Programming :: Making Existing MS Excel App Web Based
Jun 7, 2010
I have a LAMP based web hosting account (BlueHost). I have an existing simple MS Excel application which I would like to make it web based. However I am not sure what tools or features of PHP are out there that will aid me with this task. Here are some details:
1. I don't want to create an entire Excel program online. For that there are plenty of existing applications like Google Docs, MS's own online version of Excel, etc.
2. My current excel file uses some of the following excel functions:
a) SUM
b) Product Sum
c) Conditional Formatting (like changing font color if an amount is below a threshold, etc.)
d) Sorting (Date, Amount)
e) Drop Down Box to select pre-defined values
3. Ability to add/delete/modify a entry (row)
4. I don't care whether the application has the same look-n-feel as MS Excel.
As you can see it is a very simple home grown excel application with few basic mathematical functions. Here are some few thoughts that I have currently in my mind:
i) Just start coding intuitively as you would develop a normal web based application.
ii) Do (i) but use some of the PHP's excel oriented helper functions (COMs?) if there are any
iii) Use completely a different set of tools permitting that they run on LAMP environment.
I could have started with (i) but before making a costly mistake I thought I would get some opinion from the community to see if this is the right approach.
I have an Excel Spreadsheet which reports upon weekly performance. One portion of the worksheet looks at week over week increases /decreases. I've placed a number of image controls (15 in Total) next to cells which calculate week over week change. The image controls simply display an image depending on whether the value of the adjacent cell is positive or negative. So, here is my basic working IF statement:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal UpDown As Range) If Range("J26") > 0 And IsNumeric(Range("J26").Value) Then Image1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:path oup_arrow.gif") ElseIf Range("J26") < 0 And IsNumeric(Range("J26").Value) Then
As you can see, this is pretty simple. What I'd like to do is find a way to loop through all 15 controls and avoid having 15 IF statements run on the Worksheet_Change() event. The cells containing the week over week values are all in the same column, but not continuous. Involved cells are: ("J26", "J27", "J33", "J34", "J35", "J36", "J37", "J38", "J39", "J40", "J42", "J43", "J44", "J45", "J46")
I've searched extensively on Google and here and can't seem to find anything addressing what I'm trying to do. The motherboard of my notebook (Ubuntu 9.10) completely died earlier this week. I pulled the hard drive and got an external case for it. Is it possible to have it boot into my original Ubuntu via USB?
Trying to do so as-is comes up with multiple Grub errors (Invalid Environment block, file not found, etc.) and I've tried addressing these Grub errors separately with no luck, but I have a feeling I'm skipping a basic step somewhere to make a primary drive USB bootable without reformatting.
I have been using Ubuntu 9.10 on my Macbook Pro for a couple of weeks now and I want to make the jump to Ubuntu on the iMac. However I have some issues and questions:
1) iPhone support: this is coming in 10 right?
2) Wireless keyboard, does this work?
3) Second monitors, does this work?
4) I presume it is best to keep the existing OSX on it and partition it and use Ubuntu as the default, keep OSX for firmware updates and the like.
I'm looking for a way to create a live cd from the existing image. I'd like to include some sort of installer, I've found gui remaster utilities, but none for the shell only. I need to setup the image to automatically login, so the user could just pop in the cd and start it up without a monitor or keyboard.
I'm setting up my profile in gnome right now, with things like fonts, themes, wallpapers, iceweasel settings, menu settings, and I'm going to be adding a couple new users. Rather than re-do everything again, I thought I'd just create the new user, copy over my home dir, chown it to the new user and then login to make minor final adjustments, like specifiying where the music dir is and such.Just wondering if there'd be any problems with this, since it's just an idea I think should work but have never tried it. Any experience, or warnings?
how to generate excel charts from C, or if it's possible at all? For example, if I had 2 arrays that I wanted to export to excel and graph against each other. I know how to export it to a csv file, that's no problem, but I have no idea where to start with generating a graph of the data. I can't seem to find any examples anywhere. Just a simple example to show you what I mean: Code:
char arr1[] = {'a','b','c'}; int arr2[] = {10,20,30}; int main ()
Does anybody know how to generate excel charts from C, or if it's possible at all?
For example, if I had 2 arrays that I wanted to export to excel and graph against each other. I know how to export it to a csv file, that's no problem, but I have no idea where to start with generating a graph of the data. I can't seem to find any examples anywhere.
I'd appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.
Just a simple example to show you what I mean code...
I am having trouble getting some code to work. It takes an input file (csv) and converts it to an XLS. The problem is that I can't seem to get a header to be printed first...
Code: use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel; my $input = $ARGV[0];
Are there any solutions by which linux-based web server frameworks (like zend or any other) can process data inside microsoft excel spreadsheets (*.xls)?
i am using linux for the first time. i have been given a project which will fetch data from csd(comma separated form) and ll display on d screen. i want a c program for linux which ll do the above given task. moreover i want the parameter file(such as location of file, file name,etc..) as a different file. so that i can access this program on any computer.
last friday my schools isp enabled iwsva - interscan web security virtual appliance from trendmicro. all traffic is now filtered, and slowed down. videos and other videostreams are now useless. after this we have had serious problems using our netbooks with ubuntu, and upgrading workstations with ubuntu has become very problematic, or almost impossible. i have to run the update process 6-8 times before all packages are updated.
what can i do to document the problem in a good way. the isp tells me that there are no problems, and that it has to be a linux problem. (ever heard that one before?) the ltsp-clients on my debian servers does not have the same problems, maybe because they are using the proxy on this server?
Did anybody tried installing the latest adobe flash named Square for amd64 systems? I was interested in knowing whether there is any improvement in the performance. I also want to know how to replace my existing 32 bit wrapper based flash on 64 bit browser and install this 64 bit flash.
If any of you have successfully created a video hosting server with Fedora, can you give me any ideas of what software to get and how to configure it and so on? Or, if you have been unsuccessful, can you tell me what doen't work?
i inherited 200 tables in a mysql db from each of the 200 table there are table created on php pages
the information is organized pretty much the same (fields) in each of them, so i dont see the point of having so many different tables
i wanna redesign the db, in 4 tables each of this 200 table have a few essential characteristics, like: table name is (version_country_type), ie: v8_de_pro, v8_de_std, v9_uk_pro the fields are: No, Document_file, Document_path, ISBN, Book_Name, Subtitle, Status, Year_issue, Author
i will need to break the table name, and put each part in the new redesigned 4 tables separate fields... ill have something like:
but i have no idea how to do it i know i cant do it in mysql... so ill need to build up a php script which will need to read every table, and drop it in the new format:
table1 called Main: ID, version table2 called Cat: ID, IDmain, Country table3 called Sub: ID, IDmain, IDcat, type table4 called files: ID, IDmain, IDcat, IDsub, Document_file, Document_path, ISBN, Book_Name, Subtitle, Status, Year_issue, Author
What I would like to do is, with a right click, have the menu give me the option to run srm, which is a "secure remove" program. I picked this one as it requires not only a file name, but some other options. I've run into no support adding things to menus. When I updated one of the Debian versions, I lost the shutdown option from the name menu that used to be there. It was suggested that I right click and pick that option to restore it, but I get the same as the left button on that menu.
In "type" i have only the name of the products ex.: product1 & product2. Now, i have to ADD product3 which includes sub categories: productA, productB, productC, productD, productE, productF. so my New type script (menu) looks as below:
1) product1 2) product2 3) product3
and my current selectype looks how can I add the new product3 argument with all other multiple selections (productA, productB, productC, productD, productE, productF) into my current selectype (as below which is set only for product1 & product2), so when a user select: 3) product3 from "type" would get a new menu of all the sub categories, and the script would process the new additional arguments.
Here is the copy of my selectype script:
#!/bin/sh echo SELECTTYPE export -n selecttypechoice if [ "${upgrade}" == "yes" ] ; then
Making an awk script. If you tell me to read the documentation.. I know.. you're right.
By the way, here is some input
My awk program has to work in this way:
until the end of the document if the beginning of the line is "START11" while the beginning of the line is different form "END11" print the whole line (print the "END11" line too)
I'm trying to create something like this:[URL]...when you press "fire" you see the graphic.My program already does all the math, but what i want is that animation of the projectile moving depending on the entered data.i really don't know how to accomplish that.I'm using Gtk#.what would i need to create something like that??
I have lately found myself setting up a number of PXE installation servers sufficient that I'm now inspired to automate the process. I've not done this before, but I think I've hit on a method to make it work. I'm using three packages from the archive as a basis: tptpd-hpa, isc-dhcp-server, and nfs-kernel-server. Up to now I've been installing these with APT, then modifying their configs (or creating same as necessary) and then copying my install files (pxelinux.0 and friends, with Debian Wheezy netinst and Xubuntu 14.04 menu options) into /srv/tftp. It strikes me that, rather than letting these packages' postinst scripts do a bunch of stuff that I will subsequently undo, I should modify the scripts in situ to do what I want. I don't feel that I adequately understand how these things work, so I'm asking for advice. So far I've hit upon two different methods.
I can use apt-get download to fetch the packages, and then dpkg-deb --control to pull out the control files. Then I can edit the postinst scripts as necessary and dpkg-deb --build a new package from the results of dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile plus the altered postinst scripts. I have gotten as far as extracting the control files from a package, but I'm unsure that the dpkg-deb --build step will work as I expect. Alternately I can do apt-get source [packages], edit the postinst scripts in the source, and then build the packages as usual. I'm more confident that this will work, but I'd rather provide the former method if possible. Is there another method of which I've not thought? Is this the way metapackages are made and configured?
How can I write to a file multiple times using fwrite without affecting the previous writes?The method shown below accepts a file name, buffer and offset. The method opens the file in reading/writing mode and writes the content of the buffer at offset.
void setplane(unsigned char mask){ inportb(0x3DA); //Reset the VGA flip/flop unsigned char c=inportb(0x3C0); /*the VGA does not like you not saving values*/
does not work, for example if setplane(1); will change all pixels plotted to blue - not just the newest. and here is how i plot pixels:
void ppixel(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned char color){ setplane(color); ((char far *)0xA0000000L)[(y*(640/8))+(x/8)]=((1<<7)>>(x%8)); }
I need to write a script that will take 1 command line argument. The argument will be a username. The script will determine if the user exists on the system and will print an error if it does not. If the user does exist it will determine if the user is currently logged in, if the user is not logged in it will determine the last time the user logged in and display the file in the users home directory that was most recently modified.