Debian Hardware :: C3 Nehemiah FREEZE UP On Boot - NOT CMOV

Jan 28, 2011

I have a VIA C3 Nehemiah 1GHZ, Model 9, Stepping 8. It has CMOV support. The chipset is a CLE266. This is a PCCHIPS mini-itx board. I have tried installing the following: Debian 5.08 Multiarch liveCD. What works:

- Installation works properly.
- The kernel installed was an i486 type, even though I have the CMOV instruction.

What does not work:

- A normal, non-verbose bootup will freeze the system, seems like it happens right after CPUFREQ module starts up.

What I've tried:

- booting using noapic result = no change, still freezes up.

The freeze up completely freezes everything including USB, I can tell because I have a wireless keyboard whose receiver lights up when a key is pressed. After the freeze occurs, the receiver stays lit until I power down.

Note Also: Ubuntu 7.10 works perfectly. Ubuntu 9.04A6 worked perfectly. Ubuntu 8.04, 8.10, 9.04, 9.10, 10.4, 10.10 all exhibit a similar freeze up, except it happens after X11 starts up and Gnome Desktop is loaded but not right away, after a few seconds. Note Also, when I use failing Ubuntu's, if I do a CTRL+ALT+F1 and go to the terminal, the system does not freeze.

Note Also, I tried using cpufrequtils in Ubuntu 10.10 and setting the minimum speed to 800MHz but still got the freeze ups. I do not know why 7.10 and 9.04A6 worked properly, but none of the other debian based distros work without freezing... EVEN THE UBUNTU LIVE CDS FREEZE UP!

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Fedora Hardware :: 12 On EBox 3300 - Cmov Error "Unable To Boot"

Mar 24, 2010

I have an eBox 3300 PC. Fedora 11 runs great on it. I went to upgrade to 12 and right away while the DVD was still loading I got this error: "This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: cmov Unable to boot. Please use a kernel appropriate for your cpu. I'm at a complete loss. What do I do next? I downloaded the fedora 12 i386 package, which I also had the i386 of fedora 11. Is this a hopeless problem or is there something I can do to get 12 to install on this pc.

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Fedora Hardware :: Install 13 On AMD K6-2: Cmov Not Present

Jul 25, 2010

I recently built a few boxes from old scraps, figuring I would give those good ol' K6-2s a second chance with Fedora. I didn't got far though. On booting the install CD, the kernel will spit immediately after loading: "this kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: cmov"

I've tried with the Live CD I already had, and on seeing it's marked as i686 on the download page, I also tried with the normal "i386" non-live install, with the same result. I can boot Knoppix just fine, so I'm guessing what I want is a Fedora install with a kernel not optimized for i686. Does such thing exists? Probably not, unless I get an old release. But which one? And should I be able to update to fresh versions? Or what alternate methods of installing could I use?

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General :: Old PC's Processor Doesn't Have Cmov And Can't Install Xubuntu

Dec 5, 2010

I am trying to install Linux on a 12-year-old PC with an AMD Pentium II equivalent and with 128Mb RAM. Xubuntu 10.04 won't install because the kernel requires "cmov" but the PC's processor doesn't have it. There are loads of posts on the Internet about this but I have not found any listings of Linux distros that don't need cmov other than TinyMe, which I shall try installing.

There is no hope of my being able to use the command line to replace the kernel version or for any such fix -I am just too new to it all. nice-looking distro that should install that doesn't look too old and that has a good set of features?

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Software :: Shared Libraries Dependencies - Ldd - Cmov - (files Have Different Sizes)

Jan 6, 2010

Question about shared libraries dependancies & ldd: Lets find dependancies for /bin/echo :

$ldd /bin/echo => (0xb7f70000) => /lib/i686/cmov/ (0xb7e01000)
/lib/ (0xb7f71000)

Lets focus on libc6 :


What is this directory /lib/i686/cmov? How does ldd to link /lib/ to /lib/i686/cmov/ Why having 2 libc6 on the system (files have different sizes, so are different)?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Freeze At Boot / Fix It?

Jan 23, 2011

I just downloaded and installed Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Edition for my Toshiba Tecra A4 laptop, but the system first froze at the default desktop picture (nothing was loaded except the arrow). Tried restarting only to find it frozen on the purple boot screen again with only the mouse arrow loaded (I can move it around).

Note: The same thing happened when I tried to boot Ubuntu from CD (without installing)

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Freeze On Boot (also 10.04 And Mint 10)?

Dec 26, 2010

I have a Toshiba Satellite A205 laptop 2GB RAM, running Meerkat 32bit. Used 2 previous versions of Ubuntu also.For the past few months, about 75% of the time, on boot up the screen will freeze before I get to the login screen. No key combos (ctrl alt backspace, alt prnt screen, REISUB) work, I have to take out the battery, unplug and restart. It always boots normally the second time, whether I boot normally or attempt repair.I recently installed Linux Mint 10 on dual boot, and the same thing happens with Mint.I connect to the Internet via wireless, not sure if that is significant or not.The problem does not appear immediately after installation, but only after updates and a couple reboots.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Desktop Randomly Freeze - Finding Which Module Cause The Freeze?

Jun 4, 2010

I have a Ubuntu 10.04 fresh installation on my HP laptop. Installation successful and boot OK. But the desktop randomly freeze. During freeze(about 15s each time), all programs are not responsive. Sometimes I can switch program by click, but program seems locked. How can I know which module cause the freeze?

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Ubuntu :: Hard Freeze During Or Shortly After Boot?

Mar 3, 2010

My problem is that within a few minutes of booting the machine, it freezes. The keyboard and mouse do nothing; the keyboard LEDs do not light up. Whatever is on the screen stays there - X or a console. Ctrl-Alt-Del does not work; neither does Alt-SysRq-REISUB. The machine stops responding to ping and won't accept any remote connections. I have to do a hard reset with the power button.

Sometimes it happens during the boot process; sometimes it's a few minutes afterward, and I get to look at log files for a while until it stops responding.

Here's what I've tried:

It happens in recovery mode as well as a regular startup. It happened when I booted from an Ubuntu Server CD and did rescue mode. I ran memtest86+ and it completed successfully with no errors (and it didn't freeze) It doesn't happen if I just sit in the grub menu for a while. I've looked at what log files I can; there's nothing that looks like a severe error, and it fails at different times during the boot process, so it doesn't seem like whatever's going wrong is getting logged. It happens with the latest kernel I have (2.6.31-19-generic), as well as the oldest (2.6.28-16-generic) It seems like there must be some hardware issue, but I'm not sure where to start looking.

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Ubuntu :: How To Freeze GRUB2 Boot Loader

Sep 30, 2010

I set the auto timeout on my dual boot machine to 1 second. It will not allow me to select anything but the default option I had set, which is Windows XP. I would love to be able to get back into Ubuntu, but I can't.I tried logging in through a live CD I had for Xubuntu v9.1, but I was unable to successfully run "Startup Manager" to change the timeout back to 3+ seconds.

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Ubuntu :: Flickering Screen & Freeze On 1st Boot?

Mar 21, 2011

When I first boot up it gets to the checking sensors, then freezes and the screen flickers all the time. I have to do a hard shutdown then when I turn the computer back on everything works normally in fact the boot time is greatly reduced! And so far the system has worked fine after the 2nd boot.Anyone had anything similar?

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Ubuntu :: Freeze At Login On Normal Boot?

Apr 16, 2011

Seems that I have been having a problem with the initial user login on Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook. Whenever I try and login the normal way (from standard gui login) my system comes to a standstill and I have to switch to command line (ctrl+alt+F2) and restart/shutdown my computer in that fashion. The only way that I can login and actually see my desktop without any hint of my system freezing up is by booting into the ubuntu recovery Console using the dpkg function to remove any broken packages, select boot normally (where I have to login through the command line), and manually startx.

Originally I was running an x64 version of ubuntu desktop 10.10 but I switched to an x86 version of netbook due to many incompatibilities in software and trouble finding x64 software for my system. When I was on Ubuntu Desktop I had a similar problem where it would freeze at login as well but I fixed it by removing compiz & compiz-core. I tried that with this version of the OS but had no luck because it said that compiz was not installed.

Not a major issue, just somewhat annoying that I have to resort to other means to login

PS: My computer is a Toshiba P500-026. Some stats are listed below in my signature if its relevant to my problem.

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Fedora :: FC10 Freeze During Boot Following Install

Mar 3, 2009

We (2 persons) are experiencing a total freeze on first boot after installing fc10 from the 6 CD distro set, and yes, we used the same discs but ran the validate check on each. One machine is a rather ancient Acer G7500G which had previously been running FC3 happily; the other is a very new Dell Notebook (now running FC9 happily). The freeze occurs after the progress bar turns all white. Pressing escape shows that the volume group(s) have been found and are now "active", but that's all she wrote.

The systems can be mounted in repair mode and I notice that there is no "functions" file in /etc/rc.d/init.d but this may be normal for FC10.

The Del owner have officially given up, but before I throw FC10 out and go to 9 also, I though the question was worth asking: has anyone installed FC10 from the CD distro as opposed to the DVD distro successfully?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: F13 Randomly Freeze At Boot / Resolve This?

Aug 25, 2010

I just recently notice that my Fedora 13 is randomly stop at boot. This is a fresh install less than a week and with all the updated kernel and software as of today. I could not get much information from /var/log/messages (only about 3 lines at the time it froze).

It froze straight after it finishes the boot sequence. I can see a mouse cursor but that's about it. The last init sequence I could see before going to X was "atd" (if that helps at all)

This install is on a single Seagate 1.5TB drive without any other drives attached to the system (I rule out if that's problem with the other hard drives)
on Gigabyte P35DS3 mobo on ICH9 port
the mobo has AHCI mode for the hard drive
I got some bad sector on the hard drive (40 sectors)

For some reason, it kept stopping when I cold boot. Once it stop and I press the reset button it normally works.

I found another forum mentioning it can be issue with the video driver. So I here's further information of my system code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot In 9.10 Login Screen Freeze?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a dual boot configuration (WinXp and Ubuntu 9.10) on a PC (my video card is an ATI Radeon 4850), i have been configuring ubuntu for the past 5 days and everything was working fine. Today i installed Screenlets (through synaptic manager), and i was adding a screenlet when the screen froze. I could move the cursor, but couldn't click anything. I left it for about 5 minutes to see if anything changes, and since it was still frozen, i did a hard reset (restart from the button).

In the grub menu i chose the normal linux boot (not the recovery mode), it loads up the welcome splash screen (with the tribal sound and the bar moving), and then the little circle cursor appears, turns into the normal arrow cursor and it hangs. I can move the cursor, but the screen is stuck with the ubuntu splash screen.I restarted (again from the button) and went into recovery mode, but in the recovery console i can't select any option from the keyboard (i tried hitting the cursor keys, enter, nothing happens). I hit ctrl+alt+delete and it restarted the system (so the keyborad does function). In XP i found a recommendation to restart the Xserver, so i rebooted in the Ubuntu splash screen, hit ctrl+alt+F2, logged in, typed the command i found:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorgrestarted (sudo reboot), and got to the splash screen, which after playing the tribal sounds, turned semi-transparent (i could see the desktop wallpaper, taskbars and a black rectangle where my cairo-dock should appear), but again it freezed, no cursor. I hit ctrl+alt+F2 to go into console mode, and uninstalled screenlets (since it was the last thing i installed before the initial freeze).Screenlets uninstalled properly (i used sudo apt-get remove screenlets) so i rebooted, but it still freezes at the ubuntu screen splash (this time it wasn't transparent, just the standard screen splash). So i tried getting into console mode again, but this time my screen displays lines in a lot of colors, randomly (probably a failure from the video adapter)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows XP Dual Boot Freeze

Apr 4, 2010

I am running a Dell desktop with Windows XP Home Edition, which is up to date. My security suite is the Comcast-branded version of Norton 360. Following the directions in a Smart Computing article, I downloaded wubi.exe and ran it. I get the options screen, used the default partition of 17 GB, chose a password, and then I'm directed to reboot. I reboot and get the bootup option page. So far, so good. But then I have a problem. I click on Ubuntu and then I see a white three-sector circle against a black background. It pulses a little bit for a few seconds and then nothing happens. It just sits there, with no hard drive activity. I waited for a while, with no activity, then shut the PC down, deleted Ubuntu and re-downloaded everything. Still have the same result.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Freeze On Boot - HP Pavilion Dv6 - 2020sa

May 12, 2010

However i've decided to kick the nasty habbit that is windows. I've just installed Ubuntu 10.04 onto my HP Pavilion dv6-2020sa. Its a full install no partitions (i jumped straight into the deep end) However when i start her up, she gets to the loading screen of Ubuntu and the Welcome sound, blurts out of my speakers, but then repeats and repeats before stopping... the system then freezes, keyboard and mouse stop responding. Running from the Live CD works fine. I was reading through the forum and understand i need to get the boot info script, so here she is.


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Ubuntu :: Freeze After Switching Video Mode During Boot ?

Oct 8, 2010

I just bought an Asus TS mini server. It has an Atom CPU (N280), and an Intel 945 chipset.

I installed Ubuntu Server Edition 10.04, that went smooth.

But on first boot, I see it hanging just after it mounts the swap. Now I don't think it has anything to do with that, the problem seems to me that at that point, it also switches the video mode. I guess that's where the problem is caused. It just freezes, no kernel panic, no reaction to the keyboard.

The system is dual boot, and the other OS is Windows Home Server. I put an ext fs driver there, and tried to read the logs, but don't get a clue from there. In particular, syslog doesn't even exist. Also no X log.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Freeze / Halts At Boot Point

Feb 25, 2011

no cd-rom USB installer UBUNTU 10.10 stick when it boots it halts. screen reads: "syslinux 3.81 2009-05-29 ebios copyright (c) 1994-2009 h.peter avin et al" and below that.... the blinkin line

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Software :: Cannot Boot Grub / Freeze During A Kernel Upgrade?

Jan 11, 2010

I had a total freeze during a kernel upgrade, and reinstalled my system(kubuntu karmic) but still cannot boot.

when I try, I get this sequence of text on my screen:

GRUB loading stage 1.5
GRUB loading, please wait...
Error 15

I know that error 15 means "file not found", but not how to figure out which file it is or how to point correctly to it.

I have tried to install the system on partitions on two separate disks, with the same end result. on the original disk I had some trouble getting through grub install, but on the other disk there were no indications of trouble during setup. can this a problem with the MBR on the first drive?

I have one drive connected by PATA, the rest by SATA, will SATA1 be (hd0)[grub] and /dev/sda [linux], is it the PATA drive, or some other means to determine this without examining the make and model of each drive?

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Debian :: Sid Not Getting Updates During Freeze?

Sep 5, 2010

The following packages will be upgraded:


66 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 RTL8192SU Driver Causing Boot /freeze Ups?

Jul 10, 2010

So I have recently been making attempts at setting up my RTL8192SU chipset usb wifi. After struggling to set it up by following the steps on this link: [URL]../url?sa=t&jUyXQukrfIw After doing this I had no idea what it was supposed to look like but It did display several warnings along the lines of "warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size" I continued following steps as another error occurred "cp cannot stat autoconf.rtl8712_usb_linux.h" I then entered sudo modprobe 8712u and my screen went black i was forced shut down . Upon rebooting I found it also would lock up if my usb device was plugged in It will boot with it unplugged but as soon as it is plugged in again it will lock up my system and send it to a black screen.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid & 2.6.36-1 Kernel: Random Freeze After Boot

Oct 26, 2010

I am using Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 (64 bits) in my Asus U30JC laptop (Core i3 M350, intel 4500MHD + nvidia 310M with nvidia Optimus, 4GB RAM). I am content with Lucid and I don't want to upgrade to 10.10 for now. However I read that the new 2.6.36 kernel has some good improvements, such as improving system interactivity while intensive I/O (such as copying large files), and improved energy management for i3/i5 processors (which I hope translates into more battery time, which is a problem of Ubuntu vs Win7 in my laptop).

I discovered I had 2 options: compile the kernel myself, or use the Ubuntu Kernel PPA (maintained by the Ubuntu Kernel Team). I decided to use the PPA, so I added it to my software sources and installed the generic"linux-lts-backport-natty" kernel (2.6.36-1).

Package installation went fine, and after reboot, I could log in to the desktop no problem. Everything seemed fine, but after a few minutes, the system freezes completely: mouse did not move, none of the indicators moved, even Ctrl + Alt + F1 did not work.Where is the log file where there might be a message related to the freeze? Do you think that the kernel developers would try to fix a bug that probably only affects people running the 2.6.36-1 kernel on a distribution that was not built around it?

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Ubuntu :: Made Dual Boot With XP - System Freeze Or Hang Ups

Jul 15, 2011

I'm migrating from XP to Ubunta 11.04. My PC: Toshiba Sat A30-921 L/top CPU: Pentium(R) 42.84GHz RAM: 512Mb Display Adapter: ATI Radeon 9000 IGP K/board: std 102/103 PS2 Pointing Device: Alps PCMCIA Adapter: ENE CB1410 Cardbus Controller Wireless Adapter: D-LINK GDWA 610

The installation went well from start to finish. Made it dual boot with XP. Hooked in the Eth cable & went online right away. Then enabled the W/less network adapter - all OK. Using 'Classic', so it's just normal screen after boot. Problem is random 'Freeze' or 'Hang Ups'. It's hung 12 - 14 times in 2 days! K/brd T/pad frozen out. Only recovery is to use master power switch & reboot. NEVER hung in XP in 7 years! (done other bad things though) Does Ubunta have switch like Cntrl + Alt + Delete in Win?

Tried many combinations but to no avail. I've tried quite a few Linux flavours (from Live CD) & they all displayed the same fault!! Before it hangs, I've been able to browse around Ubunta Apps: Places: System: Firefox: Internet: etc. Where do I start to track the problem down? I'm vaguely familiar (XP) with Terminal & cmd line processor but dont know any of the codes used.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot - Grub Kernel Selection Displayed - Freeze After 3 Sec

Jul 31, 2011

I locked the screen, came back, typed the password, screen remained black, though cursor was visible and moving. Nothing I could do to rejuvenate the screen. Had to switch to tty6, sudo shutdown -r now. Then, on reboot obtained kernel selection, it proceeded to displaying kernel messages, but froze on sdb, after 3 secs. I figured it was the usb, so turned off, removed usb cables to external hard drives, but again it froze saying something about firewire mouse, the mouse is also usb. I tried several times, but no matter what kernel I chose, I couldn't get it to boot. So I loaded puppy live cd, but now it can't access some parts of the disk. I was running utorrent and the folder with partially downloaded files can be accessed but there's nothing there (there was), and some folders can't be accessed at all.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Freeze During Boot After Enabling ATI Proprietary Driver?

Aug 4, 2011

I just bought a new Club 3D (ATI) Radeon HD 3450 (8xAGP) graphics card, but received with it some problems.My Ubuntu 10.04 installation would not boot any more. It just gave a blank screen while caps- and scroll lock were flashing on the keyboard.

I then installed 11.04 which works fine except being unable to play even 720p video smoothly (the card should be able to play at least 1080p). When I enable the restricted driver ("ATI/AMD proprietary FLGRX graphics driver") and restart, the system will not boot. It gets to the point where it displays the "ubuntu" sign with the five dots below (where the dots normally change color one at a time), they all change color immediately and then the system freezes.

I realized when I received the card that it requires a power supply of 300 W, whereas the one in my PC is only 240 W. Could this cause the explained behaviour? I am not too happy about changing the power supply, unless there is real reason to think that this is the source of the problems, since I know myself well enough to know that I will probably break something in the process.

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Debian :: Ssh Session Freeze After Any Command?

May 26, 2010

I have debian squeeze server at work, acting as gateway, and home computer with debian sid (amd64). OpenVPN is working on server ecure connections from internet. So my home computer is connected to work server via openvpn almost 24/7. Some days ago i faced strange problem - when i make ssh session from home to work, via openvpn connection, i can login to work server, but after any command on remote console i have blank screen and nothing happening on it. Only exit is pressing Enter ~ . In server's auth log are messages about session opening and closing only.When i ssh to server from local network at workplace - via putty or native ssh - it works without any problems. I can do anything.But from home I can only login.

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Debian :: System Will Freeze For Some Seconds

Jun 20, 2011

I'm experiencing some weird short freezing issues in Squeeze and / or unstable. Everything works as usual, then the system will freeze for some seconds if I don't do anything, or resume faster if I move the mouse or hit a key on the keyboard. I thought it was a wifi related problem, as I have an intel iwl4965 , here is what I often see in dmesg:
[ 2608.910307] iwl4965 0000:06:00.0: Queue 4 stuck for 2000 ms.
[ 2608.910317] iwl4965 0000:06:00.0: On demand firmware reload
[ 2608.912832] ieee80211 phy0: Hardware restart was requested

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Debian :: Testing Version Going Into Freeze

Jun 14, 2010

I have been searching the forum regarding info about the debian testing going into freeze, but cannot find specific info regarding some of the facts. I understand that after some time the testing version (squeeze currently) goes into "freeze" before it becomes the new stable. Now, what does freeze actually mean? Currently I'm running Squeeze, and updating as the update software suggests, and since first install, I got a new kernel image, some updates to applications I use etc etc. So, when testing goes into freeze, all updates are stopped and only bugfixes are released, am I right? But I'm curious about one thing, for example I have gnome DE with let's say network manager applet 0.8.

So when testing is done with freeze and becomes the new stable - does it include current versions of kernel and programs that were actual during freeze? Will I have network manager applet 0.8 after freeze is gone to stable, or will it revert to... dunnno 0.7.6 version? At this time I have kernel version 2.6.32-5-686 , when I first installed it was 2.6.32-3-686 , so when going into freeze then stable kernel won't be downgraded, right? Btw I'm not using Sid's repositories. Well I least I think I'm not, the sources.list doesn't include sid's repos... Well sid non-free is there.

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Debian Hardware :: System Freeze - What To Fix This?

Apr 4, 2010

i'm running debian on a custom-built (no brand) box, which has been up and running for, maybe, 3-4 years with no issues whatsoever. all good parts... asus mbo, athlon, wd hd, etc. lately, every once in a while - like, say, every couple of days - i hear a "beep" from the box and the system freezes... lose the keyboard and mouse, and the display stays up but also freezes (for example, if a videos vid was playing, it would just freeze). have to physically reboot to get the system back. i assume this has nothing to do with the os or any app (although i'm usually browsing with chrome or ff when it happens). not being a hardware guy... can anybody clue me in as to how to figure out what's causing the problem?

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