Debian Configuration :: Squeeze ServerXen Hypervisor Runs The Server As Dom0 Anda Virtual Windows XP?

Dec 23, 2010

I installed a new squeeze serverXen Hypervisor runs the server as Dom0 anda virtual Windows XP.The server runs samba, postfix, dovecot, squid, cups and hylafax with a Frritz ISDN card (module fcpci.ko).The used memory of Dom0 rises slowly (about 5MB /h) until the system crashes.As a workaround i installed a reboot every 24 hours.htop shows normal behavior.The system is already in production, so i can't stop services to track this bug.I need some hints how to debug the running system to find out, where the memory gets lots.

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Debian Configuration :: Can't Boot Xen/dom0 In Squeeze With 2.6.32 Pvops Kernel?

Aug 10, 2010

I've got a fresh install of Squeeze on a 32bit host and I have been unable to boot into XEN/dom0.The Xen Kernel is "linux-image-2.6.32-5-xen-686" (pvops) and Hypervisor is xen-hypervisor-4.0-i386.The system default installed with grub2.It boots quite happily in normal mode, using the above Kernel, but just reboots itself if I try run it as Xen/dom0. (reboots within a second of pressing <enter> ... there is no messages displayed on the screen that I have noticed)The relevant menu (generated by /etc/grub.d/20_linux_xen) entry for running Xen is as below;

menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 2.6.32-5-xen-686 and XEN 4.0-i386' --class debian --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os --class xen {
insmod part_msdos


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Debian Configuration :: Compile A Custom Xen Dom0 Kernel?

Apr 21, 2011

I would like to compile a custom xen dom0 kernel. I installed a Debian Squeeze with precompiled xen kernel, and it works fine, but i would like to compile a custom dom0 kernel from source. I tried install kernel source apt-get source linux-2.6 how can I patch this kernel source with xen? but i alway see only the domU kernel params.

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Debian Configuration :: WARING! Can't Find Hypervisor Information In Sysfs!

Mar 9, 2010

After each boot I find 2 occurrences of WARING!  Can't find hypervisor information in sysfs!

in /var/log/boot. This box is running as KVM-host, so I am a bit worried about 'warings' like these...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Server On Microsoft Virtual Server - Error: Hypervisor Error.JPG

Sep 8, 2010

I've been trying to install Ubuntu Server onto Microsoft Virtual Server at the request of my boss, and I've been having an issue I cannot seem to work around. Now my background on Ubuntu and linux in general isnt amazing, I have configured server at home to act as a file sharing platform and a media server, but thats about it.

Now I've gone to install it on the MVS at work and once the install completes, I recieve the following error: Hypervisor error.JPG

I've tried running the install but limiting the resolution, but from what I can rememeber server doesnt install the GUI to start with, so it should just be showing me the standard CLI.

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Debian Configuration :: Connect To Windows Network From Squeeze?

May 5, 2011

I would like to connect from squeeze to my windows network. Do I need samba server, smbclient is already installed?
If I do a doubleclick -> Windows Network then get "Unable to mount location".
If I use -> Connect to Server -> Windows Share then it works well.
How to configure samba server that I can see Windows machines in "Windows Network"?

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Debian Configuration :: X Windows Blank / Frozen After Upgrade To Squeeze

Feb 18, 2011

I just upgraded from Lenny to Squeeze and now when I enter startx I get a solid black screen and the computer does not respond to any keyboard input. Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, Ctrl-Alt-Delete, Esc, Alt-F2, Alt-F4, etc. all do nothing. No beeps or anything. I have an NVidia graphics card and have been using the proprietary NVidia drivers. I originally thought the problem might be related to this driver but I tried both the nv and vesa drivers and got the same results.

Attached is my Xorg.log.0 file. It just ends after the GLX extension initialization.I am able to use ssh to login after running startx. Running "ps aux" from the remote machine I did not see a process for X. I copied the output below the Xorg.log.0 file.

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General :: Create Virtual Lan Using Ubuntu 10.10 For Some Hypervisor?

Jul 14, 2011

I want to create virtual lan using ubuntu 10.10 for some hypervisor ,
I searched for docs but I couldn't get the required one ..

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Debian Configuration :: Squeeze Server Not Responding?

Feb 5, 2011

I have a Mac G3 and Squeeze 2.6.32-5-686 on an ethernet wired. Works fine with Lenny kde but only in one direction with squeeze kde4. Mac pings squeeze box ok but response is "server may be down or offline". Squeeze connects to Mac normally. Squeeze installed with server option. How do I enable eth0? I need some direction

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Debian Configuration :: Virtual Server Not Rebooting?

Jul 6, 2015

I have a rented vserver running at Strato [URL]. It came preinstalled with Debian 7. I upgraded it to Debian 8, what seemed to run fine, all services running. The problems came up when I tried to reboot the server to test the init system. It just does not come up, I cannot ping it, nothing. I can boot into the rescue system, mount the system partitions and chroot in to the filesystem. In this state I also can run my services, including apache2 and mysql. In the syslog I find nothing about the reboot. Now I need to reboot ino the normal system. I already tried to resume to sysvinit without success.

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Debian Configuration :: DHCP Server In Squeeze Appears Broken?

Dec 3, 2010

Alright, I edited "/etc/default/isc-dhcp-server" and set "eth0" as the only thing listed for interfaces. I also have the code below in "/etc/dhcp/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf" and I even copied it to "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf" for good measure, and I can't get the DHCP server to start. As an intermediate to advanced user, I am under the high assumption that it is broken since everything in the docs has been set. I have googled for two days and cannot find a fix, so before I report it as a broken package, would somebody with more experience with the package chime in?

Configuration file:
subnet netmask {
option domain-name-servers;
option broadcast-address;


I hid my wireless setup because it contains my WiFi network info including key. This box is routing, doing DNS resolution, and firewalling just fine. I just cannot get the friggin' DHCP server to start no matter what I try.

Oh, and is it safe to delete "/etc/dhcp" or "/etc/dhcp3"? They appear to be duplicates of each other...

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Debian Configuration :: Dhcpd Server Behavior Seems To Have Changed In Squeeze?

Aug 9, 2011

I've been using dhcpd for address assignments to PCs for a very long time with no issues. I recently upgraded from lenny to squeeze and now dhcpd seems to have new behavior which I can't seem to change. Here's what I want to do. First, I have a simple situation and don't want to get involved with dynamic DNS updates. I have host statements for each of my PCs and a range statement for cases where I install a new device and don't yet have a host statement for it. Previously, I could discover the ethernet address for the new device from the dhcpd log and add a host statement with an address of my choosing for the new device.

I'd then restart dhcpd and do something like reboot the device or issue an ipconfig /renew statement on the new PC. What would happen is that the old dynamically assigned IP address would be NAKed and the device would do a DHCPDISCOVER, etc. and get the new IP address I specified in the dhcpd.conf host statement. In squeeze, this no longer works. The client asks for the old address it got dynamically and the server just says yes. I can't seem to find a way to get it to NAK the dynamic address and use the new address I've specified in the host statement. I'd appreciate any enlightenment on how this is now supposed to be done. Here's my simplified dhcpd.conf file:

log-facility daemon;
ddns-update-style none;


Note that the address here was assigned based on a previous range statement and isn't consistent with the above config file.

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Debian Configuration :: Tests And Playing Around With Postfix In A Test Squeeze Server?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm doing some tests and playing around with postfix in a test squeeze server. What I want to achieve is a postfix mail server using ports 465 and 587 with smtp authentication to send mails. I followed this howto: [URL].. and I'm using a php script with pear functions to test sending emails to a gmail test account of mine. This is the script:

require_once "Mail.php";
$from = "Webmaster <webmaster@server>";
$to = "My Name <>";
$subject = "This is sent with pear as a test";
$body = "This is the body of the message";


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Debian Configuration :: Make Mailboxes For Each Virtual Host On Server?

Mar 1, 2010

I'm using Debian 5 with Exim 4 on my VPS. My purpose is to make mailboxes for each virtual host on my server. What do I have: 1. Exim is set correctly - receiving mail from [URL]... is successfull. 2. Mail for [URL]... is delivered, and the mail for [URL]... too. But [URL]... is the site written to /etc/hosts (it's localhost), and [URL]... is virtual host. But mail from both boxes writes to /var/mail/mail. Now what do I need: 1. Make mail for [URL]... store in [URL].... and mail for [URL].. store in www/Maildir. 2. Make mailboxes like [URL].... to receive mail by Thunderbird. 3. Set passwords for [URL]... and [URL]... (I don't want to enter my system user/root passwords).

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Debian :: Openssh-server Auto Configuration Fails When Upgrading Lenny To Squeeze?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm in need of a bit of assistance from you Debian users. I have two servers that I thought were identical installations, both running Debian Lenny. Tonight I started the upgrade to Squeeze on both servers and one of them went smooth. The other one started out good but fails on the postconfiguration of openssh-server. I'm getting the following message:

Setting up openssh-server (1:5.5p1-4) ...
Auto configuration failed
2524:error:0E079065:configuration file routines:DEF_LOAD_BIO:missing equal sign:conf_def.c:366:line 67
invoke-rc.d: initscript ssh, action "restart" failed.


It looks like there's an error in one of the files in openssh-server that prohibits it from installing correctly. However on the other server it all went well.

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Debian Configuration :: Nginx And Httpd Virtual Package On Jessie Server

Oct 24, 2015

I've installed Nginx-full on a debian jessie server and want to install Wordpress, but for some reason Nginx-full isn't being seen as providing the httpd virtual package, so wordpress insists on installing apache.

According to everything I can find, nginx-full provides the httpd virtual package and this shouldn't happen. Is this a bug?

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Debian Configuration :: Both HTTP And HTTPS On Same Server? (Apache Virtual Hosts)

Oct 30, 2015

How to best manage both http and https pages on the same apache-server without conflicts. For example, if i have both 000-default.conf and 000-default-ssl.conf pointing to, and don't want users who visit without specifically type the https-prefix to be redirected to the https-page - how to handle users using browserplugins such as https-everywhere etc?

Another option would be to create a subdomain and have users who want to reach the ssl site to have to type ssl. I have tested several things with https everywhere enabled in my own browser, and it seems really hard to make this working the way i want, in one way or another i always end up getting redirected to the ssl-site automatically.

The reason i need this to work is because i run one site that i don't care much about SSL, that is the "official" part of that site, and i also host some things for friends and family on the SSL-part. This would not have been a problem if it wasn't that i use self-signed certificates for my ssl-site and the major user become afraid when a certificate-warning pops up in their browser and therefor leave the site.

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Debian :: Is It Possible Net Install Of Squeeze From Virtual Machine?

Jan 7, 2011

i have debian lenny installed, download the debian-507-i386-netinst.iso and installed with the VirtualBox virtual machine, the network is working, when i run the apt-get update downloading the cache:

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Debian Configuration :: Squeeze D-u - Kernel Configuration Skipped

Jul 6, 2010

I have a set of vm's with stable, testing, and sid to keep track of how things are going. When I did an apt-get dist-upgrade with squeeze last week, things seemed to OK (350 package updates) until the end. It didn't seem to like and / or was confused by a kernel dependency.

I am not too concerned yet. Because these are in vm's, I do a snapshot before any significant change. I can futz around with impunity because I have that backup.

I re-booted, and tried the apt-get dist-upgrade again with same results. I think I also tried apt-get -f install.

So I reverted to the snapshot, and will simply try again in the future. I recall that with lenny as testing, the font-desktop was really screwed up for about a period of 6 weeks.

However, just in case someone else runs into this:

1) a re-boot worked, but the failure of apt-get made me nervous enough to revert.

2) waiting for corrections has seemed to work in the past (with a single exception with a 4-disk SCSI software RAID10 update that failed to re-boot lenny successfully after what seemed to be a minor update -- that was on a real system, not a vm. I haven't gotten back to look at that.)

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Debian Installation :: Virtual Consoles Are No Longer 25x80 On Squeeze?

Jun 12, 2011

On Debian lenny, when I wanted to go from X to a virtual console, I would type (for example) <Ctrl> <Alt> <F1>. Then I got the traditional 25x80 screen, which is wonderful in bad lighting conditions.

On Debian squeeze, virtual consoles are no longer 25x80. They fit way more than 25x80 characters on the screen. They go through the frame buffer, which I guess I must keep that way because otherwise it would ruin X.

But I want my 25x80 back, for those bad lighting conditions.

If I set /etc/default/console-setup to FONTFACE="VGA", at least I get a readable font.

ANd if I set /etc/default/console-setup to SCREEN_WIDTH=80 and SCREEN_HEIGHT=25, they do the obvious, but the characters are just as small, and the data is all in the upper left corner of the screen.

How do I get 25x80 so it fills the screen, as in the days of lenny, without removing /dev/fb0?

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Debian Configuration :: TightVNC Configuration On The Squeeze?

Feb 8, 2011

I recently just installed Squeeze on an ia64 system and was having some troubles with running VNC.I get the following error, more specifically for some reason I get a malloc - memory corruption error:

Xtightvnc(9165): unaligned access to 0x60000000001ea06c, ip=0x4000000000268280
Xtightvnc(9165): unaligned access to 0x60000000001ea074, ip=0x4000000000268280
Xtightvnc(9165): unaligned access to 0x60000000001ea07c, ip=0x4000000000268280
Xtightvnc(9165): unaligned access to 0x60000000001ea084, ip=0x4000000000268280


After display all the code above, it just stops. The port 5901 is still closed - if it runs properly, would it open automatically?Is there something that is incompatible? Or am I missing some system configuration component?

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CentOS 5 :: Xen Hypervisor - Connect To It Remotely Via A Windows And Linux Machine?

Feb 17, 2011

I am new to Xen Hypervisor and wanted to know if someone has any good guides to configuring it please. Also once i configure a Guest OS how can i connect to it remotely via a windows and linux machine?

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Server :: Xen HVM Dom0 On CentOS 5.6?

Jul 19, 2011

I have been searching the web for a few hours and have not had any luck finding instructions on how to setup Xen HVM Dom0 on a CentOS 5.6. I have a test server with a stock install of CentOS 5.6 that support AMD-V.

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Debian Configuration :: Access Windows Share From Server?

Feb 16, 2010

"My network" is behind a firewall inside a larger windows network with AD. My network has a Debian Server with samba 3.2 running. One of the hosts that are on the outside of my firewall has a share that I and other Linux-users on the debian server wants to access.

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Debian Configuration :: Secure FTP Server In Windows Network

Sep 29, 2010

I need to set up a Debian server in a windows network so that users can securely ftp docs to the Debian server and then pull docs from the server when needed - using a secure ftp session. I have the Debian Server built and IP'd. Do I just need to set up the vsftpd.conf and thats it? Right now I am just concerned with getting ftp working.

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Server :: Debian Lenny - All Virtual Hosts Lead To First Virtual Host

Apr 21, 2010

I'm having an issue with setting up the virtual hosts on my web server. I have 2 virtual hosts (, works but is sent to the index file of I did some searching on google and it seems the problem might be with my /etc/hosts file.

First virtual host that the second is also directed sites-available/sites-enabled (note port 80 is blocked by my isp so I use 8080)


Second virtual host file


And my hosts file


# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts

Also I'm using a that make a difference?

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Debian Configuration :: Dropbox Install For Debian Squeeze From Source Code

Feb 19, 2011

how to install Dropbox for Debian Squeeze from source.Please read everything before you begin. I prepared it as I installed Dropbox for my own system. Please Note: I use sudo, you may have to use root or 'su' from the command line. If you don't know the difference between sudo and su, then you shouldn't try this until you know. At the time I did this, the lastest dropbox version was 0.6.7.

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Debian Configuration :: Installed Firestarter Firewall On Debian Squeeze?

Apr 5, 2011

I installed Firestarter firewall on debian Squeeze.Now i note there is a gui available in System->Administration which apparently does not need to be running all the time - its not set up to start on boot.When I boot I notice the boot message has a line saying "Starting Firestarter firewall .... failed"When I am logged in and type "/etc/init.d/firestarter status" as the Firestarter FAQs say, I get"Firestarter is running... ... (warning)"I can run the gui manually and still same message.

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Debian Configuration :: Using Tor In Squeeze?

Aug 28, 2011

When I activate Tor in Iceweasel, it forbids me access to the internet completely. Even attempting Google results in "Iceweasel is configured to use proxy server that is refusing connection".

I have seen this in Lenny, too - it was caused by activating Tor without having installed privoxy. I installed privoxy and everything was okay. In Squeeze, Tor is using polipo. Polipo is installed and running. I have not played with settings of polipo or Tor, the configuration is the same as it was after installation.

What can be wrong? I am a rather an user than a networking guru. I am connected to internet by means of DHCP, no local lans, no special routings, no additional proxies. I have already tired to reinstall polipo.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Xen Dom0 Console Display Is Scrambled?

Dec 29, 2010

I just install xen and kernel-xen version 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5xen, booting into the xen kernel dom0 shows me continous colorful scrambling and scrolling. I can ssh to dom0 and get correct display but the dom0 console is where it shows the colorful garbage scrolling. i have the Supermicro X7DC motherboard with a XGI Z9 graphics card. GUI is not installed and I don't have the rhgb parameter in my grub.conf. My grub.conf is plain and unmodified.



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