CentOS 5 :: KVM USB Pass Centos6 Doesn't Work?

Aug 22, 2011

I have very annoying problem with USB passthrough in Centos 6. My XLM guest file to forward USB ( I checked this manually and using virt manager) :

<hostdev mode='subsystem' type='usb' managed='yes'>
<vendor id='0x0d7a'/>
<product id='0x0001'/>


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CentOS 5 Networking :: OpenVPN Doesn't Work On CentOS 5.3 With Windows Client?

Jun 27, 2009

This will be a little long (having read Phil's 'how to ask questions' FAQ). I'm trying to get OpenVPN working between my CentOS server and some Windoze laptops running XP. There seems to be plenty of sample
config files available, but to date, none of them have worked for me. Pulling out my trusty Wireshark, I've found some clues,

My local subnet (NAT'ed by my gateway router) is 192.168.52.x. My router has been configured with a conduit (port-forward) for port 1194 (the standard OpenVPN port), which points towards my CentOS server.The CentOS server is .52.112, and the supplicant is .52.110. I have tried the lient both inside and outside my local subnet, with no difference in events or outcomes.


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CentOS 5 :: Yum And Php Doesn't Work After Update To 5.3

Apr 6, 2009

I updated centos from 5.2 to 5.3 as recommended:

yum clean all
yum update glibc*
yum update

Update was successful (I didn't see any errors). Then I rebooted pc and found out that my web is extreamly slow. In httpd logs I found: php -> file_get_contents [URL] always dies (timeout error, but somedomain.com is fine, I can telnet it easy on 80) I was wounder if it's update problem and tried yum:

>yum update Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Determining fastest mirrors Could not retrieve mirrorlist http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=5&arch=i386&repo=os error was [Errno 4] IOError: <urlopen error (-3, 'Temporary failure in name resolution')> Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base

so you doesn't work too... I have no proxies, I tried to reboot pc, I tried: yum clean all

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CentOS 5 :: After Update To 5.5 Yum Doesn't Work

Jun 14, 2010

after i update my Server to 5.5 i get the following error

[root@Linux /]# yum update
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Could not retrieve mirrorlist http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=5&arch=x86_64&repo=addons error was
[Errno 14] HTTP Error 407: Proxy Authentication Required
Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: addons

i export the proxy but still not working,

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CentOS 5 :: Guest OS In XEN 5.4 Doesn't Work?

Jul 13, 2010

1) Installed Cent os 5.4 in my system (name it as "guest os").

2) Downloaded the full kernel source, and patched the vanilla kernel to export symbol table (2 line change) [URL] (Yes I know that kernel should not be touched, if touched you should not seek help here . but I felt I didnt do any big change in kernel there). Besides we unset the config_smp & config_preempt parameter to make the kernel as not SMP and not preemptive .

3) Then compiled and booted with the new kernel 2.6.18, everything went fine . Now my gust os box is loading fine and I dont have any issue .

So now I need to install this above machine as guest OS in one more XEN machine cent os 5.4 (name it as "xen os").

So we created the image out of the above box "guest os" and added it as VM in xen os . But while booting it always hangs under some error like "/usb device sort of thing" (I dont have the screen where it hangs, but I do have the equivalent xen log from XEN OS linked to [URL] .

1) what the error is, and what need to be changed in my guest os build .

2) In general I am new to this VM and XEN installation, to be frank I am completely zero . Does changing the native os 5.4 to guest os need any change in kernel or something.

3) Does this case possible, install plain cent os in xen machine. After then patch the kernel in VM and boot with that . I guess it should not be possible ...

4) If possible guide me to some documentation where I can learn few basics over this.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: UCD-SNMP-MIB Doesn't Seem To Work

Aug 20, 2009

I am trying to monitor a Centos 5.3 box using SNMP and I am having a lot of trouble getting the data that i need from it. Everytime I try to get information from the UCD-SNMP MIB it returns "End of MIB". It is my understanding that UCD-SNMP is a standard package when Net-SNMP is installed and should always be there. Then why can't I access it? I have tried removing the reinstalling Net-SNMP, but that hasn't worked. My server is update date on all it's patches as well. It is quite old hardware, but I don't believe that should affect SNMP from being gathered. Iptables is down, and I cant' even get it from the local machine.

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CentOS 5 Server :: SMTP Doesn't Seem To Work

Apr 28, 2010

I have a dedicated server running CentOS 5, Plesk 9.2.2, SMTP Postfix and Courier-IMAP.The issue I have is that on all domains on the server receiving email works fine however sending email never seems to work. This is from email programs, my phone, webmail and PHP. None of them seem to be able to send email. If it is of worth Spam Assassin is running however I don't feel it is causing any problems.

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CentOS 5 :: Installed Acronis Agent But Doesn't Work?

Dec 1, 2009

I'm quite new to Linux and totally new to CentOS. I need it to isntall a Lotus Domino Server, and for security reason i'd like to install the Acronis Linux agent to backup this server with my Win Acronis enterprise server. I have installed a new CentOS server 5.4 on a Vmware virtual machine, then installed the Acronis Linux agent following the instruction here [URL].. The agent seems to work because with the command "/etc/init.d/acronis_agent status" the sistem respond with "Acronis Agenti is running"

But i can't connect to the agent from the server console!

I have disabled the firewall to avoid any connectin problem...

Does anybody use acronis with CentOS?

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CentOS 5 :: Why The Selinux Module For Nagios Doesn't Work

Dec 8, 2009

Is there a reason why the selinux module for nagios just doesn't work? I'm running CentOS release 5.4 (Final) and did "yum install nagios" and now have nagios-3.2.0-1.el5.rf installed. I'm having to create policy after policy after policy, and still haven't reached the end of the rainbow.

I suppose after I run out of selinux violations, I could figure out how to combine all of these modules and post the result, but it seems really, really weird to think that I'm the only person who has ever installed nagios from the repo with SELinux enabled.

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CentOS 5 :: System-config-samba Doesn't Work?

Feb 24, 2010

system-config-samba doean't work from terminal neither it is shown in graphical mode, i cannot see system > administration > servers. Server is missing.

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CentOS 5 :: Dual Booting With Windows 7 - Just Doesn't Work

Oct 2, 2010

I'm a visual effects artist and although many VFX post production houses use linux, I've always used windows because of the programs. At this point, I've migrated to different programs which are also available on linux. The only set of programs I won't have, would be the Adobe Suite. So, I decided to finally start using linux again. I used it back when I was a kid for a few years, but just to have it really. We mainly use macs at work, but I'm switching to linux now.

Since I mainly use Autodesk Maya, the first choice would've been RHEL. Which is why I'm here now, you can guess.

I've downloaded the .iso of CentOS 5.5 and checked it against the hashes and it came out fine. I burned it to a DVD and booted my main computer (I have 3 I plan on installing it onto) and tested the media, came back fine.

I have two HDs, one 1.5TB SATA and one 150GB SATA. The 1.5TB is the C: drive of windows, and I've shrunk it to allow 80GB for linux.

So that is sda. sda1 is the windows partition and I make sda2 ext3 out of the empty space by choosing the custom partition scheme. It installs fine.

However, booting up the computer boots straight to windows. No GRUB.

I've reinstalled many times now, changing the GRUB from sda to sda1 to sda2. Nothing.


I've adapted that guide to CentOS and tried that, but whenever I select the CentOS option during bootup, the computer instantly restarts itself.

I've tried reinstalling the GRUB via a Live CD like many googled sites say to, but I always get errors.

If I find the /boot/grub/stage1, it says it can't be found.

If I try to setup GRUB, it says /boot/grub/stage1 is unreadable

So, I download the Ubuntu CD and install that. I use the guide previously posted to do the same thing, by installing GRUB onto sda2 where Ubuntu is.

So I pick that option on startup and it brings me to Ubuntu's GRUB menu. It all works fine. CentOS doesn't though.

Ubuntu is using GRUB2, so it has a grub.cfg file. Inside the file near the end, it lists Ubuntu as (hd0,2) and windows as (hd0,1).

That shouldn't be right? What's (hd0,0) then?

The CentOS grub.conf file lists CentOS as (hd0,1) and windows as (hd0,0). That should be correct. But I change it anyway to (hd0,2) and (hd0,1) and it still doesn't work.

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CentOS 5 :: Installed Windows &, But Now Internet Doesn't Work?

Jan 4, 2011

I've just installed Windows &, but now my internet doesn't work. How is that possible?

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CentOS 5 :: Plantronics Wireless USB Headset - Mic Doesn't Work

Jan 20, 2011

CentOS 5.5 -=[slimg00dy@localhost: /mnt/signature-drive-320/Downloads/iplist/fedora]=- $ cat /proc/asound/version Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.14rc3 (Wed Mar 14 07:25:50 2007 UTC).

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: RS-232 TtyS0 Doesn't Work With IRQ Enabled?

May 13, 2011

We are running CentOS 5.3 on a Logic Supply PT109, a ruggedized PC. For some reason the serial ports don't work when the IRQ is configured (i.e. setting IRQ to 0 makes it work, but performance suffers with the polling).

I've used minicom, picocom, and plain old cat and echo talk to the port both with a loopback connector and to another PC. statserial shows the control lines changing as I change the various settings and connect the loopback connector. I am confident that the hardware is fine as DOS diagnostics show the COMx ports working with various baud rates. I have tried changing the IRQ from the default of 11 to 3 and 4, turning flow control on/off, and tried another PT109.

strace shows data being written, but none being received, so my theories are either the interrupts aren't being generated (doubtful since the ports tested okay with DOS) or the serial driver isn't handling the interrupt. The serial handler shows up in /proc/interrupts when the port is opened. The interrupt counts do go up slowly, but not in response to activity that I can correlate:


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Ubuntu :: Update Grub Doesn't Work - Centos 5 Not Detected

Dec 24, 2010

I have installed ubuntu and Centos 5 , but when i do sudo update-grub , the new centos 5 is not detected. Some days ago i did the same (i installed ubuntu , and then Centos 5) , but i had to format the hard disk because some problems i had. The thing is that in that first time update-grub worked , but now not , why? Shouldn't be detected this time too? I have to manually add the new entry to the grub no?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Makehistory Utility For Innd Doesn't Work

Nov 19, 2009

Trying to migrate our news server to a new instance on centos5 and having issues with the makehistory utility. It errors out and then just creates all null values for the overview database. Here is the output:

[root@server overview]# /usr/lib/news/bin/makehistory -O -x -F
*** glibc detected *** /usr/lib/news/bin/makehistory: free(): invalid pointer: 0x000000000063ce60 ***
======= Backtrace: =========


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CentOS 5 :: Installed Flash-player For Firefox But It Doesn't Work

Jan 1, 2010

I can see that it installed correctly but it doesn't work.how to get flash to work right on Firefox in CentOS?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Bonding Mode=1 Doesn't Work Properly

Dec 10, 2010

We have a Blade server connected to a two internal ESM Cisco switch. We want to have a active-backup configuration with bonding. We follow the documentation and we hace configured the next:

Centos 5.5
[root etc]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
# Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5709S Gigabit Ethernet


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CentOS 5 :: Changing User Password Doesn't Work Correctly

Jan 20, 2011

My problem is that I cant "rewrite" older password to new. It looks like I do:

Changing password for user johny.
New UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

all looks OK but after set up new password I can log in using OLD and NEW password. It's very unsecure for me. So in fact I cant change password and it looks like centos create next password to one accout and one account have more then one password... how can I prevent it? pls help me couse its very unsecure in my case.user looks in file shadow /etc/shadow like this:


in etc/passwd looks like this:


how to delete all old passwords?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Bridging Of Eth0 And Eth1 Doesn't Work?

Apr 14, 2011

Problem: Can't get bridging to work properly.

I'll start by saying that most of this is built inside of a 64bit ESXi 4.1.0 server. Should be obvious by the picture below.

Trying to set up a bridged CentOS box. Ultimate goal is to set up a Transparent Firewall. The machine labeled 'Desktop' is a Windows XP running DHCP. It gets assigned an Internet routeble IP address. At this point, nothing is running a firewall.

Gateway can ping CentOS bridge
CentOS bridge can ping gateway
CentOS bridge can resolve DNS names and ping FQDNs on the Internet.
CentOS bridge CAN NOT ping Desktop


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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Asus Eee Thin Box - Ethernet Doesn't Work & Difficulty With X?

Mar 23, 2009

Centos 5.2 Asus Eee box with Atom N270 and it came installed with "eLinux" which doesn't even come close to meeting my needs (low demand intranet server). But eLinux did work as far as I tested it.

First, CentOS seems to detect the Intel 945GME video chip but I end up with a blank screen. I used text mode to install CentOS. Then I searched for a solution. Found someone suggested also using the i915 driver with 945GM. That didn't work.

So, I reverted to a VESA driver. That worked except I couldn't get resolution greater than 800x600 even after I added a Mode line for 1024x768 to the xorg.conf file. However, the X interface wasn't that important. I mostly wanted into the utilities so I could fix the network.

I had tried a fixed address ( since the box is supposed to be a "thin server." No luck. So, I tried DNS and tried activating again. The suggestion was that the network cable wasn't connected. When using DNS, the network hub lights flash. Something is happening.

Rebooted the computer using Puppy Linux (on a usb key). Video comes up in VESA mode. I can set it to 1024x768. It found the DNS server without any complaints. (Note: I didn't so much as touch the ethernet cable during the reboot).

Copying and Pasting isn't easy with a computer that won't connect to the LAN. But the hardware is a Realtek RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 2). I since tried Slackware 12.1 and it's pretty happy on that box. Vesa mode gets me 1024x768 and the ethernet works (however it thinks it's on eth1 which may or may not be a clue). I'll try CentOS on an old box for other testing.

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Server :: Change Of Apache Httpd.conf Doesn't Work On CentOS/RedHat?

Jun 30, 2010

I've been trying to make install apache 2.1.8 and php 5.2.3 and work on them. After updating and installing some dependence files, apache and php could both be installed.

Then I tried to configure them. I added the following content to the end of Apache httpd.conf:


Then I run /path/to/apachectl start, and saw the message:


Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

Then I remembered that I didn't include the rewrite module while making install apache. So I removed the 2 lines I just added to httpd.conf.

But, after running /path/to/apachectl stop and start again, I could still see:


When I use firefox to open http://host_ip:8080/, I could see "It works!". But when I open http://host_ip:8080/hello.php (the file is already under htdocs), firefox said

Failed to Connect

Why and how to solve it?

I noticed that for some stupid reason, the conf file wasn't updated at all and the 2 erroneous lines were still there.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Intel(R) PRO / Wireless 2200 / 2915 Driver Doesn't Work

May 31, 2009

Wireless networking doesn't seem to work. When I try to create a new network interface with system-config-network, my wireless card doesn't show up. The following comes from dmesg:

ipw2200: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200/2915 Network Driver, 1.2.0kmprq
ipw2200: Copyright(c) 2003-2006 Intel Corporation
ipw2200: Detected Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection
ipw2200: ipw2200-bss.fw request_firmware failed: Reason -2

I saw a post about this elsewhere and downloaded some firmware drives from [URL] and installed then. But, I'm really out of my league when it comes to this kind of stuff.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Logitech M305 Wireless Laptop Mouse - Doesn't Work?

Nov 2, 2009

I got myself a shiny M305 Logitech mouse for my laptop. It comes with a littlee USB wireless dongle. When I plug in the dongle, DMESG shows me that the system notices the dongle:

usb 5-1: USB disconnect, address 6
hda-intel: IRQ timing workaround is activated for card #0. Suggest a bigger bdl_pos_adj.
usb 5-1: new low speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 7
usb 5-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
input: Logitech USB Receiver as /class/input/input15


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General :: Pass Shell Parameters To Awk Does Not Work?

Jun 16, 2011

Why does this work

for myfile in `find . -name "R*VER" -mtime +1`


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Ubuntu :: Choosing Network Pass Type WPA Does Not Work

Jul 15, 2010

When I choose the network password type WPA for example it doesn't work. Currently on my Dell Inspiron 1750 64 Bit am dual booting Ubuntu and Linux mint. I have the driver installed for the wifi card (Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver). Installed on both Ubuntu and Linux Mint, I don't know if there the exact same but very similar if not. So now I will get to the problem. When I click the wifi network button (Ubuntu is top right on panel, Linux Mint is bottom right on panel) and click the network I want to join the pass key box pops up.

But when I click the down arrow (WPA & WPA2 Personel selected by default) it just highlights the default selection, already stated. The weird thing is it does it for both Linux Mint and Ubuntu now. See, it didn't do that before I installed Linux mint and just had ubuntu. Wish I could post a screen shot but it would be a hassle without having the computer with Internet. I tried changing themes still does the same thing. Right when I installed the driver it worked fine with my home internet where I installed it using a ehternet cable. But now that I am trying to connect to a new network and it does this.

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CentOS 5 :: Set Up User Name And Pass For A Folder?

Jun 21, 2010

I have big folder I want to send it to my friend because it is over 20MB I can't send it by email so I want to put it on my website in a folder any time he wants to access it he should put uer name and passwod.I am completly new in that kind of stuff please let me know if any one know how to do it.

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General :: Damaged Hard Disk Doesn't Pass SMART Test, And , Won't Boot With It Connected, Even From A Live CD?

Sep 19, 2010

Its basically an old SATA Hard Drive with a Windows XP partition I was trying to sell.When my computer does the BIOS checks, it doesn't pass the SMART test (but I can boot it anyway), although I can't boot Linux in any way with this Hard Disk connected (I even tried Live CD distros, like Parted Magic).I can boot the XP partition from inside the disk, although I guess its pretty close to not being able to. Is there any way to "fix" this Hard Drive?

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Fedora :: Unable To Get Last Pass Firefox Addon To Work Correctly On F15 / FF4

Jun 17, 2011

Since moving from centos 5.6 to fedora 15 a week ago I have been unable to get Last Pass firefox addon to work correctly. Those of you familiar to last pass will probably have seen the error message before in a variety of situations, namely "An error occurred while attempting to contact the server. Please check your internet connection." This error appears as soon as you log in (which it does manage to do) but instantly loses authentication - seems like the cookie expires almost instantly and therefore all saved sites/passwords require re-authentication with LP to use.

No network configuration has altered since the OS change, but F15 comes with firefox 4 rather than 3.6.x in centos. I know the last pass plugin should work with FF4 and have read suggestions about SSL/TLS version settings (which are 3.0 and 1.0 respectively) and disabling SELinx. Neither of these have made any difference.

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CentOS 5 :: .bash_profile Contents Of Root To Pass?

Jun 18, 2010

I lost my root .bash_profile. Have anyone, the .bash_profile contents of root to pass me?

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