Debian :: Building Live CD And Getting - Error
Jul 30, 2010
I am currently working on Debian based Operating System, and my objective is to make a live CD.
I ve followed the specified steps to buid a live CD, and finally I ve made an .iso file too.
Now,I am facing some issues to execute that .iso on Qemu(Virtual Interface),those are:
1. While builing it into an .iso,I skipped the md5sum step, is that mandatory to be built for making a live CD?
And when I am trying to make an MD5SUM using the following command, Its giving me the following error:
Kindly specify me, where exeactly the error in the command for creating the md5sum?
2. While executing the .iso file in Qemu using the following command :
And the I am able to watch the Operating System booting initialization and then when I select the option as "Install as Live CD" Its giving me the following error:
I request who ever reads this thread, please send me some kind of a response.I'll be thankful to them.
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Mar 19, 2010
I,m trying to build firefox-3.6 from source but it ends with the following error :
Using Debian lenny.
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Mar 19, 2010
I,m trying to build firefox-3.6 from source but it ends with the following error :
Using Debian lenny.
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Jun 16, 2010
I am running Lenny and using VirtualBox OSE 1.6.6. In order to try squeeze I installed it in a VM. I tried to install Guest Additions also, but i get this error:
VirtualBox 1.6.6 Guest Additions installation
Building the VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel module...
Building the shared folder support kernel module...
Unable to build the kernel module.
I checked what /var/log/vboxadd-install.log had to say:
/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/include/net/neighbour.h:115: error: variably modified a at file scope
/tmp/vbox.0/utils.c: In function 'sf_path_from_dentry:
I tried with 3 versions of the kernel 2.6.32-5-686,2.6.32-5-484,2.6.32-3-686 but I cannot get it to work using any of them. Also I tried to install version 2.6.30-2-686 but I couldn't since synaptic said that it Depends: linux-kbuild-2.6.30 but it is not installable.
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Apr 10, 2011
i'm trying to build gnome3 using the jhead script on [URL]... but it fails every time. has any body else had better luck with this? I'm using the script not the repo as they are out of date atm the last part of the scripts error from
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May 17, 2010
I am fairly new to Linux and have been striking hassles with my AWUS036H (RTL8187) under Debian Lenny. The standard (built in) driver works but reception is pathetic compared to the same card under Backtrack 4 or even Windows 7. I have tried to build drivers which I got from the Alfa website, the Realtek website and also the Linux Wireless project page. All of them fail during Make with an Error 2. I don't have the error in front of me (had to go back to Windows for the moment) but it is identical to the one this guy gets:
darkReaction:/home/georanson# cd /home/georanson/Desktop/Downloads/ndiswrapper-1.52
darkReaction:/home/georanson/Desktop/Downloads/ndiswrapper-1.52# make
make -C driver
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/georanson/Desktop/Downloads/ndiswrapper-1.52/driver'
Makefile:35: *** Cannot find kernel version in /lib/modules/2.6.18-6-686/build, is it configured?. Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/georanson/Desktop/Downloads/ndiswrapper-1.52/driver'
make: *** [all] Error 2
I get the error 2 code and the reference to "kernel version".
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Nov 12, 2010
I need to build customs liveCd (usb) to run a distributed application that I'm developing. I have been using debian live-helper to build debian live cds, and it's very flexible, and works. But I'm looking for an alternative to it. I have heard about fedora livecd-creator. What do you think is a better tool?: livehelper or livecd-creator, maybe about good hardware recognition, easy to use, flexibility, reliability, etc. What others good tools are to do this job?
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Jan 18, 2015
I am trying to install Debian over Kali since in order to use steam, newest version of wine and a few other things causes a change reaction that would require about two-thirds of my main os re-written with non kali files which makes me a little uneasy.
I have downloaded the debian-live-7.8.0-i386-gnome-desktop.iso from torrent from the link from debian download listings at and I put it on a 8gb flash drive formated with gparted to a bootable fat32 partition and is listed as being /dev/sdc I installed the iso to the drive uss dd using the following code
Code: Select allsudo dd if=debian-live-7.8.0-i386-gnome-desktop.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4M; sync
now it boots to the flash drive just fine with only the gnome3 drivers loaded by the live os isn't fully functional with my system. Ie. when I log into any of the live modes it gives me a message that it was switched to gnome3 [fallback] I am using the current version of gnome3 desktop manager installed from source on kali with out any trouble.
Also when I click the graphical installer or the installer modes from the grub i get a background image with some sort of artifiacts in the top inchish of the screen then everything but the mouse freezes. But when I go into one of the live modes and click the installer in their it opens just fine but when it starts transferring files it says that it couldn't transfer files from the cd after all the language and localization screens at the beginning.
I did find a misc page on the internet involving a cruchbang with the same problem [URL] I went to the folder in the usb drive in question and it looks like since that was originally post something has changed or it could have been a crunchbang format.
So basically I am asking did I do a step wrong should I try a different way of instillation, or do I have a corrupted image? also I am unable to use disk media due to the type of drives and disks I have access to.
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Dec 26, 2014
I'm trying to boot into the Live CD (64bit version) and it dies with an error "nouveau .... 0x8DF6 Init table command not found: 0xA9". Get the same error after I install and try to boot into Debian, it starts booting but errors out later.
Running Intel 4770K on Gigabyte Z97X-UD5H with 8G ram, Nvidia graphics card and several SSDs ...
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May 18, 2010
I'm trying to port binutils to a new architecture. I have changed and created necessary files for this. The configure commad run succusfuly. but when I tried to run make I find probems. the error msg is:
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Nov 2, 2010
I tried to build linux-2.6.36 but I got this error message
I looked into but the problem is located somewhere else I thought at first one of the files might have been corrupted and I downloaded the archive again.
I must also say that this happened in different versions of slackware (the distro I use): 12.0, 12.1, 12.2, 13.0, 13.1
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Nov 9, 2009
while building a package i got this error. Package name is python-gnomecanvas and i am working in debian.
I am not able to get it correct.
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Mar 17, 2009
I get the following error when i build dspace.
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Jan 5, 2011
I tried building but got errors at the end.
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
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Oct 1, 2009
I've just tried to compile lilypond using a fresh SlackBuild from site.
I have all deps and I use current Slackware that was gradually upgraded using all current packages since version 12.2. So I call it "version 13".
After a minute or so I got this ugly sentence:
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Jul 13, 2010
I recently wanted to build Empathy 2.31 from a source tarball (after having installed all the dependencies listed on the Empathy website).I got the following error while launching ./
Code:configure: error: glib-compile-schemas not found.After some googling to try to fix this problem, I've found a thread on these forums. It was saying install libglib2.0-dev an then install (or remove) gnome-shell.I tried every solution I've found but nothing works, still got the error.Does anyone here succeded in compiling Empathy from source please?
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Mar 29, 2011
Downloaded Nautilus source to patch for transparent background.
Patching went well and fine.
During building I received this:
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Nov 19, 2009
I am using Centos 5 with an old kernel. I want to build the latest version for atheros 5K wireless drivers. So i downloaded, and compiled with the ".config" which is already in /boot , and made it ready to run.
However, whenever i try to boot with new kernel, after choosing it from the grub menu, i got the following error. I tried many many .config files but the result was the same.
Here is the screen capture of the error;
I'm trying this process for a week without any success...
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Jan 6, 2010
I'm building a 3-node cluster. I have created ocfs filesystems and mounted them on the first two nodes. But while mounting them on the third node , i'm getting this error for 8 of the total luns. all these 8 luns are of 1GB size.
I've unmounted these 8 luns from the other node and tried to mount in the third node ... and then it was working and again the error occurs in the second node. My observation was for some reason these particular luns are not allowing the third node.
mount.ocfs2: Invalid argument while mounting /dev/mapper/voting1 on /voting1. Check 'dmesg' for more information on this error.
dmesg output was :
I'm using RHEL 5.4
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Jan 14, 2009
I'm running Ubuntu 8.04. I've got sqlite3 installed, but I keep getting errors when trying trying to install pysqlite (2.4.1 or 2.5.1).
If I run $ python build things look like they're going ok for a while, but then I soon start getting errors:
There's a whole load more stuff, ending up with:
gcc -v tells me that gcc exists so I think that last error must be a red herring.
However, after searching the web and trying lots of things, I've not managed to build pysqlite.
In case it's relevant, setup.cfg contains the following (after attempts at various things having tried following up on some suggestions I found posted elsewhere):
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Dec 20, 2010
I have an FC13 x86_64 server and having trouble building RPMs, but I don't think it's specifically an RPM problem. I think it's a tty management or other type of problem.
When spec files have a "%files -f filelist.txt", which contains the list of files for the RPM, it calls the /usr/lib/check-files script, which sorts the files that are supposed to be in the RPM and compares them with the files that are in the built RPM before they are packaged.
The trouble is that the sort fails.
Here's the trace from the check-files script:
The above doesn't show that the output from sort is redirected into those /tmp files. The first sort succeeds because it reads data sent by the "find" in the same shell. The second sort fails because (I think) it cannot read data from stdin for some reason.
What could possibly cause this? I've checked various permissions, libraries, even used strace extensively, all of which is inconclusive.
This is one of my test server boxes, so this problem is something that I've caused, but I have no idea what.
libc controls input and output, correct? Could it somehow be a glibc problem, or a devpts problem? I can run a simple command and pipe it to sort with no problem. It appears to only be related to sub-shells.
I also replaced sort with cat and just tried to redirect stdin in that file to a temporary file, and that also fails.
I've tried running it with selinux disabled and that has no effect.
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Sep 18, 2009
1. I have fedora 9 installed, i installed kdevelop using command yum install kdevelop. so i think all the dependencies must have been resolved.
2.Built a new project in the category C++ -> KDE ->Simple KDE Application
3. then i tried to build it with "run automake and success" in the build tab. It was successful.
4. however, with the option "Run Configure" in the build tab again, I got the following:
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Dec 16, 2009
I've been trying to install Compiz 0.8.4 from the source code provided by the Compiz people.
However, when I run make on the first set of code (compiz-0.8.4 tar package), it halts with the following error:
As well as --disable-gconf and --disable-gnome since gnome isn't install on Slackware (I've also tried it without those, but it picks up on it anyway and throws them out). The folder I'm running this from is /root/Desktop/Compiz Fusion/compiz-0.8.4.
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Jan 21, 2011
Im trying to build the glade3 slackbuild on slackware x64 -current, but everytime i try to build it, i get the same error:
There are no dependencies listed in the slackbuild, so i'm confused as to what could be causing this error.
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May 18, 2010
I have tried building a couple of packages like gst-plugins-bad, Qtcurve-Gtk2, but I get make error at this line:
For gparted I'm getting:
Using Slackware64 - current
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Jul 19, 2010
New installation of Suse 11.3. Trying to build Cinelerra-CV from [url]
The source code of Cinelerra-CV is available from a git repository. To get a copy for compilation use the following command
You can modify this working copy, and submit your patches to the mailing list, or ask for your own repo or for permission to push to one of the existing ones.
From the README.BUILD file, you are told to build autoreconf -i.
This gives an error:
Running autoreconf with the "force" option works:
After running ./configure, and then make, there are errors:
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Jan 2, 2011
Trying to get Midori browser from SBOpkg's and one of the dependencies is libsoup.configure: error: GLIB 2.21.3 or later is required to build libsoup.Anyone able to give me a pointer in the right direction to overcome this.
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May 20, 2010
I use Slackware 13.0 with the kernel, and I use GnomeSlackbuild.I tried to get help on their discussion group, but I didn't get any.I'm trying to build gnome-power-manager 2.30, because it uses the new upower interface (so it seems). I have GTK+ 2.18.9.
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Nov 10, 2009
I have install the dependiencies, by running the command sudo yum install qt4-devel jack-audio-connection-kit-devel successfully done (using fedora 11) After trying to build as [ajitj@fedora11 src]$ ./build But getting the error as bellow: (I have put some part of the lines)
../externals/includes/rtaudio-4.0.6/RtAudio.cpp:6164: error: �state� was not declared in this scope
../externals/includes/rtaudio-4.0.6/RtAudio.cpp:6164: error: �SND_PCM_STATE_XRUN� was not declared in this scope
../externals/includes/rtaudio-4.0.6/RtAudio.cpp:6166: error: �snd_pcm_prepare� was not declared in this scope
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Nov 9, 2010
I can't seem to find this anywhere. I have burned Debian 5.06 for i386 and trying to login when running the live cd. What is the username and password to get in?
I found 'user' and 'live' but they don't work.
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