Debian :: Creating New Profiles Based On Existing Profile In Gnome
Oct 8, 2010
I'm setting up my profile in gnome right now, with things like fonts, themes, wallpapers, iceweasel settings, menu settings, and I'm going to be adding a couple new users. Rather than re-do everything again, I thought I'd just create the new user, copy over my home dir, chown it to the new user and then login to make minor final adjustments, like specifiying where the music dir is and such.Just wondering if there'd be any problems with this, since it's just an idea I think should work but have never tried it. Any experience, or warnings?
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Jan 10, 2011
I'm looking for a way to create a live cd from the existing image. I'd like to include some sort of installer, I've found gui remaster utilities, but none for the shell only. I need to setup the image to automatically login, so the user could just pop in the cd and start it up without a monitor or keyboard.
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Nov 8, 2015
This problem has lasted for several months, but I can't find anything like bug report in debian related website.
Basically my problem is after genome-terminal (version is launched, I want to change profile setting such as font, color, etc. However, when I click the button `Edit > Profiles > Edit`, nothing happens (no dialogue pop up). `Edit > Profiles > New` And `Edit > Profiles > Delete` function correctly.
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Aug 21, 2010
Using Fedora 13, I need to specify the language and keyboard on a per user basis. I am familiar with the necessary changes if editing system-wide /etc/sysconfig/i18n just not sure where the custom settings need to be based on user.
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Jul 22, 2011
I recently changed from Ubuntu 11.04 to Debian 6.0 and I'm having some trouble editing the applications menu. If I use alacarte to add sub-menus to the Games menu they appear in Applications>Debian>Games rather than Applications>Games. So I tried to do it the manual way. I created .desktop files for all my games and put them in ~/.local/share/applications here is an example:
[Desktop Entry]
But none of my new sub-menus or menu entries in sub-menus appear in my menus or alacarte. I also tried using just categories in but that didn't work either.So what I have at the moment is all my games in one long list, what am I doing wrong?
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Jun 7, 2010
I have a LAMP based web hosting account (BlueHost). I have an existing simple MS Excel application which I would like to make it web based. However I am not sure what tools or features of PHP are out there that will aid me with this task. Here are some details:
1. I don't want to create an entire Excel program online. For that there are plenty of existing applications like Google Docs, MS's own online version of Excel, etc.
2. My current excel file uses some of the following excel functions:
a) SUM
b) Product Sum
c) Conditional Formatting (like changing font color if an amount is below a threshold, etc.)
d) Sorting (Date, Amount)
e) Drop Down Box to select pre-defined values
3. Ability to add/delete/modify a entry (row)
4. I don't care whether the application has the same look-n-feel as MS Excel.
As you can see it is a very simple home grown excel application with few basic mathematical functions. Here are some few thoughts that I have currently in my mind:
i) Just start coding intuitively as you would develop a normal web based application.
ii) Do (i) but use some of the PHP's excel oriented helper functions (COMs?) if there are any
iii) Use completely a different set of tools permitting that they run on LAMP environment.
I could have started with (i) but before making a costly mistake I thought I would get some opinion from the community to see if this is the right approach.
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Aug 19, 2010
I am running Ubuntu 10.4 on a 32-bit machine, and I find that my gnome-terminal profile settings are not being saved across a restart. However, I can make the profiles save if I run gnome-terminal under root access. This makes me suspect that I have a permissions problem, but I am set up to run as Administrator, and I am the only user, so I am baffled why this isn't working. It certainly did work in version 9.10 on the same box.
This is getting irritating, since I have a method of setting up a development web server/debugger environment which requires 3 different tabs with associated profiles to make each a distinct set of colors and behavior.
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Dec 22, 2009
Slackware 13.0, about to install it. I do have an existing Ubuntu installation with a roomy 5 GB of swap.
In the installer of Slackware, what should I do to use this swap?
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Jan 5, 2010
I have a bash profile (with custom terminal color settings) and also a gnome panel (with quick-launchers on it and other customizations). Assuming these things are stored in text files, where in my ~home directory can I find them? I ask because I want to duplicate them on a another linux box to have the same bash profile/taskbar, and If I can do it by copying files instead of manually recreating them, it would be better.
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Sep 18, 2009
Could we create mirror of the existing volume in Linux. Is yes please let me know the procedure to create the mirror of existing Logical volume in Linux.
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Oct 21, 2009
How to create a dump of an existing file and how to restore it with command line?
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Apr 24, 2009
I have a system that has the following partitions:
Now SDC is a new drive I added. I would like to pool that new drive with the raided drives to give myself more space on my existing system (and structure). Is this possible since my raid already has data on it?
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Feb 16, 2010
what is the correct way/procedure to re-create a user home directory. For instance, on a Mac/Windows machine, i would just rename the existing user profile [home dir], and then just log back in as the user - job done. On OpenSuse/Linux, it seems it does not work that way..?! When i try to rename my home folder to say me.old via root, and log back in as me, i get all kinds of errors. Opensuse does create a new home dir, but it appears not properly.
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Mar 22, 2010
I have just finished installing (after hard work ) Centos 5.4 x86 configured with Snort & Snorby as frontend web, i would like to create from this installation kind of image that could fit to almost any hardware type.
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Aug 5, 2010
I wish to create a bootable disk for my existing grub legacy. I do not have a floppy drive. Could this be done on a CD-RW or flash drive?
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Oct 5, 2009
Looking for an up-to-date guide for creation on DOS based USB flash using a large (2GB) USB key. All the guides are OLD and not working.
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Mar 18, 2011
If i were to build an sftp client which launched with logon details, and could then controlled by sending commands to that daemon; would that be ideal way to create an sftp client with disposable credentials?
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Jun 7, 2010
I notice that on DistroWatch, the descriptions include "debian based", "arch based", etc. For the newbie, is there any practical difference between the different bases, or is it a Coke vs Pepsi type question?
Is a distro based on Debian say, easier for a newbie to learn or work with than say one that is FreeBSD based?
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Jul 7, 2010
I've been using Ubuntu with GNOME for the past few years and I'm looking at possibly switching to the KDE-based Kubuntu. I know I can have both DE's on my system and even found a tutorial on the Psychocats site for setting it up, but I have a question for the KDE gurus here. Can I safely use the same user profile between both GNOME and KDE or should I set up a new user for working in KDE? I haven't seen anything saying I can't but I really don't want to hose my GNOME settings in case I end up not liking KDE enough to use it on a daily basis.
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May 15, 2009
Is it possible to create a text based menu layout in bash were it is possible to browse through. The menu list should look something like this:
user: root
colour: blue
number: 4
animal: dog
At the start the cursor should blink at the r from root so that text can be entered. When pressing the enter the cursor should go to the b from blue and so on. the imported thing is that all the text is visible also beyond the position from the cursor.
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Oct 21, 2010
I am having trouble setting up a gnome-terminal to a specific profile. For example, when I open up R-cran I want the title to be 'R-cran'. And when I run Octave I would like the title to be 'Octave'. Pretty straight forward, so I thawt. So...I have been trying to set up and run different profiles for the different terminal windows that I want. I have set up 2 new profiles, 1) for R-cran 2) for Octave, each with their own titles.
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Sep 2, 2010
I have a system built and running in exactly the basic configuration I want, with my recompiled kernel, extra packages, special drivers, everything works, life is good. What I want to do is take this exact setup and create an image I can copy onto a bootable USB stick. Is there a way to essentially take the contents of my hard drive and copy that onto a USB stick and then boot directly from that? The use case behind this is that I am building an embedded system of which I may have hundreds of boxes with identical hardware and software configurations. Instead of hard drives, I am going to use USB sticks for cost efficiency and maintenance. My idea is that when it's time to upgrade, I could just image a hundred new sticks and go out and swap them.
My issue is that a standard LiveCD install gets me maybe 25% of the way to a finished system. I need to recompile the kernel for realtime support with my CPU, add some fidgety drivers for some specific hardware, and install a whole bunch of additional packages. I suppose I could create a makefile(s) to replicate all the manual steps of the buildout but that seems like a lot of unnecessary complexity IF I can just image that running system as it is.
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Apr 30, 2011
I have a bunch of .7z files in a directory, and I need to put each one of them into a separate directory, named after the file (without extention). The command line I use:
find . -type f | mkdir `sed -e "s:..(.*)...:1:"` ; ls | grep .7z | cp * `sed -e "s:(.*)...:./1/:"`
Copying fails though:
PS. I don't want to use scripts, I want to do it using simple commands and piping.
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Feb 2, 2011
what distro should i use, rpm based or debian based?
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Nov 20, 2009
Last night I started my computer and loaded my CentOS 5.2 partition (Windows 7 on the other partition). I was able to login to my account, but was given a gnome error that the panel buttons (i.e. weather, cpu monitor etc) could not be loaded. I then went to restart the computer (probably not the smartest thing to do) and was given some file errors upon shutdown that were related to /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00. After restart I was taken to a shell and ran fsck manually. It seemed to find a lot of bad blocks, so I repaired the /dev/VolGroup00 system and restarted. At this point CentOS seemed to boot normally, but upon loading of the login screen I get the error: Configuration not correct The configuration file contains an invalid command line for the login dialog, so running the default command. Please fix your configuration.
I cannot even log in as root. I get the error /usr/bin/gnome-session: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared objects file: no such file or directory. I then went to a shell and ran: sudo yum install, but the package was already installed and up to date, so there was nothing to do. I am therefore stuck at this login screen with pull-down menus and tabs where I can change the configuration, add/remove users etc. So, my question is this: How do I restore my user profile so I can login....and if anyone has some insight, what caused this to happen in the first place? I should also mention, this all happened after plugging the computer into a new internet connection. No clue if that's even relevant.
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Sep 23, 2010
Did anybody tried installing the latest adobe flash named Square for amd64 systems? I was interested in knowing whether there is any improvement in the performance. I also want to know how to replace my existing 32 bit wrapper based flash on 64 bit browser and install this 64 bit flash.
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Mar 28, 2010
I would like to backup my wicd profiles. I thought it would be sufficent to copy /opt/wicd/data and /opt/wicd/encryption - however, those path do not exist in lenny (which I am running). So which path / folders / files do I need to backup in order to back up the wicd profiles and configuration?
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Jul 28, 2010
How do I share default profile file by NIS so that I do not have to setup profile in every NIS clients?
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May 18, 2010
I'm having problems establishing secure sessions with my bank's online banking service provider. I've already contacted their local tech and together we were unable to solve the problem. I've tried deleting my cookies, session store, cache, and none of it worked. He's currently forwarding our conversation to the service provider's tech support line, but who knows what will come of it. Or even if they will offer support for an iceweasel user. I'm using Iceweasel 3.6.4~build2-1 out of the experimental repo.
I'm able to login successfully to online banking site to view my list of accounts, however if I try going any further than that, I'm redirected to an error message page that tells me a security error has occurred - the online session has expired. I get this on browser profiles 1, 2, and 3, however I do not get the error message on profile '0' (default) or on newly created profiles. And as mentioned earlier, I've tried deleting all persistent data (cookies, session, cache) on a non-working profile and the problem still exists. Let me know if I can provide any more information.
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Aug 22, 2010
I'm trying to setup roaming profiles on our Samba PDC. I've been at it all day, running into a lot of issues with access denied, and going around changing permissions hoping to fix it
The problem seems to have evolved over the day, getting worse. Right now it's an error message on logging in: Windows cannot locate the server copy of your roaming profile.....
DETAIL- The network name cannot be found. In addition, the user does not have access to any shares by default.
The server can be accessed manually and the user can connect to shares. The server can be pinged by the client. The client's user profiles do not get stored or retrieved on logout/in
current smb.conf
# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from UNKNOWN ()
# Date: 2010/08/22 16:34:42
workgroup = ROSHNI.LOCAL
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