Debian :: No Internet - Upgrade From 5.0 To 5.0.6?

Nov 20, 2010

I have debian lenny on my computer and I want to upgrade it to 5.0.6. The thing here is the computer does not have access to internet - so is it possible for me to download a single .deb file or a couple of .deb files so that the computer can be updated. I tried looking it up on the debian site but could not find anything

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Debian :: No Internet After Upgrade From Wheezy To Jessie

May 27, 2015

I upgraded my Wheezy 7.8 to make sure all packages were installed Before taking the next step to upgrade to Jessie.I upgraded to Jessie and it seemed to run OK....but after reboot I had no network Connection..I checked ifconfig and the wrong network card mac address is being assigned to the wrong card....?I have a clonezilla server on my server, so this was my network interfaces before and after upgrade

Code: Select all# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback


I even checked nano /etc/resolv.conf and sure enough my gateway was the same for my Internet eth0.When I ran ifconfig I could see that the eth0 mac address was set as eth1..I tried to reset my drbl for clonezilla but that only sees the vmware Connection and not my actural cards.. have taken alook at /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and the assignment is right but not ifconfig?

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade From 9.10/9.04 To 10.04 Without Internet

May 16, 2010

we do have cd rom of ubuntu gnome 10.04, offline how to upgrade from cd-rom

as i found links tutorial which shows upgrade from internet

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 8.04 To 10.04 No Internet CLI Only

Aug 27, 2010

I have had few problems up until now with my Hardy Heron 8.04 system. I was notified of the upgrade and decided to do it yesterday. When it didn't work, I posted last night and today couldn't locate the post even searching my posts. When I boot the computer I end up with this on the black screen: Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS dell desktop tty1

I login with user and password and have this:


Now what? I have no Internet connection. I noticed in some error messages during the upgrade that python is not working. I can't even shut down the computer. I disconnect it from AC power and pull out the battery!

I don't know any commands, really.

Will it damage my files if I just reinstall 8.04 from a CD? I am reluctant to do this because I am afraid all my files will not be available. Better still if I can type in the appropriate commands to 1)get my Internet connection working again, and 2)return my screen to a graphical user interface where I can access system and administration, repository,etc.

One message I got that may be relevant is: /usr/bin/dpkg returned on error code (1)

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Internet After Upgrade

May 23, 2011

I'm a pretty new ubuntu user and I've just upgraded from 10.10. It seems to be working pretty well, except that I can't figure out how to connect to the Internet.

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Fedora Networking :: Slow Internet After F11 Upgrade?

Jun 18, 2009

Under Fedora 9 everything was fine. Now, when loading web sites, about half the time, there is a pause of several seconds before the page starts with a message in the status bar of "Looking up <domain name>". Seems like a problem with name resolution. Half the time, this isn't an issue ... wierd.

; generated by /sbin/dhclient-script

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Connect To Internet Since Upgrade From 11.2 To 11.3

Sep 3, 2010

I upgraded from 11.2 to 11.3, and now I can't seem to get my network/internet connection working. I am using a router and a cable modem, and the connection is of course DSL. I am using wpa2 for security. I can't even FIND where to enter my wpa2 key. When I upgraded from 10.x to 11.2, there was no such problem.

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OpenSUSE Network :: No Internet Access After Upgrade?

May 11, 2011

I just did a large patch on my opensuse11.3 system (upgrade of all installed packages), and whilst my network interface works, I cannot get past my router onto the internet.

I can connect to other computers on my network (here at home), I have an IP address via dhcp from my router, but I cannot get internet access, either from thunderbird, firefox, or simply by [URL] Clearly the computer was connected to the internet just fine minutes before since I did the large patch! Also, my other computers CAN still connect to the internet.

how i can debug it? It is just too coincidental I have upgraded everything and now somethings amiss!

If it's relevant, my router is a netgear WGR614v9.

A few things I've tried...

linuxthinkpad:/var/log # /sbin/route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface * U 0 0 0 eth1
link-local * U 0 0 0 eth1
loopback * U 0 0 0 lo


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Red Hat / Fedora :: RHEL Kernel Upgrade With No Internet?

Apr 4, 2010

My RHEL 6 computer at work cannot have access to the internet. Is there any way I can upgrade my kernel without internet access? I do ofcourse of another PC with internet access and a USB flash drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Audio / Internet After Upgrade To LTS

May 12, 2010

Upgraded 5 days ago, just noticed no audio or internet icon on the panel (internet works tho).I've tried different things i/'ve found on the forum, including editing thingd in the preferences>startup applications part, nothing has worked. I've an old laptop and not sure what info you need. Audio worked fine before the upgrade..

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Internet After Partial Upgrade?

May 21, 2010

Update Manager gave the following message:

Not all updates can be installed
Run a partial upgrade, to install as many updates as possible.
This can be caused by:
* A previous upgrade which didn't complete
* Problems with some of the installed software
* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu


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Ubuntu Networking :: Ping No Internet After Upgrade

Aug 28, 2010

I've just upgraded from Ubuntu 8.4 to 10.4 and suddenly no internet access, but I'm able to ping as above. I've been using Ubuntu for about a year now but don't know it all that well "under the hood" so don't know where to start looking for a solution.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Internet After Partial Upgrade?

Mar 5, 2011

Ubuntu 10.10 offered me a partial upgrade, so I clicked to install the updates. No problem, everything went fine.

Then the next time I boot ubuntu, internet doesn't work. The loopback interface is active, but the ethernet interface is not.

I've googeled for a solution, but can't find any.

This is the second time in 1.5 week. The first time I rebooted ten times or so and internet just suddenly worked again.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 - No Internet Connection After Upgrade?

May 9, 2011

I'm a pretty new ubuntu user and I've just upgraded from 10.10. It seems to be working pretty well, except that I can't figure out how to connect to the Internet. When I click the wireless icon to try to connect, the drop down menu is as follows:

Wired network (grey/unclickable)
Disconnected (grey)
JackET N8 (grey)
Disconnected (grey)
3 Internet (white/clickable)


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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Upgrade - Internet Access Broken

Jun 12, 2011

11.04 has finally fixed my Screen Resolution problems. Yippee. But now the Internet access has broken, again rendering my Ubuntu installation mostly useless. Yes, it tells me Wired internet disconnected, after repeated attempts to gain access to the internet over a LAN cable. I have tried everything to get it to work, even manually entering all the info to allow access to my router. But still No. What is even more frustrating is that the internet worked fine on the Live CD, but not on the final installation.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To Internet After 11.04 Upgrade

Jun 14, 2011

I've just upgraded to 11.04 on my new desktop and I'm using a wired ethernet connection. My web browsers have stopped working (Chromium and Firefox) but my networking is working because I can still run Package manager to install new packages. The system monitor also shows network activity.

There was no proxy server set up before the upgrade. Does 11.04 require a proxy server setup? Checked and set to auto detect but made no difference. I'm currently connecting off my old laptop running Windows XP on a wired connection through the same modem.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Lost Internet Connection After Upgrade

Jun 21, 2010

After having updated unconditionally all packages in Kde-desktop-factory-repository to get the latest version 4.4.4, I can no longer connect to the Internet through Knetworkmanager. I receive the the following message from a pop-up window when clicking on the Knetworkmanager icon

Code: KNetworkManager cannot start because the installation is misconfigured.System DBUS policy does not allow it to provide user settings; contact your system administrator or distribution.KNetworkManager will not start automatically in future.I tried opening Knetworkmanager in a terminal as root user through 'su' but received the following message:

Code:# knetworkmanager knetworkmanager(2331): KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server:"Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken."

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Doesn't Work After Upgrade

Jan 4, 2010

I just upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10. When I restarted, I admired the new login menu, then went to Firefox. I noticed that my wireless didn't work (it did in 9.04) Thinking I'd just need to reinstall the drivers, I plugged in the computer to a working Ethernet outlet with a working cord. I noticed that Ubuntu didn't tell me that Auto eth0 was connected. It didn't tell me anything. And then I went to Google and realized that the wired connection didn't work either. Then I came here on an iPod Touch and you know the rest.

Edit: And other devices work too on the network.

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Ubuntu Networking :: After 9.10 Upgrade, Internet Stopped Working?

Feb 21, 2010

I'm currently running Ubuntu 9.10.After I updated to 9.10, my wireless connection stoppped working. I can access the network but I get no response or what so ever in my browser.Downloading language support or any software doesn't work either.Haven't changed anything to my settings and checked the router. Router works just fine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Loss Of Internet Connection After Upgrade From 8.04 To 8.10?

Feb 27, 2010

Loss of internet connection after upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 Like the title says, I lost my internet connection after upgrading my Ubuntu system from 8.04 to 8.10.I used the downloaded automated method. It appeared to work fine on its initial reboot into 8.10. But I noticed the internet icon indicated loss of connection. Even so, I was still able to browse the net through Firefox. But then when I rebooted the next day the opposite was true: the connection icon indicated connection, but Firefox would not actually connect, nor would update manager. It has been like this since. This is a dual boot machine, and the Windows XP Pro side still connects to the internet as usual, no problems.So how can I make my new 8.10 system connect to the internet?

I use a Motorola SB4200 cable modem


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Upgrade Causes Slow Internet Connection

May 19, 2010

I upgraded to ubuntu 10.04 lts yesterday. The upgrade went smoothly. but now I have a very slow internet connection. It is as if I am on a dial up when I have a broadband speed of 20 MB. What can I do to fix or perhaps roll-back the installation to the previous proper working state.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Slow After Upgrade To Kernel 2.6.32-24?

Jul 27, 2010

I have just built a PC based around an i7-860 and Asus P7P55D mobo. It was running fine until the big update that happened today and now the internet is like treacle. I did the same update to my other (different hardware) PC and all is fine with it.

When I load the earlier 2.6.32-21 kernel instead of 2.6.32-24, the new system works as it should and the Internet is very fast. This suggests to me that the kernel update is the problem, most likely the NIC driver. This motherboard has a Realtek 8112L NIC fitted.

Has anyone else had this issue and what is the best way around it other than loading the older kernel and hoping that the next update will fix it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Internet Gone Since Upgrade To Kubuntu 10.10?

Nov 6, 2010

Since I've upgraded to Kubuntu 10.10 I've lost my wireless internet. In Windows 7 everything's fine, but in Kubuntu wicd keeps giving a "Unable to get IP address message".

Here's some output:

dmesg | grep wlan0
wlan0: associate with **:**:**:**:**:** (try 1)
wlan0: RX AssocResp from **:**:**:**:**:** (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=2)
wlan0: associated
wlan0: deauthenticating from **:**:**:**:**:** by local choice (reason=3)


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OpenSUSE Network :: Internet Access Lost After Upgrade / Get That Back?

Apr 6, 2010

I just upgraded from Suse 10.x to 11.2. Unfortunately, I didn't use 10.2 much and I('m a bit overwhelmed by the upgrade. Any advise is greatly appreciated.

After my upgrade, I lost Internet access. I don't really know my way around too well, but I did try to ping my router, but had no success. (Although I can ping

I'm guessing that this means network access is not configured, although it looks OK to me.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From CD Fails / Needs Internet Connection / Not Using Packages On Cd

Oct 11, 2010

I use the CD upgrade method to upgrade my kubuntu 10.04 to 10.10.Not to mention,the ISO image of the CD is this one :kubuntu-10.10-alternate-i386.iso.At the first run I choose YES for the prompt asking for internet connection or whatever, but I immediately realise that I have chosen a wrong option, so I exit and restart the upgrade all over again.On the second run, I choose NO for the prompt , then the installation continues until it reaches the 'fetching files' stage. It pops up and says "The upgrade has aborted. Please check your internet connection or installation media and try again. All files downloaded so far are kept."

I don't want to reinstall the whole system again because I want my applications;I don't want to use the updater to upgrade because I have a low internet speed .

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Get Wired Or Wireless Internet To Work After Upgrade To 10.10?

Dec 14, 2010

today i installed ubuntu 10.10 on my hp mini 210 netbook. previously i had ubuntu netbook remix running and had no problem accessing the internet both wired and wireless; however, since installing 10.10 i have been searching for a solution for the last six hours but have been unable to get either to work.

as far as hardware is concerned i have a broadband bcm4313 802.11 network controller and am running through a linksys router which i know to be working because i have 4 other computers connected to it all with internet access. i checked ifconfig and a lo conection was listed but no eth0. i also tried downloading a broadband tar.gz driver but dont have any packages to build it and cant get any since the computer has no internet. i assume wired is easiest to setup so lets start there even though i use wireless 90% of the time. im new to linux so please dont expect me to know any terminal commands.

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Ubuntu :: Access The Internet At Home With Wireless Using Firefox After Upgrade To 10.04

May 19, 2010

After my "upgrade" to 10.04 I am unable to access the internet at home with wireless using Firefox, but am able to access the router. I am however able to access the internet at work, both use WPA password protection. I was also able to do the updates over wireless at home, despite not being able to access the internet. I am currently at work, and downloaded Google Chrome and did not import settings from Firefox, to see if there were any settings issues with Firefox itself.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Stopped Abruptly - Check Internet Connection

May 1, 2010

I had clicked on the upgrade notification in Update Manager. After 3 hours of downloading, it stopped abruptly. Now when I try, I get a message saying could not download, check internet connection. I am able to visit other sites, and am actually downloading the CD itself without any problem.

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General :: Lost Internet Recently - Wednesday's Ubuntu 9.10 Auto Upgrade / Fix It?

Mar 21, 2010

I run an e machines laptop with Windows Vista and Ubuntu 9.10 side by side (choose on boot), just using windows for accessing my office PC remotely.
I used the Internet normally on Wednesday, and upgrade manager ran as normal. Thursday, was out, so did not use laptop - Friday, no connection to Internet.
I have done a bit of research - pinging tells me that the connection to the router is fine, but nothing to the Internet. The same router is working fine for my windows desktop machine. After a frustrating weekend, I have thought of comparing settings on the desktop and laptop, and have found that there are 2 DNS server addresses on my desktop machine. Entering these into windows has got the laptop back on the Internet using windows, but I cannot work out how to do this in system/preferences/network connections in Ubuntu.

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Debian :: Upgrade Debian Stable Kernel From Squeeze Version?

May 26, 2010

I've just install debian squeeze version, or the testing one, but I am not really happy with it. Is not listening me all the time. If I install the debian stable I don't have internet connection. Is it possible to update the kernel somehow using the testing version?

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