Debian Multimedia :: Cannot Get Gnome Autostart Scripts To Run

Mar 5, 2016

I've tried creating .desktop entries in ~/.config/autostart and /etc/xdg/autostart, the contents as follows

Code: Select all[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Fix resolution in VMWare

But it simply never runs, I am stuck with an incorrect resolution every time I login. (VMWare guest with virtual display does not detect 1920x1080)

The script is as follows, and works when run from the command line

Code: Select all#!/bin/bash
echo Setting mode to 1920x1080 from ~/gnome-autoruns/
xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00"  173.00  1920 2048 2248 2576  1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync
xrandr --addmode Virtual1 "1920x1080_60.00"
xrandr --output Virtual1 --mode "1920x1080_60.00"

script is executable to all.

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Debian Multimedia :: In Openbox?

May 23, 2011

When my .xinitrc contains exec /usr/bin/openbox-session My displays will turn off like there is no video output. I cannot switch to a TTY (or at least there is still no video when I try). I can however ssh into the machine. Alt+SysRq+K does not seem to kill the X session, but Alt+SysRq+B will reboot the machine.When my .xinitrc contains exec /usr/bin/openbox and I manually run sh .config/openbox/ everything seems to go smoothly. I really don't understand the discrepancy.

sleep 3s;
xsetroot -solid "#303030"


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Debian Multimedia :: Openbox Autostart On Second Desktop?

Sep 15, 2010

Im currently fitting Openbox to my needs.I want to autostart my email-app (Icedove) on the second desktop, if possible with a given size and position.I googled that already and searched th forum, but did not find anything related to it

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Debian Multimedia :: File Is Not Restoring Things?

Jun 13, 2010

I may have posted this in the wrong section before. I had it in General Questions and wasn't getting any feedback there, so I'll try here. Okay, onto the problem...I've decided to give openbox a try with Debian testing. I set up my right-click menu exactly how I want it, and everything else is set up perfectly.I installed trayer and tint2, along with nitrogen. I added the following lines to my ~/.config/openbox/ file, but things aren't loading/restoring as they should. Tint2 and trayer don't load at all, and nitrogen isn't restoring my wallpaper. All I get is a black screen with my cursor, but the ability to right-click and open the menu, so it's not like X is dead. I did set the default wallpaper by issuing the command nitrogen /home/john/Pictures/Wallpapers, where "Wallpapers" contains all of my background images.

Here is my file:
# Autostart file for openbox
nitrogen --restore &


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OpenSUSE :: Can Kinternet Autostart In Gnome And 11.2

Mar 25, 2010

Autostart kinternet with Gnome?

I recently switched desktops. Kinternet connects fine with Gnome, but it doesn't start up with Gnome. I tried putting kinternet into the Gnome startup, but kinternet errors when it starts.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Autostart In GNOME But Not KDE?

Sep 3, 2011

I'm a KDE fan giving GNOME Shell a try, and I find I like it better with a dock. The one in GNOME Shell extensions is still primitive, so I installed Cairo and set it to start automatically, but then I found it starting in KDE too, where I prefer the Plasma Panel. So I disabled it for autostart and checked "Restore Programs" in the Startup Manager instead, but that didn't do the trick. Now I'm thinking that instead of an autostart entry for Cairo dock, I should have one for a script that says, "IF running GNOME, THEN launch Cairo, ELSE leave well enough alone." Can anyone here tell me how to do that? I've never written a script, but I figure the internet can help me with the basics; the piece I'll need is a way to check whether I'm in GNOME.

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Ubuntu :: How To Autostart Alarm Clock In Gnome

Nov 19, 2010

I installed 'Alarm Clock' from the Software Center and would like to have said app autostarts. There is an option in Alarm Clock to autostart with Gnome but that doesn't work so I assume the reason being I'm not root.

How to autostart Alarm Clock?

Also, in System > Preferences > Startup Applications, the 'Add' asks for a command. Is this like Windows whereas I simply point it to the app I want started? I don't even know where apps are installed. Who said ignorance is bliss?

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Ubuntu :: [Lucid-Lynx] Disable GNOME Autostart?

Jul 11, 2010

How can you disable GNOME autostart in lucid, so it can be started only when i need it?

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Ubuntu :: Deleting Alacarte Entry Disables Autostart Of Gnome-panel?

Jun 1, 2011

I edited my menu using alacarte. There was an unchecked entry of "Panel", so I deleted that entry. After a reboot, my gnome-panel autostarts no more. I reset everythin in alacarte, but I still have to start gnome-panel manually.

How is that possible? Why depends a simple menu entry from the boot configuration? I hate this so much, because I've made 14 reinstalls the last 3 weeks because of those stupid fails. Is there anybody out there having a solution for me (except reinstalling Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Autostart A Script As A Program?

Mar 7, 2011

How can I make a script file a runnable thread auto-start program. the script is: executable permission I add: #! bin/sh -e at the first of the code I add /home/sok/Scripts/ at the end of /etc/rc.local before exit 0 I add /home/sok/Scripts/ in Autostart as program. I restart the system. no effect.

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Install Multimedia Codecs Under Lenny With Gnome

May 29, 2010

How to install Multimedia Codecs under Lenny with Gnome?

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Debian :: How Autostart Daemon In /etc/init.d

Mar 26, 2010

I installed ntop and it works but I cant make it autostart with my server. I started ntop with its parameters and it works as a daemon but if I restart the server ntop wont load even if an ntop file is in /etc/init.d. I executed rcconf and it wont list ntop. How can I make it autostart in daemon with my parameters? (like ntop -d -w12345)

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Debian :: Akregator Won't Autostart From Fluxbox In Xandros?

Dec 22, 2010

I am running Xandros on an asus netbook. I've been trying out the fluxbox window manager. I'm having trouble getting akregator to start after login. I've been able to edit my ~/.fluxbox/apps file and can get other programs to start up just fine. here is my apps file: I added konqueror and kcalc after akregator just to see if they worked.

Code: [startup] {powermonitor}
[startup] {akgregator}
[startup] {konqueror}
[startup] {kcalc}
[startup] {minimixer}
[startup] {networkmonitor ath0 eth0}
[app] (.*[tT]erm)
[app] (konqueror)

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Debian :: Background - Xterm Or Conky - Put Instance In From Openbox

Feb 4, 2011

I want to put some info on my all black background, for instance i do a lot of vpn connections, so it would be cool that i do startx and a xterm console was on the background (without the window ofcourse) with the tail -f /var/log/messages or my dropbox status and so on Like tilling....but on background...i hate wallpapers


now a problem to do the command line above and put it for instance in from openbox i need to do it as sudo and give the will not work

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Debian Multimedia :: Where Did Same-gnome Go

May 19, 2010

went to play it today and it's gone.the gnome wiki says it's now called swell foop - can't find that either.[URL]

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Debian Multimedia :: Cannot Start Gnome

Apr 22, 2015

I am running this Debian wheezy: URL... on my BananaPro.

I installed Gnome and tried startx but command not found. I installed Xinit but then I get :

Xinit:unable to connect to x server.

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Debian Multimedia :: Possible To Install GNOME 3.16 In 8.2?

Sep 20, 2015

Is it possible to install GNOME 3.16 in Debian 8.2 successfully?

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Do Multiseat With GNOME

Oct 14, 2015

All of the documentation I've found on setting up a Multiseat configuration in Debian with GNOME is old. How do I set up Multiseat in Debian Unstable with GNOME 3 and GDM 3? Also, I do not have a video card. I have an integrated Intel GPU that supports two monitors. The multi-monitor set up works, but I want to set up Multiseat.

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Debian Multimedia :: Jessie With Gnome - Cannot Log In

Dec 29, 2015

Here's the thing:

- Debian boots normally
- I get the login screen
- Once my credentials entered, I see only the grey foreground of the login screen for a couple of seconds, then a black screen with a prompt for like half a second and then I'm back to the login screen. No error message, nothing.

When booting in recovery mode and use startx, it works fine (it's my setup at the moment). From there, if I start gdm3 (systemctl start gdm.service), I get the black screen with a prompt and I can do nothing, I have to shut down directly by pressing the button.I tried to add Debian-gdm user to the video group (even if I don't use nVidia drivers), to replace gdm by lightdm and even to remove any display manager but the issue is not solved.Here are some outputs:

Code: Select all# dpkg-reconfigure gdm3
Job for gdm.service failed. See 'systemctl status gdm.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details.
invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm3, action "reload" failed
Code: Select all# journalctl -xn
-- Logs begin at Tue 2015-12-29 19:16:26 CET, end at Tue 2015-12-29 20:20:55 CET


Since removing gdm didn't change anything, I assume it doesn't have anything to do with it but still.

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Debian Multimedia :: Right Click With Gnome 2.2?

Apr 16, 2010

i've recently reinstalled my computer after the unexpected death of my hard drive. (with the lastest Etch install CD) I have a weird bug that is quite annoying: i cannot change the focus of a window using the left click, I have to use the right click first, and sometimes it doesn't even work. For example, i log in, click on the launch menu and fire a terminal. This works. Let's say i type a few commands, and wants to start mozilla. I left click on the menu, and nothing happens. If i right click the properies menu appears, and then i can use the left click on the menu. It's like that for everything. Let's say i have a terminal and mozilla started. If i'm on mozilla and wants to use the terminal, i have to right click on it, cancel the menu and then i can use the mouse on it. Even atl tab doesn't help: the keyboard gets the focus correctly, but the mouse can't click anything in the window. I've tried replugging the mouse, rebooting, using another mouse, nothing helps. Last thing is reinstall again, and i hope i won't have to.

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome General Lag

Jul 15, 2010

Not new using linux tho... im not an expert, im running Debian Squeeze cat /etc/debian_version squeeze/sid

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Debian Multimedia :: Debian506 From Gnome To Kde?

Sep 30, 2010

i've recently installed debian506 (i386 version) with the gnome desktop manager, but i wanted to change it in kde. so i tried the solution explained here for the "kde desktop" solution: ... =DebianKDE but after rebooting i found the gnome desktop manager there..i tried to unistall gnome with the code: tasksel delete gnome-desktop after rebooting again gnome how i can set kde as default desktop manager? i premise that i am a newbie from debian I prefer avoid to reinstall all the operating system from the beginning.

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Debian Multimedia :: Have Gnome Want To Install KDE As Well

Dec 30, 2010

I have gnome installed and want to install KDE as well to be able to run them both. As I understand from searching the web, I should be able to install KDE and at boot I will be able to choose which DE to start.

You are supposed to just run:

su [password ]
apt-get install kde

But I get dependencies errors, translated from swedish so it is not exact:

Dependencies: kde-core (>=5:47) but will not be installed
Dependencies: kdeaddons (>= 4:3.5.5) but will not be installed
Dependencies: kdenetwork (>= 4:3.5.5) but will not be installed
Dependencies: kdetoys (>= 4:3.5.5) but will not be installed

If I check kde-core the version is: 5:48. If I try to install kde-core first I get another bunch of dependencies errors... so I seem to go in circles.

I am running Lenny 5.0.7 amd64.

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome Themes Are Gone?

May 10, 2011

I'm in Debian testing and I had Gtk+-3 from the apt-get. Now because I wanted to install Xnoise in Debian from source, I needed gtk+-2. So I installed gtk+-2 from the source. And after that Xnoise was installed and worked great. I've noticed that Xnoise theme was standard(gray). Note: I installed both of them to /usr/local(default/no prefix). But when I rebooted my computer, all Gnome themes was also gray. BTW: After reset I can't hear any sound in Xnoise, but this isn't the subject here. Therefor, I went to System->Preferences->Appearance and It tells me the following error in a yellow box(translated): "The theme won't seen as excepted because GTK+ Adwaita suit isn't installed."

I had the "clean theme" which is the default Gnome theme in Debian. Now all the themes have gone.... I can see only "Custom" which is ugly gray. How can I restore it?

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Debian Multimedia :: Opinions About KDE And Gnome?

Sep 2, 2011

I'd like to hear some opinions from those of you who are willing to share some, about your experience with KDE or GNOME, about why you chose one or another and about what you miss in one or another. I don't want any "vs" discussions or the likes, I'm simply interested in sharing experiences. (I hope this is not "yet another KDE GNOME post" to bore you off, I searched a little bit and found no such topic).

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Debian Multimedia :: Y Key Is Not Working In Gnome

Sep 5, 2011

Y keY is not working.I changed keYboards and its still the same. It works fine in ttY1 for example and shift Y works too. It works fine within things like openarena... But in gnome it does not. I checked binds and stuff, everYthing seems normal and i havent thouched anYthing related. It just does nothing when i press it alone.

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome Activities Bar Missing

Nov 22, 2014

I got a new laptop, Dell Vostro with AMD A6. This came with Ubuntu 12. Got rid of it!I installed Debian 7.6 from a Live dvd with gnome & update it and no have Debian 7.7. I saw a few videos where Debian 7 comes with a vertical menu bar at the left of the screen and most of the options are available is a nice graphical interface. This is missing in my installation.Below is a link of desktop image i could find. The left activities bar does not show on my system. URL....

Also including diplay details if this could be display drivers related.

01:00.0 Display controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Device 6663
Subsystem: Dell Device 0682
Physical Slot: 0
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 10
Memory at c0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]


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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome Can't Detect New Drivers

Feb 8, 2015

I recently installed fglrx proprietary drivers. Upon reboot, gnome stopped working - the classical "something has gone horribly wrong" message showed up. Surprised, i switched to KDE plasma display manager, and it worked flawlessly.So I opened up Konsole, and typed: gnome-shell --replace.I received this output:

Code: Select all(gnome-shell:3729): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_strsplit: assertion 'string != NULL' failed
(gnome-shell:3729): Clutter-CRITICAL **: Unable to initialize Clutter: The OpenGL version could not be determined
(gnome-shell:3729): mutter-ERROR **: Unable to initialize Clutter.
Trace/breakpoint trap

which led me to think that gnome is not able anymore to detect my display driver. It is however working well: glxgears gives the usual values, and glxinfo does detect the correct driver.I thus searched the web for that error, and the only results that showed up were about changelogs / some obscure things.The xorg.conf seems perfect to me: pointing to the correct drivers, and having the correct values.I am having Debian Jessie with an r9 290x on the proprietary Omega drivers.

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Debian Multimedia :: Removing The Gnome Status Bar

May 2, 2015

I would like to remove it, because typically I don't need to see it all day. Its enough if it shows up when i go to the upper left corner and see all running applications.

I found this: [URL].... but if you add the repo in that article and update apt,the repo fails.

second try(this one works): [URL].... different extension, same goal. but this one works with gnome 3.14.2 allow gnome to change files when firefox asks.

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome 3.14.1 / Empathy Pop-up Window

May 8, 2015

I am using empathy, for facebook chat desktop pop-up notifications. The problem is, when i close the chat i cannot re opened it from the low bar like the previous version of gnome because when i put the mouse pointer down, off the screen the low bar does not appear.

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