Ubuntu Multimedia :: Autostart A Script As A Program?

Mar 7, 2011

How can I make a script file a runnable thread auto-start program. the script is: executable permission I add: #! bin/sh -e at the first of the code I add /home/sok/Scripts/check.sh at the end of /etc/rc.local before exit 0 I add /home/sok/Scripts/check.sh in Autostart as program. I restart the system. no effect.

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Ubuntu :: Autostart Program Not Working?

May 23, 2010

I have a java application that is in this path: java -jar /home/jbo10/.stuff/run.jar

If I type that command the gui comes up and it's ready to run. I want this program to autostart with ubuntu, so I went into gnome-session-properties and put that command in there.

But it's not starting. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or if there's another way to autostart programs?

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Ubuntu :: Autostart Program As Root After Autologin?

May 5, 2011

my system has an autologin as root defined by custom.conf which is located in /etc/gdm : Code: [daemon]


And I would like to have the program "expfit_spifunc2" executed after the auto login. So, I have added "xterm_expfit.desktop" inside of /root/.config/autostart

"xterm_expfit.desktop" code:
Code: [Desktop Entry]

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Autostart Program At Boot

Jan 1, 2011

CentOS 5.5, I've installed Synergy to share my keyboard/mouse and it works fine. Now I'm trying to get it to load automatically at boot.

The command is simple, "synergyc <computername>".

I've tried putting the command (see above) into rc.local I've tried putting the command in a script and referencing in in rc.local I've followed the instructions for building it into init levels (2-5) with chkconfig

Quote:chkconfig --list
synergy.sh 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

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General :: Autostart Program In Lubuntu LXDE (on Boot)?

Jan 17, 2011

I've got it to the point it will run when you login by adding a line to the /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart file. Added "synergyc" and it works perfect. So the main question is, how can I add that line somewhere, somehow to start on boot and not by login?

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Debian Multimedia :: Autostart.sh In Openbox?

May 23, 2011

When my .xinitrc contains exec /usr/bin/openbox-session My displays will turn off like there is no video output. I cannot switch to a TTY (or at least there is still no video when I try). I can however ssh into the machine. Alt+SysRq+K does not seem to kill the X session, but Alt+SysRq+B will reboot the machine.When my .xinitrc contains exec /usr/bin/openbox and I manually run sh .config/openbox/autostart.sh everything seems to go smoothly. I really don't understand the discrepancy.

sleep 3s;
xsetroot -solid "#303030"


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Debian Multimedia :: Cannot Get Gnome Autostart Scripts To Run

Mar 5, 2016

I've tried creating .desktop entries in ~/.config/autostart and /etc/xdg/autostart, the contents as follows

Code: Select all[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Fix resolution in VMWare

But it simply never runs, I am stuck with an incorrect resolution every time I login. (VMWare guest with virtual display does not detect 1920x1080)

The script is as follows, and works when run from the command line

Code: Select all#!/bin/bash
echo Setting mode to 1920x1080 from ~/gnome-autoruns/set_1920x1080.sh
xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00"  173.00  1920 2048 2248 2576  1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync
xrandr --addmode Virtual1 "1920x1080_60.00"
xrandr --output Virtual1 --mode "1920x1080_60.00"

script is executable to all.

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Debian Multimedia :: Openbox Autostart On Second Desktop?

Sep 15, 2010

Im currently fitting Openbox to my needs.I want to autostart my email-app (Icedove) on the second desktop, if possible with a given size and position.I googled that already and searched th forum, but did not find anything related to it

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Debian Multimedia :: Autostart.sh File Is Not Restoring Things?

Jun 13, 2010

I may have posted this in the wrong section before. I had it in General Questions and wasn't getting any feedback there, so I'll try here. Okay, onto the problem...I've decided to give openbox a try with Debian testing. I set up my right-click menu exactly how I want it, and everything else is set up perfectly.I installed trayer and tint2, along with nitrogen. I added the following lines to my ~/.config/openbox/autostart.sh file, but things aren't loading/restoring as they should. Tint2 and trayer don't load at all, and nitrogen isn't restoring my wallpaper. All I get is a black screen with my cursor, but the ability to right-click and open the menu, so it's not like X is dead. I did set the default wallpaper by issuing the command nitrogen /home/john/Pictures/Wallpapers, where "Wallpapers" contains all of my background images.

Here is my autostart.sh file:
# Autostart file for openbox
nitrogen --restore &


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Converting A Program And DVD Making Program?

Jun 23, 2011

i am running ubuntu 10.04. I am looking for a converting program and I also need a DVD making program. I'm unsure if one comes preinstalled already.

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Ubuntu :: How To Autostart A Drive

Jul 28, 2010

My Ubuntu is the latest, Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit.

I have 2 hard drives, one holds windows (160gb), another has three partitions, 15gb for ubuntu 10.04, 5gb for swap, and the remaining 480gb formatted as ntfs for files..

The 480gb space is drive D:, my files are located there and i point the apps to get their files from drive D:. For example, "My Music" folder is in drive D:, and so I tell SongBird to grab the music files from that directory.

It's not a big problem, but whenever I restart ubuntu, drive D: does not automatically open so SongBird initially cannot locate the files. What I want to happen is that when ubuntu starts, drive D: is already loaded, so that the applications can grab the files they need from that drive automatically without me having to manually open drive D: everytime ubuntu starts.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Autostart Coldfusion 9

Feb 11, 2010

I have coldfusion installed on a guest ubuntu server in virtualbox, it is configured with apache2 & everything works great. But how do i get Coldfusion to autostart when i boot up the guest ubuntuserver ?

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Ubuntu :: How To Autostart Processes As Root

May 21, 2010

How do I get processes to run as root during startup? I have a random script and a package which both need to run as root in the background, but I can't find a way to do this automatically.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Programs From Autostart?

May 29, 2010

how do i clear autostart? i've unchecked everything i don't need in "startup applications" but still after reboot i get everything running. i cleared ~./config/autostart but after reboot there appear all the default startup applicatons. What should i do?and is there a way to remove volume indicator from indicator menu?

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Ubuntu :: Autostart Launcher Not Starting?

Jul 9, 2010

ubuntu 9.10

I am working on a custom install preseed. Part of the process is creating a file: /home/bholt/.config/autostart/starter.sh

That way on first boot, this will execute and continue my custom process.

But it does not start. After boot if I go double click it it runs fine.

And one time it did auto start correctly. But I don't know what I did to break it.

All i can think is I changed starter.sh to in turn start something else rather than just run itself.

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Ubuntu :: How To Autostart Videolan In Xubuntu

Sep 27, 2010

i understand autostarting an app is done at setting > session and startup > application autostart.

where is the vlc app located?

i've tried

none of those two have worked.

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Ubuntu :: How To Autostart Apps In Lubuntu

Oct 23, 2010

Isn't Lubuntu FAB! And it's very easy to customise...once you know how.

It took me a while to discover how to auto-start applications, so I thought I'd share this with you.

To autostart an application for all users
Edit the autostart file as root by typing in a terminal code...

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Ubuntu :: Autostart HomePipe Agent

Oct 28, 2010

HomePipe (www.homepipe.net) a site that lets you access folders on your PC remotely just came out with a Linux client.

I have successfully installed this on my Ubuntu 10.10 machine and it seems to be working well.

My problem is, I can't figure out how to have the agent autostart when I boot.

Currently, to launch the agent, I need to open a terminal, change to the directory where the agent is installed, then run this command:

I assume it should be fairly simple to add this to the Startup Applications, but being a noon I can't figure it out!

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Ubuntu :: How To Autostart Service/application

Dec 12, 2010

I am using an Ubuntu VPS(Virtual private server) with SSH access. I run my applications(mangos-realmd & mangos-worldd) in SSH terminal and they start up fine. But when I close the SSH terminal they close! but I want it so that when I close my SSH terminal that those programs remain running, and also want them to start up each time I reboot my system. I am found out with rc.local this is now solved or what-not

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Ubuntu :: Network Applet Does Not Autostart

Dec 23, 2010

I just installed a very basic kde with the kde window manager. but the network applet does not autostart, neither does it connect when started from terminal.

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Ubuntu :: Bluetooth Doesn't Autostart

Dec 24, 2010

I use ubuntu 10.10 x64. Bluetooth dosn't autostart. I can start it pressing Fn + F3.

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Ubuntu :: Disable Blank Cd Autostart?

Jan 24, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.04 with Gnome. Whenever I put in a blank CD/DVD an icon on the desktop appears named "Blank CD/DVD" and a window appears asking me what I want to do with it.How do I disable the window and the icon from the desktop?

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Ubuntu :: Unwanted Autostart Of Terminal?

Feb 18, 2011

When i log into to a non root(user) mode, i am always greeted by a small terminal window before the desktop starts up. Also, after desktop starts a new window opens which displays the contents of my windows desktop.

I am unable to stop this from happening. I am running Ubuntu 10.10(32 bit) along with Windows 7(64 bit) on different partitions.

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Ubuntu :: Autostart.sh Foesn�t Seem To Work?

Feb 25, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 using the minimal CD. I then installed Openbox and everything is working so far, except for tint2. I tried to put it into the autostart.sh in /home/noneofthem/.config/openbox, but it doesn�t exist there. Instead I found another version in /etc/xdg/openbox/. Changes to that version don�t seem to work either.

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Ubuntu :: Autostart Applications Not Remembered?

Mar 27, 2011

I have been trying to stop some apps from starting up like bluetooth manager etc but everytime I untick it and then reopen the startup applications preferences it is still ticked!

I also have been trying to get Awn Dock to autostart so I add it and set the command as avant-window-navigator but the next time I reopen it is not there, I have also tried checking the tick under the Awn Dock Preferences - "Start Awn automatically" but this doesn't stick either - all the other setting do though. I have looked in the ~/.config/autostart folder and that has a Padlock on it with the owner as root - should this be the case or should I change permissions on it to myself?

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Slackware :: How To Autostart Mpd

Jun 8, 2011

What would be the best way to autostart mpd when I login? I guess it wont be necessary to run as root so it should only auto start when I login with my details either from cli or xfce?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wlan0 Will Not Autostart Upon Login

Jun 14, 2010

Toshiba Satellite A505D-S6958
Wireless: Realtek 8192e
Ubuntu 10.04, x86


I was using ndsiwrapper with XP driver, but always prefer to Linux drivers if they are available. So, I emailed Realtek web support and they sent me latest drivers for Ubuntu 10.04. I followed their instructions and it works great! With, the exception of, I have to run ./wlan0up each time after I login to start the wireless.

I seem to remember having to modify a file some place, which was very easy to do, but for the life of me I cannot seem to remember what it was or what to put into it? and also, how do you tell if your wireless card is making use of the "n" speed, if the network your are on has it available?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Disable Kde / X Server Autostart 10.04?

Jun 28, 2010

I installed KDE for very limited uses. However, everytime I start up, it brings me to the KDE login screen. I want to revert it back to console login. How do I go about doing that? And if possible, prevent future GUI packages from autostarting. so this seemed to work:

Code: sudo mv -f /etc/init/kdm.conf /etc/init/kdm.conf-disabled That basically renames it so it doesn't start. And if you do need to use the GUI, just run startx

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Ubuntu :: Evolution And Empathy Autostart With Login?

Aug 4, 2010

Here's a neat trick on how to get Evolution and Empathy to start up when you log into gnome. This also hides Evolution to the Indicator Applet, the way it should be.

Install alltray
apt-get install alltray


Go to Systemreferences:Startup Applications and add the following

Name: Empathy
Command: empathy -h
Name: Evolution
Command: sh -c "sleep 10 ; alltray -na -nt evolution"

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Ubuntu :: Autostart And Automounting Of A Software RAID 6?

Aug 22, 2010

I am running a RAID 6 array via mdadm and I cannot make it autostart and automount at boot which is fairly imperative for a server config.I am running the latest build of regular Ubuntu and not server, mostly because I have some other tasks for it that kind of requires a GUI, amongst that virtualization that I have so far working correctly.Can anyone provide me with proper instructions on how to get the array running properly?I found a few guides, added some things to the mdadm.conf which was supposed to be the end of it, however the array still doesn't start and let alone automount.

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