Debian Multimedia :: KDE - Dolphin Showing ISO File As Text

Aug 16, 2015

Dolphin showing .iso file as text wants to open in Kate or Kwrite. I reported this bug to Debian so they can get it fixed [URL]...

If you haven't done this fix, download the three iso files to see this problem in Debian 8 32bit: dban-2.3.0_i586.iso shows as normal in Dolphin. [URL]....

My before:
<sub-class-of type="application/x-raw-disk-image"/>
<alias type="application/x-iso9660-image"/>


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Debian Multimedia :: Text Not Showing Up In Dialogs On Firefox

Jan 27, 2015

I just installed a fresh install of Debian Wheezy to an old Pentium 4 desktop computer I found on Craigslist. Everything is mostly up and running but I've been encountering an odd issue with Firefox. Whenever I type text into either a search or text dialog on Youtube, Facebook or on Duck Duck Go the text is invisible. I can highlight the text to see what I have written, but obviously this is quite annoying not to be able to view what I am typing in these places in real-time. The strange thing is that it is only these sites that I have found, everywhere else (reddit, google, Debian forums as well) can see what I am typing. I'm using Firefox 35.0 right now.

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Software :: Drive Not Showing Up In Dolphin?

May 27, 2010

I just added a new drive, formatted it, and everything is ready. except that it does not show up under "places" in dolphin. Removable drives show up almost instantly, and same with all my other useful partitions*, but not this one. I can add a link to the folder it is mounted in, but that is just not the same...

is there something I need to do to fix this?

*(swap are not usable partitions)

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Debian Multimedia :: Access 2nd Partition With Dolphin - KDE

Jan 20, 2011

I have recently installed Debian 6.0 Testing with KDE4.4.5. I have two fixed ext3 partitions on the hard drive but when I click on the second partition in Dolphin the following error message appears: "org.freedesktop.hal.device.volume.permission denied, refusing to mount /dev/hda5 for uid=1000". I have searched the kde forum and other sites and have found reference to it on other distributions. It appears to be a hal configuration problem. KMint kde 4.4 seems to have resolved the problem as my other partition is running the same kde version and I can access the debian partitions. Perhaps I should just manually mount the partitions when needed!

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Ubuntu :: Digital Camera Not Showing Up On Dolphin

May 19, 2010

I'm using Kubuntu, but installed Nautilus so I could use Dropbox. Yesterday I plugged my camera and it popped up a window asking what to do, but it didn't list any application, and the only option available was Cancel. Then I couldn't find it anywhere on the system, neither where it was mounted. Today I've turned on an USB hard disk and Nautilus popped up (why? shouldn't be dolphin...?), then afterwards plugged in the camera, and there it was on Nautilus.

But in it's interface I also couldn't find the mount point... I've seen I can add an entry on Dolphin's "Places", but I need the mount point. Is there a way to make Dolphin add the entry automatically? Device Actions under System Settings is a bit confusing... And Digital Camera (also under System Settings) gives "Unable to initialize camera, check your port settings and camera connectivity and try again. Could not lock the device", and indeed, I can't unmount it on Nautilus....

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Software :: KDE Dolphin Showing Backup Files?

Feb 18, 2011

I've been struggling to find an option to hide backup files some applications create when you save a file like "file.ext~", is there a way to tell dolphin not to show them?

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Debian Multimedia :: Video Thumbnailer Support For Dolphin

Sep 11, 2010

In kubuntu, I know of a package kffmpegthumbnailer for video thumbnailing support. For Gnome on Debian, ffmpegthumbnailer is in the repos. I cannot however find kffmpegthumbnailer for my KDE Squeeze in the repos. Where is it? Or, is there a good replacement?

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Ubuntu :: Dolphin Not Showing 'Previews' Of Movie Files?

Oct 18, 2010

Just wondering why Kubuntu 10.10 has a file manager that by default doesn't show the previews of video files? Or did I do something wrong during the install? Does extra software need to be installed to view video files as thumbnails in Dolphin? Or, am I doing something wrong and everyone else who uses Dolphin after installing Kubuntu gets thumbnail previews of their video files? See the attached picture showing a preview of a graphics file. Maybe I'm expecting too much because Nautilus (in Ubuntu), Thunar (in Xubuntu) and Windows Explorer (Win XP/Vista/7) all show thumbnail previews of video files by default.

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Debian Multimedia :: Dolphin In Jessie - Forget Copying Files

May 10, 2015

When I am copying from DVD to my comp - Dolphin copies some files and directories and some did not. I have to check what was copied and what was ommited and fix the bad copying by copying again. The DVD is okay, it is perfectly readable. There is also plenty of memory around (8 GB). The behavior is new in Jessie, Dolphin in Wheezy used to work flawlessly.

I have met this strange behavior after copying archived data to my new Debian installation. The copyings were "huge tasks", for example 2000 files, more than 1GB total. "Small tasks" seem to copy okay. Nevertheless, the danger or missing files is annoying. What to do?

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Ubuntu :: Mounted Devices Not Showing In Dolphin Places List

Jan 16, 2011

This is probably me looking but not seeing an option somewhere. I re-installed 10.10 over 10.04 by formatting the root partition but keeping the home partition the same, to save me a lot of work. (64 bit) However, now when I mount a CD, DVD or USB stick, they don't appear in Dophin's "Places" window. What have I missed please?

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Fedora :: Fc14 Amd64 Gnome - Hiding Hidden Files In Dolphin And Showing Full Location In Nautilus?

Apr 4, 2011

Trying the various settings (and noticing ubuntu gnome users recently had the same exact OPPOSITE problem -- they can't SHOW hidden files in dolphin) to hide my hidden files in dolphin is not working. The settings are saved OK, but those damn (ending in tilde, ie "~") files do NOT ever hide! I even see the correct little green recycling symbol on them, indicating they're identified as such, but no actual hiding goes on..

Nautilus, which I've used before (but have grown tired of, and was looking forward to dolphin), also has a weird issue that seems to have appeared with FC13 (I'd been using FC12 'til now mostly because of this) - there's no way (AFAIK) to tell it to show the location; to see it, you have to click Go->Location each time. Previously I could set it to print out the whole file or server path and it would stay that way when I opened new windows.. This is on fresh install & update.. kernel is

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Ubuntu :: Sort The Output To A Text File So That It Prints To The Text File At 1 Process Per Line?

Feb 6, 2011

im trying to output a list of running processes via a shell script. At the moment i got this which outputs the processes to a text file called out.

echo $(ps aux) >>out

The problem is though, the processes are all just one big block of text which makes it hard to read. Does anyone know how to sort the output to a text file so that it prints to the text file at 1 process per line? I know its probably simple but im very new to linux.

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Debian Multimedia :: Recent Update Panels Not Showing Up?

Mar 30, 2011

Recent update is causing problems with the top and bottom panels not to show when I restart and or start my acer aspire one netbook. It takes several retries to try to get it to show. I don't know what the possible problem is my guess is the gdm3 is the one causing the problems.

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Programming :: Remove Lines In A Text File Based On Another Text File?

Jan 28, 2009

I have a text file called file1.txt containing many lines eg.


Then i have another text file called file2.txt contains


Is there a command to remove the lines in file1.txt based on the keywords in file2.txt? note: It should remove line3,line5,line6 based on 3,5,6

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Debian Multimedia :: Xorg Not Showing (1024x768) Resolution Of Computer

May 3, 2015

I'm now working to install Debian 8 on another computer since yesterday. Another Linux, and as always, endless list of problems.

- A computer that was freezing at every installation attempt (but never at the same moment) during installation when the Broacom cardbus adapter was connected (it's a chance that it is easy to remove and I found it quickly... and it is working once installation is finished)

- Turning to sleep mode after 15 seconds if I don't quickly try to login

- BOINC receive no work

- Tray icons are here but invisible - no icons, just gray space

- xserver-xorg-video-savage is installed, but I have resolution problems, and weird glittering horizontal lines when the computer is working (as on my other PC with the SiS video card).

On Debian 7.8, it was working fine for having the 1024x768 native resolution of this laptop screen.

But, with debian 8, the max resolution is now "800x600" and with this screen, there is no smooth effect : the image is a disaster.

Here is "lspci -nn" :

Code: Select all00:00.0 Host bridge [0600]: VIA Technologies, Inc. P/KN266 Host Bridge [1106:3156]
00:01.0 PCI bridge [0604]: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8633 [Apollo Pro266 AGP] [1106:b091]
00:0a.0 CardBus bridge [0607]: O2 Micro, Inc. OZ601/6912/711E0 CardBus/SmartCardBus Controller [1217:6972]
00:0c.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394) [0c00]: Texas Instruments TSB43AB21 IEEE-1394a-2000 Controller (PHY/Link) [104c:8026]
00:10.0 USB controller [0c03]: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xxxxx UHCI USB 1.1 Controller [1106:3038] (rev 80)

[Code] ....

How to confirm that my Video card is included into xserver-xorg-video-savage package ? How do I know if the driver is loaded ? How to modify xorg confifugration files in this modern flavour of Linux in order to force adding the 1024x768 resolution ? I already succeed into /etc/default/grub and "update-grub" for the bootloader screen but I want it too in the desktop environment.

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Debian Multimedia :: Pull-down Corners Showing Up In Weird Places

Jun 2, 2011

I have a pull-down corner on both of my gnome-panels. If I hover my mouse over it, i even get the resize cursor, but you can't actually resize the panel. I'm also seeing them on my screenlets. See the shot below:

The pull-down corners are in the red boxes. It's very clear in the top box on the gnome-panel; it's a little harder to see in the bottom one on the weather screenlet, but it's there. I have a bottom gnome-panel, too, and it's on that one, as well. I just recently noticed them, but I'm not sure where they came from. Does anyone know how to get rid of them? It's not really causing any problems. It just bothers me because I'm a bit of a perfectionist. I've tried searching the web and the forums for a solution but I'm having a hard time finding anything because I don't know the official name for that design element.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: What I Get Is A Text File In Some Programing Language

Feb 7, 2010

The first is Mp3 which is no problem for Ubuntu. The second is WMP, also no problem. The third format is WMA, which uses an Overdrive Media Console designed to run in Windows. This has stumped me. I was hoping to run it in Wine, but the media console refuses to download into Ubuntu. Then I tried downloading the audio file straight into Ubuntu. What I get is a text file in some programing language, parts of which are in readable english describing the book and lines of code refering actual audio files(HTML tags?).So Can anybody tell me how to play WMA audio books in Ubuntu. The rest of the media is installed and works perfectly.

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome Dash - Hundreds Of Strange Icons Showing Up

Nov 2, 2015

When I use gnome (3), I find I have hundreds of strange icons in my dash, in addition to the applications that are actually there, which don't seem to actually do anything...

I'm using debian jessie, gnome version 3.14.

See the attached screenshot for what I mean by this...

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Debian Multimedia :: Text Size In Tty

Sep 11, 2011

On my netbook I run crunchbang in tty (because X isn't supported) and it looks rather ugly. I have made it look fairly nice with the .bashrc but the text size is way too large. Is there anyone here that knows how to change it?Also I was wondering whether a png could be used as a tty background. Though I am possibly pushing the limitations of tty with that one lol.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Error - GstDecodeBin2: This Appears To Be A Text File When I Click The HD

Jun 9, 2010

I have a problem with streaming from .mov from As most of you must know, the iPhone 4 was announced in WWDC 10 on Monday. I am interested in it and I wanted to watch the keynote (available at different resolution:[URL]... When I click on low-large resolutions, Totem opens up and I get this error message:

GstDecodeBin2: This appears to be a text file When I click the HD , totem opens, and video starts streaming, but it is of a terrible quality (so much for Apple's "perfect presentation" rep). I'm not so sure this is so much a problem of Ubuntu as of my network connection. I have heard that "live" streams are not of that great quality because the video player is prioritizing to deliver live continuous stream, I can understand that. But I want quality video. So, can any of you Linux guru's (I am a newbie) tell me if this is a problem with Ubuntu (not proper mov codecs?), my connection? Apple?

Also, as I understand it, if I were to download the stream, it would have full quality because the player isn't focusing on delivering it live. Is there any app/Firefox extension/hack/terminal code, etc.

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Debian Programming :: Organize A Dictionary Text File?

Nov 9, 2013

I have bought a pdf dictionary, but I would like to convert it to stardict for my ereader.

I have converted the pdf into txt but is quite a bad result. So I need to reorganize a bit the txt.

I'm not a programmer, so I should need you write me a small script (python, sed, bash...) that if at the end of the line there is not a point then the line have to be joined with the following line. Sometimes happens that there is a point even in the middle of the line: in this case the line have to be splitted.

Once last thing: after the first word it's needed a TAB. I have appended a preview of the txt file.

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Debian :: Saving Shutdown Text Screen Into A Txt File?

Mar 29, 2010

Is it possible to save all the text appearing once you choose to turn off your debian box into a .txt file for further reading and analysis?

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Ubuntu :: Browsers Only Showing The Text?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a problem with my web browsers showing only text on some web pages. In the Firefox error console, I see the following errors:

1. Error: The stylesheet was not loaded because its MIME type, "text/html", is not "text/css".

2. Bootloader is not defined

3. BigPipe is not defined.

Any browser I use has the same sort of results. If I use WindowsXP, however, everything seems to work fine.

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General :: Su - Abc Showing Password In Text?

Mar 24, 2011

when i do su - abc it ask for password and showing the password in text while entring, is there some thing wrong with the software/module/configurationi am running RH9

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Debian Multimedia :: Can't Render Text With Kino

Feb 11, 2015

When trying to render text with kino on amd64, I get:

Kino experienced a segmentation fault.

Dumping stack from the offending thread

Obtained 2 stack frames.
kino() [0x43bdb0]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f844b8401e0]

Done dumping - exiting.

I tried 'rm -rf ~/.kino-history' but this did not work.

I realized what I could have done wrong. I added as a repository and installed mythtv and avidemux. I also did an update with aptitude and an upgrade with aptitude.

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Debian Multimedia :: Text Editor For XFCE

Apr 2, 2011

I've Squeeze with a minimal XFCE 4 installed and looking for a simple text editor running under XFCE.

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Debian Programming :: Script To Execute String From Text File

Sep 24, 2014

I am having trouble writing a script that monitors a text file. When the file contains number 1 (or any other string that is not a command) it does nothing, but when it is something different from 1, it executes that command.

So, there are 2 files: monitor.mon - this is the file that will be checked constanlty; and - the script that does the job. The monitor.mon file will have its content modified by php. This means a web page will have a form where I input commands and writes does commands in the file. will watch when the file's content changes from character 1 to a command, execute that command and write back a 1 so it will not execute it more times.

I tried combining while and if but with no success. Tried reading the file with cat and grep -e but it doesn't seem to recognize when content changes.

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Ubuntu :: Xdialog Is Not Showing Any Text On Popup?

Mar 23, 2010

am trying this command

"Xdialog --title IMR --yesno IMRCAME 8 25 &"

Popup is comming but nothing showing on popup window. and getting below mentioned error on terminal. Gtk-WARNING (recursed) **: Failed to load module "": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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Ubuntu :: Conky Only Showing Text Shading?

Apr 24, 2010

I have my conky set up so it displays fortune, then I run a script to add enough spaces so that even if fortune is any amount of lines long, it will take up exactly 17 lines, and after that, it displays the time. The problem I have is that a lot of the time, the fortune will display fine, but the time will only display what default_shade_color is (black).


# A comprehensive conky script, configured for use on
# Ubuntu / Debian Gnome, without the need for any external scripts.


is there a built-in linux script that does what mine does? and why is conky only drawing the fortune in the right colors? PS the reason I want it all on one conky, is I'm running openbox and the right-click menu only works for stuff drawn to the root screen.

edit: When I don't use the script the colors work just fine, but the spacing's off, obviously. sceenshot-1 shows it.

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Ubuntu :: Prevent Text From Showing Up When Trying To Boot?

Jul 26, 2010

I'm running an Acer Aspire One D250-1958 with Ubuntu 10.04. A while ago, the start up splash screen started running text as follows:


Is there any way to prevent this from showing up when I try to boot?

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