Debian :: Networking Not Enable On Boot-up?

May 10, 2011

I noticed that when my server boots up, it's network interface on eth0 is always down and I always must run the 'ifup eth0' command in order to get it to work for some reason. I checked my configuration and it looks legit to me...


# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface


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Fedora Networking :: Wireless Enable Correctly On Boot / NFS Can Mount Properly At Boot Also?

Aug 8, 2009

I have a server that NFS exports the /home directory out to other computers. On the desktop they all work great, but on a wireless laptop, this is where the problem occurs. The wireless enables after the person logs in, rendering the NFS export /home useless on the laptops.Is there anyway to have the wireless enable correctly on the boot so that NFS can mount properly at boot also?I'm using Fedora 11 (32bit) with a wireless router that has a security of WPA-PSK [TKIP] + WPA2-PSK [AES]. I could switch to some of the older versions if necessary to get this working.

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Fedora Networking :: Ndiswrapper Enable On Boot?

Mar 7, 2011

Ndiswrapper works great, but everytime I restart my computer I have to do:

modprobe ndiswrapper
I tried this:


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Ubuntu :: Disable / Enable Networking Each Boot

Oct 13, 2010

I have a strange problem with my networking under Ubuntu. When I first log in to Gnome both my network adapters are listed as "disconnected" in the network manager applet. If I right click on the notification icon and disable networking, then wait a few seconds and re enable it, it works fine.

It's happening consistently with Maverick although it seemed only temperamental with Lucid. I did a fresh Maverick install to see if it would help but it hasn't.

It's the onboard network sockets on a Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD7. I have two ports but I only use one, it doesn't seem to matter which I use. It's connected via gigabit ethernet to a Netgear router. It works fine in Windows 7 (dual boot).

It looks as though something's not quite "ready" when gnome first launches. The light on the router for the cable is off at first, and only comes on after a few seconds. It's DHCP. Same thing happened on the live USB stick (just before the isntaller) and disable/reenable made it work.

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Debian :: How To Enable Networking On Mac 7.1

May 13, 2010

How do I enable networking in Debian? I just installed Debian on my iMac 7.1 (which works perfectly well with ubuntu - but I'd like to get away from ubuntu because it seems to be targeting teenagers now which is only going to get worse). I used the latest daily build of the netinstall CD and had the network configured with DHCP, but now I find I have to enter my root password (login password will not do) to activate the network.

Of course, coming from ubuntu I disabled root login during install. I have to say, so far my impression of Debian isn't so good. For starters, to be able to boot at all I had to look for my refit CD which I hadn't used in ages because I don't need it in ubuntu. Also scrolling is wonky, like with the realtime kernel in ubuntu. How do I enable root login, or more to the point, how do I get by in Debian without enabling root login? I am not a systematic person at all, and one day I'm bound to forget that I'm root when I go online.

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Ubuntu :: Deluge WebUI Enable / Re-enable Subsequently Unable To Re-enable It (doesn't Appear In The Side Panel Again)?

Feb 10, 2010

I recently installed Deluge 1.2.0 from the following PPA:[URL]I using this on two different Linux computers. One is running Linux Mint 8 and the other is running Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10. The first time on either computer when I enable WebUI in the Deluge GUI it works fine. However if I ever disable it in plugins section I am subsequently unable to re-enable it (doesn't appear in the side panel again). Rebooting or reinstalling Deluge seems to have no effect.Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

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Ubuntu :: Won't Boot After Updates / Enable This?

Feb 11, 2010

I just did a fresh install of 9.10 and after running and installing the updates (222) i rebooted but ubuntu will no longer load.


as well it hangs on the recovery too. this is the last line code...

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot Without First Using Live CD / Enable This?

Apr 30, 2010

I installed Lucid (clean) after being v. satisfied w. Karmic.

Lucid has presented problem after problem, including the most irritating one thus far: I can't boot (system disk error) unless I put the Live CD in (the Karmic version, yet) and select "boot from first disk". Once that is done the boot proceeds normally.

Is there anyway out of this? I have installed and reinstalled w/ the same problem. Should I reinstall from the Net and not the Live CD?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot Kubuntu / Enable This?

Sep 22, 2010

I have been running ubuntu lucid for awhile now and a few days ago added the kde environment. I walked away from the computer earlier to comeback to a frozen screen. So... I did a hard reboot and bios is fine and then I get a blank screen for about 10 seconds, a few things flash very fast( cannot reAd ) and the monitor turns off. I did reboot like a billion times and once was able to get a kubuntu screen that says somehing along the lines of " error initializing .. Files missing. /tmp would you like to fix auto or manual" but igot a response saying cannot fix and it went back to a blank screen. I've rebooted many more times to get this message to appear again, but it fails to do so.... So, after that long story I hope Someone can help. I would greatly appreciate it!!!
Thank you,

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot / Enable This?

Dec 30, 2010

Error: no such device: f50139a2-b475-4ef5-8217-051bd145a24e.
grub rescue> _

I know it is saying that the harddrive that I installed ubuntu is missing.

Heres the story:

My friend's computer wouldnt let him boot to the CD to install Ubuntu on his computer.

So I put his harddrive into my computer as my 3'rd Harddrive and booted the CD on my Machiene and installed Ubuntu to his harddrive.

We got ubuntu to work just fine, and then I removed his harddrive from my computer... big mistake. I no longer have the harddrive that we installed ubuntu to so I cannot use any programs or anything.

What I want to do is get my Windows 7 working again. Right now I cannot do ANYTHING.

I have tried code...

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Ubuntu :: Failed To Boot / Enable This?

May 16, 2011

I posted this in Absolute beginner, because that's what I am. But I haven't gotten a response, so I thought I'd try here.

I installed ubuntu 10.04 yesterday, everything went fine. I shut it down & restarted it a couple times to make sure everything was good.
Today I downloaded the EMC2 script & installed it using the terminal. After it was done I shutdown using reboot required. Now I am getting the errors

Failed to boot both default and fallback entries. code...

Can anyone tell me how to fix this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Applet Enable Networking Unchecked

Apr 2, 2011

Whenever I start up my laptop i do not get a wireless connection automatically. I have to rightclick network manager applet and select enable networking. After that everything works fine untill i shutdown and restart my laptop. I would like a way to change this so that my wifi connection is working whithout having to click something first..

OS:Xubuntu 10.04 LTS!
hardware: dell inspiron 6000
nm applet: 0.8.?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Networking Widget Fails To Enable Wireless Card / Fix It?

Apr 30, 2011

I just upgraded to natty last night, and everything is working fine except for the network manager. I can enable and configure the wireless card via bash, but the network manager widget will not manage the wireless card.

When I first boot up, the "Enable wireless" check box is greyed out. After I enable the card via the terminal, the "Enable wireless" check box becomes ungreyed, but every time I click it, it instantly unchecks itself. I feel like Currly from the Three Stoogies. Check, uncheck, Check, uncheck.. "Slaps face repeatedly."

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Install The Latest Kmod-r8168 Rpm - It Failed To Enable The Networking Support

Dec 30, 2010

I had the elrepo kmod-r8168 driver running smooth for a while on my development box.
Yesterday, I did a clean install on it and when I tried to install the latest kmod-r8168 rpm, it failed to enable the networking support:

# yum --enablerepo=elrepo install kmod-r8168

The install performed all proper steps to disable the 8169 driver, I double checked to be sure.This is not a connectivity issue. If I remove the kmod-r8168 rpm, reboot the server and run the ifconfig eth0 up to activate the interface, everything works as expected. I use the latest kernel (2.6.18-194.26.1.el5 x86_64).

First, I performed a clean install, activated the eth0 and did a yum update, then installed the kmod-r8168 with yum. Then, I reinstalled the OS again, activated the eth0 and installed the kmod-r8168 on a 5.5 CD based kernel, same fail results. The only hiccup is: every time I start the box, I have to activate the eth0 interface (with default CentOS 8169 driver):

# ifconfig eth0
# ping -c 3 (no packets lost)
# ifconfig eth0 up

Once I do this, I have network connectivity.

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Fedora Networking :: Enable Wireless Networking Does Not Work In Windows?

Jun 20, 2009

I've been experiencing a problem with Fedora in which when I enable Wireless in Fedora, Wireless networking does not work in windows. HOwever, when disabled, it works correctly. Windows claims it is "not able to find any networks to connect to"

EDIT: It seems that when wireless is disabled manually on fedora before shutdown, there are no problems in windows.

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General :: Enable E2fsck Checks Every 5th Boot?

Nov 13, 2010

I want the e2fsck check the filesystem on
every 5th boot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot From CD / Enable This?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a Dell Inspiron 1525 and I've been trying to boot into the live mode. I can get into the main 'Try Ubuntu without any changes' menu, but selecting that option causes the CD tray to spin up, followed by the head audibly flailing about for a minute or two causing the laptop to noticeably vibrate, followed by nothing. It doesn't boot or give any errors, it just stops. I can read the discs just fine in Windows.

So far I've tested shipit CDs of 9.10, 9.04 and 8.10. All cause the above problem. 8.04 works perfectly.

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Ubuntu :: Wireless Disabled On Boot - Cannot Re-enable

May 21, 2010

I have recently installed 10.4 (wubi installation), and am having strange problems with my networking.

It was working fine, wireless enabled, connecting to my network fine. Then for what seems like no reason, it decided to disable the wirless on boot, and I cannot re-enable it, the option to enable it (by right clicking the nm applet) is greyed out.

I have had this problem twice now, the first time it happened, my ubuntu installation was really new, so I just reinstalled, no harm done. The second time I did something that seemed to fix it (for a while at least), but now that is not working.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot - Cannot Do From Live CD (10.10) / Enable This?

Dec 31, 2010

I've been dual booting 10.10(with Windows7) for about a month. Today is the first time I've encountered a serious problem.

This morning, nothing functioned properly after trying to open up several programs. The computer seemed to be "frozen", although the mouse was working fine.

I decided to reboot, but then encountered an even bigger problem. It failed to boot and got this message code...

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Ubuntu :: Not Able To Boot Live Cd After Other OS BSODed / Enable This?

Jan 28, 2011

I am trying to install Ubuntu on my sister's computer after her Windows BSODed a few times and so I offered her a "failback" system.
The problem is however that the live cd gives a few errors like "cannot mount sth sth sth" (will edit a bit later on after i get another computer to work)
Is it possible that this problem might relate to some Windows BSODs that she experienced earlier on?
Sorry for the lack of details, I'll steal the thing from her and post more accurate details within a split of a second.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Won't Dual-Boot / Enable It?

May 30, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu on a partition on my secondary HDD, sense then i have never used windows ( one week ),
then i have formatted my windows which is in the primary HDD.
Now when my computer restart it doesn't show my about wanting to start Ubuntu or windows it starts windows immediately.
PS: in my secondary HDD the partition which Ubuntu is installed on, i still see that it filled with data;it's not empty.

* one more question please; before i have installed Ubuntu i have created a partition ( 50GB ),
which i choose the HardDisk manager to make as "Linux Ext4"; then i have installed Ubuntu on!
is what i did right or wrong or it doesn't matter?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Enable Internet Connectivity At Boot Up

Mar 27, 2011

I am new to linux. Whenever I boot my system. I always have to click on system eth0 to enable internet connection in network settings. How can I make it permanent so that as system boots up, network connectivity is itself enabled.

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Server :: How To Enable / Disable SSH At Boot Time

Mar 1, 2011

I have just installed ssh-server in my Ubuntu 10.04, and really want to know how to enable/disable it and I also want to be sure if the changes will take effect after the next boot or not, and how to do that?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Must Disable Then Enable Networking For Wireless?

Jan 29, 2011

My wireless can connect to my router without a problem, but in order to do so (after boot) I must first disable networking in the Notification Area and then re-enable it. I don't mind it too much, but when other people use my computer, it's made painfully obvious to me, that this was never an issue with Windows 7 (as much as I despise MS).

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 - Enable Grub Or Boot Write To MBR

Jul 28, 2011

I have a windows 7 hard drive as Sda0 and have a second hard drive as Sdb1, which is where I want to install OpenSuse 11.4. Now here is where I am not sure on the install, so I don't screw my self up. I have 100mb partition on sda0 that windows 7 is using, do I enable grub or have the boot write to MBR?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot After Upgrade / Enable This?

May 6, 2011

Today morning I was upgrading ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04. When the packages were downloading it was showing 20m left to download. At that time I had a battery of 2 hrs. As I had to go so I left my laptop on and went( the charger unplugged ). When I came back I get the following message code...
I had Widows 7 also. Thank god its fine so that I am able to ask question.

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General :: Netboot In GRUB - Enable Boot Command ?

Jan 6, 2011

I am trying to use netboot functionality available in GRUB(legacy). I just compiled GRUB with --enable-diskless and --enable-rtl8139 options and installed in USB flash drive. I am getting the grub prompt when tried to boot from that USB. But not getting boot command..what i need to do to enable boot command??

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Unable To Enable DMA On Boot Drive

Feb 13, 2011

I am running a CentOS Server (v5.5 x64, with latest CentOS kernel)

The problem is that I cannot enable DMA on my boot drive. My boot drive is an IDE SSD. All my other hard drives are SATA:

/dev/hda = IDE/ATA
dev/sda - /dev/sdf = SATA
/dev/sda - /dev/sdd = RAID5 for storage
/dev/sde+/dev/sdf = RAID1 for storage


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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Install F12 X64 From Boot.iso Over PPPoE / Enable It?

Jan 5, 2010

I want to install F12 x64 from boot.iso.

My ISP give Internet connection only by PPPoE. A problem is next.
After partitions creation installation offer me connection from eth0 device - I need ppp0 device.

Is any way to create ppp0 device, configure PPPoE connection during installation from boot.iso?

May be it is anywhere documentatons create your own boot.iso with added PPPoE ?

I don't want download full DVD F12 or LiveCD.

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Fedora :: Enable / Disable It Logo On Boot Time Process?

Jan 24, 2011

eCouldnyone help me out to put the right configuration parameters in the grub.conf file so I can enable or disable the Fedora Logo on boot time ?

Currently I'm seeing 3 bars being filled on boot time. I need to get back the Fedora Logo during the boot time process.

How can I do this?

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