CentOS 5 :: Booting Into GUI Automatically?

Sep 21, 2010

Since I installed Centos in Text mode it automatically boots into terminal instead of X. I merely have to type "startx' and the gui loads without a problem. Is there a simple way to automate this so that I boot directly into the gui?

(BTW, I checked many of the posts about the GUI but most dealt with startx not working or with modifying VNC Server - that wiki seems like overkill in my case.)

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CentOS 5 :: Xen Kernel Not Booting Automatically

Feb 11, 2010

1st referring to: [URL]. I have no paid support channel at Redhat as I am using an evaluation copy. I use a pretty fresh installed RHEL 5.4, which should be very similar to CentOS. After the basic installation I installed xen and xen-kernel via yum with no errors. I can manually select the xen-kernel at boot time. But after booting the normal kernel shows up.

[root@noname boot]# uname -r
My /boot/grub/menu.lst looks like:
title Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (2.6.18-164.11.1.el5xen)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /xen.gz-2.6.18-164.11.1.el5
module /vmlinuz-2.6.18-164.11.1.el5xen ro root=/dev/VolGroup01/LogVol00 rhgb quiet
module /initrd-2.6.18-164.11.1.el5xen.img
title Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (2.6.18-164.11.1.el5)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-164.11.1.el5 ro root=/dev/VolGroup01/LogVol00 rhgb quiet
initrd /initrd-2.6.18-164.11.1.el5.img
title Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (2.6.18-164.el5)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-164.el5 ro root=/dev/VolGroup01/LogVol00 rhgb quiet
initrd /initrd-2.6.18-164.el5.img

I can't see anything wrong and I did not change/try anything. My machine has a intel core 2 quad q6600 cpu, wihich should be capable of virtualization. It's not a problem of default=1 or default=0, because I selected the xen-kernel manually in the grub menu. Btw: I changed the menu.lst with default=0. Then the system is repeatedly booting; last visible message 'starting udev'.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Not Booting Automatically?

Nov 10, 2010

I'm trying to install ubuntu 10.10 on my mini-pc homeserver. Installation goes fine, but when I reboot it says "no boot device found". I checked the bios, it's set to boot from hdd, so that should be fine. When I press F10 during post, I can enter the boot menu, where only my hdd is listed. When I press enter it boots just fine. I tried using 1 partition only, tried multiple partitions, but it makes no difference. I didn't change anything to the bootloader configurations during install, just used standard settings, which is install bootloader to sda/hda

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Ubuntu :: Automatically Login To Console After Booting

Aug 21, 2010

Is there anyway I can automatically login to console without having to provide username and password as soon as I boot into the machine?

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Debian :: Automatically Continue Booting After Fsck Fails?

Dec 30, 2010

I've just migrated to Debian from Ubuntu on my server. So my first post here. I've had some problems and questions when installing and configuring Debian, now everything seems very smooth, but still I can't find answer to one question. My machine is headless and I allways use SSH to it. I have several partitions on machine so if one of them fails on booting time with fsck, I need to press CTRL+D combination to continue. In that case I need to go to the machine with monitor and keyboard and press that combination. Is there any way to automatically continue for example after 30 seconds ? Then I could log in to the system and check log files what is wrong. How can I do that ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Nvidia Booting - Automatically Boot To The Gdm/desktop After Updated Gpu Driver?

Oct 11, 2010

Hey everyone I'm pretty new to ubuntu/linux so please bear with me . I recently installed 10.10 on my new htpc. The initial install went great, until I went to install the updated driver for my graphics card. What I did was I downloaded the driver off of nvidia. Then I did these steps:

1. ctrl-alt-f1

2. logged in

3. sudo services gdm stop

4. I then located the driver package that I downloaded and ran it, it seemed to install fine (except for an error about some install script? but it let me proceed)

5. sudo services gdm start

It went to the gdm/ubuntu desktop. However I then connected it via HDMI, and the resolution was way off (top bar was not even displayed on TV) and I tried many different settings but no luck in fixing it. Next after restarting it did not automatically boot to the gdm/desktop. Instead it stayed at the command line login (the ctrl-alt-f1 screen).

tl;dr : 1. How to make it automatically boot to the gdm/desktop after I updated my gpu driver

2. How to fix the resolution for HDMI from my gpu to my TV. (DVI works fine

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Software :: Make Asus Eeepc Automatically Auto Play Radio On Booting?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm trying to set up Asus Eeepc for a my friend so she can listen to midwest irish radio,without me being there to switch it on . she can only switch the notebook on and off,that all she can manage.So i thought there must be a way to switch the notebook it does the rest for you.I know there is people out there who can work this out in no time at all.I do not know much about linux,just the basic,there must be (as in windows)a macro program that records and replays back actions

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CentOS 5 :: Booting CentOS V5.2 Fails With GRUB Error 13: Invalid Executable Format?

May 5, 2009

I'm trying to install a dual booting machine with OpenSUSE v11.1 32bit and CentOS v5.2 64bit. I installed OpenSUSE first and allowed it to install and configure grub in the MBR and after that I wanted to proceed with CentOS v5.2. The installation went fine with two notable exceptions:- when I had to configure grub installation parameters, CentOS offered me only 2 solutions: either install it on the MBR of the first hard disk or not installing it at all. Other distributions are more flexible allowing you to install it in the boot sector of the root partition for example. Because I didn't want to ruin the existent grub onfiguration, I reluctantly accepted not to install it for CentOS assuming that I could manually configure the entry later in grub's menu.lst file.

- when I was presented with the options for software components installation, I've clicked on virtualization category/function because I intend to use the machine as a VMware host. There was no guidance on screen at that point and I blindly assumed that by choosing the virtualization function I would get necessary tools and drivers that will help me further on. It seems that this was a wrong move as you can see it below.

After completing the installation, I tried to search for a template or guiding on how the menu entry in menu.lst should look like but the grub directory was empty, not surprisingly because I've told CentOS earlier not to install it. Using the files in the /boot directory from the CentOS installation I tried to improvise a menu entry but it's not working. The boot stops with famous Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format. Using the file command to check what kind of files I'm trying to load as kernels I'm getting :

marte:~ # file /mnt/vmlinuz-2.6.18-92.el5xen
/mnt/vmlinuz-2.6.18-92.el5xen: gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Tue Jun 10 19:20:51 2008, max compression


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CentOS 5 :: Resizing CentOS Boot Partition, Dual-booting?

Jun 9, 2009

I have a laptop that came with Windows Vista (64-bit) installed. I created a new partition and installed XP (also 64-bit) alongside it.Last night I shrunk my XP partition and created another new partition and installed Linux (CentOS 64-bit) on it. I made an error in judgment and didn't allocate enough space, so I need about 10 more gigs for the Linux partition. It boots up and runs, but I need about 10 more gigs of storage for the files I want to keep on the partition (and yes, they have to be on the partition, I definitely need to know how to do this, not a workaround)I went into Vista and shrunk the XP partition by 10 gigs, so now I have 10 gigs of free, non-partitioned space.

As it stands, when I start up the computer I get the GRUB boot loader. I can boot my Linux install or choose "Other" and be taken to the Vista boot loader. From there I can choose XP or Vista to boot.So, my question is... what is the best way to append the 10 gigs of free space to the Linux partition? Is this something I should do inside of Linux? I have the option to do it in Vista, but the partition shows up as "healthy" but without a file system type.I just don't want to screw up the boot loader, partitions or anything else.This isn't my area of expertise, so if anyone could give me a good suggestion or solid answer

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Red Hat :: Booting Centos 5.4 - CentOS CD Not Found In Any Of The Media Drives

Apr 7, 2010

Since RHEL is similar to CentOS posting it here.

Upon booting from DVD, i get the below error: "CentOS CD Not found in any of the media drives. Please insert CentOS CD and press OK."

I have IDE Sony DVD RW AW-G170.

BIOS Setting:

Downloaded the CentOS-5.4-i386-bin-DVD image from centos.org from DVD.torrent using bittorrent file.
When booting from the DVD, it gives me the boot prompt:

Upon pressing enter, the log messages of the boot detect the media drive as: hdc: Sony DVD RW AW-G170 IDE ATAPI CD.

The below steps occur:
1) Select the keyboard type: selected us

2) Select the Language : selected us

3) Select the image:
- Local CDROM
- Hard Drive
- NFS Image
selected Local CDROM

Then the above error "CentOS CD Not found in any of the media drives. Please insert CentOS CD and press OK."

The booting steps does not ask the for media check step.

The below methods have been tried to solve the problem:

- Burnt the image in another 2 DVDs but the same error "CentOS CD Not found in any of the media drives. Please insert CentOS CD and press OK."

- Upon burning the DVD image , selected the DVD read speed: 8x. Upon burning the DVD selected 18x for burning. and then tried to boot with that DVD

- At the boot prompt entered : linux hdc=cdrom replaced hdc=hdb but the error remains.

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CentOS 5 :: CentOS 5.3 X86 Not Booting After Clean Install?

Oct 1, 2009

I've done some installations and configuration of linux systems for different needs and I've never had such a problem:

* The system is Supermicro X6DVL-G mainboard with two Nocona Xeons @ 2,8 GHz, 2 GB DDR333 RAM, 2x160GB Seagate ST3160827AS SATA HDD, ATi RAGE 128 VGA and an external LG USB DVD drive.

* The role of this machine will be Joomla Web/Mail/FTP server for my company's website

I've tried FreeBSD, PC-BSD and now CentOS 5.3. The BSD based OSes installed and ran with no problem but I had trouble configuring them and I decided to move to something little more familiar. However the BSDs didn't detect the integrated Promise RAID controller but CentOS had no problem with that. After some fight with the initial setup I've managed to made it recognizing the external DVD and install the OS. I'm using the whole stripe for the OS, leaving the linux to determine and create the partitions. The installation went smoothly with no errors, but after restart I get the POST messages and then... NOTHING! No error, no panic, nothing, just a blinking cursor. The first thought, confirmed later by several posts I've read, it's the integrated RAID controller making the issue.

Well, I removed the stripe, disabled the controller from the BIOS and installed again, this time with the two separate disks - the sda is bootable with swap and ext3 and sdb is spare with ext3. THE SAME... Third time - only sda is configured for istallation - again NOTHING. Fourth time - sda is configured for installation and No Bootloader option is selected - SAME.

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CentOS 5 :: GDM Not Starting Automatically On CentOS 5.4?

Oct 31, 2009

this is probably something trivial but how can I auto start gdm on CentOS 5.4??I had to perform a text install due to Anaconda having some issues as I'm running Cent on Sun's VirtualBox.I have tried to add chkconfig --add gdm which didn't work, also there is no init.d script either for gdm so not sure if it's in a directory somewhere or if I have to create it manually??IF I run simply gdm from teh cli then everything is ok and starts fine....

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Debian Configuration :: Fstab Configuration And Timeout - Automatically Continues Booting Even If The Hard Drives Are Not Attached?

Aug 3, 2011

I have a PC104 running debian. I have 3 hard drives (in addition to the one booting) mounted in fstab by UUID. I use the options defaults,error=remount-ro. However, this means that when I boot with the hard drives not attached, I have to press Ctrl-D to bypass when the boot discovers the drives are missing. Is there a timeout commandoption I can add to fstab so that it automatically continues booting even if the hard drives are not attached? I could not find anything on a timeout command. (I tried adding timeout=1000 but no-random guess)

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CentOS 5 :: Yum Automatically Update The Box To 5.3?

Apr 1, 2009

I see Centos 5.3 is out, actually i have been seeding for the last 18hrs. Will yum automatically update the box to 5.3 or is there a special way to do it. Am using the centos plus kernel.

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CentOS 5 :: 250 GB USB Drive (Fat 32) Not Mounting Automatically?

May 11, 2009

I'm running:CentOS release 5.3 (Final)

when I plug in a Small USB key, hotplug sees the new device, mounts it in userspace and creates a link on the desktop. The user can open the link and read and write to the USB key. I have tested 3 different usb keys and they all work. When I plug in a USB 250 GB drive (Lacie), also fat32, it doesn't mount:

May 11 12:25:29 tinkerer kernel: SCSI device sdf: 488397168 512-byte hdwr sectors (250059 MB)
May 11 12:25:29 tinkerer kernel: sdf: Write Protect is off
May 11 12:25:29 tinkerer kernel: sdf: assuming drive cache: write through
May 11 12:25:29 tinkerer kernel: SCSI device sdf: 488397168 512-byte hdwr sectors (250059 MB

However, I can mount the drive manually as root. The problem is that the user cannot write to the device if it's mounted by root.Is this a problem with hotplug/udev or another way that I can make this device available rw to the user?

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CentOS 5 :: My Domain Name Changed Automatically

Aug 11, 2009

I have Centos 5.3 on my home computer. When I was logging-in to the terminal it was like ( myname@34myhome.local$ ) now when I log-in to the terminal I get (myname@dhpdpc64$ ) I have not changed anything. It seems like my domain name has changed. Why the domain name changes automatically?

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CentOS 5 :: Moving Logs Automatically?

Mar 8, 2010

I have a logserver.log located at /usr/local/logserver. It's NSLOGDEPTH=100. I'm not sure if this is the reason but my log file is only up to 100 only..samplelogserver001.loglogserver002.log......logserver100.logThe other logs were already removed. I do not have any scripts on logrotate for this specific logs. My question now is: How can I move some logs automatically so that it will not be removed totally from the system. I'm planning to move it locally on the server and compressed it at the same time. My second plan is to move it on another server. Do I need to create a script on this or can be done on logrotate? (note: i do not want to remve old logs)

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CentOS 5 :: How To Automatically Set Scanner Permissions

Aug 23, 2011

CentOS 5.6, 32 bit

This just started happening when I go to use my scanner with xsane:
Failed to open device "epkowa:interpreter:001:003":
Access to resource has been denied
The work around is
# chmod 2777 /dev/bus/usb/001/003

How do I tell CentOS I want my users to automatically be able to read my scanner when I boot up or when I insert the scanners USB cord after boot up?

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General :: Centos 5.x Time Change Automatically?

Jun 21, 2010

i am using squid proxy on centos 5.x release with stable version. during installation time i fixed date time region.it was basicaly gmt +3:00 hours. so everything was fixed, now since past few days every 24 hours it change its time automaatically. this looks like it take update somewhere from internet or internally something is mess up.could someone guide me how to fixed permanantly date time. even either restart the machine or passing 24 hours it do never change it. etc

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Start Nfs Automatically Upon Boot Up?

Apr 13, 2010

I have a Centos 5.4 server, I would like to know how to start NFS automtically when the server boots up so that I won't have to manually start the service after the server boots up. where and how do I accomplish this?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Set A Service To Start Up Automatically?

Apr 24, 2010

Ok, so I have installed apache 22, mysql5.0 and proftpd1.3. When I reboot my server, the above applications do not start up automatically, and I have been trying to figure out how with out much success. know that I need to make some changes inside the init.d directory on my CentOS Server.I am running CentOS 5.4 x86_64 build.I really am not sure how to accomplish the task or where to start.

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CentOS 5 :: Restarting A Service Automatically When It Fails?

Jun 25, 2010

So far I have came across three options.

1. Watchdog script
2. Daemontools - using "supervise"
3. Monit - open source monitoring tool

From what I can gather, daemontools is probably the best option. Unfortunately, the documentation on the developers site is very vague and I'm having a hard time getting this to work. I think I have it installed correctly, just don't know how to apply it to the service I want monitored.

how to get daemontools to work. All I want to do it monitor a server on my linux box. When it fails, I want it to be restarted automatically.

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CentOS 5 Server :: How To Tell Qmail To Start Up Automatically

Aug 15, 2010

I am still pretty green when it comes to centos and linux in general. I have installed rpm and source packages before with little trouble by following the guides available on the support site and wiki for centos.I am running centos 5.4 on a virtual server.I followed the guide for installing vpopmail at URL...mailSince this is a VPS server I cannot install gnome and is why I opted for vpopmail + qmail.

The first issue I have is: I don't know how to tell qmail to start up automatically because after the install of qmail from source as the guide told me to, it did not place a startup files in the /etc/init.d, and I can't find any useful documentation on how to trouble shoot that.I try to use "chkconfig qmail on" and "chkconfig --level 345 qmail on" but both give me the error "error reading information on service qmail: No such file or directory"The version of qmail I am using is the latest 1.0.3, and the version of vpopmail is 5.5.

Vpopmail seems to be working just fine, as is the mysqlauth mod. I check the vpopmail database in mysql, and all the values I used for the domain and user show up there.The settings also show in the qmail configuration directory files for the domain.My first clue as to something being wrong was that when I send an email to the address I setup, I get nothing delivered on the server, but I also do not get any bounce backs or errors to tell me the details of what went wrong.At first I figured it was my firewall, so I disabled iptables.That did not fix it.I also tried disabling SElinux. That also made no difference.

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CentOS 5 :: Running A Script Automatically On Startup?

Aug 27, 2010

I have a script and I would like it to automatically run whenever the machine starts up. How can I configure it to do that? I am a complete Linux n00b.

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CentOS 5 :: Applications Automatically Pop Up After System Crash?

Nov 11, 2010

I recently had to power off my Centos 5.5 box (ungraceful shutdown). When it came back up, three apps popped up: "Welcome to the Gnome Help Browser" (which is Yelp). In another desktop, Konqueror is waiting for a login. This happens every time I restart my system. I haven't been able to figure out how to stop this. Every time I've shut down my system since I had to bring it down hard, it's been gracefully and neither of those apps was running.

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CentOS 5 :: Yum Automatically Updated Systems Without Configured

Aug 11, 2011

I came to a "weird" situation when I saw in yum log files that several centOS systems have been automatically updated via yum. I checked the following:
1. chkconfig for init services that could upgrade the system: only yum-updatesd
2. In the config file of yum-updatesd.conf the do_update function is set to no.
3. If an updated made manually by a user ..no.
Where else should I look or how this update happened?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Hostname Changes Automatically On A Server With Static IP?

Jan 7, 2009

Server has been moved to a different locations and so the IP has been changed now the hostname is changed to something other that what it was before.

Could it be the rDNS that is causing this?

Note: this is not a DHCP connection.

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CentOS 5 :: Add / Remove Software Window Automatically Disappears?

Apr 29, 2009

I can open Add Remove Software in new window.But it is shut down automutically in few seconds.Also some other applications in System Panel have this bahave.

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CentOS 5 :: Make Grub Boot Windows Automatically?

Nov 9, 2009

I have read some stuff but none seemed to work such as putting default=saved and in the window (other) section putting savedefault. hmm I know I can just specify the number after default but that breaks when a new kernel is installed. so any way to always make windows the default choice (so my wife will stop moaning

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CentOS 5 Server :: Setup Shoutcast To Automatically Start?

Dec 23, 2009

how to setup shoutcast to automatically start when i start my server?

i have installed it on /root/shoutcast ; configuration file /root/shoutcast/shoutcast_config

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