CentOS 5 :: 5.3 - Install Exited Abnormally [1/1] - Terminals (F3 And F4) Don't Appear To Have Any Interesting Information

Jun 9, 2009

I'm trying to install centos 5.3 as part of AsteriskNow 1.5 on a SuperMicro server with main board type X5DA8 The anaconda fails with the following text visible:


Other terminals (F3 and F4) don't appear to have any interesting information on why it barfed. I tried it with a text install too, much the same result. I get this error with other Centos 5.n based Asterisk and GUI bundled mini distors too, specifically TrixBox

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CentOS 5 Server :: View/monitor What A User Is Typing In Other Terminals In Centos?

Mar 11, 2010

how can i view/monitor what a user is typing in other terminals in centos?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Fails At Determining IP Information For Eth0 (onboard NIC Asus P6T On Centos 5.3)?

Apr 28, 2009

I'm running a fresh install on an intel i7 system on an asus p6t deluxe v2 motherboard with the onboard NIC (Marvell Technology pci-e). I know the NIC is working as when I boot into the onboard OS that Asus provides (Asus Express Gate SSD)I have a working net connection.Booting up CentOS hangs at determining IP information for eth0 and eventually fails with the following error:PING xxx.170.30.1 from xxx.170.31.231 eth0: 56(84) bytes of data---xxx.170.30.1 ping statistics ---4 packets transmitted, o received, +3 errors, 100% packet loss, time 2999ms, pipe 3 failed.

RTNETLINK answers: file exists.
RTNETLINK answers: file exists.
RTNETLINK answers: file exists.


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General :: Squid 2.6 Not Running - Cache Terminated Abnormally

Aug 2, 2010

I installed squid 2.6.stable21 on centos 5.3,it starts normally from /usr/local/squid/sbin/squid but when I start form init.d it is running but display message.
/etc/init.d/squid start then displays
Starting JunkBuster & Squid 2010/08/02 19:05:52| ACL name 'all' not defined!
FATAL: Bungled squid.conf line 179: http_reply_access allow all
Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE21): Terminated abnormally. [FAILED]

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Server :: Running CentOS 5.4 - SpamAssassin & SendMail - Starting Spamd: "child Process [3956] Exited Or Timed Out Without Signaling Production Of A PID File"

Mar 26, 2010

Brand new to Linux. Sort of got thrown in front of the bus if you know what I mean. The company I work for has a Linux server running CentOS 5.4 Company uses Linux for their Email, FTP and Web Server. Have been here a few years dabbling in and out of Linux and now that the old Admin has left the company.....I need to learn it ASAP. The server has run pretty solid until today.

The email server runs SendMail and SpamAssasin. Received lots of complaints today regarding extra SPAM. Noticed that SpamAssassin was not running. Tried to restart it through the WebMin tools and got the following error: Starting spamd: child process [3956] exited or timed out without signaling production of a PID file: exit 255 at /usr/bin/spamd line 2588.

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General :: Squid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE14): Terminated Abnormally

Oct 4, 2010

When i restart the squid service, the following error has occured


2010/10/04 12:14:14| Squid is already running! Process ID 3941
FATAL: setrlimit: RLIMIT_NOFILE: (13) Permission denied
Squid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE14): Terminated abnormally.


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Software :: Interesting Commands Or Programs For The CLI?

Jan 30, 2009

interesting commands for the command line so I thought I'd ask people who've used Linux a lot. The only one I know is:jp2a (JPG to ASCII), a small program which converts JPG images to ASCII. It's an amazingly fun program to use, and everybody think it's awesome to be able to view images in ASCII. If you want to view a photo which isn't JPG you can simply use the convert program and pipe it in.

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General :: Grep Exits Abnormally With Code 123 When Running Rgrep On Emacs

Oct 7, 2010

I'm running GNU Emacs 23.1.1 on "Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS" and any search I perform using the built-in M-x rgrep on the standard Linux kernel source code (vanilla) ends prematurely with the following error printed to the emacs echo area:Grep exited abnormally with code 123.I have been seeing it for a while on Redhat systems as well, and with other (large) code bases.

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Security :: Turned The Router Off And On Again A Few Minutes Later Initially The Light Was Still Blinking Abnormally?

Mar 31, 2010

Not doubt this sounds alarmist, and perhaps it is... anyway, earlier tonight my mum complained that her home network connection wasn't working. After complaining about Windows and running a virus scan, I returned to my laptop, only to find my Ubuntu 10.04 was having the same problem. Then I noticed the wireless connection light (next to send and receive, which always blinks anyway) was constantly flashing, as if transmitting data, even though neither of us was connected, of course. I turned the router off and on again a few minutes later. Initially the light was still blinking abnormally, but I could now access the internet, as could mum, so I ignored it.

Later on, while the virus scan on mum's computer was running, Windows notified her she was running out of hard drive space - normally about 30GB of the 51GB HD is used on her laptop, but suddenly 50GB had been used. I also noticed my 275GB Ubuntu partition had 235GB free (although total size of files on disk was 128TB - a bug perhaps?), i.e. 40GB used, which seems pretty large for a rather fresh install and a handful of documents!Currently, everything's normal where my router's concerned (no blinking lights except for my browsing), and my Lucid partition is still showing 235GB free (strangely, mum's laptop now shows 46GB used instead of 50GB). So, what do we make of all this? Were our computers hacked for storage space?

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Ubuntu :: Interesting Photo Screensaver Apps?

Mar 28, 2010

I'm looking for a screensaver application which will show random photos from my collection, but rather than just changing between images, I'd like something which shows them in a cool way, for example, on my brother's Mac, the screensaver displays photos, but as if they're being dropped onto a surface, i.e. not always with the same orientation.

See here: [URL]

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General :: List Of Interesting Software / Web / Network / Programming

Mar 1, 2011

This is a list of softwares that I use regularly. Some are OSS and free. Some are not. Just figured I'd share it, even though its primarily for me.

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Networking :: Interesting Distribution Of Packets Over Iptables Rules

Mar 13, 2011

I'm trying to configure NFS sharing behind a firewall, I got it to work and all but I was caught by something that (to me anyways) seems odd.I've been able to mount the export on another computer and am transferring files over as we speak, but I'm just interested in knowing why the RELATED,ESTABLISHED rule seems to be catching almost all the traffic coming from the other node. Any ideas? Should I be concerned that my firewall isn't protecting anything or something?

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Server :: An Interesting Challenge Involving Diskless Booting A PC?

May 13, 2010

An interesting challenge involving diskless booting a PC

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Debian Multimedia :: Interesting Dilemma Involves Remote Access To Computer

Oct 22, 2010

we usually have to access a batch of computers that is located on campus. This is straightforward enough on Windows, the OS that the computer support center cares about, but I'm interested to see how I would handle this in Debian. The process for Windows is:

1) Run the authentication program, which runs in the background.
2) Use Exceed on Demand (or Putty, but I can't really use that for my classes ), and log into the server. From there, it lets you log in to whatever computer you want. When logging on with Exceed on Demand, Solaris environment is then launched.

Now, I know there's not a lot of technical information here, and I apologize, but I know next to nothing about networking. What I do know is that I'm remotely accessing a secure computer, and then I ssh over to another computer (when using Putty, which was only command-line). I was wondering how easy or hard this would be to do through Debian, including the fact that I need to have the authentication program running.

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CentOS 5 :: "Error Creating Live CD : Mksquashfs Exited With Error (1)"?

Jul 16, 2009

ivecd-tools mksquaush error on centos5.2I want to make a custom livecd. But I can't."Error creating Live CD : mksquashfs exited with error (1)"What shuld I do?hat log shuld I check?I did like this...centos5.2/i386Access livecd project site.Install livecd repo's syslinux and livecd-tools.download centos-livecd-minimal.ks project site.I have centos5.3 machine on vmware server install above 5.2 physical machine.But the 5.3 machine said same messages(mksquashfs exited ...)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Not Working Right - Error "There Is A Problem With The Configuration Server (/usr/lib/Gconf-sanity- Check - 2 Exited With Status 256"

Jun 20, 2011

Having downloaded 11.4 Gnome, finding it did not install I bought it on DVD from ebay, when trying DVD installation my PC is displaying: There is a problem with the configuration server (/usr/lib/Gconf-sanity- check - 2 exited with status 256, I would like to install this rather then just run it off disk

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CentOS 5 :: Information About Customizing ISO Images

Nov 4, 2009

I know there are similar topics about this that have been posted, but the information I need I cannot find. Im in a situation where I have two new HP DL360 G6 servers, both have a HP Smart Array B110i Sata Raid Controller. Since the raid controller is so new CentOS 5.3/5.4 and RHEL 5.3/5.4 do not have support built into the installer.I do have a driver for the raid controller which I have used and successfully installed CentOS 5.3 on one of the systems.The reason I need to customize an ISO is because I need the raid controller driver as part of the installation disc. As these systems are servers and are going to be deployed remotely I will not have physical access to these systems if they need to be rebuilt. I also have to build machines remotely as well using iLO (having a floppy image or usb image of the drivers does not work through iLO).

The installation rpm's can be as is, I do not need to make any changes there. I just need to make sure that the raid controller driver is loaded into memory from the media rather than another media source, before the installer kicks in.

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CentOS 5 :: How To Change KVM Vcpu Information

Jan 17, 2011

CentOS 5.5 x86_64, the use of KVM virtual install WIN2003, show CPU information is QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.9.1

Some applications need to verify information on CPU, resulting in not running.

Information on how to modify the physical machine VCPU CPU information?

My CPU is a Xeon 5504 physical machine

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General :: CentOS 5.4 - Disk Usage Information

Mar 16, 2010

I am trying to get my head around my new server. I am using CENTOS 5.4 x86_64 with 300GB harddrive.

The 300 GB been partitioned with the following:

Device Size Used Available Percent Used Mount Point
/dev/md0 99M 18M 77M 19% /boot
/dev/md1 16G 8.7G 5.8G 61% /
/dev/md2 246G 40G 194G 18% /home
/dev/md3 4.8G 1.6G 3.0G 35% /var
/usr/tmpDSK 3.9G 432M 3.3G 12% /tmp

I have increased teh tmpDSK as it was getting full very quickly. My question is, what are these md0; md1, md2 and md3 are they harddrive partitions and as md1 is getting full will that have an impact on my sites.

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CentOS 5 :: Gathering Additional Troubleshooting Information

Mar 30, 2010

One of our devices running CentOS 5--an 8e6 Technologies Enterprise Reporter network appliance--has started displaying the following three messages repeatedly, though not continuously.Best as I can tell, hard drive four may be experiencing sector errors.(The messages do differ slightly at times. For example, 16384 may instead read 49152 or 12285, and the two strings of colon-separated hexadecimal digits may also vary in content.)Other than these messages, the device seems to be running fine. Its internal diagnostics indicate no problems.I will, of course, call 8e6 Techonologies tech support. But, prior to that, I'd like to do some troubleshooting on my own. What other troubleshooting techniques may I employ to gather more information?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Unable To Retrieve Software Information

Feb 26, 2010

When I attempt to add software i get the following error:

Unable to Retrieve Software Information

This could be caused by not having available connection.

Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: addons

To get my browser to work properly, I have to specify a proxy (manual) and use the IP address of our proxy server. After this, I'm able to get out through the internet
using my browser. Not sure why I fail to get software updates though. I used the same setting in Proxy - Control Center. Repository Manager show's CentOS-5 - Addons mirror list as :


..and I can get to the site with the browser.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Fails At Determining IP Information For Eth0?

Oct 7, 2009

I have been running into network issues lately with my CentOS 5 (installed on AMD Athlon X2 - 64 bit machine about 2 years ago). It was able to connect to the network fine until yesterday when I installed more memory into the machine restarted it.

Upon restart, the boot up was paused at 'Determining IP information for eth0' step for a while and booted with out connecting to the network. I tried restarting the network (/sbin/service network restart), but this is the error message I continuously get: Determining IP information for eth0...PING xxx.1.226.1 (xxx.1.226.1) from xxx.1.226.83 eth0: 56(84) bytes of data


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CentOS 5 :: VLC Doesn't Show Album Information With Music CDs?

Jan 1, 2010

Man VLC is a bit of a mess in CentOS.I can't get it to show album tracks when playing music CDs.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Another Determining IP Information For Eth0... Failed?

Apr 1, 2010

I've seen this pop up a few times on the forum but my setup is slightly different. I have a PC with an ASUS P5N32-SLI Premium motherboard. I've just installed CentOS 5.1. Yes, I know this is ancient, but this is what they're developing on at work. I'm trying to get connected either via ethernet or wireless and neither one works. When I boot the computer to Window XP it does connect on ethernet. Ethernet should be easy so I'm concentrating on that. But I get "Determining IP information for eth0... failed." after a 'service network start'.Here is some other information that was asked on similar threads:

> uname -rmi
2.6.18-53.el5 x86_64 x86_64
> grep eth0 /etc/modprobe.conf


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CentOS 5 Networking :: Unable To Retrieve Software Information?

Nov 19, 2010

I'm on a corporate network .

When I attempt to add software i get the following error:

Unable to Retrieve Software Information This could be caused by not having available connection.

Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: addons

To get my browser to work properly, I have to specify a proxy (manual) and use the IP address of our proxy server. After this, I'm able to get out through the internet using my browser.

Not sure why I fail to get software updates though. I used the same setting in Proxy - Control Center.

Repository Manager show's CentOS-5 - Addons mirror list as :


..and I can get to the site with the browser.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: AD Shares Browsing Doesn't Use Login Information

Aug 4, 2010

i've configured my laptop so i can use my domain account (active directory win 2003 DC) to logon to my machine. Now i'd like to browse and mount shares etc using my logon information. Now when i connect to a share with nautilus it tells me 'guest' can't log in and i need to re-enter my user info. This is a real pain since our passwords change often. Is there some way i can use PAM to authenticate? I've searched everywhere, but you only find info about the other way round (win->linux).

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Fedora :: Write A Program Which Would Get Information From A Webpage And Display The Information On Desktop Sort Of Like A Widget?

Sep 3, 2009

I'm trying to write a program which would get information from a webpage and display the information on my desktop sort of like a widget. I kind of remember there being something like this already made, but for the life of me I can't remember what it's calledDoes anyone know?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 - User Information Entered At The Beginning Of The Install Gets Lost

Jan 2, 2010

When trying to install 11.2 from DVD, the user information I entered at the beginning of the install gets lost. I get to the Automatic Configuration step at the end of the install where the computer needs to reboot, and it asks for my user ID and password (it shouldn't do that). It won't accept the user I created (always says login failed), but it will accept root. That really doesn't matter, because the Automatic Configuration step has done anything, and I have a busted install. I've tried the install 4 or 5 times, but it is always the same problem. I eventually reinstalled 11.1 without any problem (though I did have to click Use Entire Disk on the partition section so it would delete the ext4 partitions created by the 11.2 install and create ext3 partitions).

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General :: Monitoring Users' Download Information In The Proxy Server - OS Is CentOS

Jan 24, 2010

I have configured the proxy server. I want to observer users's download information. What should I need to do? Shall I install squint? what is the process? How do I monitor the users?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Determining IP Information For Wlan0...SIOCSIFFLAGS: No Such File Or Directory

Oct 18, 2009

i wanted to learn linux, so i just installed Centos on a thinkpad x200. my wireless will not work. when i try to activate it i get this error:

Determining IP information for wlan0...SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory
SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory
# lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Memory Controller Hub (rev 07)


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