CentOS 5 :: Changing User Password Doesn't Work Correctly

Jan 20, 2011

My problem is that I cant "rewrite" older password to new. It looks like I do:

Changing password for user johny.
New UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

all looks OK but after set up new password I can log in using OLD and NEW password. It's very unsecure for me. So in fact I cant change password and it looks like centos create next password to one accout and one account have more then one password... how can I prevent it? pls help me couse its very unsecure in my case.user looks in file shadow /etc/shadow like this:


in etc/passwd looks like this:


how to delete all old passwords?

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Ubuntu :: Password Doesn't Work To Enter Super User Mode In The Terminal

May 8, 2010

My password doesn't work to enter super user mode in the terminal. this password works for all other administartive uses in and out of the terminal, just not for entering super user mode.

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Fedora :: Restricting User From Changing Own Password In 10?

Jul 16, 2009

I hope I am in the right forum. I have a question about restricting users from being able to change their own passwords in Fedora 10. In Fedora 6, I was able to do this by using passwd with -n and -x flags. If I would set the -n value greater than the -x value, then the user would not be able to change his/her own password. If I do this in Fedora 10, this no longer works

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Password User That Is Not Logged In?

Apr 15, 2010

I'm looking for a user-friendly way to change the password of a user that is *not* currently logged into the machine. We have a machine that is used by a number of users with a low level of tech savvy. The machine gets logged in as a generic user which works for most purposes, but due to a management requirement, we need Firefox to be run under an account set up for the individual user. I've gotten that bit to work fine, but what I can't figure out is a friendly (GUI) way to allow users to change their own password while the machine is logged in as the generic user. I would like to use gnome-passwd, but I've been unable to figure out how to get it to run for a user other than the logged-in generic user.

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Debian :: Dconf Write Doesn't Work Correctly

Oct 1, 2015

i installed debian 8.2 with gnome 3 desktop environment when i run this command

Code: Select alldconf write /org/gnome/nautilus/preferences/default-sort-order type i got this error

Code: Select allerror: 0-4:unknown keyword


  dconf write KEY VALUE

Write a new value to a key

  KEY         A key path (starting, but not ending with '/')
  VALUE       The value to write (in GVariant format)

what should i do ?

also when i use gsettings i get

Code: Select all(process:4333): dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf: The connection is closed

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General :: Wine Doesn't Correctly Work / Resolve This?

Feb 15, 2011

I use Wine on Kubuntu 10.10.
Whenever some-application to open the Internet, wine browser is opened in loop untill I end process tree of wine server.
Also when I use it to execute .exe program I have error
e.g. I tried to run DriverGuide DriverScan:


Component 'Codejock.DockingPane.v10.4.0.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid

Does anyone know whats missing ?

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Server :: Changes Happened In /etc/shadow File, When User Changing Password?

Jan 24, 2011

I want to know, how does changes happened in the encrypted password in /etc/shadow file , when user changing password . because user doesnot have access on that file

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Ubuntu :: Hibernation Doesn't Work Correctly After Upgrade To Lucid?

May 11, 2010

After the upgrade, I've noticed a problem I haven't had before - hibernating worked fine to the last. The problem is, although the system correctly hibernates, it makes no attempt to "wake" from hibernation when I power it up - it boots normally, and with fsck-ing like it was powered off without proper shutdown (understandably). I don't know why it happens, and I've skimmed the logs, but noticed nothing special. What could be the problem? What could I try? Which log should help someone find that out?

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Fedora Hardware :: HP Printer - HPLIP Driver In The Repo Doesn't Work Correctly

Apr 22, 2010

I recently had problems with my HP printer in Fedora 12, where as I never had a problem with it in any other distrubution.... For some reason, the HPLIP driver in the repo doesn't work correctly... I don't know why... but I kept getting errors with "error: Printer queue setup failed. Please restart CUPS and try again."

I tried every suggestion I found... which was installing extra dependencies, disabling firewall, disabling SELinux and a whole bunch of other stuff... but nothing worked... THEN finally I decided to use the HPLIP driver from the HP website... it was a .run file... and I executed it, and my printer has worked perfect eversince..... my question is.... has anybody successfully installed their hp printer from the hplip driver in the repo's..??? I don't know why it didn't work for me, and i've seen other fedora users complain of the same thing? maybe theres something wrong with the package? or its not pulling in a needed dependency? I don't know...

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CentOS 5 :: Prevent Users From Changing Their Own Password?

Feb 4, 2010

How can I prevent users from changing their own password? I was surprisingly unsuccessfull in finding a solution for this on google. Lots of stuff about hardening ssh access or dealing with password aging using "chage" but nowhere could I find an answer for my question.

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Fedora Installation :: Dell Vostro 1700 - Input Doesn't Work Correctly Neither Built In Microphone

Mar 20, 2009

I've installed fc10 but I got some problem with the audio driver for my Dell Vostro 1700. In particular line input doesn't work correctly neither the built in microphone, neither the line input. Is there a special driver?

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Networking :: User Internet In Centos 5 Using User Name And Password?

Oct 27, 2009

I windows xp. I install vmware on it and install centos 5. Now how to use internet in centos 5 using user name and password. Our internet provider give us user name and password.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Dovecot/apache Not Working Properly - How To Make It Work Correctly

Mar 20, 2010

I am running a quad core centos 5.4 box that is having a strange problem with dovecot. The administration panel is able to send emails through dovecot but not any of the user accounts (ie with webmail). I've done a bit of research with what could be wrong but haven't had any luck so far I am also having a weird problem with apache: on a c++/php bittorrent application I was going to be running on a subdomain of my main site I get a 500 error every time I try to log in. The only way to get rid of the 500 error is to clear the chache (so its horribly broken somehow). The error generated in the log whenever I try to log in is that "ffmpeg is already loaded" (which I am running on the main site and is critical). Is there a way of either repairing my apache install or excluding ffmpeg on the subdomain in the conf or something?

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General :: F1-F6 Console Doesn't Prompt For User/password?

Apr 21, 2011

I'm running Debian Wheezy and I don't know why, but whenI switch to console F1(Ctrl+Alt+f1) I can't enter login information. It's like Debian didn't have completely starting and wait always.The F1 console looks like this:

[screen content]
Starting enhance syslogd: rsyslogd.
Starting system message bus: dbus.


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Debian :: Password Doesn't Work

Sep 21, 2015

I cannot log on. I don't know if this is related, I was setting up for remote desktop, setup a password for the remote session. After rebooting, my normal user and password do not work and my rdp password does not work.

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Fedora :: Root Password Doesn't Work In 13

Aug 20, 2010

I just installed Fedora Core 13 on my notebook and on installation setup entered password for root as asked. Now I'd like to login as root in console with password I gave to the root, but it doesn't work. Neither am I as regular user in sudoers file.

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Ssh Into Laptop - Password Doesn't Work

Oct 26, 2010

So, I jaibroke my iPod touch and have OpenSSH and I can ssh into my iPod, but I cannot ssh back into my Laptop??

I did

$ echo '192.168.*.*' >> /etc/hosts.allow ##I googled and it said to do this
$ echo 'sshd: 192.168.*.*' >> /etc/hosts.allow
I also uncommented these lines in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:


I am 100% sure I am putting in the right password. I even did that ^ code from my laptop, the one I am ssh'ing into, but it still will not accept my password. I even tried root@ instead of matt@..

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General :: Ssh Without A Password (setting Up Ssh Keys Doesn't Work)?

Mar 9, 2011

I want to ssh, scp, git fetch, etc. without a password. I saw the previous questions, and closed ones regarding this issue, but the suggestion seems to be to use ssh keys. However, after setting up ssh keys, I am still asked for my password (it's not asking for my private key password; it's asking for my login password). How am I supposed to set this up so that it only uses my private key for authentication?

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CentOS 5 :: Cannot Change Local User Password

Jul 13, 2010

for some reason the password just won't change, maybe I have the command wrong? Here is what I am doing and the error.

[root@server~]# useradd testuser
[root@server~]# passwd testuser
Changing password for user support.
passwd: Failed preliminary check by password service

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Ubuntu :: How To Enter Password / Terminal Keyboard Doesn't Work

May 22, 2010

How do you enter your password terminal the keyboard doesn't work when I try

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Ubuntu Installation :: Entering Username And Password But It Doesn't Work?

Jun 10, 2011

I tried installing lubuntu 'over' ubuntu, but am now locked out. Basically, the login screen loads, I've tried entering my username and password, but it doesn't work. I'm not really sure of my username as Ubuntu would automatically fill it in for me. But lubuntu isn't auto-loading my username, so I've been trying to enter all types of variations. I am 100% of my password though

I tried getting help at lubuntu's chat, but that's been kind of hard since there aren't that many people responding. The lubuntu people had me go into recovery mode (2.6.38-8 recovery) and so that would go smoothly. But when the screen of the options of resume, clean, dpkg, failsafex, etc, I cannot move the selector down. So basically, the orange selector is stuck at resume. Whenever I press the down key, the computer runs some lines, and I cannot go back to the list of options. The list is still visible, but can't select any of the options.

If I press the 'end' button, that executes something (probably the last option in the list), and I shut down the pc when it did that. The other arrow keys do nothing. The tab button manages to move the selector from the list to 'Ok' and 'Cancel.' But I cannot move the selector down.. TL;DR: I need to either get into recovery mode, or find a way to get my exact username lubuntu thinks it is.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: OpenVPN Doesn't Work On CentOS 5.3 With Windows Client?

Jun 27, 2009

This will be a little long (having read Phil's 'how to ask questions' FAQ). I'm trying to get OpenVPN working between my CentOS server and some Windoze laptops running XP. There seems to be plenty of sample
config files available, but to date, none of them have worked for me. Pulling out my trusty Wireshark, I've found some clues,

My local subnet (NAT'ed by my gateway router) is 192.168.52.x. My router has been configured with a conduit (port-forward) for port 1194 (the standard OpenVPN port), which points towards my CentOS server.The CentOS server is .52.112, and the supplicant is .52.110. I have tried the lient both inside and outside my local subnet, with no difference in events or outcomes.


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OpenSUSE :: Virtual Box Doesn't Work Under Ordinary User

Jul 3, 2011

Virtual Box doesn't work under ordinary user, though this user is in vboxusers group. Under SU it work normally. This happied after upgrage to 4.0.10-8.1 version from obs://build.opensuse.org/Virtualization community repository. In Oss repository there is 4.0.4 version.

Here the massage, that appears after start of Virtual Box under ordinary user: "Failed to create the VirtualBox COM object.

The application will now terminate.
Callee RC:

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Ubuntu :: Vmlinuz - Can't Create - Delete And Open - Root Password Doesn't Work

Jul 2, 2011

i found an encrypted file called vmlinuz that i didn't create and can't delete and can't open because i dont have the password and the root password doesnt work either, what is it?

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General :: Log On As Another Regular But No Root User With That Password And Boot Up Into Centos

Jul 22, 2011

I forgot the root passwd for linux (via the "single" mode) and, according to all confirms, did so successfully! I then try to log on to Centos as root, and I can't....it says "incorrect passwd"! So then I log on as another, regular, but not root, user, with that passwd, and boot up into Centos. if I try to "su" to root, with the new root passwd, again it says its incorrect. there is no "system admin" passwd set. I checked!. I need root access within Centos!

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CentOS 5 :: Enter Password For Root User - SSH Access Denied

Apr 18, 2011

I have a new CentOS server install. I am trying to connect from a windows xp box using putty ssh. I can get as far as putting in the password for root user and then it tells me access denied.

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Ubuntu :: Samba Server And Windows 7 - User Doesn't Work?

Feb 7, 2010

So here is what I'm trying to do: I want to share a folder and have it so that guests can access it, but only read. I also want to make it possible that I can mount it as a network drive on my Windows 7 machine and login with my linux account so that I can have write access. This is from a completely stock Ubuntu 8.10 and Samba config. Everytime I've tried I've failed to get it working.

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Fedora :: Ssh Public Key Login Doesn't Work As Root User

Dec 22, 2010

I've tried to ssh in as the root user w/o a password (RSA keys) but I've had no luck as the root user. I've tried the exact same commands with Debian 5 and Centos 5.5, without a problem. Fedora 13 and 14 won't work! I can only log in w/o a password as a normal user, never as the root user! It always asks for the password if I try as root. I've even tried copying Debian's and Centos's sshd_config file and restarting sshd, but it still won't work.


mkdir ~/.ssh ~username/.ssh
chmod 0700 ~/.ssh ~username/.ssh
echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB............Jw8V03loeZ username@thehostname" > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys


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Ubuntu Security :: When Try To Edit Password Via System>Administration>Users And Groups, It Doesn't Work?

Jan 2, 2010

I recently was able to network 2 computers at home and I wanted to make my password more secure. When I try to edit my password via System>Administration>Users and Groups, it doesn't workI am able to edit my user settings. When I change my password I enter my old one and it accepts my new one. Problem is when I try to install programs, login and do other things it only accepts my old password. How can I change my password?

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CentOS 5 :: Recover / Reset Password For Root Via Single User Mode

Oct 20, 2009

Can someone assist me with recovering/resetting the password for Root via Single User Mode in CentOS v5? I've modified the kernel line using Single, S, and 1 but it appears that these commands are being totally ignored as the server continues with the boot process and displays the GUI logon screen. The server in question is a VM box running on ESX v3.5 U4. The person that created this VM is no longer employed here and I've exhausted everything I know regarding Single User Mode.

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