Ubuntu :: Unable To Install Theme Updated From 10.10 To 11.04?

Apr 30, 2011

I download many themes .zip tar.gz etc but i am unable to install theme updated from 10.10 to 11.04 lots of problems gnome3 installed but doesn't look like. using gnome-shell login there is a software for theme gnome tweak tool and i also install ch-theme but how i am suppose to add my downloaded themes in these softwares to run them i also try to paste these extracted files in /usr/share/theme folder but don't have permission to write in.

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Software :: Unable To Install An Updated Adobe Flash?

Apr 23, 2010

I do not seem to be able to install an updated Adobe flash.SUSE 11.0 Linux linux-3eb6 #1 SMP 2008-12-04 18:10:04 +0100 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux I have done an rpm --rebuilddb. The following seems incompatible.

# rpm --erase flash-plugin-
error: package flash-plugin- is not installed
# rpm --install flash-plugin-
package flash-plugin- is already installed

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Ubuntu :: Install And Use Theme In Emerald Theme Manager

Aug 15, 2010

I installed a theme in emerald, and it didn't do anything, like, it had no effect on my windows or anything. So i did some searching and the only thing i could find was to run "emerald --replace" in the terminal, and it worked, but if I exit out of the terminal, it reverts back to the old theme.How do I keep emerald's theme, even after I exit the terminal?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Cursor Theme / Login Theme

Jun 3, 2011

i am using opensuse 11.4 and i reinstalled it 4 days before.i have changed the cursor theme,login theme etc.after the reinstall i forgot how to change them.so please tell me how to change cursor theme,login theme,boot splash?

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Fedora :: Unable To Use 32bit Wine After Updated To 1.1.36

Feb 6, 2010

I had both 32 and 64 bit wine installed on fedora 12 and worked ok.But after I updated them from 1.1.29 to 1.1.36 from fedora repository, the 32bit wine stops working and gives the error message "wine: for some mysterious reason, the wine server failed to run." when I tried to start any windows programs which worked before.!

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Unable To Get Gnome Updated With USB Stick / Sort It?

May 6, 2011

I would like to know the procedure of updating the Gnome with and ISO file. Have downloaded Gnome 3 from Gnome.org in ISO Format. But unable to get the Gnome updated with USB Stick

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Fsync Updated Status Of 'gtk2-engines-pixbuf

Feb 17, 2010

ive been trying to move myself away from windows, but it seems like ubuntu just wont have it, either that or win7 puts some curse on ubuntu Just done my 3rd(3rd time this error has now happened) fresh install of ubuntu 9.10 onto my second hard drive(first hard drive has win7), install seemed fine, boots up nicely into grub, got the internet working fine(worked out of the box, wireless), other programs run fine, all seems to be working wonderfully well!

Until I tried to update, started up the update manager, clicked on check, its finds loads of updates so I let it download them, downloads all 200+ updates, starts to install them.

The updates are installing fine but then about three quarters of the way along the progress bar for installing it gets an error.Heres the details it showed at the error: (the rest of the details just looked like successful installs/updates)


Setting up gtk2-engines-pixbuf (2.18.3-lubuntu2.2)
dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:
unable to fsync updated status of 'gtk2-engines-pixbuf': input/ouput error touch: cannot touch '/var/lib/update-notifier/dpkg-run-stamp': read-only file system


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Change Plymouth Theme?

Jun 17, 2010

I've noticed there are various plymouth themes (the booting animation sequence) on synaptic but I can't figure out how to actually my plymouth theme. I was using Ubuntu studio theme and now I changed but I can't change the plymouth theme. Is there a plymouth manager or anything?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Change GDM Login Theme?

Sep 19, 2010

After having been seduced by Windows 7 I have finally come back to Ubuntu (10.04), imagine my shock at having found that the Dev's for god only knows what reason have removed the ability to change the GDM login theme. I have downloaded a couple of themes from Gnome look and want to install / apply the theme, ideally with an app with a GUI interface.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Use Classic Theme After Upgrade To 11.04

May 28, 2011

i just upgraded to 11.04 and i got a message that tells me that my hardware doesn't meet the requirements for the new desktop program thing ,gnome? and i have to use Ubuntu classic theme that looks like windows 95 (yuck. get the older version of gnome that looks good from 10.10?(all windows are in the usual black bar orange buttons way) but the top and bottom bar on the desktop are all gray.

2ghz amd athlon
32mb S3 prosavage 8 graphics card (onboard)
Ubuntu 11.04

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Locate Theme Engine In Module_path

Aug 2, 2010

Yesterday, after installing suggested updates since I last updated a few weeks ago, themes are broken. I am using 10.04 Lucid, now running 2.6.32-24. (Booting the previous kernel did not help.)

After rebooting, I noticed that the login screen had less attractive widgets, which persisted after I logged in. Opening the Appearance Preferences, there were no themes listed. There are a bunch of them in /usr/share/themes. If I copy the Ambiance folder from there to ~/.themes, it will appear in the dialog; but when selected, the Window Border changes, while the Controls do not.

If I run gedit from the shell, I get these messages:


There was no GTK_PATH environment variable. (Where does it and GTK_MODULES get set globally?) I tried setting it to /usr/lib, but that had no effect.

It looks like a problem finding and/or loading the required files? Permissions? Dependencies?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Locate Theme Engine In Module_path?

Nov 10, 2010

I typed this cmd : sudo ln -s /home/user_name/.themes /root trying to link themes to root so that apps run as root would use the theme. However, now i can't run nautilus from a terminal i get this: sudo nautilus (nautilus:3229): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "ubuntulooks",

(nautilus:3229): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Error while sending message: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

(nautilus:3229): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Error while sending message: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

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Ubuntu Installation :: E: Unable To Locate Package Exotic-theme

Oct 25, 2010

I use 10.10 and when I try to install the theme this is what comes up:

pawan@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install exotic-theme
[sudo] password for pawan:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package exotic-theme

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Software :: Unable To Change The Plymouth Theme In Mint?

May 17, 2011

plymouth theme doesn't display in linux mint. i mean not even the default plymouth theme. instead of it a blue screen with white text is displayed which looks really ugly. even if i change the theme to some other, the same screen displays. any ideas on what could be the problem and possible remedies? note: when at last i give the update initramfs command it displays a warning the en_IN is not supported.

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Fedora :: Acroread Unable To Locate Theme Engine In Path

Oct 20, 2009

I installed acroread on my 64-bit Fedora 11 and when I try to run it, I receice the message,


HTML Code:


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Software :: Unable To Write Privileges On Wordpress Theme Directory?

May 22, 2011

I can't make write changes to .php files in my Wordpress editor, although I have already chmod -R 777 the directory. here is what ls -al says:


[root@localhost ~]# ls -al /usr/share/wordpress/wp-content/themes/purple-swirl/
total 12
drwxrwxrwx. 3 root root 4096 May 21 17:10 .
drwxrwxrwx. 4 root root 4096 May 21 17:10 ..


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Ubuntu :: Install An Updated Version Of Deluge

Feb 23, 2010

Im trying to install a program off of the internet and i cannot figure it out. i need to install an updated version of deluge, the updated version is not in the ubuntu catalog yet. so here is the process i went through.

1) went to deluges site, clicked download version 1.2.1 on homepage.
2) went to ubuntu category and chose: "The Deluge packages in Ubuntu:"
3) went to the exact hits category and chose the lucid 1.2.1 version of deluge.
4) went to bottom of page and under "download deluge" and clicked the link
5) chose one of the north america choices
6) chose to open with GDebi Package Installer (default)
7) gave me this error in red letters at top : Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: deluge-gtk (= 1.2.0-1)

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Get Theme Gnome 3 Show Up To Be Usable In Tweak Tool

Jun 23, 2011

I have been running Gnome 3 for a few days now and really like it, but need to tweak it to my liking, basically to an overall darker theme. Something similar to this is what I am shooting for: I have figured out how to do the shell themes (top bar, dock, etc) but I am having problems with the window manager themes (window title bars, window backgrounds, etc). Using the Gnome-Tweak_Tool, I can apply the pre-installed ones, but I am at a loss as to how I add new ones. I have tried adding themes to ~/.themes, and /usr/share/gnome-shell/themes, but I am unable to get them to show up to be usable in the tweak tool. I am comfortable using the command line and/or editing configuration files if that is the only way.

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General :: Unable To Change File And Folder Icon Theme To Human

May 28, 2011

I am using archlinux with gnome 3. I am trying hard to change my icon theme to human but it just doesnt change. ~/.gtkrc-2.0 [URL]. I tried lxappearance too. After I click on apply and close it gnome kinda restarts and when I open nautilus it shows no change. I had tango icon theme so I deleted that dir from /usr/share/icons. Now it has switched to the default gnome icon theme. How do I change it to Human icon theme?

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Ubuntu :: Current Theme Defaults To Silver Theme For No Reason Randomly On Login

May 4, 2011

For some reason, from time to time on login, as my normal theme starts to load, it changes to some sort of silver theme (a very basic one), and I am unable to change it over to any other theme. Checking the theme being used, it still says my desired one is set, but it is not. Also, no matter what theme I change it to, that basic silver theme is the one being used. This includes a default icon theme, not the one I prefer.

The only option that seems to fix things is a restart, and the hope that on this login it won't mess up like before.I am using Natty, from a fresh install, with Ubuntu Classic as my desktop, and have reinstalled things more than once to try and fix a few of the Natty-related issues, but this one keeps coming back.

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Ubuntu :: Error Saving Theme To /home/perlsyntax/.irssi/default.theme

Jun 10, 2011

What does this error mean i try to save it and get this? Irssi: Error saving theme to /home/perlsyntax/.irssi/default.theme: Permission denied

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Ubuntu :: There Was An Error Installing The Selected File, Index.theme Doesn't Appear To Be A Valid Theme

Mar 31, 2011

I backed up .themes from /home, but on trying to install them (files don't show as theme packages) it says "There was an error installing the selected file, index.theme doesn't appear to be a valid theme". Did I backup the right thing?

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall A Program And Install The Updated Version?

Apr 17, 2010

I had downloaded Bluefish editor from the Ubuntu Software center, some time ago... but today I just visited their new site and I found out that their latest stable version is 2.0.0 where as I have the 1.0.7.

how do I remove the existing one and install the latest stable release? I searched in the software center but it wasn't available. what do I do and how do I get the latest release....

this is the instruction given but can't understand it.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Will 11.2 Be Updated To 11.3 From Internet

Jul 12, 2010

Will 11.2 be updateable through yast to 11.3?

I have to get this workstation out onto shop floor, back into service, wondering if I put 11.2 in now then update to 11.3 while in service. It has 10.3 in it now.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Updated From 11.2to 11.3/suse_lost 10 GB?

Jul 17, 2010

I have done a update from openSuse11.2 to 11.3 .,(not new install,I did update install). Now at my PC home / partition after NEW INSTALL of SuSE 11.3 file system shwos 10.6 GB(space taken,busy),it's ok.But on my laptop where I did UPDATE INSTALL / file system has 25 GB(space taken,busy).

My question is how can I release 10 Gb form my laptop(we all fight for free space). The difference it's clear>making update takes more space comparing with new install. I am thinking that the system from my laptop kept old filesytems as backup or whatever.

The situation it's similar with the case when I did a kernel compile (taking more space),but in that case I knew how to do,of course I erased the old configuration files,old kernel,old boot files/vmlinuz etc) after checking the new one kernel and boot from it ,ok status. But in the update case I don't know what should I do,because it's the first time after manny years when I did a update ,not a new install(from scratch) and Suse 11.3 it 's after few days of releasing,and of course it can have some tricks.I assume that you did more updates install for OS than me .So I kindly ask you to advice me.Where shall I look and what shall I delete without affect the stability ,operatibilty ,boot of OS and security for my system existed on my laptop.Please,think 25 GB comparing with 10.6 GB. It's something,isn't it? I would like to have back my 10-12 GB in my hard disk as free space.

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Ubuntu :: Gtk-theme-switch To Change Theme In Openbox?

Mar 7, 2010

I want to use gtk-theme-switch to change my theme in openbox (would rather not use any gnome/kde/etc.. tools for this), but after installing it I cannot get it to run:

tr@linux:~$ sudo apt-get install gtk-theme-switch
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


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Fedora Installation :: VirtualBox Error: Qt WARNING: QGtkStyle Was Unable To Detect The Current GTK+ Theme

Apr 4, 2010

I tried to install VirtualBox 32 bit on my 64bit Fedora11 OS. I took the 32 bit version as I want to run a 32bit software. I collected all information I could get from other forums. That's what I did: I downloaded and installed [URL]

yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

Now I got stucked with the error Qt WARNING: QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme. I searched for qt or qgtkstyle on my system and found files containing both but don't know what to do here.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrading Only Updated Programs?

Mar 21, 2010

I use Factory repositories of KDE4 and there are new releases almost every day in that repository. Although I believe that there are useful updates in the packages, I don't think they are really that crucial that I should update them every day.

When I do update, I usually use graphical frontend and select from menu: Packages >> All Packages >> Update if newer version available. That includes all the updates available either for the program or the package.

I'd really like to be able to sort out these packages that have updates for the programs available. Is there any way to do it?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Updated Kernel Will Not Boot -

Apr 30, 2011

Just updated to kernel from:[url]

No error. then rebooted and grub gives following error:

Press Any Key to Continue

this goes to grub boot menu where I then select my old kernel and it boots OK.

Question: Should root(hd2,2) be (hd0,2) like the working kernel?

My menu.lst is:

sda and sdb are not used at this time, sdb will have 12.1 Ms soon. The two windows drives are used by virtualvox for WIN XP backup. Not used often.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Keep Iso's Updated - Can't Use Command Line

Jun 25, 2011

Doing an install of Suse 11.4 --- and the screen runs off the monitor to the right. A little guess word with the tab key and I could move through the install process by tabbing three times after the ""help" button. As I'm writing this the machine rebooted after initial load and the screen is okay - and I can see the abort-back-next buttons now. But really, what's with that? That's just so unprofessional. Hopefully the dev team reads these forums since there isn't any easily discoverable way to communicate with them. And you don't keep the iso's updated? The BETA of Firefox 4?? Really? Then I can only update to 4.01 from the repository? so I download an unpack the 5.0 from Mozilla -- and find out ./configure no longer works. The archive extractor still doesn't have an "install package" option anywhere, and now I can't use the command line either?

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