Ubuntu :: Unable Login - Reinstall Does Not Work

Apr 4, 2010

ubuntu 9.10

1. I setup log in as automatic log in with 0 sec wait time.

1a. Some times it log's in with out any problem. 1b. Many times login page appears and asked me to enter password. 1c. But it did not accept password BUT some times it accepts it

2. I have indic script (Tamil), some times instead of english it switched to Tamil script.

2a. Shift+Alt switch toggles english and tamil, BUT some times it is not working. If it sticks in Tamil script i can not type url or username/password. Simply i have to use bookmarks in browser. 2b. I want to use Tamil 99, but i am not getting it, i got some different one, which is useless to me.

3. SO i decided to reinstall ubuntu 9.10.

3a. I am using DELL dimension 4100 desktop. 3b. I tried F8, del, esc buttons, got BIOS but not installer option. 3c. When i install ubuntu 9.04 i got a proper screen so installation was easy. (switched from windows to ubuntu) 3d. How to reinstall (clean install) ubuntu 9.10?

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Software :: Login Error - Reinstall / Upgrade Of FC6

Nov 23, 2009

I have a Fedora Core 6 web server I've been testing. Everything was working fine(http, mysql, etc) until I installed Shorewall. After a reboot, now I get "(NONE): LOGIN" From what I've googled on this, this isn't an uncommon error, but I don't see any consistent way to correct this issue. Everyone just says boot single user and change roots pw. But thats where I run into problems. When I log in single user mode and try to run "passwd" to change root pw, I get "module not found". I've tried running vi(vim) to edit /etc/passwd but I also get an error about a library file missing. So, I'm at the point of thinking about reinstalling FC6. I'm assuming I should upgrade to a new version of FC. If I do this, will it "break" http and mysql? What version would be safest to upgrade to from FC6? Would it be better to just reinstall FC6 on top of whats there?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Unable To Reinstall UTorrent

Jun 23, 2010

I just recently upgraded to 10.04 so I have to reinstall utorrent. Last time I did it with wine using this method: [URL]. It seemed to work fine with 9.10 but now I try it again and when I double click the utorrent launcher on my desktop it literally does nothing. Doesn't open anything, nor does it even report an error message.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Reinstall The GRUB

Aug 3, 2011

My dual booting Unbuntu/windows computer is failing to boot. I have tried to reinstall GRUB but have so far been unsuccessful. I used the Ubuntu Secured 64bits live CD to run Boot Repair and this reported:

There is no boot backup on this computer. This will reinstall GRUB bootloader. Do you want to continue.On continuing, "Boot Repair" reported under "Last Confirmation/Advanced Options":

(Requires internet) Manually purge and reinstall the GRUB of: Ubuntu 11-04 (sdb1).When I click Apply, Boot Repair asks me to enter the following in a terminal:

sudo chroot /mnt/clean/sdb1 apt-get install -y grub-pcHowever, the terminal then responds:
chroot: failed to run command apt-get : No such file or directory.Which was quite disappointing!

I have also tried Super Grub2 Disk and Rescatux and these also failed.I entered "sudo fdisk -l" and this seemed to identify all the disks and partitions corrected (I will supply the terminal output in a following post). The only issue is that I expected sdb1 to be indicated as Boot, but it wasn't.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - Sometimes Skype Do Not Launch And After Reinstall It`s Work

Aug 10, 2011

I have problem with skype in ubuntu 11.04 Sometimes skype do not launch and after reinstall skype it`s work and every day is same.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Instructions To Reinstall Those Packages Does Not Work

Jun 27, 2010

I have been following (200 instructions on how to do a clean install without losing settings.I used the command<sudo dpkg --get-selections > /home/user/package.selections>to create a list of installed applications.My problem is that the instructions to reinstall those packages does not work. The code given is<sudo dpkg --set-selections /home/package. selections && apt-get dselect-upgrade>.However when I try and run this code I am told that "--set-selections takes no arguments".So I need some revised code to reset the list of applications for re-installation

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Ubuntu Installation :: Asterisk Reinstall Doesn't Work

Jul 8, 2010

I first installed asterisk using sudo apt-get install asterisk on ubuntu 10.04. After doing this the SIP packages did not install for some odd reason.I uninstalled asterisk using sudo apt-get remove asterisk then reinstalled and now none of the asterisk config files are gone. deleted all files and directories I could find relating to asterisk, rebooted the machine, did a kernal upgrade, and a package update and reinstalled asterisk using sudo apt-get install asterisk, and all the config files are still missing. What am I missing here!

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General :: Reinstall Ubuntu 9.10 On Laptop Wireless Won't Work

Jan 8, 2010

I dual boot with windows xp and ubuntu 9.10. When using windows my wireless works fine but when using ubuntu my wireless does not work. The first time ubuntu was loaded the wireless was working and then while I was trying to figure out how to load a program I messed up a grub file. As I couldn't fix it I just reinstalled Ubuntu and since then my wireless is inoperable in Ubuntu only.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Corrupted GRUB - Unable To Reinstall

Dec 26, 2010

for some reason Win7 has gone and run a startup repair (there was two boot options in GRUB, perhaps I chose the wrong one by accident) which has corrupted my GRUB. Now, the only way I can get anything to run is by booting Ubuntu of a live-pendrive/flashdrive! I tried following a couple of walkthroughs that claimed to fix the problem; and I don't doubt that they work - on someone elses computer! I receive errors whenever I try to use things like 'sudo grub' and often (but not always) with 'mkdir' and 'mount' - and I have very little idea what some of them are doing (I gather 'mkdir' is making a directory and 'mount' is mounting a device virtually, but some others are a little harder to guess)

So, I am wondering if someone has a little insight as to how I can fix this and perhaps point me in the correct direction to learning about making my way around ubuntu and these fancy terminal commands! Currently, I am at the stage where I can boot into my flash drive by spamming escape before the bootloader. However, when GRUB loads it tells me there is an error and gives me a command line; through which I have been unable to get anything to happen. I am running Ubuntu 10.10, I believe, and Windows 7 on the same hard-disk and possibly the same partition (though, I am unsure of how Ubuntu works itself into partition's). I also ran a little code (seemed somewhat like a batchfile in windows) that made a txt file of my boot info; I'm attaching it below if that helps at all. Boot Info Results:


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Login / After Couple Seconds Returned To The Login Splash Screen?

Oct 10, 2010

I recently powered up my netbook... Selected my user log in, entered my password, and after a couple seconds I briefly see what looks to be the console and am returned to the login splash screen... I can Ctrl+Alt+F2 to get to the console and log in... but that is as far as I can get. This is the case for Gnome, Remix, and Remix 2D.

I can sudo apt-get (update, upgrade, etc) as well. It is the right password because if I type in a wrong one it presents an authentication failure dialog box.

How can I fix my log in screen and get to my desktop? I am Currently running 10.04.... waiting to get 10.10

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Installation :: Unable To Reinstall Windows XP

Nov 18, 2010

i have windows xp and federo installed on my system on seperate partition and using grub loader for dual boot. Unfortunately am unable to boot the windows and it hangs with the blue screen and with safe mode it stops at mup.sys and doesnt proceed further.I tried booting with a windows xp CD but it looks like it is unable to recognize the disk even if i say boot with a CD in BIOS settings. Does anybody knows how to make the CD recognizable so that i can go into the windows repair mode.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Interrupted Upgrade Reinstall Now Grub Does Not Work

Dec 4, 2010

Had a working WinXp/Karmic dual boot system. Tried to upgrade Karmic to Lucid and my daughter rebooted the system during the upgrade. I decided to do a fresh install of ubuntu, leaving Windows in place and it succeeded until the end when it said it could install the bootloader, so I proceeded without. I meant to say "it said it couldn't install the bootloader, so I proceeded without.

On booting, Grub drops to the command line.
I get grub>, not grub-rescue>
I did ls in grub and it showed the partitions I expected
/sda5 is /boot
/sda6 is /swap
/sda7 is /
/sda8 is /home

I tried to follow the grub2 command line manual by entering
set root=(hd0,7) (success)
linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic root=/dev/sda7 ro (failed - couldn't find file)
so I'm now a bit stuck.

Here are my bootinfo_script results (by the way, sdb is just an e-SATA hard disc with nothing installed on it, I don't know why bootinfo thinks Windows is there. Windows is on /sda2 with some sort of backup/recovery partition on /sda1)
Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
Boot Info Summary:
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #7 for /boot/grub.
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb .....

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Ubuntu :: On Booting System I Get Login Menu But Unable To Login, It Says Some Critical Error Occurred?

Mar 15, 2010

System was fine with :Ubuntu 9.04 (had also installed kde )then....I wanted to try some change to gdm so i downloaded gdm while building it , it asked "PAM" libraries to be installed so i installed PAM ... but ignored the instruction to reinstall SHADOW (library i guess..),Now :on booting system i get login menu but i am not able to login , it says some critical error occured

1) install new copy of UBUNTU and remove old

ps :1) i can log into system through live cd

2) i can use recovery mode boot and log into terminal as root(startx is not working from this terminal..

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Debian :: Cannot Get Wireless To Work After Lenny Reinstall

Feb 2, 2010

After running wireless for years my system crashed, I've had to re install lenny and now what ever I try I can't get the wireless to work. I'm running Lenny, kernel 2.6.26-2-686 but when I start up it doesn't seem to be able to start the wireless, whatever I do from gnome wireless tools,

dmesg | grep -i iwl
shows this
[9.663570] iwl3945: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG/BG Network Connection driver for Linux, 1.2.26ks
[9.663570] iwl3945: Copyright(c) 2003-2008 Intel Corporation
[9.663570] iwl3945: Detected Intel Wireless WiFi Link 3945ABG
[9.725672] iwl3945: Tunable channels: 13 802.11bg, 23 802.11a channels
[9.736286] phy0: Selected rate control algorithm 'iwl-3945-rs'
[20.518187] firmware: requesting iwlwifi-3945-1.ucode
[20.654215] iwl3945: iwlwifi-3945-1.ucode firmware file req failed: Reason -2
[20.654215] iwl3945: Could not read microcode: -2
[23.376244] firmware: requesting iwlwifi-3945-1.ucode
[23.385408] iwl3945: iwlwifi-3945-1.ucode firmware file req failed: Reason -2
[23.385408] iwl3945: Could not read microcode: -2
[40.503987] firmware: requesting iwlwifi-3945-1.ucode
[40.519721] iwl3945: iwlwifi-3945-1.ucode firmware file req failed: Reason -2
[40.519728] iwl3945: Could not read microcode: -2

The end statements repeat many times.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Mount Drives After Windows Reinstall

Feb 27, 2010

I have a windows XP Pro machine and also a Server running ubuntu, the server was built for me and the builder is no longer available for consultation. The server drives which were on my desktop beside my C drive were working flawlessly allowing me access until windows started running quite badly which meant I had to reinstall it. After the reinstall I could not see the drives displayed and I am unable to access them from windows. And also not able to mount them. The server has not been switched off at any time and does not even have a monitor or keyboard or mouse. I have not done anything to change any settings to it. I have zero knowledge of the system. My windows administrator password is exactly the same I have looked on the server and my files are intact I just cant access them from windows which I need to do.

I got the following details off the server:
KERNAL LINUX - 117. fc10.i686
GNOME 2.24.1
MEMORY 881.4 MiB
Processor AMD LE 1620
Samba Server Version 3.2.4-0 fc10

I was told the drives should appear on their own but that's not happening I am not able to sight them at all file sharing and printer sharing is enabled.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Upgrade / Reinstall And Remove Gmountiso

May 1, 2010

when i try to upgrade my system via apt i get the following error:


user@user-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Uninstall / Reinstall Mac OSX - Unable To Mount Location

Mar 3, 2011

Running Ubuntu 10.04 and I'm trying to re-install Mac OSX back onto my MBP. I'm running competely off of GRUB and I have no other partitions for any other OSs running. Popped in my MAC OS CD and came up with this error.

Unable to mount location
Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:
mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-prtected, mounting read-only
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so

How should I go about with removing Ubuntu, and re-installing MAC OSX?

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Fedora :: Unable To Update/reinstall Kmod-wl 13

Sep 14, 2010

Every time I attempted to run "yum update" dependencies failed to resolve citing kernel version problems. I cleaned out a bunch of old versions of kmod-wl that were still on my system (some dating back to my old f12 install) and still had no luck. Finally I removed kmod-wl altogether so that I could update the rest of my system and hoped I could just re-install it once the update was finished. No dice. "yum install kmod-wl" still produces this message (identical to what "yum update" gave when the old kmod-wl was installed):


Error: Package: kmod-wl- (rpmfusion-nonfree-updates)
Requires: kernel-uname-r =
Installed: kernel- (@updates)
kernel-uname-r =


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Slackware :: Unable To Boot After Reinstall The Windows 7?

Sep 11, 2010

i got a problem in my laptop so i moved the hdd from a laptop to another one like it slack worked but win 7 didn't so i booted slack moved my files from the windows partition to the slack one the i formated the windows sector now i can't go to the Slackware and boot it and i have my files in the /home/root/Desktop so i did try to boot a live cd but i can't access to this file.

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Fedora Installation :: Reinstall GRUB Directions Don't Work

Jan 13, 2009

I reinstalled windows, which wiped out my boot partition. I then booted to a live CD, to attempt to reinstall GRUB. However the usual method and directions aren't working.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Tar.gz And Tar.bz2 Files - Unable To Access The Internet To Reinstall The Packages

Aug 10, 2010

I accidentally removed my network manager (gnome) from my system (via synaptic) and hence have not been able to have access to the internet to reinstall the packages. I have experimented with many commands (with help from others) in terminal with little success.

What I now did was downloaded a 'NetworkManager-' file and a 'NetworkManager-0.8.1.tar.bz2' file (from a different comp) and have placed them onto my desktop. I have read the INSTALL instructions within and it is a tad complex for me as I am new to Linux. I understand I have to extract the files and compile them into a new folder (I think I would choose a file in the /home directory)- how would I go about doing this? Following this, I need to './configure' or 'make' or 'make install' the files

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Fedora :: FC9: Forgot - Partition Doesn't Work - Can't Login At The LUKS Login After Grub Starts

Feb 15, 2010

My computer was working this morning and both hard drives were working fine, then all of a sudden for about two hours I was stuck with this "problem", then after fumbling and moving and stablizing things, then Windows works? See below for details. I've finally reinstalled both hard drives, but the one with the Linux partition doesn't work: it says nothing is discovered on the disk. I can't login at the LUKS login after grub starts, therefore I can't get into Linux, but Windows works?! I used to be able to go directly into Grub when the computer starts, I forgot how to do that but it doesn't matter. If you need details I'd be glad to provide them. I just wondered why Linux doesn't work, but Windows does. I have Linux & Windows on two different separate hard drives

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General :: Unable To Login To Server Through Console But Able To Login Via Network Using Putty?

Mar 13, 2009

I am not able to login to server from console attached to server, every time i enter username & password but it again asks for username & password. But when i try to login to server from remote machine, login happens properly.

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Debian Installation :: Super Grub2 Will Work After Vista Reinstall

Mar 16, 2011

I have a dual boot system. I need dual boot as my dictation software is only available for Windows. In the future I am going to try a virtual machine, but dictation and audio did not work properly the last time I tried in VM. But unfortunately for now I have a dual boot machine with Vista and Debian 6. Unfortunately, I am going to have to reinstall Vista. Or to be more accurate I'm going to install the 64-bit version instead of the 32 bit that came with the computer. I have the 64-bit version that I no longer use from one of my other computers.

Anyway, I have to install Windows which will overwrite my grub2. Is there anyway I can make a backup or reinstall grub2 after I install Windows. I really don't want to reinstall Debian 6 squeeze. Can they make some sort of a backup of gurb2 before I do this. I checked out the Internet and I found something called Super Grub2. It apparently will allow me to boot back into Debain 6 so that I can install grub2 again. Assuming, Super Grub2 even works then how do I reinstall grub2 once a boot into Debian 6? Has anybody tried Super grub2, does it work? It's kind of hard to test it, with a working version of grub2.

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OpenSUSE :: GNOME-Shell Refuses To Work After Full Reinstall

May 13, 2011

I have recently been pulling my hair out with Gnome-Shell. I had Gnome3 including the shell up and running as soon as it was ready in the stable repos. However it recently refused to work after the update to 3.0.1 hit the stable repository. Today I did a complete reinstall of OpenSUSE 11.4 from the gnome desktop CD, NVIDIA drivers are correctly installed and working. Gnome3 has been installed via the one-click method on top of this FRESH install. Yet still my gnome-shell freezes after login, I am running in fallback mode now. Really cannot see what can have gone wrong this time, nothing out of the ordinary has been knowingly installed at all. I'd really love to get my desktop up and running to how it used to be.

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Debian Hardware :: Unable To Login To IMac G4 - Graphical Login?

Sep 30, 2015

I have an iMac G4 that I installed Jessie on successfully. However, when it boots, one of the last messages is:

[FAILED] Failed to start Load Kernel Modules.

Last line is something along the lines of:

fb: switching to nouveaufb from OFfb NVDA,NVMac

And then the text starts dissolving, and the entire screen cycles through different colors. I presume it is sitting at the graphical login prompt but it's not displaying correctly.

Based on some Google searches, it seems like I should be able to resolve this by editing /etc/modules but I can't get to that point. I have tried to get to a terminal using ctrl-alt-F1 through ctrl-alt-F12. No luck. I tried different yaboot options that were supposed to avoid using the video driver. No luck. How do I get the machine to boot straight to a regular text login instead of the X one?

This machine worked fine running Mac OS X this morning, so I don't think it's the hardware. What I can do.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Wont Boot \ Reinstall Windows On The First One - But Things Didn't Work Out Properly?

Nov 27, 2010

ive got a windows partition and a ubuntu-10.10 partition. i just tried to reinstall windows on the first one - but things didn't work out properly. after the first restart the pc just hung in the first boot screen - it wouldn't boot from the windows cd or the harddrive. every time i restart the computer it just hangs in that screen. i can't even choose to boot from cd/usb to use a livecd and rescue my files on the ubuntu partition. its like the keyboard doesn't work anymore. ive tried both a usb keyboard and one of the old kind with the prongs. so i cant get into ubuntu.

here's the screen, it pops up a second after i restart. usually the pc just boots up a couple seconds later and i can choose beteen win/unbuntu; or i can just press 'esc' and choose to boot from usb. but now nothing is happening, the keyboard doesn't seem to work, and it wont go passed this screen.*edit* actually the keyboard is working, because ctrl-alt-del restarts the computer, but thats about it..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstall The Games Package Or Reinstall The Update?

May 2, 2010

So I was messing around trying to uninstall Nibbles and reinstall since I have an issue starting that game and something happened and removed the submenu under Games called "Logic", which had another whole list of games.

Is it possible to reinstall the games package or reinstall the update?I'm thinking more of the lines of a system restore or something so back 2 days from today.

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General :: Retrieve/reinstall Grub Without Having To Reinstall Ubuntu?

Feb 4, 2011

how do I retrieve/reinstall Grub without having to reinstall Ubuntu?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Reinstall Windows 7 But Its A Pain To Reinstall All Programs?

Apr 29, 2010

I recently installed opensuse 11.2 on my laptop which also had windows vista and windows 7, i created a new partition and the installation went smoothly, after i went to boot back into windows 7 i got a blue screen of death, strangely vista boots perfectly.I could just reinstall windows 7 but its a pain to reinstall all my programs and such

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