CentOS 5 :: Javascript Menu Behind Flash - WMode Not Working

Dec 6, 2009

We're doing a web gui with extjs & flash chart. The problem is a drilldown menu from flash chart to some other page. The drilldown menu is working fine on all other os & browser, but not on 64bit centos 5.x & ff 3.0 or 3.5, which we need to support. It's always behind the flash chart. With the firefox coming with 64bit centos 5.x (which I believe it's a 64bit firefox), all of them are not working. But the weird thing is, with some newly installed centos 5.4, if I use a firefox 3+ downloaded from mozila/firefox official site (I guess it's a 32bit firefox).

The drilldown menu works fine. However with some other centos 5.4 which are upgraded from centos 5.2, the drilldown menu won't work. Please see the attached screenshots for the detailed info. I've tried many things, tried latest 32bit flash plugin, tried 64bit flash plugin, tried updating the nspluginwrapper (according to [URL]) and several other things. None of them works. From adobe tech note [URL].

"Note: The WMODE parameter is supported only on some browser/Flash Player version combinations. If the WMODE parameter is not supported, the Flash movie will always display on top. Refer to TechNote 14201 for details."

I understand that not all the os & browser & flash version combinations support WMODE, but it really bugs me that with almost the same os (64bit centos 5.4), the same firefox (32bit v3.5.5 downloaded from getfirefox.com), the same flash plugin (32bit v10.0.r32), why some of them can see the javascript menu on top of flash chart, but some of them will always be behind the flash chart?

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CentOS 5 :: JavaScript For MPlayer Control Not Working

Sep 22, 2010

I'm on web developing and was trying to embed an audio file on one of my page. The audio was successfully tested and emebeded on all browser. Added on the said embedding are javascript for customize buttons, here is the part of the code for embedding:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
QT_WriteOBJECT('[filename]', '90%','16', '', 'obj#id', 'movie0', 'emb#name', 'movie0', 'enablejavascript', 'true', 'autoplay', 'false');

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Ubuntu Installation :: Beating The Dead Horse (Flash And Javascript)

Feb 17, 2010

I've been searching these forums for about 2 hours now, trying nearly everything I've come across to make these two things work... all I want to do is watch some damn ..... videos and maybe some videos off [URL].

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CentOS 5 :: PXE Menu Timer Not Working?

Mar 20, 2009

I converted a PXE boot environment to CentOS 5.2 (64 bit). It is used to install various flavors of Linux. The default timer within the menu is configured for 10 seconds. Can anyone recommend a version of syslinux that is compatible with CentOS 5.2 (x86_64) in which the menu timer issue has been resolved?

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Fedora :: Javascript In Opera 10 Does Not Seem To Be Working / Enable It?

Jan 11, 2010

I just installed Opera 10 and javascript does not seem to be working. How do i enable it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Javascript Page Not Working?

Aug 19, 2010

i have an html page with a text box in a fourm, and am trying to change the value of it with javascript, but it not working. ive tried about everythin i can think of and find, but it just doesn't work. it all allways comes down to the <form>,</form> tags or the <input> tag doesn't exist. I know im getting the names right,(copy&paste)

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CentOS 5 :: Shockwave Flash Player Not Working Under 5.5?

Dec 13, 2010

I have shockwave flash installed properly under Centos 5.5 running in virtualbox 3.2.12. I had no problems when I was using flash under 5.4 but for some reason can not access any videos or audio. I have confirmed that it is installed. I even tried renistalling it. It does show up as an add-on in Firefox too.

]# rpm -q flash-plugin

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CentOS 5 :: 5.5 Flash-plugin Install Not Working In Firefox 3.6.3?

Jun 27, 2010

I tried installed the flash-plugin with yum, and it looks like it installed successfully, but hitting a website like ..... still prompts me for the adobe firefox plugin.

[root@localhost greenwich]# yum --enablerepo=rmpforge install flash-plugin
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities
Error getting repository data for rmpforge, repository not found
[root@localhost greenwich]# yum --enablerepo=rpmforge install flash-plugin
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities


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Programming :: Regular Expression Working Fine In JavaScript But Not In Python?

Jun 22, 2010

I have this regular expression


(@description ").*(";)

I want to match anything in between the quotes its working fine in JavaScript but its not working in my python program:


# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
import re


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Software :: Finding Textbrowser With JavaScript Support Or Elink Javascript Support?

Sep 1, 2009

I need a textbrowser with Javascript Support. I have compiled the elinks stable 0.11x and the unstable 0.12x version mit JavaScript Support (js moz dev). Both browsers can be started and showed websites normaly. But no javascript, even simple tests like [URL] failed. I started elink with ./elink and typed then the url.

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Ubuntu :: Downloaded Adobe Flash Player Multiple Times But Flash Movies Still Not Working?

Dec 20, 2010

i downloaded adobe flash player multiple times but flash movies still not working what do

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Ubuntu :: Flash Stopped Working Even With Flash-Aid

Sep 3, 2010

i've suddenly got problems with flash - it was working fine until a cuple of days ago.i have flash 10.1.82. 76 ubuntu0.10.04.2 on ubuntu 10.04, but videos and other flash sites tell me i need to upgrade to the latest flash version 10.i've tried flash-aid, which seems to run ok but i still have the problem.at the same time, i can suddenly only run firefox tools > add-ons in safe mode - if i choose tools > addons in normal mode, fx locks up completely, and finally gives me the option to force quit. i've tried re-enabling add-ons one at a time, but no problem until i come out of safe mode.i'm wondering if this is a firefox problem rather than ubuntu or flash. my firefox is 3.6.8

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CentOS 5 :: Firefox Crashes When There Is Flash In Web Page, Unless Disable Flash Plugin In Firefox?

May 19, 2009

I just installed firefox and flash-plugin.The version of firefox is 3.0.10, package is firefox-3.0.10-1.el5.centos.The version of flash-plugin is, package is flash-plugin- firefox crashes when there is flash in web page, unless disable flash plugin in firefox.

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Installation :: Dual CentOS - Windows 7 Boot - Had To Delete CentOS Partition And No Grub Menu

Sep 19, 2010

3 partitions (in order): Windows 7, CentOS and shared data partition.

I need to increase the size of the Windows 7 partition (c:windowswinsxs seems to be something not easily remedied).

GParted didn't work in moving things around (bad sector) so I wiped out its partition (# 2 out of 3) and I was able to increase the size of the Windows 7 partition (I can reinstall CentOS easily and not much work lost).

Except ... no more grub menu (unsurprising). This incantation does allow me to boot into Windows 7.

Is there any way of rebuilding the grub menu short of reinstalling CentOS (5.5)?

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General :: Installed Adobe Flash But Doesn't Show Up In Wine Menu

Jul 18, 2010

I've got wine installed and I've been using it for a while, but I just installed adobe flash but it doesn't show up in my wine menu. I know where I can find it in My Programs I just don't know where that is. Where is the virtual C: drive in wine located?

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Ubuntu :: CBS.ca Flash Is Not Working

Mar 25, 2010

I'm trying to watch this interview: [URL] Tried FF, Chromium, and Opera, nothing is working. I'm running Karmic 64bit

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Ubuntu :: Flash Not Working On 11.04?

May 2, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 64 bits.

I Installed the restricted packages but the browsers chrome/ff4 can not detect flash :S

Instead of showing the flash content It says I must install flash firstly.... :X

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Debian :: Help Menu's Not Working?

May 24, 2010

I recently installed Squeeze, installed several applications via the package manager and almost universally, the help menus don't function. Flash is installed and works for Iceweasal, at least I can watch a ..... vid.

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Fedora :: Flash Player Not Working

Jul 13, 2010

I have installed and reinstalled flash player several times, but nothing works. What happens is anytime I try to play a flash game, the audio lags about 2-3 seconds. When I play a flash video, there is only very, very little lag. This problem also happened while I was running ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Flash Not Working

Apr 17, 2010

i have problem with firefox. if web page have movie e.g [url] i can not play it, but if i right click on the movie and select watch on videos, than it's working.

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Ubuntu :: Flash Player Not Working / What To Do?

Sep 10, 2010

Flash isn't working anywhere, and haven't done so properly since I first installed Ubuntu 10.04 a month ago. I have been able to make it work for a short period of time, by doing the following:

1. clearing the cache and the cookies.

2. installing the correct plug-ins for my system.

sometimes when I do this, Flash will work for a few minutes. what can I do to resolve the problem completely? the Flash plug-in I have is the Adobe Flash plug-in, version

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 LTS - Flash Plugin 10.1.82 Not Working

Sep 19, 2010

i'm having problems with the flash plugin. a lot of sites that use flash for buttons and things just won't work. this happens a lot with videos videos posted on blogs and such, although they seem to work, mostly but not always, on the actual videos website. i didn't have this problem with earlier versions of flash, is it possible to downgrade the version i'm using? using 10.04lts 64 bit. i installed flash via synaptic, flashplugin-installer

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Ubuntu :: Flash Not Working In Firefox?

Dec 16, 2010

So I've installed the flashplugin-nonfree package but for some reason flash refuses to work under Firefox. The libflashplayer.so is in the right folder and flash actually works under Chromium browser - just not Firefox.

I setup the system from a 10.04 32bit minimal CD could it just be a pakage I am missing that is causing flash not to work under Firefox? I've tried Firefox 3.6.x and 4.0 beta and flash fails in both.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Flash Not Working With Firefox 3.6.13

Dec 23, 2010

I'm confused with Adobe Flash. I'm using 32-bit Ubuntu 10.10. Flash was working for me in Google Chrome 8.0.552.224 but not with Firefox 3.6.13. So, I tried to troubleshoot it myself. I searched for how to uninstall Flash and I found a link to a thread from 2008, [URL]. I quickly ran the code posted. And, of course, only after running the code did I bother to read the date the post was posted which was 2008. I did:

sudo apt-get remove -y --purge flashplugin-nonfree gnash gnash-common mozilla-plugin-gnash swfdec-mozilla libflashsupport
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/*flash*
sudo rm -f ~/.mozilla/plugins/*flash*
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/*flash*
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/*flash*

Then I ran
sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin

Then Shockwave Flash 10.1 r102 was working for ..... in Firefox. And was still working in Google Chrome. Is there a site that has explicit steps for removing Flash from 10.10? And I had thought that the file named "libflashplayer.so" always had to be located in Firefox's directory named, /home/user/.mozilla/plugins/ for it to work in Firefox. But, now the only place that file exists is:

# find / -name "libflashplayer.so"

So, I guess I was wrong with thinking that the file named "libflashplayer.so" always had to be located in Firefox's directory named, "/home/user/.mozilla/plugins/". I have no idea where it's suppose to go for Google Chrome 8.0.552.224. How does Chrome find it? So, in the end, Flash is working for me in both browsers and I have no idea why.

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Debian :: Flash Working For One Thing But Not Other / What To Fix It?

Apr 21, 2010

Ok I have gone through a week of trying to get flash downloaded. I finally did. I went on the fastest thing I could to make sure it worked which was omegle... the video worked and that meant flash 10 was installed now. But whenever I go onto something that requires flash like a video or game then it doesn't work.

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Ubuntu :: USB Flash Disks Not Working In 10.04

May 27, 2010

After upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04 my USB flash disks no longer work properly. Some of them I cannot see at all. Others like my Kingston show up as Kingston & USB0 at the same time. I can see the files, but I cannot copy any files to the flash disk.

When I try to unmount I get a popup window saying:

If I try to eject or safely remove the disk by clicking on the Kingston icon, I get the following:

The only usb device that seems to work properly is my USB wireless dongle. My Samsung 1TB external drive works, but it appears as Samsung and USB1. If I click on Samsung, I cannot see anything. When I click on USB1, I see the files. This is a very annoying problem as I use my flash disks extensively.

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Software :: How To Get Flash Working In Chromium

Oct 2, 2010

hp laptop running vista, disc failure hp no help microsoft no help. linux ubuntu v10. laptop not mine but partners. she loves chrome / videos. videos videos only play in firefox. adobe site says add in already in chrome. how do i get flash working in chromium?

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Software :: Flash Not Working In Chromium?

Apr 18, 2011

I ve installed chromium in mint, i ve copied the libflashplayer.so to the plugin folder of chromium. My aboutlugins tab says:


Flash (2 files) - Versin: 10.3.162
Shockwave Flash 10.3 d162
Nombre:Shockwave Flash
Versin:10.3 d162


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Software :: Why Wouldnt This Javascript Run

Jun 28, 2010

I am working on a web-interface that has to show certain data in real-time (update it every 2 seconds). I figured including an iframe and reloading it with javascript would be the best bet. So to see if it works I wrote this test code. But it doesnt reload the iframe every 2 seconds. Can anyone point out where I am going wrong ?this is the code for hello.html

PHP Code:


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Ubuntu :: Indicator Menu Not Working 11.04?

May 14, 2011

When I right click my indicator menu on the top right of screen I do not get a menu appearing which allows me to add or subtract an applet to this menu.I did disable the bottom menu (number 2).How can I resolve this issue?

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