Debian Multimedia :: File Is Not Restoring Things?

Jun 13, 2010

I may have posted this in the wrong section before. I had it in General Questions and wasn't getting any feedback there, so I'll try here. Okay, onto the problem...I've decided to give openbox a try with Debian testing. I set up my right-click menu exactly how I want it, and everything else is set up perfectly.I installed trayer and tint2, along with nitrogen. I added the following lines to my ~/.config/openbox/ file, but things aren't loading/restoring as they should. Tint2 and trayer don't load at all, and nitrogen isn't restoring my wallpaper. All I get is a black screen with my cursor, but the ability to right-click and open the menu, so it's not like X is dead. I did set the default wallpaper by issuing the command nitrogen /home/john/Pictures/Wallpapers, where "Wallpapers" contains all of my background images.

Here is my file:
# Autostart file for openbox
nitrogen --restore &


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General :: Openbox - File Is Not Restoring Things

Jun 13, 2010

I've decided to give openbox a try with Debian testing. I set up my right-click menu exactly how I want it, and everything else is set up perfectly. I installed trayer and tint2, along with nitrogen. I added the following lines to my ~/.config/openbox/ file, but things aren't loading/restoring as they should. Tint2 and trayer don't load at all, and nitrogen isn't restoring my wallpaper. All I get is a black screen with my cursor, but the ability to right-click and open the menu, so it's not like X is dead. I did set the default wallpaper by issuing the command nitrogen /home/john/Pictures/Wallpapers, where "Wallpapers" contains all of my background images.

Here is my file: Code: # Autostart file for openbox nitrogen --restore & sleep 2s && tint -c /home/john/.config/tint/.tintrc) & (sleep 2s && trayer --expand true --transparent true --alpha 255 --edge bottom --align right --expand true --SetDockType true --widthtype request --margin 130) & I do have proper content in the .tintrc file located in /home/john/.config/tint/tintrc. Am I doing something wrong here?

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General :: Make Things Autostart In KDE?

Jan 11, 2011

What's the easiest way to make things autostart in KDE? The only method I know is to make links to the applications and then put them in the KDE autostart folder. Last time I did that, I had a lot of trouble with not being allowed to make the links unless I was root. Is there a simpler way?

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Debian Multimedia :: In Openbox?

May 23, 2011

When my .xinitrc contains exec /usr/bin/openbox-session My displays will turn off like there is no video output. I cannot switch to a TTY (or at least there is still no video when I try). I can however ssh into the machine. Alt+SysRq+K does not seem to kill the X session, but Alt+SysRq+B will reboot the machine.When my .xinitrc contains exec /usr/bin/openbox and I manually run sh .config/openbox/ everything seems to go smoothly. I really don't understand the discrepancy.

sleep 3s;
xsetroot -solid "#303030"


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Debian Multimedia :: Cannot Get Gnome Autostart Scripts To Run

Mar 5, 2016

I've tried creating .desktop entries in ~/.config/autostart and /etc/xdg/autostart, the contents as follows

Code: Select all[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Fix resolution in VMWare

But it simply never runs, I am stuck with an incorrect resolution every time I login. (VMWare guest with virtual display does not detect 1920x1080)

The script is as follows, and works when run from the command line

Code: Select all#!/bin/bash
echo Setting mode to 1920x1080 from ~/gnome-autoruns/
xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00"  173.00  1920 2048 2248 2576  1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync
xrandr --addmode Virtual1 "1920x1080_60.00"
xrandr --output Virtual1 --mode "1920x1080_60.00"

script is executable to all.

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Debian Multimedia :: Openbox Autostart On Second Desktop?

Sep 15, 2010

Im currently fitting Openbox to my needs.I want to autostart my email-app (Icedove) on the second desktop, if possible with a given size and position.I googled that already and searched th forum, but did not find anything related to it

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Debian Multimedia :: Restoring Contact List In Squeeze With KDE

Oct 18, 2010

I used Kubuntu with KDE 4.5.1 up to August, when I switched to Debian Squeeze with KDE (currently frozen at 4.4.5). Before migrating, I used rsync (luckbackup) to backup the whole Home directory. Kontact version used on Debian is now 4.4.6. While I could use the import feature successfully to retrieve all my e-mail messages by pointing it to ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/, I couldn't find a way to do the same with contacts.

I don't have backups of my old ~/.local/share/contacts, the folder simply doesn't exist. However, I have ~/.local/share/akonadi. I never used Akonadi Tray Icon to create a backup. In KAddressBook, I have Personal Contacts, which is empty. While waiting for a solution, I filled Default Address Book with some contacts' e-mail addresses retrieved manually from archived past e-mails.

In ~/.kde/share/apps/kabc I have the following:

1) a folder named lock, containing a text file named _home_lelamal_.kde_share_apps_kabc_std.vcf4g7TNh8g and another called _home_lelamal_.kde_share_apps_kabc_std.vcfXASyTlNE. If opened, they show 1372 kontact, and 1629 korgac respectively.

2) A file named std.vcf of 0B size.

3) 8 files, numbered progressively, named "std.vcf__ std.vcf__7, all of which are also of 0B size.

I tried renaming the old /kabc to /kabc.old (in case it got modified in the process) and used a copy of it as a target for Default Address Book in KDE Resources, whose path was changed to point to it. Nothing changed, when I reopened KaddressBook there were still only the new contacts I manually created.

Akonadi Configuration shows Personal Contacts, and it correctly points to ~/.local/share/contacts/, but if the folder isn't there I'm not sure what it's pointing to. I also have a Default Address Book, and when I click on Modify, instead of showing a path like Personal Contacts did, it shows a blank field. When I click on Open File Dialog, it expects me to point it to a vCard Address Book File.

If I'm back to KAddressBook, and open the Personal Contacts addressbook to import the the only vCard I am aware of (the 0B sized std.vcf file in /kabc) nothing happens, it remains empty.

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Debian Multimedia :: Scroll Through The Menus The Highlighter Is Grey And It Makes Things Awfully Hard To Read?

Jul 1, 2010

I recently installed Firefox 3.6 on Debian Squeeze. Everything went smoothly, but Firefox looks weird. The interface reminds me of Windows 98 and anytime I scroll through the menus the highlighter is grey and it makes things awfully hard to read. I'm not sure what could be wrong but I'm hoping someone here I'm not sure how to insert small images as url links so I'll just post links to screenshots I took for reference.[URL]Oh, and one other problem I recently discovered, flash doesn't seem to work. It works just fine in Iceweasel but I am told I have to install it in Firefox. I installed in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins but that doesn't seem to have helped. Come to think of it, it probably wouldn't since it's probably the 32-bit version I got from their site, I run on 64 bit.

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Debian :: Compiled Volwheel And Added "volwheel &" To File In Openbox And It Would Not Start?

Jul 26, 2011

I just compiled volwheel and added "volwheel &" to my file in openbox and it would not start. I then ran it from my terminal and recieved this error message:

Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/volwheel /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/local/bin/volwheel line 24.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/bin/volwheel line 24.

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Programming :: Name Of Formula N Things Out Of Collection Of M Things

Jul 22, 2011

I'm working through some problems in a beginners programming book. The author mentions a formula for calculating the number of ways of picking out n things from a collection of m of them:

/ m m!
| | = -----------
n / n! (m-n)!
But he does not give a name for the formula. Does anyone happen to know what it is called? I need to do some related research.

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General :: Restoring /usr/bin/php File?

Sep 13, 2010

I've accidentally changed /usr/bin/php file on my server by running a cp command. I know this is bad, i just don't know how bad. Everything is working fine (websites using php), so i just wanted to know what this action could cause and also how can i restore original content

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Ubuntu :: Can't Change Things In The File System?

Jul 20, 2011

I would like to change some files in the file system section.How do i gain access to change the file system?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Autostart A Script As A Program?

Mar 7, 2011

How can I make a script file a runnable thread auto-start program. the script is: executable permission I add: #! bin/sh -e at the first of the code I add /home/sok/Scripts/ at the end of /etc/rc.local before exit 0 I add /home/sok/Scripts/ in Autostart as program. I restart the system. no effect.

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Debian :: How Autostart Daemon In /etc/init.d

Mar 26, 2010

I installed ntop and it works but I cant make it autostart with my server. I started ntop with its parameters and it works as a daemon but if I restart the server ntop wont load even if an ntop file is in /etc/init.d. I executed rcconf and it wont list ntop. How can I make it autostart in daemon with my parameters? (like ntop -d -w12345)

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OpenSUSE :: Restoring A Replaced Folder Or File?

Aug 27, 2011

I turned my laptop in for repairs. I used someone else's USB drive to hold my pictures etc from that computer. I may have replaced the "pictures" folder tat was already on there, but I'm not sure if it was there in the first place. (Doesn't remember the "Are you sure you want to replace..." warning <.< >.>) I enabled hidden files, and there was a folder called .Trashes, instead of what you'd normally get. I copied my pictures onto my desktop, and then cleared the ones on the USB drive (left the folder). There was a folder named .000Trash-, or whatever it usually is. Only my pictures are in there. I'm confused, and don't tell me the pictures that were originally on the USB are gone forever.There's a tool for Windows, called Glary's Uilities that can get them back, supposedly. Not running windows, though

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Ubuntu :: Restoring From A Root.disk File?

Aug 3, 2011

I was using Ubuntu, installed over Wubi in WindowsXP. Due to some hard disk issues, I was having some problems booting into Windows. But Ubuntu was working fine. So i backed up all my data from Ubuntu and somehow managed to back up the 'root.disk' from Windows.That hard disk turned out to have some bad sectors. Now I am over a new hard disk with all my data and WindowsXP freshly installed. I want to have my old copy of Ubuntu back as I have the 'root.disk' file with me. How shall I proceed?I tried installing a fresh copy of Ubuntu using Wubi and then replace the 'root.disk' file. But it showed some Grub error.

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Debian :: Akregator Won't Autostart From Fluxbox In Xandros?

Dec 22, 2010

I am running Xandros on an asus netbook. I've been trying out the fluxbox window manager. I'm having trouble getting akregator to start after login. I've been able to edit my ~/.fluxbox/apps file and can get other programs to start up just fine. here is my apps file: I added konqueror and kcalc after akregator just to see if they worked.

Code: [startup] {powermonitor}
[startup] {akgregator}
[startup] {konqueror}
[startup] {kcalc}
[startup] {minimixer}
[startup] {networkmonitor ath0 eth0}
[app] (.*[tT]erm)
[app] (konqueror)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restoring 95GB Backup.tar.gz File?

Jan 20, 2011

I did a backup of /photos /documents /downloads and /music with mintbackup creating backup on /dev/sdb1

I cannot get mintbackup to restore the file, and I was able finally to get /music file restored. Below is error from cli

BoredOOMM@ursa-major ~/temp $ sudo tar xzvf 2011-01-16-1424-backup.tar.gz
[sudo] password for BoredOOMM:


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: AFP Crashes YT , Vimeo And All Things Connected With Flash / What's Going On?

Jun 26, 2010

I've got annoying problem. After I've installed newest version of Adobe Flash Player, i have problem with his normal working. AFP crashes YT, Vimeo and all things connected with Flash. I've tried open FF in terminal, and i got that error:

Flas Player ver. -> Do you have any idea what's going on?

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Ubuntu :: Restoring Evolution From Backup - No Valid File Message

Jul 7, 2011

I've been using 11.04 Unity, & quite like it. I fired up Blender 2.49b the other day (not used it for a long time) & its behaviour was very erratic. Due to this I decided to reinstall 10.10 for the time being, until October or maybe even the 12.04 LTS. I backed everything up & reinstalled 10.10. I then tried to restore my Evolution from the Natty backup file, which simply didn't work. The message was something about it not being a valid file. I'm assuming this is a non backwards compatibility issue.

Any way getting Blender to work or restoring Evolution? With regard to Blender (in Natty); I've not tried proprietary drivers for my GPU yet as the open source defaults have always been fine, so that's an option. It means another reinstall (of Natty), but that really isn't such a big deal at this point. With regard to Evolution (in Maverick); I found a ppa but I'm unsure how to proceed once I've added it. Would I do an apt-get update & an apt-get install evolution?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Restoring Emesene Shortcut Icon?

Mar 18, 2011

I removed my top panel with the menu (applications, places, system) because all icons were on the wrong place. Then I restored the panel and all applets I'm using, but when I log in to Emesene, the shortcut icon is not showing up. Does anyone know how to restore the Emesene shortcut icon?

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Debian :: Background - Xterm Or Conky - Put Instance In From Openbox

Feb 4, 2011

I want to put some info on my all black background, for instance i do a lot of vpn connections, so it would be cool that i do startx and a xterm console was on the background (without the window ofcourse) with the tail -f /var/log/messages or my dropbox status and so on Like tilling....but on background...i hate wallpapers


now a problem to do the command line above and put it for instance in from openbox i need to do it as sudo and give the will not work

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Debian :: Restoring An Rsynced Backup?

Jan 23, 2010

the links are my stage of backing up my / and /home, both on different partitions.
short-sum up: with rsync, 2-weekly, manual on an external disk.


all my test restores in vbox worked fine. i may use the backup as a second OS, so it works. but there i first deleted the old OS and than ran cp -a /media/backup_partition /media/restore_parititon.

yesterday i ran into trouble and had to restore my system.
mount /dev/sda1 /media/restore
mount /dev/sdb1 /media/backup
rsync -auv /media/backup/ /media/restore

that did work, but not so good. dpkg-errors, all non-repo-apps, like opera and some old thrash, were a mess. i had to reinstall them with dpkg to delete them. besides that the system is up and running, but it was a lot of work.

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Debian :: Restoring USB Pendrive After Boot Image

Feb 5, 2016

I created two debian bootable pendrive with the newest and basic commands: CP debian.iso and SYNC. When I tried to restoring the pendrive GPARTED sees only few space and is unable to perform any operation on the hidden partition as well in Windows 7.

CFDISK is able to see the partitions but is unable to write anything, just deleting. After deleted any partion GPARTED enconters a wrong block size so is unable to perform any changes.

Thus the only way I found to restoring the pendrive is delete the partion with CFDISK and then formatting the pendrive in Windows, where did I do wrong?

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Debian Configuration :: Hibernate To Disk Not Restoring

Mar 9, 2011

I have Debian 6 (squeeze), I have also seen this under Ubuntu (can not remember how I fixed it). (has worked in ubuntu 10.10)I can hibernate, but when I switch on the system cold boots (it does not restore previous session).Note suspend works fine. Have looked in /var/log/pm-suspend.log Shows for each block of suspend suspend a block of resume suspend, but hibernate hibernate is not followed by resume hibernate ( I assume that is what is expected.)

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Debian :: Lost Per Application Volume Control And Cannot Unmute Things

Jul 24, 2011

As per the title, the per application volume mixer has disappeared and I can no longer unmute things i have previously muted.

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Ubuntu :: Restricted To Debian Versions Of Things Like Perl, MySQL?

Dec 13, 2010

As I mentioned on another thread, I have 2 Ubuntus - Jaunty and Meerkat - as separate drives on my secondary IDE channel. I am removing Jaunty. Meerkat blows it away. And is certainly my preferred OS. However I am looking for a replacement for Jaunty that is more flexible in certain key areas than Ubuntu appears to be.I dont want to be restricted to Debian versions of things like Perl, MySQL, PHP and others. I can run LAMPP, but I would prefer to compile and have the versions of my choice as part of a main test system (apart from Meerkat that is).

I have had enough nightmares in Jaunty with things getting broken and spiralling out of control. I want a distro that doesnt rely on the GUI and its attendant utilities, but can run them when called. Meerkat is stable and has resisted me breaking it so far, but I do not want to push my luck. I have too much time invested in it. I intend to use Meerkat as my primary system on the machine, but want an alternative to *PLAY* with.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Graphics Seem Very Sluggish Doing Things Like Opening And Closing Windows, Popping Up Menus?

May 25, 2010

I've just installed kubuntu 10.04 x64 and I'm slowly working through lots of little niggly problems that I'm having getting it all set up.My graphics seem VERY sluggish doing things like opening and closing windows, popping up menus etc.I have an Athlon II 250 3.0ghz processor, 2GB RAM and onboard graphics ATI HD2100 (740G chipset).I tried to get the proprietary graphics driver installed to see if that made any difference but it wouldn't recognise the onboard graphics, a bit of googling seems to suggest they have actually dropped support for this model?After removing the proprietary stuff it seems even more sluggish than it did before.

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Debian Configuration :: Tampered With Kernel And After Restoring It Cannot Print

Jul 19, 2011

I tampered with Kernel and after restoring it cannot print , when I tried to re instal printer get the following message: CUPS sharing "Unable to get printer status(client-error-forbidden)!"

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General :: Restoring The Owners On Debian System Files?

Mar 20, 2010

Due to my inattention, tiredness (and probably stupidity) i've run "chown -R someuser:someuser /" and now all your base are belongs to us the files on the server belong to one user (lol).After system restart, apache, bind9, mysql, and adozen other applications don't start and fill their log files with permission errors.I haven't done any backups on system files, only on the db and website files.Please suggest some ways to revive my web server. I have only 2 month experience with linux,

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