somebody knows how to upgrade my system again so that it boots normally again.

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Fedora :: Zenity - Bash: [/code]: No Such File Or Directory

Apr 9, 2010

Awhile back, PabloTwo pointed me to zenity as a way to create bash scripts with changeable parameters. That thread is here, for anyone interested in reading about it: [URL] Anyway, my problem is that I'm trying to capture input that contains double-dashes ("--") but zenity (or maybe or it's bash???) complains with the following error message:

"This option is not available. for all possible usages.
bash: [/code]: No such file or directory"

Here's an example of what I'm doing:


# Select the time of day
Flytime=`zenity --list --text="Select the Time" --radiolist --height=300 --width=300 --hide-column=2 --column="Select" --column="Code" --column="Time of Day"
"" "--timeofday=real" "Local Time"


What I want to accomplish is for the variable $Flytime to contain either "--timeofday=real" or "--timeofday=dawn" (without the quotes) depending upon which radio button is selected. I have tried escaping "--timeofday" (e.g. "--timeofday" and even "--timeofday") but that's not working.

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Fedora :: Cannot Boot 11 After Installing 12?

Nov 27, 2009

i install fedora 11 32 bit on my sdb2 parttion before install it i remove my 1st hard disk so its install on sda 2 as no other hardisk and boot partition on sda which now sdb what i did is i installed fedora 12 86-64 without removing my 1st hardisk its take it as sdb for boot and sdb 6 as root no problem i am facing is after installed fedora boot partition on same boot partition of fedora 11 fedora 11 bootpartiton formated ......now how can modify grub of fedora 12 to boot fedora 11 as well .that was my fedora 11 menulist



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Fedora Installation :: Can't Boot Up Ubuntu After Installing Fedora

Jun 2, 2011

I installed Fedora 15 with gnome3 on my netbook and after some slight trouble I got it installed Now heres the the bad news: grub doesn't show my Ubuntu installations(s), only Fedora 15 and windowz 7

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General :: Getting Zenity And At To Work Properly

Aug 23, 2011

I'm trying to use zenity and at to make a little reminder script. The problem is that while zenity --info works fine from bash (or sh), running echo "zenity --info" | at now + 1 min does nothing. The job shows up in my atq and then runs, but no zenity pop-up. What's going on?

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Boot After Installing 10?

Feb 7, 2009

When I boot up, my Laptop reports the operating systemis missing??? Unless, I put my XP installation disk in the drive, thenFedora will boot up fine.If I put the Live install Fedora disk in & choose to boot from the HD, again it reports the OS is missing??Clearly it isn't as here I am using Fedora after booting leaving myation disdrive.Incidentally, I don't have windows installed, Fedora only.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Boot After Installing F13?

Jun 19, 2010

Having searched this and other forums and googled without valid results, I need some help. I've been a linux user since RH 5.2, having experimented with several distros but have not run into this problem previously. I've just installed F13 for the third time. Each time the installation completes without any apparent error but when I reboot, I get the following message:Quote:

Error No Active Partition
Intel UNDI, PXE-2.1 (build 082)
copyright ...
This product is covered by one or more of the following patents ...
Realtek PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller Series v2.26 (090219)
PXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable
PXE-M06: Exiting PXE ROM

The cable failure is consistent with there being no cable and inability to configure wireless during install. I used the custom partitioning option during install and was very careful to search for any fields I might have missed initially.


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Ubuntu :: Zenity Shutdown Script With Consolekit?

Sep 1, 2011

Somehow we are at the new stage hal deprecated and its changes is not easy for newbies to follows. also changing sudoers is a dirty and not safe trick So: The need for zenity script with these feature:

@ Consolekit
@my be cancel

is really being felt. So if someone how is able to change the old zentiy openbox script comes forward and do the job;

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General :: Launching ZENITY On A Given Position On The X11 Screen?

Dec 5, 2010

how to pass the position to zenity to be launched specific place of X11? No info are given [URL]

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Programming :: How To Get Zenity Progress Bar Working Properly

Apr 14, 2011

I am busy writing this script to get a pixel count of a large batch of images in a directory for a research project. To do this I'm using a loop to get all the images in the directory. To make the whole procedure more user friendly for some colleagues I decided to use zenity, something I haven't yet really worked with. As not to make sure that the users don't have to watch to this blank screen during the actual processing of the images I'm trying to get the zenity progress bar working. So far the progress bar comes up but instead of changing over time it stays "empty" till all the images are processed and then becomes 100% when all images are done. What servers my needs for now, but since I am trying to learn more about zenity I was wondering how I could change the script to get the progress bar properly working? Below is the piece of script I am talking about.

cd $input #goto path of image directory
(for a in *jpg *JPG *jpeg *JPEG; do
if [ -f "$a" ]; then #was it a image file
b="$a" #set b to $a
convert -resize 1000x1000! ${b} -depth 1 -format %c histogram:info:$b.txt #get pixelcount and write to .txt file
done) | zenity --progress

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Fedora :: Windows Won't Boot After Installing System / Fix It?

Feb 11, 2009

I just installed Fedora. I decided to duel boot and made sure to have it not touch my windows partition and install the bootloader. Now I can only boot into fedora which is lovely, but my windows is gone. Now I successfully mounted the ntfs partition windows was in, and the windows partition's fine and even the windows folder's still there but when I boot I only get the option for Fedora. Anyone knows how to fix it?

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Fedora :: Can't Boot After Installing Graphics Drivers

Aug 2, 2009

I installed fedora 11 yesterday, and didn't get time to do anything else. And the first thing I did today was to install the nVidia graphics drivers. But after I rebooted the loadings screen comes up (the one with 3 loading bars) and then it's just a black screen with a blinking _

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Fedora Installation :: Not Able To Boot Into Vista After Installing?

Feb 21, 2010

I just installed Fedora 12 on my Windows Vista machine.Now when I boot my computer it shows two optionsFedoraOtherThe `Other` one would be Windows Vista.Its okay if I boot into Fedora, but if I boot into Vista, I get the following error:

BOOTMGR is missing.
Press CTRL + ALT + DEL to reboot.


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Fedora :: 14 - Does Not Boot After Installing Guest Additions

Jul 23, 2011

When I installed Guest Additions Fedora 14 will not boot anymore.

While booting I get the message:

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Fedora Installation :: Cant Boot Into Windows Xp After Installing 15?

Aug 6, 2011

I'm not able to boot into windows XP after having upgraded to Fedora 15 (from a linux magazine DVD). I just get a perennial flashing cursor with black screen. I have tried leaving it like this for a few minutes to see if anything is happening in the background, but to no avail.There were no issues at all with Fedora 14.The grub.conf file appears to have been modified only to pre-pend the fedora 15 boot option. I have changed nothing else in grub.conf or (windows for that matter).All the Fedora boot options work correctly.I have update everything using yum update.Having read a few posts I am still none the wiser. I append the grub.conf and the output of "fdisk -l". What is Fedora 15 version of grub doing differently, and what has it modified that disables the windows part of the bootloader?

# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Unable To Boot Vista After Installing?

Jul 27, 2010

I just installed the Fedora12 on my laptop, on which originally thereas only one partition with Vista before. I resized the Vista partition and made a free space and installed Linux on it.Fedora works fine, but when I try to boot Vista, it opens the system recovery options menu, without being able to do anything. After the end of each option it boots again, giving the two options between Linux and "other" and if I choose "other" it goes back to the recovery menu.

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Fedora :: Can't Boot Fedora After Installing Debian

Aug 19, 2009

I have fedora 11. I installed debian on my computer and I have only the debian menu. I entered to debian menu.lst to add Fedora, i restart my computer and Fedora appears in the grub menu, but when I try to boot, it tells me that is there un notexisting system. So, I cannot boot Fedora. i have debian on sda6 and Fedora on sda8. My debian menu.lst is:


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Ubuntu :: Simple Script That Will Have Zenity Display A Yes Or No Question?

Apr 15, 2010

Basically I'm trying to write a simple script that will have zenity display a yes or no question and then run a program depending on what I select. I'm also trying to figure out how to have zenity display a message after I select yes or no on the first display. I feel as though I'm forgetting to do something basic with the script...

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Ubuntu :: Customizing LiveCD With Zenity And Window Position?

Jan 21, 2011

I've been making a "gui" for a script to help automate some of the steps involved in customizing a live cd with zenity. I have a menu with radio buttons for each option. When I pick "Remove a package manually", I have it show all of the installed packages as well as a text box for me to type the name into. The only downside to this method is that the package window overlaps the text box. Is there a way to change the window position of zenity windows?

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Fedora Installation :: F10 Won't Boot After Installing ATI Drivers / Resolve This?

Jan 16, 2009

I'm new to these forums. I'm coming from using Ubuntu for a couple of years and now I'm trying to switch to Fedora.

I installed F10 yesterday and all went well, more or less. The system used to freeze randomly but after updating, everything seemed to work fine (I haven't tried audio yet, though).

I have an X1250 integrated graphics system that's working fine in Ubuntu. After playing around with F10 for a while I decided to download and install the latest ATI drivers from AMD's site. The installation posed no problems, but when I reboot the system it will come to a black screen at some point and freeze there.

I searched the web a little and came to this: http://www.fedorafaq.org/#radeon, but I'm not sure if that's current or old news. If it's current and those ATI drivers can't be installed, I'd appreciate some help about removing them.

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Boot Window 7 After Installing 12?

Feb 8, 2010

i have installed fedora 12(from dvd) on my laptop having window 7 OS as deafult(intel processor i330)I wanted dual boot up, so I shrink the existing C partition using window using Disk Management. And then delete the newly created volume.Clean installation of fedora.But when I tried to boot window it is showing "No C drive exist".Although from linux all hardrive is coming as one file system and all data on Drive are intact i.e not data is lost.

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General :: Unable To Boot Into Ubuntu After Installing Fedora 15?

Aug 12, 2011

I am new to linux and started using ubuntu and was so impressed with it that I decided to try out other distros as well. So, I installed fedora 15 into another partition and made ubuntu as default. Now fedora works fine but ubuntu doesnt.It gives error 13- unknown file system. What should I do to retain Ubuntu

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Ubuntu :: Pipe Bash Script To Zenity's Progress Feature?

Feb 22, 2010

Example from zenity:



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Ubuntu Installation :: Get Zenity 2.32.0 Installed On Lucid Besides Compiling It From Source?

Oct 11, 2010

is there anyway to get zenity 2.32.0 installed on lucid besides compiling it from source? because i noticed it was available for maverick.

is this version likely to be available for lucid?

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Software :: Dynamically Determining The Number Of Check List In Zenity?

Apr 29, 2009

In my project i cannot determine the number of check list initially. I will know dynamically during execution.How to specify the number of check list dynamically in zenity.

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Programming :: Use Zenity In A Bash Script To Display A .csv File Using '--list'?

Jul 22, 2010

I'm trying to use zenity in a bash script to display a .csv file using '--list' to allow the user to edit some of the values.I can display it fine but i'm unsure how to edit the data? all i can get is whichever line is highlited when hitting ok on the zenity dialog to print.the data in the csv is arranged:


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Programming :: Zenity - Hiding Hidden Files From File Selections?

Sep 12, 2010

I'm using zenity 2.28.0 in a bash script (under kde4) to select multiple files in a directory. It works fine, but always defaults to showing hidden files. How can I get it to hide hidden files by default?

I know about toggling them on and off with Ctrl-H, but I would prefer not to have to use that. I have my options set so that dolphin and konqueror do not show hidden files by default. I even tried adding shopt -u dotglob to my script. zenity invocation (extracted from a more complex statement): zenity --title "Select Print Files to Delete" --file-selection --multiple

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Version 10 Won't Boot After Installing 4Gb Of System Memory

May 9, 2009

I have been using for over a year now, my 64-bit computer first with Fedora 8 and now with Fedora 10 with 2Gb of RAM just fine. Today I purchased an extra 2Gb for the system and upon installation from the GRUB screen Fedora 10 simply won't boot. It does boot with 3Gb, and it doesn't matter which stick I use for the 3Gb configuration, or what slot do I put the sticks into the motherboard, however if I place the four sticks, F10 simply won't boot. Should I pass a command line argument tot he kernel? If so, which?

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Installation :: Unable To Boot Window XP After Installing Fedora / Solution For This?

Sep 25, 2009

My hard disk is a 40 gb seagate drive with 3 logical partitions - C (Win 98), D (Data), E (Win XP Home). Yesterday, I decided to format Win 98 partition and install Fedora 11 on it. I used Live USB, custom partitioned for /, /boot and swap. Installation went fine until the Add/Delete boot screen came when I got multiple Unable to mount partition errors. Then I added Win XP (which was on sda6) and restarted the system. When the system booted, I selected Win XP but it didn't do anything. It showed blank screen and then reverted to grub boot loader screen. Then I selected Fedora time and completed installation and it works fine but XP doesn't boot.

Thinking something might have gone wrong, today I reinstalled Fedora. I chose "Install over previous Linux" and this time the installation went smoothly without any errors. However it still doesn't let me boot into Win XP. It gives a "Booting into WinXP in 3/2/1 seconds" and then goes blank and keeps repeating that message.

This is the result of fdisk -l code...

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Debian Multimedia :: Make A Dialog With Zenity Which Would Show An Updating List?

Jan 4, 2011

Is there a way to make a dialog with zenity which would show an updating list? Zenity does it with progress, but I didn't figure out if it's possible to do it with the list. I.e. for example, I want to monitor something, and update the dialog with new list periodically. Is it even possible? zenity can wait for data from stdin, but it just adds stuff to the list. May be there are some control sequences which clear the list in the dialog?

For example:

{ echo "Foo"; sleep 2; echo "Bar"; } | zenity --list --title='Dynamic list?' --text='Some data' --column='values'

How can I instead of adding Bar, replace the Foo with it?

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