CentOS 5 Networking :: GRE Setup For WCCP?

Sep 30, 2009

getting GRE configured on CentOS 5.3 using Squid 2.6. I think I have everything else setup, but can't find a good reference for configuring the GRE tunnel.

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CentOS 5 :: Installing Squid Using The WCCP?

Sep 29, 2009

Looking for some help getting Squid installed on CentOS 5.3 and using WCCP with a Cisco 2811 router. I think I have the port translation correct and have Squid configured for WCCP. What I can't figure out is the GRE part. Does anyone have the steps needed to configure GRE on CentOS?

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Networking :: Ubuntu 10,04 Wccp Device Not Found?

Jan 5, 2011

I am trying to to Squid + WCCP on ubuntu. I have installed the squid on the Ubuntu Server and configured the squid

wccp2_router IP_OF_ROUTER
wccp_version 4
wccp2_forwarding_method 1


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CentOS 5 Networking :: How To Setup Nfs / Nis On 5.6

Jul 26, 2011

my network: centos 5.6 machine, 2 disks in raid 1 client: centos 5.6 machine, 1 disk, no raid setup.the raid machine has 2 users beloning to one group (and root, with root group)
the client machine has 1 user, same groupNAME as on the raid machine. (again root, with root as group too).

where can i find the low-intelligence-level instructions for setting up nfs (the raid machine should become server) and nis (i got it is needed too).i tried some instructions from the Net (one of redhat enterprise e.g.), but after that i could mount the exported directory on the client machine, open the folder, read and copy from that folder to the client itself, but NOT write to the folder (folder with the mounted fs from the server).

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Setup Two NIC's And VLAN's?

Sep 12, 2011

I'm trying to setup a Asterisk box with two NIC's. The idea is that one NIC connects to the LAN on VLAN2 (for internal voice) and the other to the SIP trunk on my ISP's Cisco 1811, configured for VLAN3.

Some info: The Cisco's VLAN1 + 2 are available on my switch. VLAN1 = 10.105.44.x with gateway .254 (the Cisco). VLAN2 = 10.106.45.x with gateway .254 (the Cisco). The Cisco's VLAN3 is available on only a single port on de Cisco, connected to one of de NIC's of the Asterisk box, eth1, with IP and gateway .254 (the Cisco). The other NIC, eth0, is connected to the switch, on a port setup for VLAN2.

So, what I'm trying to achieve: Use eth1 tagged with VLAN3 to connect to the SIP trunk. (I could do this with a static route because my provider has a fixed IP to connect to) Use eth0 for all other traffic.

Here are some config files I've setup so far (I'm stuck on connecting to the SIP provider):



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CentOS 5 Networking :: DWA-110 Wireless USB Adapter Setup

Oct 6, 2009

I have D-Link DWA-110 wireless usb adapter.
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 07d1:3c07 D-Link System Wireless G DWA-110 Adapter

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Setup Multiple Bridges For Use With KVM?

Jan 7, 2010

Running CentOS 5.4 x64. Have successfully bridged eth2 with br2 by following the instructions here: [URL]../Networking (under the RHEL section) Have been running several KVM VMs successfully via this bridge.

I am now trying to bridge additional interfaces by using the same routine. Each bridge is named to correspond with the ethX device its bridged with.

Example of ifcfg-eth0 script:


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CentOS 5 Networking :: OpenLDAP And Samba PDC Setup?

Dec 17, 2010

I have setuped OpenLDAP+Samba PDC. When I create user and group -> Errors.
smbldap-group -a admin
No such object at /usr/sbin/smbldap_tools.pm line 457
smbldap-useradd -am -g admin admin
Could not find base dn, to get next uidNumber at /usr/sbin/smbldap_tools.pm line 1192

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CentOS 5 Networking :: How To Setup A PPPoE Server

Jan 5, 2011

I would like to set up a PPPoE server based on CentOS 5.5 i386, in order to give public IP addresses to my customers. Does have anyone a tutorial or can you give me some clues ?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Multiple NIC - How To Setup VMware Servers

Apr 15, 2009

So I have a pretty big networking nightmare on my hands right now. Stepped into the dog crap with this one, told my employer that I knew how to setup vmware servers right? Its not hard, install CentOS, install vmware, run the config tool, bridge the network, down the road we all go right? We have 3 servers running about 10 virtual servers.

Here is what we have all together.
CFU <- This is the internet. We have IP ranges xx.18.230 - xx.18.241 Gateway is xx.18.254 and subnet is xx.255.128
DELL PowerConnect 3348 Switch <- This is what everything is pretty much jammed into.
VMH1 <- This machine has 2 NICs
eth0 connects to the DELL switch somewhere on the upper 30+ ports
eth1 connects to the DELL switch on port 1.

It uses firestarter and is the gateway for our internal internet on 192.168.11.XX using IP 11.254. It has 4 vm's on it. One of them is the domain controller, hooked to eth1 using IP xx.11.1. The other one is a server for managing remote backups, it has an external IP linked to eth0 of xx.18.234. The other 2 vm's are for misc remote login stations that use internal ip addresses linked to eth1. It hasn't had a single problem communicating on either one of the ports..

VMH2 <- This server hosts a web server, and some other misc stations.
It hosts a web server on xx.18.230 and xx.18.231
It also hosts 2 workstations on a seperate network, through another router that is wireless....

Now, we have the problem child, VMH3
VMH3 <- This hosts...nothing. It sits and has a ton of storage, but does absolutely nothing, but won't communicate out either one of its network ports.
The xx.36.xx and xx.22.xx networks are there because we have multiple businesses in the building that shouldn't see each other.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Which File Can Setup Up Network Interfaces

Jul 20, 2009

which file can setup up my network interfaces? i was able to setup the nameserver using /etc/resolv.conf but I cannot find anywhere to configure the ip and and gateway. I could't find /etc/network/interfaces as you do on Debian

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CentOS 5 Networking :: DHCP Work But Not Able To Setup Static IP?

May 26, 2010

I am having several boxex with centos on it. No pb. I have recently setup a new box with centos 5.4 and I am not able to get the network working on it when configuring a static ip.I've configured eth0 and dns using "setup": unsuccessfulI've used the network config GUI: unsuccessfulAnd it is working very well when I let the dhcp getting the setting.I need a static IP.Here is the getinfo output when static ip setup, and below it, the getinfo for dhcp setting

== BEGIN uname -rmi ==
2.6.18-194.3.1.el5 i686 i386
== END uname -rmi ==


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CentOS 5 Networking :: Looking For Realtek 8112L Card Setup?

Aug 23, 2010

I've done some research for CentOS and Linux support in general for this card, and I haven't found the answer I'm looking for. Does anyone use this card in a system of theirs, and, if so, how easy was it to set up? It's on an Asus M4A785T-M/CSM motherboard that I'm looking to purchase (Newegg link here for reference). I've seen a lot of Realtek cards have zero problems in Linux before, but I know each chipset is different.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Setup A Crossover Connection Between 2 5.5 Boxes

Feb 7, 2011

i am not able to set up a crossover connection between 2 CENTOS 5.5 boxes.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Setup A Perfect Server 5.5 With IPv6 Only

Mar 1, 2011

I have a he.net ipv6 tunnel account and a manage to pass all the test to sage mode, but with debian 6.

I would like to have a step-by-step setup of centos 5.5 with iRedMail 0.7, but for only ipv6.

iRedMail with LDAP
DHCP for ipv6 (optional, just wanted to see the config)

Can't seem to add jpg files.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Setup Public Accessible VPN On The Internet?

Jul 8, 2011

I am running CentOS release 5.6 (Final) and have successfully installed PPTPD and this works great internally.

I want to access my Linux box remotely on the internet via my VPN tunnel. However I am not sure what I need to do on the Linux box to make this happen. My linux box is multihomed as follows

PSTN WWW <===========> ADSL Router Firewall <----------------> [eth1 192.168.x.x] Linux Box [eth0 172.16.x.x] <-----> to LAN

The desired topology is as shown.

VPN Client <------> Home ADSL Router <======= PSTN WWW =======> ADSL Router <------> eth1 Linux Box

1. The VPN is setup and bound to eth1 and eth0 and works well internally

2. IPSec, GRE and PPTP rules have been declared on the router which port map to eth1

However I am still unable to setup a VPN connection to Linux Box I suspect something hasn't been done or I have setup my NATing or IPTables correctly on the linux box.

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Networking :: CentOS Mail Setup - Sendmail Via External SMTP Server

Jul 30, 2011

I am setting up a CentOS box as a NAT firewall that needs to also send mail. It needs to send this mail using an outside provider's SMTP. The provider requires SMTP over SSL. None of the machines inside the NAT will ever send mail except via the provider's SMTP nor will they ever receive mail except to local clients via the provider's IMAP servers.

So for the example the machine is TESTMACHINE. There is one internet facing ethernet port connected to a DSL modem via pppoe.

The SMTP it needs to send mail via is mail.host.net which requires SMTP over SSL (port 465) and username/password authentication.

The sendmail documentation is quite confusing on how to get this simple setup operating, so an example showing the appropriate changes to sendmail.mc and other require config files.

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Networking :: Samba Setup - Windows 7 Host - CentOS Machine Using VirtualBox?

Jun 23, 2010

I am trying to set up samba in my CentOS virtual machine that is running on a Windows 7 host. I have found a tutorial in the How-Tos on this site but I'm not sure if they are exact and I'm paranoid about messing something up. The link to the tutorial is below. Is there anything that I should do different or anything that I should be aware of? Also, once this is set up, how do I transfer files between the two machines? Please note: I am very inexperienced in the IT field. [URL]...

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Belkin As Wireless Access Point With Existing Setup?

Jul 2, 2011

I have a Centos 5.6 Linux Server configured as Router with NAT for my LAN. There are currently 2 NIC's on my server. One is connected to WAN , a PPOE connection (eth0) and eth1 is connected to a switch which supports my LAN. I have enabled NAT and configured iptables on my server and I am able to access internet from LAN and everything is working fine.I have a Belkin F5D8233-4v3 Wireless router and I need to configure wireless on my network so that I can access internet from my Laptop. The issue is that I have only 2 NIC's on my server, one Gigabit NIC integrated with my motherboard and another NIC which I am currently using for WAN access and LAN. I need to setup the Belkin as an wireless Access Point.

Can I connect my Belkin to my switch and set it up as a Wireless Access Point?? I have read about setup using 3 Nic's.Any ideas on how to configure my Belkin as Wireless Access Point with my existing setup? Is Belkin F5D8233-4v3 supported on Linux.

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CentOS 5 :: Mistakenly Setup RAID 0 Array On / Instead Of RAID1 During Setup - Convert Without Loss?

Dec 15, 2010

So I didn't notice when I setup my CentOS 5.5 server that I left / as RAID 0 on md1. All the rest are RAID 1. Is there a way I can modify the array to RAID 1 without a risk of data loss? I'm glad I caught this before I setup any other services. I've only setup smb so far...

[root@ftpserver ~]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1 16G 3.0G 13G 20% /


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CentOS 5 Networking :: When I Change Dom0's Firewall Setup, The DomU Will Fail To Connect To Internet?

May 17, 2010

I'm using virtual network (NAT network) for my domU.When I change dom0's firewall setup, the domU will fail to connect to Internet anymore.So far, the only way to bring the network back is reboot dom0 !I try to restart service network and libvirtd on dom0 ... it doesn't work.How can I bring the domU network back without reboot dom0 ?

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CentOS 5 :: Boot Setup From Partition That Is Formatted During Setup

May 5, 2009

Here is a thought experiment:

1. Copy vmlinuz and initrd.img from isolinux subdir into /boot
2. Adjust grub.conf to boot to that kernel
3. Reboot to setup
4. Format /boot (actually '/' ) during "fresh install"
5. Proceed with the installation-over-network

I see two possible outcomes:

1. The setup fails to reformat the drive, because it is "in use" by boot kernel

2. The partition is not "in use" and the installation succeeds

Why? Old cluster with broken CD-drives, lacking USB, and no separate /boot partition.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Setup A Network To Network VPN Tunnel Between Our Main Office And A Temporary Location?

Aug 12, 2009

I am attempting to setup a network to network VPN tunnel between our main office and a temporary location. This location need full VPN access back to the main office's network.Anyhow we have spent about 3 solid days attempting to make this work without any great success. Here is our network scheme for these two devices.

Network A (Main Office) (OpenBSD using isakmpd)
External IP: (obviously not the real IP)[code].....

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Setup The Cluster To Automatically Failover The Service To Another Node Case One Node Fails?

Mar 1, 2011

I am familiar with windows 2008 cluster servers, and I just started testing with centos cluster. I am creating a simple 2-node cluster, for a simple ping test.

Node 1:
Node 2:
Virtual ip:

So far, I can ping a virtual ip, and manually relocate it between the nodes, but I didn't figure out, how to do this automatically. So this is my question: How can I setup the cluster, to it automatically failover the a service to another node case one node fails?

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CentOS 5 :: Setup The Centos Directory Server Without An Internet Connection?

Apr 20, 2010

Is there any way to setup the Centos Directory Server without an internet connection?? i tried using the command: yum install centos-ds

but this just tries to connect to the internet to to download the packages. Is there a site where i can find the package so that i can copy it to my server and install it or is there some other way to do this?

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CentOS 5 :: Getting "setup: Command Not Found" Error But Setup Is Installed

Jul 5, 2011

I'm trying to use the set application to configure Apache. I'm getting a "setup: command not found" error when I type in "setup" at the command line.

However when I try to install setup with yum, it tells me that setup is already installed.

I'm logged in as root. CentOS 5.5.

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.2 Xen Bridged Networking - Setup Multiple DomU Through The Default Bridge Setup

Feb 4, 2010

Im trying to setup multiple domU through the default bridge setup. I am able to access only one of them through the network at a time. If you ping one of the domU it works perfectly but you cannot ping any of the others until you stop pinging the one and even then it takes a bit before you can. Ive looked around for a while and seen similar problems but nothing ever seems quite the same. Im probably missing something really stupid. Or is this the way the bridge is supposed to behave? Do i need to use a routed virtual network?


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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Centos 5.5 With VNC Works When Setup But Not After?

Jul 11, 2010

followed the wiki page which tells you how to configure vnc, i got this working under root, then created a sybase account and also got this working as well, but anytime i shutdown the server for the day and attempt to use VNC the next day, it doesnt work. I get the error unable to connect to host: connection refused (10061)

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Server :: Unable To Setup A NIS Server Setup On CentOS System

Jan 19, 2010

We are trying to set up a NIS server on a CentOS system. We need to have a NIS server which can provide NIS authentication to a couple of clients. We are practically new to all this stuff.

Just googled to find some ideas about installing ypserv and ypbind and portmapper. We did all that and also started them successfully. But now the clients are not able to join to the NIS domain . The error log states "YP_DOMAIN NOT BOUND".

I guess we have not entered the /etc/yp.conf, /etc/hosts files properly. Please let us know the detailed steps to setup a NIS server .

Also, please let us know what entries should go into the different /etc/<file_names>? What is meant by HOSTNAME in the /etc/hosts file?

Is there any other files which need to be changed? Are we missing any steps?

Also to add-on, while executing the ypinit command we faced the following error:

At this point, we have to construct a list of the hosts which will run NIS servers. localhost.localdomain is in the list of NIS server hosts. Please cont inue to add the names for the other hosts, one per line. When you are done with the list, type a <control D>. next host to add: localhost.localdomain next host to add:

The current list of NIS servers looks like this:

Is this correct? [y/n: y] y

Error running Makefile.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Adaptec 1430sa Centos Do Not Boot After Initial Setup "grub"?

Nov 15, 2010

I am busy to do some tests using the Adaptec 1430sa hardware raid controler .I started the setup by generating the raid 1 aray and it worked ok .I did the regular setup of Cent Os 5.5 64 bits all worked ok but the system do not boot .When I start the box it enter the minimal grub screen .I tried to install a first time on the MBR like suggested and how it need to be done for soft raid setup .nd I tried to install it on the first cluster from the boot sequence like possible on second choice

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