Ubuntu :: Zenity Shutdown Script With Consolekit?

Sep 1, 2011

Somehow we are at the new stage hal deprecated and its changes is not easy for newbies to follows. also changing sudoers is a dirty and not safe trick So: The need for zenity script with these feature:

@ Consolekit
@my be cancel

is really being felt. So if someone how is able to change the old zentiy openbox script comes forward and do the job;

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Slackware :: ConsoleKit Could Not Be Started. ConsoleKit Returned An Unknown Error Of 127

May 22, 2011

I upgraded to Slackware 13.37 following the instructions in UPGRADE.TXT and now Firefox, Thunderbird, Seamonkey and Google Chrome all fail to run. If I start them from the command line, I get:


/usr/lib/firefox-4.0.1/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgio-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VARIANT
libgio appears to be there:


root@shannon:/home/tsgilvary# ls -l /usr/lib/libgio-2.0.so.0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 May 21 19:51 /usr/lib/libgio-2.0.so.0 -> libgio-2.0.so.0.2800.6

I'm also getting an error message logging into KDE that says "ConsoleKit could not be started. ConsoleKit returned an unknown error of 127" which may or may not be related.I have tried uninstalling and re-installing Firefox through slackpkg. I have also tried reinstalling the glib2 package, also through slackpkg. I ran slackpkg clean-system and removed anything I didn't install myself (lmms and openoffice remain). No joy.

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OpenSUSE :: Consolekit Session Error "Consolekit Session Error, Unknown Return Code 0"

Apr 6, 2010

when i start my pc i have an error: Consolekit session error, unknown return code 0 when i click Ok it then starts my session

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Ubuntu :: [success] Multiseat With 10.4, GDM And ConsoleKit?

Aug 10, 2010

Hardware:Asus A8V Mainboard - Via Chrome9 Onboard K8M890(CE) ChipsetAdditional PCIe Ati/AMD Radeon HD 2400 Pro Graphics Card.Two Keyboards, two Mice. Three Monitors.So this is a heterogene (Via+Ati) Multiseat environment with 3 Monitors. (the Ati uses two by its own )I followed the following howto:http://multiseatonlinux.blogspot.com...g-up-base.htmlSoftware: Ubuntu 10.4 Modified Packages: consolekit gdm libck-connector0 libpam-ck-connector libck-connector-devBut Martijns howto doesn't work here. Either it's one Screen online or none.I had to tweak Martijns configuration to get it running.xorg.conf:Instead of two configs for two layouts I created one xorg.conf holding two different layouts.ConsoleKit:I have to use the original /etc/ConsoleKit/displays.d/Local.display.Else I get an error in Xorg.x.log:

drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpenDevice: open result is 9, (OK)


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Ubuntu :: Cannot Open ConsoleKit Session

Mar 11, 2011

Since doing an update (Kubuntu 10.04), this message appears when attempting to log in;


Warning: cannot open ConsoleKit session: Unable to open session: the permission of the setuid helper is not correct.

After clicking ok on the above warning, the system logs in, but gives 2 error messages;

- removed sound devices

- KNetworkManager cannot start because the installation is misconfigured. System DBUS policy does not allow it to provide user settings. contact your system administrator or distribution. KNetworkManager will not start automatically in future.

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Fedora :: Cannot Open ConsoleKit Session

Oct 31, 2010

My Fedora 12 box got that error after some updates on it.

I can login but it's prompting that error and everything will be a black space.

But still no good.

According to the log messages, the ConsoleKit session isn't initializing. I can't paste the logs here coz it's on another laptop.

I could think of just upgrading it to Fedora 13 but there's no way I can backup all of my files on it. Is it just safe to upgrade it?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 Upgrade Consolekit Session?

Apr 3, 2011

I have upgraded suse from 11.3 to 11.4 as described here (command line) SDB:System upgrade - openSUSE.

When I rebooted computer I get message: "Loggining in myname Warning: Cannot open ConsoleKit session: Unable to open session: Lunch helper exited with unknown return code 127" The same problem is in safe mode. Mouse and keyboard are "death".

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OpenSUSE Install :: Warning: Cannot Open ConsoleKit Session

Dec 28, 2010

I am currently running Suse 11.3. I continue to get the following error when logging into the KDE login manager with my user account

"Warning: Cannot open ConsoleKit session: Unable to open session. The name
org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit was not provided by any .service files."

After acknowledging the error, it resets back to the login manager screen. If I login with root, I get the same message, but it continues on and logins into the session

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Slackware :: Suspend - Hibernate At Command Line As Regular User In 13.37 - Use ConsoleKit?

Apr 18, 2011

Using the most recent -current/13.37, I'm curious if there is a New Right Way to suspend as a regular user from the command line, now that we've got PolicyKit/ConsoleKit running the show. I've seen some things (e.g., on the Archlinux wiki) that seem to come close, but require UPower. For some reason I can't wrap my head around the PolicyKit documentation well enough to figure this out.

My old solution was to add a line to /etc/sudoers giving anyone in the power group access to pm-suspend, pm-hibernate, and shutdown, and this is probably what I'll end up doing with 13.37.

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Ubuntu :: Simple Script That Will Have Zenity Display A Yes Or No Question?

Apr 15, 2010

Basically I'm trying to write a simple script that will have zenity display a yes or no question and then run a program depending on what I select. I'm also trying to figure out how to have zenity display a message after I select yes or no on the first display. I feel as though I'm forgetting to do something basic with the script...

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Ubuntu :: Customizing LiveCD With Zenity And Window Position?

Jan 21, 2011

I've been making a "gui" for a script to help automate some of the steps involved in customizing a live cd with zenity. I have a menu with radio buttons for each option. When I pick "Remove a package manually", I have it show all of the installed packages as well as a text box for me to type the name into. The only downside to this method is that the package window overlaps the text box. Is there a way to change the window position of zenity windows?

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Fedora :: 14 Does Not Boot After Installing Zenity?

Aug 7, 2011

I installed Zenity with yum and while it was installing it delete a lot of things.After an reboot Fedora hangs by the inlogscreen.I also tried to uninstall Zenity with system resque but no result.Does somebody knows how to upgrade my system again so that it boots normally again.

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General :: Getting Zenity And At To Work Properly

Aug 23, 2011

I'm trying to use zenity and at to make a little reminder script. The problem is that while zenity --info works fine from bash (or sh), running echo "zenity --info" | at now + 1 min does nothing. The job shows up in my atq and then runs, but no zenity pop-up. What's going on?

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Ubuntu :: Pipe Bash Script To Zenity's Progress Feature?

Feb 22, 2010

Example from zenity:



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Ubuntu Installation :: Get Zenity 2.32.0 Installed On Lucid Besides Compiling It From Source?

Oct 11, 2010

is there anyway to get zenity 2.32.0 installed on lucid besides compiling it from source? because i noticed it was available for maverick.

is this version likely to be available for lucid?

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General :: Launching ZENITY On A Given Position On The X11 Screen?

Dec 5, 2010

how to pass the position to zenity to be launched specific place of X11? No info are given [URL]

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Programming :: How To Get Zenity Progress Bar Working Properly

Apr 14, 2011

I am busy writing this script to get a pixel count of a large batch of images in a directory for a research project. To do this I'm using a loop to get all the images in the directory. To make the whole procedure more user friendly for some colleagues I decided to use zenity, something I haven't yet really worked with. As not to make sure that the users don't have to watch to this blank screen during the actual processing of the images I'm trying to get the zenity progress bar working. So far the progress bar comes up but instead of changing over time it stays "empty" till all the images are processed and then becomes 100% when all images are done. What servers my needs for now, but since I am trying to learn more about zenity I was wondering how I could change the script to get the progress bar properly working? Below is the piece of script I am talking about.

cd $input #goto path of image directory
(for a in *jpg *JPG *jpeg *JPEG; do
if [ -f "$a" ]; then #was it a image file
b="$a" #set b to $a
convert -resize 1000x1000! ${b} -depth 1 -format %c histogram:info:$b.txt #get pixelcount and write to .txt file
done) | zenity --progress

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Ubuntu :: Send The Results Of A Command Line $du -max-depth=1 To A Zenity Message Box?

Jun 14, 2010

I'm trying to send the results of a command line $du --max-depth=1 to a zenity message box.I want to create a .sh script that I can run as a Nautilus script that will open a zenity message box with a listing of sub-folders/sizes. $DU with options, will provide the results in a terminal window, but I can't seem to get it into a zenity message box. I've tried gxmessage also, but no go.

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Fedora :: Zenity - Bash: [/code]: No Such File Or Directory

Apr 9, 2010

Awhile back, PabloTwo pointed me to zenity as a way to create bash scripts with changeable parameters. That thread is here, for anyone interested in reading about it: [URL] Anyway, my problem is that I'm trying to capture input that contains double-dashes ("--") but zenity (or maybe or it's bash???) complains with the following error message:

"This option is not available. for all possible usages.
bash: [/code]: No such file or directory"

Here's an example of what I'm doing:


# Select the time of day
Flytime=`zenity --list --text="Select the Time" --radiolist --height=300 --width=300 --hide-column=2 --column="Select" --column="Code" --column="Time of Day"
"" "--timeofday=real" "Local Time"


What I want to accomplish is for the variable $Flytime to contain either "--timeofday=real" or "--timeofday=dawn" (without the quotes) depending upon which radio button is selected. I have tried escaping "--timeofday" (e.g. "--timeofday" and even "--timeofday") but that's not working.

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Server :: Shutdown The Nodes From The Master Terminal Using "shutdown -h Now" Get Shutdown?

Dec 10, 2010

I have installed a cluster computer with 10 nodes . The manufacturer is HP . All nodes and the master node have redhat enterprise linux installed in them . When I shutdown the nodes from the master terminal using "shutdown -h now" they get shutdown . But they dont get completely turned off . This issue bothers me when the power supply is given , all nodes boot up simultaneously generating a huge heat .

Thing to note : When we shutdown our PC they get completely turned off . When the power supply is given , a press on the Power On button is required to boot the system. But , why does it not happpen in the case of cluster? Is there any other way of completely turning off the nodes from the master terminal ?

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Software :: Dynamically Determining The Number Of Check List In Zenity?

Apr 29, 2009

In my project i cannot determine the number of check list initially. I will know dynamically during execution.How to specify the number of check list dynamically in zenity.

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Programming :: Use Zenity In A Bash Script To Display A .csv File Using '--list'?

Jul 22, 2010

I'm trying to use zenity in a bash script to display a .csv file using '--list' to allow the user to edit some of the values.I can display it fine but i'm unsure how to edit the data? all i can get is whichever line is highlited when hitting ok on the zenity dialog to print.the data in the csv is arranged:


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Programming :: Zenity - Hiding Hidden Files From File Selections?

Sep 12, 2010

I'm using zenity 2.28.0 in a bash script (under kde4) to select multiple files in a directory. It works fine, but always defaults to showing hidden files. How can I get it to hide hidden files by default?

I know about toggling them on and off with Ctrl-H, but I would prefer not to have to use that. I have my options set so that dolphin and konqueror do not show hidden files by default. I even tried adding shopt -u dotglob to my script. zenity invocation (extracted from a more complex statement): zenity --title "Select Print Files to Delete" --file-selection --multiple

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Debian Multimedia :: Make A Dialog With Zenity Which Would Show An Updating List?

Jan 4, 2011

Is there a way to make a dialog with zenity which would show an updating list? Zenity does it with progress, but I didn't figure out if it's possible to do it with the list. I.e. for example, I want to monitor something, and update the dialog with new list periodically. Is it even possible? zenity can wait for data from stdin, but it just adds stuff to the list. May be there are some control sequences which clear the list in the dialog?

For example:

{ echo "Foo"; sleep 2; echo "Bar"; } | zenity --list --title='Dynamic list?' --text='Some data' --column='values'

How can I instead of adding Bar, replace the Foo with it?

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Programming :: Reading Lines To An Array And Generate Dynamic Zenity List?

May 18, 2011

explanation what I want to do exactly:I have a textfile which looks for instance like this:

something=else to do


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Ubuntu :: Monitor Out Of Sync During Boot And Shutdown (also Shutdown Hang)?

Jun 30, 2010

when my pc boots and shuts down my monitor goes into 'input out of range' mode for a bit between the gui and the text only phases of boot/shutdown.is there a way to fix this? or where to start troubleshooting?also, when it shuts down it hangs after coming back to the text only part

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Fedora :: Shutdown Policy Triggered By Vncserver - Computer Refuses To Shutdown Normally

Feb 5, 2011

Recently I installed vncserver (tigervnc) on my desktop. Ever since my computer refuses to shutdown normally. At shutdown the following message pops up: Quote: System policy prevents stopping the system when other users are logged in Then I have to enter the root password to shutdown. If I stop vncserver before, the computer shuts down normally.


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Ubuntu :: Can't Shutdown Without Running Sudo Shutdown

Jun 20, 2010

I cant shutdown without running sudo shutdown. When I try to use the default gnome shut down it takes me back to the logon screen. Fresh install today and I've had the same problem on other installs.

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Ubuntu :: Randomly Pop Up The Shutdown Menu And Then Shutdown?

Sep 7, 2010

Ubuntu will randomly pop up the shutdown menu and then shutdown.It seems to happen when im in firefox and typing and it has been difficult to replicate. I dont think it is a temp issue since watch sensors shows temmp of 40-50C. Someimtes it happens every minute someimtes i can go 10min without it happening.

Dell Inspiron 1525
ubuntu 10.04 (only os on system)

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Ubuntu :: Shutdown Command Like Shutdown Button?

Dec 10, 2010

looking for a command that shutdown/reboot my ubuntu just same as process that happened when I press shutdown buttonIn fact I need to close all programs that are running and then PC shutdown (that happened when I press shutdown button).

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