General :: CentOS 5.4 - Disk Usage Information

Mar 16, 2010

I am trying to get my head around my new server. I am using CENTOS 5.4 x86_64 with 300GB harddrive.

The 300 GB been partitioned with the following:

Device Size Used Available Percent Used Mount Point
/dev/md0 99M 18M 77M 19% /boot
/dev/md1 16G 8.7G 5.8G 61% /
/dev/md2 246G 40G 194G 18% /home
/dev/md3 4.8G 1.6G 3.0G 35% /var
/usr/tmpDSK 3.9G 432M 3.3G 12% /tmp

I have increased teh tmpDSK as it was getting full very quickly. My question is, what are these md0; md1, md2 and md3 are they harddrive partitions and as md1 is getting full will that have an impact on my sites.

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General :: Status Of Memory Usage And Disk Usage Using Sigar In Windows And Ubuntu

Mar 15, 2010

I was trying to get the status of memory usage and disk usage using sigar in windows and ubuntu. done this in windows by just copying the sigar library into jdk library. But i was unable to do so in ubuntu. I've copied the library to java-6-sun library but still can't run the program.

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General :: Find The Only Particular User (usage) Of Memory Information?

Mar 29, 2011

how to find the only particular user (usage) of memory information

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Fedora :: Hidden Disk Space Usage \ Can't Figure Out Where The Runaway Usage Is?

Dec 10, 2010

I'm running into a problem where my system is running out of disk space on the root partition, but I can't figure out where the runaway usage is. I've had a stable system for a couple of years now, and it just ran out of space. I cleaned some files up to get the system workable again, but can't find the big usage area, and I'm getting conflicting results.For example, when I do a df it says I'm using 44GB out of 58 GB:

[root@Zion ~]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on


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General :: To Get The Disk Usage Of The System?

Sep 3, 2010

when we use the df command it list the disk usage list for all mounted files ..

#df -h
/dev/sda4 47G 34G 11G 78% /
varrun 1009M 120K 1009M 1% /var/run


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General :: Disk Usage By Unknown File

Jul 31, 2010

i am facing problem of space usage by unknown file on /var partition.

[root@test var]# df -h

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 20G 3.3G 16G 18% /
/dev/sda5 39G 36G 769M 98% /var
/dev/sda6 15G 4.7G 9.1G 34% /var/spool/squid
/dev/sda1 487M 16M 446M 4% /boot
tmpfs 1014M 0 1014M 0% /dev/shm

where as when I checked the using du -sh in its maximum utilization is about 5.9GB. i want to know the space being utilized by whom.

[root@test /]# du -sh /var
5.9G /var

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General :: Getting The Disk Usage For Certain Files Per Directory?

Mar 25, 2010

I am trying to get the total file size for certain files per directory.

I am using

find `pwd` /DirectoryPath -name '*.dta' -exec ls -l {} ; | awk '{ print $NF ": " $5 }' > /users/cergun/My Documents/dtafiles.txt

but this lists all the files in the directories.

I need the total per directory for all dta files.

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General :: Hidden Files In Disk Usage Analyzer?

Aug 18, 2010

How do I get Ubuntu's "Disk Usage Analyzer" to show me the hidden files?

It tells me my home dir uses 3GB, but only accounts for 525MB (the results of du -shc *). Can I get it to show me the other files that are using the space?

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General :: Checking The Disk Usage Of Different Servers Using Df -h Command?

Jan 7, 2010

how to Check the disk usage of different linux servers using df -h linux command. My host server is, I can check its disk usage by using df -h command. I got my disk usage. Now using my host server Im going to check the server disk usage. Is its possible to check the disk usage of using my host server?

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General :: Correct Usage Of Grep To Search A Disk?

Mar 26, 2009

I've been trying to identify all files on my cut-down version of Damn Small which contain the text string "User Agent:" in them. Because it's only 120Mb in its entirety, I'm quite happy to have grep search the whole system. I'm using this command, but it just generates errors as you can see:

[root@localhost ~]# grep -R 'User Agent:' /*
grep: /dev/dri/card0: Invalid argument
grep: /dev/fuse: Operation not permitted


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General :: Iostat To Print Disk Usage Speed?

Jul 29, 2011

Trying to understand grep,sed,awk but maybe its too early for me and also i suspect iostat is not the correct program for exactly what i'm looking for...The goal is to print only the current read and write speeds of the disk, represented in a numerical value with two separated commands. So for example when writing a file to disk from an external disk, the value reflects the speed of the process.

"iostat -dk sda" prints
Linux 2.6.38 (Infidel) 07/30/2011 _x86_64_ (4 CPU)


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Ubuntu :: Program - Displayed System Information - Cpu - Ram Usage

Jan 17, 2010

I used to have a program that displayed system information (cpu/ram usage, stuff like that) but the name escapes me at the moment. The key feature of this program is that it was intergrated into the desktop.

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Networking :: Displaying Bandwidth Usage Information On Network

Apr 9, 2009

I have a network connection between 3 computers sharing the same net bandwidth with the same router (modem), I wanted to know how much every one of this network taking from the bandwidth, I want an easy program like switch-sniffer (see the pic) to scan the network and tell me how much every one taking from this network in real time.

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General :: Command To Check Specific Processes That's Using The Most IO/disk Usage?

Apr 12, 2011

Is there a command to check specific processes that's using the most IO/disk usage? I know sar and ps but I want more specific details on IO on individual processes

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Ubuntu :: Disk Space Used Doesn't Match What Is Shown In Disk Usage Analyzer?

Feb 26, 2011

Some thing is using up a huge amount of my disk space about 10G and I can not determine what it is. When I look at my disk usage in system monitor it say I have used about 25G and when I scan the directory in disk usage analyzer the entire file system used is 15G.

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General :: Use Find To Select Users With A Certain Amount Of Disk Space Usage?

May 16, 2011

I want to find all users shown in the /home/ directory whose disk consumption is more than 500MB. The following command works as expected.

cd /home/ && du */ -hs
68K ajay/
902M john/
250M websites/

From the above example, only 902M john/ should be returned.

How can I make the find command output the same results?

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General :: Extremely Slow Write On Disk With High CPU Usage / Make It Up?

Sep 4, 2010

My problem is extremely slow write on hard disk and 100% cpu usage and it happens when I want to write something on the hard derive not any other external derive.

Tried a fresh ubuntu install. No change. I am not even sure if it is a software or hardware problem.

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General :: Write A Script To Report Useful Information On Disk Utilization For Each User's Home Directory

Feb 27, 2010

I need to write a script to report useful information on disk utilization for each user's home directory.For each directory I need to show: 1. the long listing of that directory entry (but not the files in the directory), so that I can see the rights and owners of the directory.2. The amount of disk used by that directory, in human-readable format, including subdirectories. I need to have two lines for each user one after the other. For example:

/home/user1 directory info
/home/user1 disk usage
/home/user2 directory info
/home/user2 disk usage

The script will assume that all users, except user root, have their home directories in the /home directory (no need to do anything with the /etc/passwd file). And if the administrator adds or removes users, the script should still work correctly (so the script shows the information for all current users).

Here's what I do know. The command "ls -ld /home/user's_name" will give me the info I need for #1. And the command "du -hs" will give me the info I need for #2. What I don't know is how to grab each individual directory in order to apply the above commands to each of them in order. ???

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set Up Router With Tomato Firmware To Save The Bandwidth Usage Information?

Mar 20, 2010

I'm trying to set up my router, with tomato firmware, to save the bandwidth usage information. One of the 'save history' choices is "CIFS" ... I'm lost as to how to create this save area..anyone able to give me a link to a 'how to' ...or if you've done it, perhaps a step by step?

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General :: CPU/RAM Usage Log Over A Period Of Time To File On CentOS

Jun 7, 2010

Im looking for an app pr line of code that could let me observe a process, save the info in a number of variable and then put the gathered info on a file.

Ive been trying with variations of top but no luck. I am running several CentOS virtual servers, VM is 2gb ram 2 processor.

Maybe a script that works over a specified amount of time while writing lines with the info on a text file so at the end i can have a sort of table with the data.

The thing is Im going to stress test the server and I would like to have the data to make some statistics.

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General :: Monitoring Users' Download Information In The Proxy Server - OS Is CentOS

Jan 24, 2010

I have configured the proxy server. I want to observer users's download information. What should I need to do? Shall I install squint? what is the process? How do I monitor the users?

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General :: Unix - Monitor Average CPU Usage And RAM Usage On One Process System?

Nov 15, 2010

Is there any way to monitor one process' CPU usage and RAM usage over time on Linux? I am trying to change to a cheaper VPS and need to work out what level of CPU and RAM I need!

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Hardware :: How To Get Information About Optical Disk

Jul 21, 2010

I need information about the capabilities and state of the disk...specifically, if it's rewritable (capability) and if it's currently blank (state). Currently, I'm using the output of hal-device to give me that information. The problem is, hald doesn't update the information in response to a burn event... this is a problem, because if a burn a blank disc, hal-device still lists it as blank...and if I blank a disk, hal still lists it as non-blank.

Is there a method to force HAL to update a device, or is there a way to query the disk/drive directly to find out if the disk is blank and rewritable? Or even a method to determine if a disk is blank or not? Additionally, this is for a CD-burning application... so I'm intentionally trying to avoid anything hacky like ejecting the CD and reinserting it... anything of that nature.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Snmp On 11.4 Gives No Disk Information

Jun 28, 2011

Since OS 11.4 I don't get information about my disks any more.

I only get
hrStorageDescr.1 = STRING: Physical memory
hrStorageDescr.3 = STRING: Virtual memory
hrStorageDescr.6 = STRING: Memory buffers
hrStorageDescr.7 = STRING: Cached memory
hrStorageDescr.10 = STRING: Swap space
hrStorageDescr.33 = STRING: /dev/shm

But I cannot find the disk (disk / 5%)
hrStorageDescr.31 = STRING: /

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Hardware :: Disk Information When RAID Enabled

May 14, 2009

I am working on:
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (ia64)

Example 1: If Raid is enabled on disk then the information in cat /proc/partitions is shown as :
104 0 35532720 cciss/c0d0
104 1 2104483 cciss/c0d0p1
104 2 33423232 cciss/c0d0p2
104 16 35532720 cciss/c0d1
104 32 35532720 cciss/c0d2

Example2: If normal disk is taken the output is as follows:
8 0 35566480 sda
8 1 102383 sda1
8 2 409600 sda2
8 3 210925 sda3
8 4 2104515 sda4
8 5 32739023 sda5

According to my application I need to find out the information of the disk. How can I get disk information when my system is RAID enabled(cat /proc/partitions shows the entry of the controllers in example 1). Can we get Partitions information of the Disk when Disk are connected to system by controller?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Fails At Determining IP Information For Eth0 (onboard NIC Asus P6T On Centos 5.3)?

Apr 28, 2009

I'm running a fresh install on an intel i7 system on an asus p6t deluxe v2 motherboard with the onboard NIC (Marvell Technology pci-e). I know the NIC is working as when I boot into the onboard OS that Asus provides (Asus Express Gate SSD)I have a working net connection.Booting up CentOS hangs at determining IP information for eth0 and eventually fails with the following error:PING xxx.170.30.1 from xxx.170.31.231 eth0: 56(84) bytes of data---xxx.170.30.1 ping statistics ---4 packets transmitted, o received, +3 errors, 100% packet loss, time 2999ms, pipe 3 failed.

RTNETLINK answers: file exists.
RTNETLINK answers: file exists.
RTNETLINK answers: file exists.


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Server :: No Files Yet 36% Disk Usage?

Jun 13, 2011

Can anyone explain this output? I'm not sure what to make of it. 36% usage and no files??

root@host:/backups# ls -la
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Mar 8 20:12 .


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Fedora :: Shrink The System Disk Usage?

Mar 22, 2011

I need to install Fedora on 4GB SDHC card, so the space is limited.My question is what files (documents, manuals, temporary files, logs, unused packages etc) I can remove, without harming the system?So far I cleaned /tmp, /var/log, trash what else?

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Ubuntu :: Bleachbit Very Incorrect With Disk Usage?

Jan 3, 2010

I realize bleachbit is supposed to "clean files", but my disk usage is at 11.8%. My disjk usage was at like 6.0%. How in the world did it jump so much? It doesnt appear to be right. The only thing I did not check were the Firefox checkboxes..

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Ubuntu :: CLI Version Of The Disk Usage Analyzer?

Feb 25, 2010

Is there a CLI version of the Disk Usage Analyzer?

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