Ubuntu :: Can't Change Things In The File System?

Jul 20, 2011

I would like to change some files in the file system section.How do i gain access to change the file system?

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Ubuntu :: Change The Things With Command Line?

Mar 10, 2011

I understand the basics, where certain files are located, how to change basic things, and very basic stuff with the command line (I use it to organize my files mainly). If at all possible could you supply me with a guide - be a website or a book to:

1) Just the general layout of the system (whats in the depth of the /etc folder and what naught)

2) How to more efficiently use the command line. As in where I am not giving in and using the GUI all the time.

3) What programming language(s) should I learn. I am thinking C and Python to start.

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Ubuntu :: Need To Remove Some Things From System

Mar 31, 2011

I've been running Linux for about 3 years now. I still am having difficulties understanding some of the basic unix and linux software and their dependencies.

What I am wanting to do, simply for my own amusement, is to strip the OS down so that I am only running software that I need. Then I want to build it back up with X and some sort of desktop.

Right now I have a stock Ubuntu 10.04 installation from the alternative DVD. Right now I sit at 643MB and 14MB of ram. Of course I would want it to be lower.

Here are the programs currently on the chopping block. I need to now if I honestly need them or not. I state next to the software whether or not I know what it is. code...

So obviously I have not a clue about many things still, and if you've caught an error in my descriptions then I have less of a clue than I thought.

I just need to know what the system needs to run. I like the basic commands like less, grep, free, df, du, adduser, usermod, apt-get, dpkg, cp, mv, rm, mkdir, ect. What I don't need are things like w3m telnet(Unless someone knows something I don't), memtest+, and I don't ever use cron, but I also don't know if it does something behind the scenes that is vitally important. I remember trying to get rid of memtest one time and it wouldn't boot after that. Any idea why?

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General :: Cannot Change File Permissions On A Mounted File System

Apr 6, 2010

I have an ntfs partition that I wish to access as a normal user(non-root). For this I did the following. As root I created a folder /windows and did a chmod 777 -R on /windows. Then I added the following line to /etc/fstab


/dev/sda3 /windows ntfs-3g defaults,nosuid,nodev,umask=000 1 0

Now, the partition is mounted alright but the problem is that when any other user (non-root) creates a files in /windows (say by executing touch newfile) the newly created file has the owner and group set as root. The non-root user can create the file and he can also delete the file, however, he cannot change the permissions of the file and also the owner:group is always set as root:root. How do I get across this problem, i.e. how do I mount a partition, so that a non-root user can also change the permissions and ownerships of the files he creates.

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General :: Change Turquoise-ish Plasma-desktop And Title Bar Things?

Feb 11, 2010

I've been using Kubuntu for about 6 months now and decided to try something new. So i switched to arch linux, and after much deliberation, I got KDE functional on it. There's just one problem. The icons aren't displaying properly. Here's a picture:

How do I change the turquoise-ish plasma-desktop and title bar things. Also whenever i open something, it asks me basically where i want to position it. How do i stop it from asking me that as well?

Also, how do I login as something other than root? I did adduser, but no login screen shows up for me.

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Ubuntu :: System Tray Things Are Disapearing / Fix For This?

May 25, 2011

I've done some searching through google and can't seem to find a fix for this.

I installed skype on my computer and couldn't figure out where the tray icon went after i closed the main window so I started playing around with all my taskbars and stuff. Being new to ubuntu and all (I'm using version 11.04 with the gnome theme) i accidentally deleted the Skype icon, my windows list on the bottom and everything up top. I successfully restored my windows list and have system monitor so i can easily kill skype if i accidentally restore it (i haven't been able to figure out how to restore the icon up there) and got rid of all my stuff in the top right corner. Upon reboot everything returned except for my shutdown/restart/log off list which i loved (it fit in esthetically and had all the options).

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Fedora :: System Administration Menu - Only Has 7 Things On It?

Dec 16, 2009

I wanted to look at services, system->admon -> menu only has 7 things on it? I think it should have a lot more?

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Programming :: Name Of Formula N Things Out Of Collection Of M Things

Jul 22, 2011

I'm working through some problems in a beginners programming book. The author mentions a formula for calculating the number of ways of picking out n things from a collection of m of them:

/ m m!
| | = -----------
n / n! (m-n)!
But he does not give a name for the formula. Does anyone happen to know what it is called? I need to do some related research.

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Ubuntu :: Change A File System From Read-only?

Feb 10, 2010

I have sandisk usb and want to get rid of the "U3" partition that's on it, but its a read-only file system. can't chmod to 777 from root

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Ubuntu :: Can't Change Settings Of Read Only File System

Oct 2, 2010

When trying to copy files from a local folder into a directory that is a mapping of my QNAP server I get an error message " Read-only file system" - and this only since a couple of days.Trying to change ownership with sudo chown also failed.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot My System It Does Not Allow Me To Change Anything In Fstab File

May 16, 2011

I have ntfs partition installed bran new ubuntu system. I have some problem with unrar utf8 character zip files.Then i change my fstab file that uses files in D:ubuntudisks oot.disk and i added with out no fearless Code: ,utf8 and after all now i can't boot my linux system it does not allow me to change anything in fstab file. Although i use as a prefix sudo or as a root "sudo -i" commands I dont have any right to change it.

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Ubuntu :: Change Or Delete Obsolete System File Type

May 23, 2010

I use Markdown to store all of my source documents. Unfortunately, the .md extension maps to application/x-genesis-rom under Ubuntu. I'm not sure why that would be a system default MIME type, but I'd like to change it.

I've tried using:

gksu assogiate

to modify my file type cache. Unfortunately, even as the SU, I can't modify the entry for this file type. The "Remove" button is inactivated for the entry. (See attachment.)

How can I get rid of this (obsolete?) file association? Alternatively, how can I make my new one (text/x-markdown) take precedence?

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General :: How To Change Invalid File System's Name

Apr 10, 2011

when I got following some information using fdisk -l,there were some invalid information about system name.I installed file system reiserfs, xfs on sdb6, sdb7.but the system didn't recognizes disk's file system name.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Software Raid 5 Migration With A File System Change?

Jan 26, 2010

Everything is software raid using mdadm
3x320GB HDDs in raid 5
1x1.5TB HDDs in raid 1(don't ask)

The above are LVMed to create ~2TB of combined space using reiserFS. I'm not really happy with the performance so I'm moving to XFS while I'm at it.

I FINALLY got around to ordering 2 more 1.5TB HDDs. The end goal is.3x1.5TB HDD in raid 5 formatted to XFS for a total of around ~2.7GB of space.

1. Create raid 5 array using the new 2x1.5TB HDDs.(yes, very pointless at the moment, please continue reading)

2. Copy data from 2TB LVM to the new ~2.7TB raid 5. (will mdadm let me be an idiot? It apparently let me force create a single drive in a raid 1)

3. Move the original 1.5TB over to the new raid 5 to actually provide redundancy.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Write To Directories Inside My Main File System / Change It?

Apr 23, 2010

I can't write to directories inside my main file system. This is annoying, how to change?

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Software :: Change Libraries In A Root File System?

Jul 14, 2010

trying to modify my ubuntu 2.6.27 root file system so that it can use a android kernel. I have built the android kernel myself and it boots up. Now for the RFS to work it needs the android libraries. Now I have the Android libraries-I extracted these from the Android 2.6.27- but how do I merge these with MY root file system

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Debian Multimedia :: Autostart.sh File Is Not Restoring Things?

Jun 13, 2010

I may have posted this in the wrong section before. I had it in General Questions and wasn't getting any feedback there, so I'll try here. Okay, onto the problem...I've decided to give openbox a try with Debian testing. I set up my right-click menu exactly how I want it, and everything else is set up perfectly.I installed trayer and tint2, along with nitrogen. I added the following lines to my ~/.config/openbox/autostart.sh file, but things aren't loading/restoring as they should. Tint2 and trayer don't load at all, and nitrogen isn't restoring my wallpaper. All I get is a black screen with my cursor, but the ability to right-click and open the menu, so it's not like X is dead. I did set the default wallpaper by issuing the command nitrogen /home/john/Pictures/Wallpapers, where "Wallpapers" contains all of my background images.

Here is my autostart.sh file:
# Autostart file for openbox
nitrogen --restore &


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General :: Openbox - Autostart.sh File Is Not Restoring Things

Jun 13, 2010

I've decided to give openbox a try with Debian testing. I set up my right-click menu exactly how I want it, and everything else is set up perfectly. I installed trayer and tint2, along with nitrogen. I added the following lines to my ~/.config/openbox/autostart.sh file, but things aren't loading/restoring as they should. Tint2 and trayer don't load at all, and nitrogen isn't restoring my wallpaper. All I get is a black screen with my cursor, but the ability to right-click and open the menu, so it's not like X is dead. I did set the default wallpaper by issuing the command nitrogen /home/john/Pictures/Wallpapers, where "Wallpapers" contains all of my background images.

Here is my autostart.sh file: Code: # Autostart file for openbox nitrogen --restore & sleep 2s && tint -c /home/john/.config/tint/.tintrc) & (sleep 2s && trayer --expand true --transparent true --alpha 255 --edge bottom --align right --expand true --SetDockType true --widthtype request --margin 130) & I do have proper content in the .tintrc file located in /home/john/.config/tint/tintrc. Am I doing something wrong here?

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General :: Change What Windows XP Considers To Be A 'protected Operating System File'?

Apr 1, 2011

At work I'm using a windows box with local and network drives. One of drives I have mapped is my Linux home directory (We have separate windows and linux accounts and home directories here). When I view it from windows, all of the files and folders beginning with . are shown, as would be expected. (Although . and .. aren't in any folder)

Just wondering if there is a way to tell windows to not show anything starting with a dot. I was hoping there's a registry entry or something that defines what a 'protected operating system file' is, so I could put dot files in the same category as thumbs.db etc.

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Programming :: System Administrator Wants To Change The Privilege* Only To Users 1, 2 And 3 To Execute The File /bin/xxx?

May 1, 2010

due to an exercise in Operating Systems I have to do the following: There are 6 users, user1, user2 ... user6 with home directories /users/user1 ... users/user6. User1 to user3 belong to group1, user4 to user6 belong to group2. The System Administrator wants to change the privilege* only to users 1, 2 and 3 to execute the file /bin/xxx. Which are the commands he has to type in order to achieve the previous?*I'm not sure if this is the right translation.What I have come till now is: Code: $ chgrp group1 <name_of_file> but it seems too simple to be right.

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Hardware :: Change My External Hard Drive's File System From Ext3 To Fat32?

Feb 9, 2010

i needed to change my external hard drive's file system from ext3 to fat32, to use it in windows, which i did the simple way: i shrunk the ext3 partition, made a fat32 partition, copied the files over, removed the ext3 and made the fat32 bigger. unfortunately, while gparted was making the partition larger, my computer shut down. i lost all my files and the partition messed up immediately. i made a new fat32 partition, after deleting the old one, but noticed that gparted was showing 100 gigs already in use (???). so now i have a 300 gb hard drive with only 200 gb i can use; i ran df to make sure gparted wasn't messing up, but indeed it shows the partition as being only 200 gigs in size. i haven't tried making any other kind of partition yet, such as ext3, for fear of losing my files again, and because it wouldn't be permanent anyway, because i need those files in windows and stupid microsoft won't make their OS ext3 compatible.

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General :: Change To Shell Type That From SH To TCH And Back Again And Lost Coloring Of File System

Nov 18, 2010

after i made the change to my shell type, that from SH to TCH, and back again, i lost my coloring for my file system, if you know what i mean, folders always come in blue, and devices in yellow hope you understand? now everything i do can't seem to differentiated between files colors anymore.

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Ubuntu :: Want To Upgrade \ How The System Will Look At Things To Upgrade

Nov 7, 2010

I decided to give Ubuntu another try and installed the Studio version. During my installation it asked whether I wanted the Realtime kernel or not. I chose yes as I figured it could come in handy when I work with audio.However since this version isn't exactly Ubuntu 10.10 as promoted , I decided to install Ubuntu Desktop on top of it (trough apt-get). For the full experience. ( im not even sure if it just installed extra software and added some folders)Now my questions are:1:The Realtime kernel is it now overwritten by any other kernel that came with the Desktop installation?

2: How will the updates handle my installation once i want to upgrade to, lets say, 11.04.I'm not really sure about how the system will look at things to upgrade. Will it look at my Desktop installation or my Ubuntu Studio? ( concerning the Realtime kernel as well).Just to add some more: I'm a total Linux Noob(although im not scared to use the Terminal)

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Ubuntu :: Error Creating File System: Helper Exited With Exit Code 1: Cannot Open /dev/mmcblk0p1: Read-only File System

May 2, 2010

I bought a new SD card which I intend to put some MP3s on - except that I can't write to it because it tells me the destination is Read Only. No-probs thinks I: I'll just reformat it.

"Error creating file system: helper exited with exit code 1: cannot open /dev/mmcblk0p1: Read-only file system"

Various chmod commands all result in Read-only file system. I tried umount then mount commands, but it couldn't find it to mount once I'd unmounted it using the same /media/ file path (I assume it's the only one).

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Red Hat :: File System Corruption - Super Block Could Not Be Read Or Don't Describe A Clear Ext2 File System

Jul 12, 2010

My Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 with 6x partitions (/, /boot,/home, /usr, /var, /tmp) of 6.0 GB IDE Hardisk was working quite fine. I decided to create LVM on /home and /var partitions but due to some errors occured and I delete the /home partitions. That's why partition table altered. I then delete 4,5,and 6th partitions (/home, /var, /tmp) partitions and now try to create one by one but following error is coming:-


The Super block could not be read or do not describe a clear ext2 file system. E2fsck b 8193 <device> I have tried following commands,but could not successful:- e2fsck -p /dev/hda7 (where hda7 was created but afterthat it was deleted) e2fsck -a /dev/hda7

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Execute Things In /tmp Now But Is There A Way To Execute Only One File And No More?

Feb 17, 2011

i created a /tmp partition amd mounted it like this:" mount -o loop,noexec,nosuid,rw /usr/tmpDSK /tmp"
I know i can't execute things in /tmp now but is there a way to execute only one file and no more???

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Ubuntu :: Change File Permissions To Change Background Screen?

Feb 21, 2010

I'm new to Ubuntu Linux but have many years on windows platform. Please can someone help me with how to change the following items.

No.1 I would like to change the HORRIBLE!! YAK!! brown background color behind the word Ubuntu in the start up screen when the machine loads up (before the login). I have located the image file for this which I have found to be: /usr/share/images/xsplash/bg_2560x1600. jpg but the OS says that root is the owner and that I don't have permission to change this. So how can I change this for a color I do like.

No.2 I would also like to change the login dialogue screen style. I know this is possible but again I'm fumbling to see how I can do this. I have tried with the start up manager but every attempt fails, the settings don't take. Once again I suspect permissions are at the bottom of the problem?

No.3 Would like to have a colorful splash screen image on boot up, I've managed to remove the old one (small white 3 ring ubuntu logo on black background) but havent been able to install or replace with a new one. Its been incredibly frustrating, I'm feel sure I'm missing something simple here. Wondering if its permissions yet again?

Anyone who can offer help on any of the above, guidance or advise me would be much appreciated. Please bear in mind that I'm still very much feeling my way with Linux so keep it simple.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Get A 64 Bit File System To Read 32 Bit File System Drives?

Feb 2, 2010

Have just assembled a new computer and thought I would install the 64 bit version of openSUSE 11.2 in a "Windows free zone". After a hiccup or two I have managed to get a system of sorts running but on trying to copy files from my old computer(via a memory stick) it tells me that Vfat is an unknown file system.On my old computer I am running 32 bit openSUSE 11.2 as a dual boot system with Windows XP and have no problems moving files between the two different file systems.Is it possible to get a 64 bit file system to read 32 bit file system drives and if so how do I do it?

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Ubuntu :: Convert FAT File System To NTFS File System?

Mar 13, 2010

How to convert FAT file system to NTFS file system via Ubuntu,are there any commands to do this task?

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General :: What Config File Do You Change To Change Default Run Level?

Aug 5, 2009

What config file do you change to change default run level???

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