Ubuntu :: Using Pptview From The Repositories To Show A Powerpoint File?

Oct 21, 2010

I'm using pptview from the repositories to show a powerpoint file, but when I'm connected to a projector, it insists on showing the show on my laptop screen rather than the projector.

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Programming :: Can't Get VBA Macro To Run In Powerpoint Slide Show

Aug 18, 2010

All I'm trying to do is ShellExecute a program every time a new slide appears.

I'm using Office 2003 Powerpoint.

I did the following:

1. Tools, Options, Security Options, Macro Security, Security Level= Medium

2. Tools, Options, Macro, VBA Editor:

Sub OnSlideShowPageChange(ByVal SSW As SlideShowWindow)
MsgBox ("OnSlideShowPageChange")
End Sub

3. File, Save

4. Back to PowerPoint: F5) Slide Show, View Show <= Did NOT see the message box

5. Exit out of Powerpoint, reopen the .ppt file, F5) again <= Still don't see the message box

why isn't "OnSlideShowPageChange" getting invoked when I run the slide show?

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Slackware :: Open A *pps Powerpoint File?

Aug 3, 2010

What is the issue with slackware to open a *pps powerpoint file.I use Slack32.13Can't find any application in standard.Is there something in the slackbuils ?Don't want to install the whole Office

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Debian :: Synaptic - Software Sources Will Not Show Repositories

Nov 27, 2010

I recently installed Debian Squeeze and trying to get all the goodies installed I had in Lenny. Synaptic, software sources and software center now fails to display and allow selecting from /etc/apt/source.list. When using Synaptic and I chose "Settings" then "Repositories" I now get a message "repositories changed, click reload button" when I do it just reloads and displays downloading 34 packages as it has since first install. Normally I would get a window where I can select or deselct sources from /etc/apt/sources.list, I also recollect it asked me to insert the DVD I installed the OS from but it does not do this now as well.

When opening "software sources" it prompts for root or allows if I have prevoiusly used root but just stalls and then quits. When using "Software Center" and selecting "Edit" then ""Software Sources" I get same results. I verified sources.list exists, backed it up and made a few changes to it and still no results. This most likely has happened since I used smxi to install nvidia driver shortly after install. Installing the debian modual driver suplied would not work. I have since tried installing GoogleEarth same way I did with Lenny without results. I also used smxi with report it would not build. Anything simple like Users and groups I have yet to configure properly that would cause this? I have yet to make any changes except add 2 users.

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Ubuntu :: Saving Open Office To Powerpoint?

Feb 28, 2010

I need to have a video in a powerpoint like presentation. I make the presentation with Impress, open office, save as a .ppt and when i close it and open it again, the video isn't there.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Any Repositories That Could Add From Newer Ones / Other Distro Repositories.

Jan 9, 2010

I just installed ubuntu because the newer versions were not working for me. So I installed 7.10 and there is no repositories that are still up. Is there any repositories that I could add from the newer ones or other distro repositories.

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Applications :: Convert Powerpoint To Movie?

May 29, 2010

I wanted to upload a powerpoint presentation to ..... but apparently it needs to be converted to a video format first.Does anybody know of a linux based free software that can help me achieve the purpose please?here seems to be a few on the net but they are for sale. I'm afraid I am not ready to spend for this particular feature at the moment

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OpenSUSE :: WARNING - Unable To Download List Of Repositories Or No Repositories Defined

Feb 9, 2011

I am running Suse 11.1 64bit, with KDE, recently I received a pop up on my screen, "something about update problems", I used Yast 2 and selected online Update and it couldn't find updates for Nvidia and froze at that point. I dis-enabled that repository and refreshed all of the remaining Repositories individually and it seemed to work. I then went to the repositories listing and selected "Add" and selected "community" repositories and received the following: WARNING Unable to download list of repositories or no repositories defined. What is my problem? How do I acquire the list of community repositories? I can live with out the Nvidia repository for now but would eventually like to get it back.

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General :: Finding A PowerPoint Presentation Software?

Aug 7, 2010

I was looking for a descent powerpoint presentation software for Linux. I am seriously not bugged up with openoffice presentation tool. I am not looking for Microsoft Office or Apples's iWork.

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Ubuntu :: Open Office 3.2 Wont Play Sounds Of The PowerPoint Presentations?

Jul 1, 2010

i wonder if there is an incompatibility or just a config to do, to get the soudn enabled when playing ppt within Open Office

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General :: Microsoft Powerpoint - Convert .png Images Into A .ppt Presentation?

Apr 20, 2010

I've created a presentation as a series of .png images, one per slide. What is a good way to convert these into a .ppt (PowerPoint) that I can give to some audio-visual person? I'm entirely on Linux, with no Windows or Mac software available.(Or maybe PowerPoint isn't the only game in town for presentation file formats?)

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General :: Word Processor And Powerpoint Viewer/Maker ?

Feb 20, 2011

I have started using linux again and the programme that used to come with Suse back in 2003 was called "open office" since this is 2011 and im now using Ubuntu which suits me much better I need a word processor that can support .doc or create files that I can then open and edit with Microsoft word in university. Is there any word processor out there that sounds like what im looking for?

Lastly I also need atleast a PPT viewer to see my lecture slides and a program that can make powerpoint presentations or can be used and edited with Powerpoint would be great for my presentation work.

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OpenSUSE :: Error - "Unable To Download List Of Repositories Or No Repositories Defined"

Jan 30, 2011

I am running Suse 11.1.I do the following:

Click on Software Repositories
Click Add
Click Community Repositories
Click Next.

I receive an error, "Unable to download list of Repositories or no repositories defined."

in the /etc/YaST2/control.xml the external repository is:download.opensuse.org/YaST/Repos/openSUSE_111_Servers.xml

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OpenSUSE Install :: All Repositories Are Labeled "11.3" Repositories

May 22, 2011

I recently installed 11.4 32bit on my computer at my summer home. I carry a DVD with all my /home data. Then today I noticed that all my repositories are labeled "11.3" repositories. Everything works. Here is the output from "zypper lr -d"...

# | Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh | Priority | Type | URI | Service


What is the correct method of moving to the 11.4 repositories?

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Ubuntu :: Get PDF File Type To Show Up In The Firefox Applications?

Jan 9, 2010

How can I get PDF file type to show up in the firefox applications list so I can specify what application to open it with, etc..

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Ubuntu :: File Manager Keeps On Opening In Task Bar And No Icons Show Up

Nov 16, 2010

My file manager keeps on opening in the taskbar and it will not stop, but no application comes up, only in the taskbar. No icons will show up on my desktop either. When I go to open up the file manager, nothing comes up. Even when I try nautilus or sudo nautilus nothing happens. I read on another forum to use gconf-editor and nothing fixed it. What do I do? I need to have my computer fixed for school. I am running Ubuntu x86 64-bit on a HP Pavilion tx2500z laptop.

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Ubuntu :: DVD Drive Is Not Recognised - Doesn't Show Up In The File Manager

Feb 21, 2011

A little while ago I installed lubuntu 10.04 on a partition on my (somewhat) old sony vaio desktop. It's great, I do love it - only problem is that the DVD drive is not recognised - at least it doesn't show up in the file manager, and isn't listed when I do "ls -l /media".

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Ubuntu :: Show File Names Instead Of Tags In Totem's Playlist?

Jul 20, 2011

Totem by default shows some sort of tags (if found) and not file names in the playlist. I don't like this, because I use Totem for video only and videos I get from the web usualy contains URLs and other such nonsense in the tags so I never know which file is which.

Can I somehow force Totem to always display file names?

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General :: Doesn't Show The File That Exists?

Sep 10, 2009

we have installed vignette software on the linux box and would like to uninstall it. To uninstall it we need to delete one file named vpd.properties. When we used locate vpd.properties, the file is found in 2 places. But when we used the ls -a in those locations the file is not seen. basically we want to remove that file. If we do rm vpd.properties, this also doesn't work. Also when we used find -H vpd.properties the file is not found. What is wrong here. I am sure the file vpd.properties will be added to file system as part of vignette. Can anyone suggest what could be wrong here.We logged in as root user to remove this file. Installation is done twice using root and vignette user ids. Thats why file is located in 2 places.

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General :: Script To Show If File Exists?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a script that runs each day at 6am and looks for files created within the last day and outputs the text to a file which it emailed to me. Im wanting to change it so that it would say something like "phone system backup complete" or "websense back complete" and say fail if its not there.

Dec 13 02:27 /mnt/ukwcs-net-config/IPT/Backup12-13-10#2-20.tar
Dec 13 01:00 /mnt/ukwcs-net-config/Websense/wsbackup_2010-12-13_010000.tar.gz
find /mnt/ukwcs-net-config -mtime -1 -ls | egrep '(.dmp|.tar.gz)' > log.txt
find /mnt/ukwcs-net-config -mtime -1 -ls | egrep '(/IPT/)' > logi.txt
find /mnt/ukwcs-net-config -mtime -1 -ls | egrep '(.agb)' > loga.txt


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General :: Show The Number Of File On Folder?

Oct 21, 2010

My folder have some files and I want to show the number of files on folder at "Total file on folder: " Ex: Monday folder have six files and it will show "Total file on folder : 6" when I run a script. This is my code :

if [ -d /home/kenzo/Monday/ ] && {
echo "Monday"
ls -l /home/kenzo/Monday/


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Server :: Squid Not Show TCP_REFRESH_HIT In Log File?

Mar 16, 2011

I am running squid 2.6 (as proxy server) in cent os 5. When I use the following command I see

#tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log
i can always see

which means that the client computer does not gain web pages from squid cache. If the client gain access gain then there should be


but unfortunately I can not see this message There is no problem with the client side and they are happy but being a system admin it is a serious thing that why there is no chance to see TCP_REFRESH_HIT. The squid cache size is only 2GB.

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Debian Multimedia :: Jessie KDE Does Not Show File Manager With Dvd-rom

May 7, 2015

When I insert a dvd-rom I dont get the option for the file manager. I do get k3b, vlc,dragon and two other options. Im guessing this is a bug since this didnt happen with Wheezy. When I insert a dvd data disc I do get the file manager option. Strange this is, after inserting the data disc, removing it and then reinserting the dvd-rom I see the option for file manager. How can I get the file manager option to show everytime I insert a dvd-rom? I tried to,create a new option in system setting but man is that stuff confusing.

i,want to be able to browse a dvd-rom movie/video using dolphin when i insert one. I want open with file manager to be one of the choices. I think file manager is the choice.

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Fedora :: F12 Cannot Show Chinese File Or Directory Names

Dec 1, 2009

I recently installed the F12, but it cannot correctly show the Chinese file and directory names on a Windows partition with a fat32 file system. What shall I do?

The disk partition is mounted as

UUID=471D-E212 /mnt/d vfat umask=0022,uid=xxx,gid=xxx 0 0
in the /etc/fstab.

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General :: Show The Output Of Several Vi Files In A Single File?

Jan 3, 2011

i have 10 vi files . these files contain some system related information. i need to combine the output of all these files into a single file. the final file should contain contents of all these 10 files and the output should be in a tabular format.

is there any command in vi that i can use to create a table ?

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General :: Edit The Config File To Show All IP's And Host?

Jul 19, 2010

Having a problem in my awstats, I'm a little lost to were to edit the config file to show all IP's and host so far its only showing up my IP and the PC's on my network and nothing else.

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General :: Show Specific Lines In A Text File?

Feb 3, 2011

I have created a text file in Linux, and I only want to show certain users. Here is my text file:

usr user tty Limbo?
11 12:06:13 APW no
12 12:06:13 APW no


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General :: Show Output On Terminal And Save To A File At The Same Time?

Jul 1, 2010

I am using:

user@unknown:~$ sudo command -option > log

to save the results of "command" to the file "log", but I'd like to also get the result on the terminal, is this possible?

I am using ubuntu 10.04 lts.

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General :: Bash - Show Prints And At The Same Time Redirect It To A File?

Jul 12, 2010

I have this script in the past for csh: Code: ./a.out |& tee prints.txt which will redirect all printfs in the C program to the prints.txt file and at the same time show them in the console. How do you do this in bash? I have seen this, [URL] but it does not work for my bash and sh shells. It says:

Code: -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `&' and
Code: -sh: syntax error: unexpected "&"

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General :: Command Line - Show Entire File Contents In Dialog?

May 20, 2010

I want to show the contents of a file on Dialog box for which I have use the "--textbox" dialog and "--tailbox" dialog.

But it doesn't show the whole contents of file, it only shows some of the data.

How do I get it to show the entire file data?

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