Debian :: Unable To Access Ntfs Partition?

May 21, 2010

I recently formated my harddrive and instead of theld fat32 partition for windows partition I used ntfs. I am mounting this partition in /media/windows in debian linux. But it shows a cross (x) symbol above the folder and says I don't have the permission to access it. the permission on the folder is (drwx_ _ _ _ _ _ ) and it is owned by root. So I changed it to my user name -- sid by doing the followingsudo chown -R sid:sid /media/windowsHere are my questions1) Now it allows me to access the folders but all the files like pdf or photos have a cross on right top corner and it says access denied. Is this because of ntfs since with fat32 I didn't have this problem.

2) Also I have a /data (ext4) partiton which is a common partition for datafiles between Ubuntu and Debian. It has the permission -- drwxr_xr_x . I am trying to write to this partition and save files but it doesnot allow me to do it. do I have to make chmod 777 to do that?3) How do I make sure that both windows and /data partition are writable right from the beginning at the boot time.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Access NTFS Partition After Resizing With GParted

May 8, 2010

I was trying to resize a NTFS partition using GParted and trying to enlarge it using some unallocated space (about 400 or 500 MB unallocated space) but something went wrong and now I am unable to access the NTFS partition. The unallocated space is still there.The error details are reported at the bottom of this mail, plus the content of fstab and mtab.Do you have any idea on what caused the error and how to recover the partition?

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General :: Access Ntfs Partition

Mar 12, 2010

I have linux9 & windows xp dual boot.I want to access ntfs partition in linux9 please give me suggestion for same.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Access NTFS Partition?

Feb 10, 2010

I use both Windows and Fedora(using dual boot).So is it possible to access my windows ntfs partions in Fedora ?

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Ubuntu :: How Can I Access NTFS Partition

Jan 1, 2010

I have dual-boot XP/Karmic.I have an external HDD for backup. One partition is NTFS for the XP stuff. The second partition is ext4.I was practicing with the SystemRestoreCD, which provides a Linux root console.I can create and delete directories on the ext4 partition, but not on the NTFS partition. The error message says "read-only file system".I tried to use chmod and chown to change permissions and owner.I assumed that as root, I could do anything.How can I access the NTFS partition, and do anything that I need to do?All my current XP stuff on the HDD was backed up from within XP, using standard software (Cobian Backup), and normal user privileges. But I want to practice for when my XP OS is damaged.

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General :: How To Access Fat And Ntfs Partition?

Jan 27, 2010

how to access fat and ntfs partition in redhat linux 5

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Access Ntfs Partition After 10.04 Upgrade?

Apr 30, 2010

I have a partition on my hard drive that i use for documents. In 9.10 i would just click on places, and then on the partition name. It would ask for my password and i would be able to access the files. I just upgraded to 10.04 and first off i do not see the partition at all. I navigated to filesystem>media and found my partition but i has a gray X on it. I did gksu nautilus and when i access the folder, there is nothing inside.

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Ubuntu :: Access Windows (NTFS) Partition In 10.10 Maverick?

Dec 16, 2010

I tried to search around for a way to access my windows partition from within Linux. I was unable to mount the same using "mount" command. I read of a tool "ntfs-config" as well, this too didn't work for me.

Please share if anyone out there has an idea on how we can access the windows partition (NTFS) from within Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick.


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Access NTFS Partition In CentOS 64bit

Dec 16, 2009

I will be great if someone helps me to know how to access NTFS partition in CentOS 64 bit. I tried with google and could mount the partition but read/werite operation is too slow.

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Installation :: Editing Fstab To Allow RW Access For All Users To A NTFS Partition

Mar 14, 2009

Sometimes Linux just make you want to throw the PC out of the window, and get a new one with WINDOWS on it...Having only just "got" the idea that there are a nunber of ways of issuing chmod, I now find that there is yet another when in the fstab file. It is an easygoogle to find out a workaround to make this drive RW, but doing that way one does not learn what is actually do I find out UID and GID? fmask and dmask, how do I find out what the current settings mean, and what they should be to allow RW access for various groups/users or for everyone?

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CentOS 5 :: Access NTFS Partition In Dual Boot System?

Jul 19, 2009

I have a dual boot system with XP and CentOS 5.3, I want to access the NTFS partitions of XP from CentOS but how?

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Debian Installation :: Critical Bug Of "mount -t Ntfs" Cause NTFS Partition Broken

May 2, 2010

About dual boot system with winxp and lenny.

Storage information:
1st primary:SG 160G ATA 100
1st secondary:WD 160 ATA 133
SATA:WD 1000
2nd primary:DVD
2nd secondary:DVDRW

Winxp in 1st primary.I did a fresh install of lenny on 1st secondary.

info about lenny setup:
1.Partition list:/boot,/,/home,swap
2.Every partition is XFS except swap.

At the end of installion,lenny installed grub on (hd0) that is 1st primary.

Everything seems OK.Lenny runs OK.

But when I switch back to windows xp,the diskmgmt can not detect hdd's info and the system meets a problem of shutting down.

After many times of trying.
I solved the problem by the following way.
1.Boot with windows xp's install CD and use fixmbr on (hd0).
2.Boot with lenny's install DVD , do a grub>root (1,0)>setup (hd1)
After that,edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change (hd0,0) to (hd1,0) and also (hd1,0) to (hd0,0).
3.Reboot and Press F8 for a boot menu then I can select which disk to boot.
windows boot from 1st primary's mbr,lenny boot from lenny's grub.

The problem is caused by a bug between GRUB and windows' mbr and maybe more about GRUB and XFS.

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Hardware :: Ran Mkfs.vfat Over Top Ntfs Partition - Any Way To Restore Ntfs Partition Info?

Oct 12, 2010

I was attempting to format a flash drive, and well, used the wrong sdX device. I've run DiskInternals Partition Recovery tool, and all my files are still there (you have to pay $139 to have it restore the files). Is there any way using tools in linux to restore the ntfs partition/files? It was a single disk with the partition taking the entire drive. I've tried mounting it with the -t option, but it says invalid ntfs signature. Man, two lessons the hard way, make sure you backup (duh) and be careful what you type as root.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Freeze (hang) Ntfs Partition Read Write Access?

Jun 4, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu 11.04 64 bit desktop version on ext4 partition without swap. I have maximus iv extreme motherboard with 8 Gbytes RAM. Using 3 internal ntfs formatted hard drives and 3 external ntfs usb 2.0 hard drives.When I am trying to copy or move files FROM or TO any ntfs partiton it is 90 percent chance it is going to freeze.For copy/moving files I am using krusader run as ROOT or as user without root privilege or Nautilus as user without root privilege. It wasn't possible to switch to another terminal - it simply does not react on keyboard or mouse input and only hard reset is possible (scares me because of ntfs disks)From this point of view I have suspicious on ntfs driver but:I am completely beginner in linux and I am looking for help to navigate me how to investigate to find what is causing the problem eventually to solve it?

According to my experience it seems to does not matter if hard disk is internal or external connected through SATA II or SATA III or USB 2.0. I have tried to manipulate with ntfspartitions through the vmware or virualbox or truecrypt software or just do a simplecopy/move files - it have has always the same results - freeze. There is not possible to say how long it is going to work properly and when it is going to freeze - sometimes it's working hour, sometimes it's working couple of seconds - no matter if it is read or write operation/s within ntfs partition.

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Write To Ntfs Partition?

Jul 4, 2010

I am unable to write to ntfs partition.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Unable To Write To NTFS Partition

Jan 8, 2010

In one of our client system there is a partition which shows NTFS and other partitions are ext3...the partition which shows NTFS is a seperate HDD...The NTFS partition has been mounted...but we are not able to write anything to it...but we checked in /etc/ shows 'ro' so we changed to defaults....after making chnages when we tried to remount using the command mount -o remount / shows the device is already been in use try using the command fuser or lsof.we tried fuser /partition and then killed that process..still same error.....I would also like to know is there a way that we convert the NTFS partition to ext3 without losing the datas.

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CentOS 5 :: Unable To Mount NTFS Partition?

Jan 5, 2010

i am not able to mount "ntfs" partition on centos5

mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs'
cat /proc/filesystems
nodev sysfs
nodev rootfs


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General :: Unable To Restore Backup On NTFS Partition

Jul 22, 2010

I used Ping Linux 8 months ago to create a ghost-like image of my primary partition. (Windows 7 on NTFS) The image is on the second partition of my hard drive (Western Digital 250 gig). I need to restore now, but Ping is unable to mount the volume. In fact, it will not mount any volume or perform any new backup. I made sure nothing has changed in Bios options since I created the backup. Does this imply that is not the appropriate tool to work on NTFS system?

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Ubuntu :: Suddenly Unable To Mount Ntfs Partition, Which Has All Data?

Aug 30, 2010

After re-installing cups to deal with a printer problem, now I'm suddenly getting the message "Unable to mount Windows NTFS", which has all my data on it.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Unable To Mount External USB With Ntfs Partition In Cent Os

Jan 22, 2011

I have 500GB external HDD. I have to mount it my CenOS -4.8 Machine.(kernel- 32-bit) . External HDD partitions are ntfs file system partition. I have tried to mount ntfs partition in linux . But it's not done.

mount partition with ntfs parttion in linux.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Use NTFS Partition In Windows 7 64 Bits And GPT Secondary Table Moved

May 22, 2010

I have a 6TB external eSata bay (Lacie BigQuadra). I made a GPT table with only one big ext4 partition. All was ok. I resized the ext4 partition and I created a 1TB NTFS partition. I can use it on Kubuntu but Windows 7 tell me the partition is not formated. When I go back to Kubuntu, parted tell me that the secondary GPT table is not at the end of the disk and tell me it's probably an other OS that thinks the disk is smaller that its real size. It seems Windows 7 thinks the disk size is 2 TB (and modify automaticaly the GPT table and create a secondary GPT table on the middle of the disk).

What can I do to make my NTFS partition visible in Windows 7? What can I do to prevent Windows 7 to move the secondary partition table on the middle of the disk and to modify the primary GPT table ?

gdisk informations
$ sudo gdisk -l /dev/sd
sda sda1 sda2 sda3 sdb sdb1 sdb2 sdb3 sdb5 sdb6 sdc sdd sdd1


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Debian :: Best Way To Limit Access To NTFS

Jan 25, 2011

I managed to auto-mount NTFS partitions in my server.

But I want to limit access to this partition to a select few.

What's the best way, easiest way to do this.

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Debian :: Mount Ntfs Partition In Fstab?

Mar 13, 2011

/dev/sda1: UUID="1ABC9F967605D379" TYPE="ntfs"

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Debian Installation :: 6 - Use A Ntfs Partition During Intallation ?

May 6, 2011

I am trying To install debian 6 with xp in dual boot after a crash during update version 10.10 to 11.04 (not enought space but no information about that it's moment for change something ..) so i found unetbootin like the more simple way for my "ecodieselesecondhanddust pc" with download only iso image : debian-6.0.1a-i386-xfce+lxde-CD-1.iso without use any bash command ... after launch the usb key everything work well , except during the manual partition where i want use xp partition (ntfs) and not others choices proposed like fat ,btrfs,jfs,xfs,ex2,3 or 4..! how i can use NTFS choice and to be sure to not delete my xp partition with an other choice not appopriate to ntfs ? it's seems to add a kernel module with modprobe in bash , but i have not idea with which option exactly ?

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Debian :: Mount NTFS Partition At Startup?

Nov 25, 2015

I just installed Debian 8.2 (Jessie). I couldn't find the way to mount the Windows 7 partition, at installation time.

¿Could you tell me how can I mount NTFS partitions in order that they be mounted at boot time and can be accessed (read and write) by any user?

I know, I should edit "/etc/fstab" file. But I don´t know very well how to modify it.

And... ¿Should I create the mount point directory, also?

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Debian :: Hget Ntfs Partitions To Ext4fs / Partition

Aug 26, 2011

I helped with the installation and put a / filesystem of around 20 GB and a /home partition of around 50 GB. He's a gaming freak and and installed lot of games in the last few days so running out of hdd space and he asked if there was a way he could take one of the ntfs partitions out and extend the / partition filesystem from 90 GB to say 220 GB. (The NTFS partition is around 100 GB).

Now one way would be to do everything (again) from scratch and put the filesystem as an lvm, another alternative googling gave me was to use gparted Live CD and extend the / filesystem . The downer seems to be that its possible gparted would mess up other partitions and realign stuff. At least that's what few of the websites I looked up and few people I talked on IRC spoke to me.

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Debian :: Using The Same NTFS Partition For Linux And Windows Files

Apr 15, 2015

I have installed Debian as a second OS alongside Win XP, and now I have Win XP on C drive (if viewed from XP), NTFS, my data files (mainly texts and graphics) on D drive (NTSF), and Debian on ext3. Debian sees and opens files on D.

1. If I read-write from-on this D partition from both OSes, is there a chance the data will be corrupted?
2. If I open a Windows-created TXT, GIF, JPG, HTML or other not-proprietary format file from Debian, edit it and save (just SAVE, not SAVE AS) - will this file remain readable from Windows?

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Debian :: Can't Mount Ntfs Partition Clicking From File Manager

Jul 25, 2015

It is gnome 3, debian jessie, nautilus file manager. Click ntfs partition from file manager, type password got error:

Code: Select allUnable to access “alldisksda5” Error mounting /dev/sda5 at /media/user1/alldisksda5: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177" "/dev/sda5" "/media/user1/alldisksda5"' exited with non-zero exit status 14: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0). Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount. Failed to mount '/dev/sda5': Operation not permitted The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume read-only with the 'ro' mount option.

Why is this error? Windows has been shutdown normally. What to do?

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Debian :: Properly Mount Ntfs Partition At Boot Time?

Aug 8, 2011

in debian stable, what is the proper configuration to add in /etc/fstab in order to mount ntfs partitions automatically at boot time, for all users, and every user to have read, write and execute permissions ?

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OpenSUSE :: NTFS FOLDER - Keep 2 Ntfs Partitions Intact Will Deleting The Partition

May 26, 2011

I am doing major deployment of opensuse 313 pcs from windows to opensuse. I am having a problem that I have to keep 2 ntfs partitions intact will deleting the partition that has windows. Now everything goes well, opensuse installs but the problem is that I cannot give user full rights to ntfs folders. I have used graphical file permission methods n terminal chown n chmod methos but still permissions revert back to root.

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