Ubuntu :: Unable To Reinstall The GRUB

Aug 3, 2011

My dual booting Unbuntu/windows computer is failing to boot. I have tried to reinstall GRUB but have so far been unsuccessful. I used the Ubuntu Secured 64bits live CD to run Boot Repair and this reported:

There is no boot backup on this computer. This will reinstall GRUB bootloader. Do you want to continue.On continuing, "Boot Repair" reported under "Last Confirmation/Advanced Options":

(Requires internet) Manually purge and reinstall the GRUB of: Ubuntu 11-04 (sdb1).When I click Apply, Boot Repair asks me to enter the following in a terminal:

sudo chroot /mnt/clean/sdb1 apt-get install -y grub-pcHowever, the terminal then responds:
chroot: failed to run command apt-get : No such file or directory.Which was quite disappointing!

I have also tried Super Grub2 Disk and Rescatux and these also failed.I entered "sudo fdisk -l" and this seemed to identify all the disks and partitions corrected (I will supply the terminal output in a following post). The only issue is that I expected sdb1 to be indicated as Boot, but it wasn't.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Corrupted GRUB - Unable To Reinstall

Dec 26, 2010

for some reason Win7 has gone and run a startup repair (there was two boot options in GRUB, perhaps I chose the wrong one by accident) which has corrupted my GRUB. Now, the only way I can get anything to run is by booting Ubuntu of a live-pendrive/flashdrive! I tried following a couple of walkthroughs that claimed to fix the problem; and I don't doubt that they work - on someone elses computer! I receive errors whenever I try to use things like 'sudo grub' and often (but not always) with 'mkdir' and 'mount' - and I have very little idea what some of them are doing (I gather 'mkdir' is making a directory and 'mount' is mounting a device virtually, but some others are a little harder to guess)

So, I am wondering if someone has a little insight as to how I can fix this and perhaps point me in the correct direction to learning about making my way around ubuntu and these fancy terminal commands! Currently, I am at the stage where I can boot into my flash drive by spamming escape before the bootloader. However, when GRUB loads it tells me there is an error and gives me a command line; through which I have been unable to get anything to happen. I am running Ubuntu 10.10, I believe, and Windows 7 on the same hard-disk and possibly the same partition (though, I am unsure of how Ubuntu works itself into partition's). I also ran a little code (seemed somewhat like a batchfile in windows) that made a txt file of my boot info; I'm attaching it below if that helps at all. Boot Info Results:


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General :: Retrieve/reinstall Grub Without Having To Reinstall Ubuntu?

Feb 4, 2011

how do I retrieve/reinstall Grub without having to reinstall Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Reinstall Grub After Reinstall Of Win 7

Dec 6, 2010

i have ubuntu 10.04 64 bit installed and configured and working sweet. I have reinstalled windows 7 and now i can't boot ubuntu i've tried easybcd to add ubuntu to win boot loader which failed and tried to follow the instructions to reinstall grub through a live cd which i am in at the moment. i go to a terminal and type sudo grub and it brings up the grub prompt. i have mounted all discs and entered the command find /boot/grub/stage1 and it keeps spitting this back at me Error 15: File not found

my hd is a 80gb with partions like this
/dev/sda1 105mb ntfs system reserved
/dev/sda2 45gb ntfs win 7 home premium 64 bit
/dev/sda3 34gb ext4 ubuntu 10.04 64 bit
/dev/sda4 1.5gb linux swap

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Reinstall Doesn't Generate Grub.cfg?

Dec 10, 2010

I have ubuntu 10.10 running on my HP dv5 pavilion laptop So today i tried to reinstall grub on my pc .. i removed grub-pc and grub-common using synaptic then booted up with a live cd of ubuntu 10.04 i then mounted sda11 to mnt using sudo mount /dev/sda11 /mnt sda11 being my ubuntu directory containing the /boot then i installed grub to it using sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda it reported as installation finished.No error reported then i unmounted /mnt and checked for /boot/grub/grub.cfg seems like the file is missing so are the files in /etc/grub.d/ reinstall my grub back

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Ubuntu :: Use The Grub Command Line To Reinstall Grub From A Cd?

Jun 2, 2010

Can I use the grub command line to reinstall grub from a ubuntu cd?

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Ubuntu :: How To Reinstall Grub In 9.10

Apr 23, 2010

I have 7 And Karmic and I recently a 1080p monitor, new graphics card and 8 gbs of ram, I reinstalled 7 (using 64-bits per pixel instead) and I tried reinstalling the grub menu in the live usb and it doesn't work like it did back in earlyer versions of ubuntu

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall Grub In 10.04 ?

Jul 15, 2010

I reistalled windows XP in a Ubuntu 10.04 /windows dual booting system .. After installation the grub is lost .. I don't know how to restore grub ..

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall Grub From Live Cd 9.10?

Jan 14, 2010

I had windows XP on my c:drive. installed ubuntu 9.10 on a 27 gig unallocated space. ubuntu ran fine. Then i boot to win xp and used a partitioning software to take back some other unallocated space. after it rebooted to complete the partitioning processes grub wouldn't load. So i need to re install grub from this ubuntu 9.10 live cd.i tired the following
grub(didnt work the first time said i needed to install grub so did : root@ubuntu:~# sudo apt-get install grub )after grub was installedgrub> find /boot/grub/stage1 Error 15: File not foundthe previous linux partition I can see in the Computer with the boot directory and is called 1000gb hard disk: 27 GB filesystem see screenshot.

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall / Wiped Out GRUB?

Jun 19, 2010

I've just installed Windows 7 in a separate partition to play with. Trouble is, it's wiped out GRUB. I was expecting this and I know last time this happened it was easy to fix. The forum serch found a thread with 3 ways to re-install GRUB. I've tried each, and none have wored. Methods I've tried

1) The aptitude install grub-pc command ran and said it had worked correctly. On re-bootong, Windows started without any GRUB screens on the way.

2) The chroot method stated it installed correctly after raising a few warnings - after I used the --force command, as the install failed without it. Again, reboot and get Windows without a GRUB screen...

3) Normal grub-install command (no chroot). This went as per the chroot command.

From where I'm sat, it looks like I'll have to do a clean Linux re-install on the disk and then restore my linux files again from a back-up - something I'm not particularly over-joyed by the prospect of...

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall Grub After XP Recovery?

Jun 25, 2010

How do you reinstall grub after XP recovery ? btw I only have the live cd on a usb.. not the live cd it self.

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall GRUB To A Different Partition

Aug 24, 2010

So I was bored yesterday, looking at some free unpartitioned space (I meant to use it as emergency space, just in case) and I thought that it'd be really nice if I could make a ~250 MB partition just for GRUB, so I decided to see if I could do it. The partition has been made as 256 MB (just to be nice ) and ext2. (I'm also running lubuntu, if you need to know)

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Ubuntu :: How To Erase And Reinstall Grub

Oct 11, 2010

Several moths ago I installed Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat alfa3 in a newly created partition while I was using Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx. After I installed the 10.10 alfa3, I realized that it also installed its grub. Moreover that grub could not detect the kernel updates of 10.04. Thus, I recovered the grub of 10.04 via live CD. Interestingly after I returned the grub of 10.04 the boot time of 10.04 has considerably increased.

For example, the Ubuntu splash screen appears 20 seconds after selecting Ubuntu in Grub menu. I thought that a fresh installation for 10.10 final release would solve the problem but it seems that I'm still getting the same boot time until the splash screen is the same. It seems that I need a fresh installation of Grub. The methods that are introduced following url are just recovers Grub. I need to erase and reinstall the Grub. [URL]

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 And Win 7 - Cannot Reinstall Grub

Mar 29, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows 7 on my computer. After not booting into my Ubuntu partition for a while, I noticed that grub had disappeared, being replaced by the windows bootloader. I followed the steps here under "reinstalling from liveCD" and I was able to get a grub command line when I rebooted, but no boot menu. So I booted into Ubuntu and ran update-grub like the instructions say, and the output indicated that Ubuntu and Windows had both been successfully found and added to grub.cfg. But when I rebooted, I still only got the grub command line.

When the instructions had steps for if you had a separate boot partition, I used /dev/sda1 because it is marked by fdisk as being the boot partition. I thought that maybe update-grub was only seeing /boot on the Ubuntu partition and wasn't touching the boot partition, so I tried mounting /dev/sda1 as /boot, but after that grub didn't boot at all, it just goes straight to Windows and I haven't been able to reinstall grub even after following the steps again several times. How can I get grub back?

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall Windows And Fix The Grub

Apr 18, 2011

I'm running dual OS Windows Vista Bussiness and Ubuntu 10.10 on my acer notebook. But a few days ago after I update the kernel (I think), I can't boot to my windows OS. It's only stuck at boot screen (progress b4 logon to windows), so I want to reinstall my windows with windows XP. But, if I do this, the grub must be replace by windows bootloader. how to reinstall the grub?? will the new grub, allow me to load the latest kernel which already install on my Linux?

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall Grub With Encrypted LVM?

Jul 19, 2011

I need to re-install grub bootloader, as it was overwritten. The problem is the encrypted partition does not show up using boot-repair on the live_cd. I installed lvm2 and mounted them, but cannot seem to make any progress passed that. I was following this guide.

Here is my partitioning scheme:

partition1 - windows7
partition2 -extended
...partition3 - boot
...partition4 - crypto(lvm, ubuntu 11.04)


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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Fix Grub After Win Reinstall

Aug 7, 2011

I've reinstalled win 7 (dualboot). Then booted with rescuecd and tried to fix grub.


$mount /dev/sda3 /tmp/b/boot
$grub-install --root-dir=/tmp/b /dev/sda

This gave ma a grub shell on boot. The prbm was that this was grub1 - v0.97

I ran a proper 2nd time


$mount /dev/sda3 /tmp/b/boot
$grub2-install --root-dir=/tmp/b /dev/sda

Now on boot I can spot grub loading and black screen with blinking cursos on top. ubuntu 10.10, separate /boot, uncrypted /root (which is probably the cause) Also I have deleted the 2 win partitions (sda1, sda2) and made a new one (sda1). The /boot is still sda3, can this be the cause?

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Red Hat :: How To Reinstall The Grub

Feb 14, 2009

In RHEL 4 grub.conf file has to be delete. how can i reinstall the grub?

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall GRUB After A Windows Install ?

Jan 5, 2010

How do I reinstall GRUB after a Windows install? I tried using the LiveCD but when I pop in the CD and type


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Ubuntu :: Reinstall Grub After Windows Re-Install?

Nov 21, 2010

I re-installed Windows over an old Windows partition. The hard-drive used to have Windows and Ubuntu on it. I am now in usb live ubuntu because grub doesn't appear anymore when I boot the computer (it boots in the new windows automatically). The ubuntu partition is still there, as I can access my files from this live usb. I'd just like to know how to re-install grub.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstall Grub 2 From The Live CD?

Dec 4, 2010

In drs305's standout article HOWTO: Purge and Reinstall Grub 2 from the Live CD, in the section where it says:

Quote: From the Live CD:

* If the Ubuntu OS cannot be accessed through the normal boot process (see above), boot a compatible installation CD/Live CD. The Grub 2 files are by default installed in the partition's /boot/grub folder and will be placed in this folder if the commands are run as instructed. (emphasis mine)

I'm not certain what precisely means "compatible" here? Is it using the same desktop (K/X)Ubuntu what is installed on the hard drive? Or the same release number (such as, in my case 9.10) or both or just ---well, you get the idea I'm sure.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstall Grub 2 Without Live CD?

Dec 11, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 with file system EXT4 and dual booting with Vista The problem is I am about to reinstall Vista which will overwrite Grub 2 I know how to restore Grub2 with the Live CD I currently I only have a Live CD of Ubuntu 8.04 which doesnt support EXT4 neither Grub2 I am on a very limited INTERNET so I cant download the Live CD. A solution would be the minimal cd image but the download stall at 96%

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Ubuntu Installation :: Why GRUB Reinstall Using A Partition Instead Of MBR

Dec 28, 2010

I'm trying to re-install Grub2 on a dual boot (Win/XP & Ubuntu 10.10) system which will not boot. I am following the guide here:

Code: [URL] This guide explicitly states that the procedure will re-install GRUB to the Master Boot Record, overwritng whatever is there. However, the final step results in this warning message: "grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR. This is a BAD idea....."

I guess I agree - that's not what I want to do. Where is the defect in the procedure and how do I overcome it? If I try alternative advice, available in the forums, by using the command

sudo grub-install /dev/sda
then I receive the error message

Code: grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?) Looking at the mount command output, I think the required device is mounted.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Not Booting \ Reinstall Grub From A Live CD?

Mar 21, 2011

While trying to boot ubuntu, I noticed that it was taking a long time. A lot longer than usual, in fact.I then forced a restart on my computer, and noticed that Grub looked different - the resolution was weird.I then tried again to boot ubuntu, and got the following messages:vga=792 is deprecated. Use set gfxpayload=1024x768x24,1024x768 before linux command.mount: mounting /proc/ on /root/proc failed: Input/Output error.And then the computer seems to stay idle forever.Recovery mode is also not useful: I can only see some periodic messages about a failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED.

However, I also noticed that grub showed something before it allowed me to choose which OS I would like to boot (Im running a dualboot configuration with Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows 7).I managed to get it:error: hd0, msdos6 out of diskerror: no suitable mode foundConsidering that I have no trouble booting into Win 7, and that I can actually access my Ext4 partition from there, Im trying to reinstall Grub from a Live CD.Heres the output of fdisk -l :ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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Ubuntu :: Reactivate Grub After Windows Reinstall

May 26, 2011

I have (had) a dual boot system of Ubuntu (11.04) and Windows 7. I was forced to reinstall Windows over itself and it installed its boot loader. How do I get my Grub boot loader back? I googled it and found instructions, but they were from 2007 so I thought it might only be for Grub Legacy. The instructions were as follows:

Boot from a live cd
run "sudo grub" in a terminal
then, "root (hd0,0)", "setup (hd0)", and "exit"
reboot and grub should be present

While I wait for ubuntu to download so I can create a live cd, can someone confirm if this is correct for Grub 2? Also, what commands will tell me which hard drive and partition I need to put in the above commands (hd0,0)? I have (4) internal hard drives and boot drive has a few partitions on it.

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Ubuntu :: How To Reinstall Grub To Windows Partition

Jun 26, 2011

So, I'm stuck in GRUB rescue mode (stupid mistake) on a dual booted netbook (so no cd and no recovery software)

I do have a Live USB so I'm working off that.

Is there a way to reinstall the GRUB to my other partition (windows 7) or fix the MBR without recovery software?

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Fedora :: Reinstall GRUB Using CD?

Feb 18, 2009

I reinstalled winXP and lost grub loader. I have LiveCD with Fedora 10. How can I reinstall GRUB using this CD ?

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Fedora :: How To Reinstall Grub In F11

Jun 20, 2009

I've restored a Clonezilla image of my Fedora 11 ext4 installation but realised that I hadn't backed up the ext3 /boot partition. I decided to create a Clonezilla image of the ext3 /boot partition from my laptop, as that has exactly the same partition scheme. I've restored that. I realise it may not work but it might save me reinstalling F11 from scratch. How does one reinstall grub in Fedora 11 given that /boot is on a separate partition? Booting from the F11 DVD in rescue mode, running chroot /mnt/sysimage and grub-install /dev/sda doesn't work.

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General :: Reinstall Grub In Red Hat 5.4?

Jan 27, 2010

how to reinstall grub in red hat 5.4 Linux

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Settings Not Retained - Reinstall Grub?

Aug 14, 2010

This is closely related to a recent thread of mine that I unfortunately marked as solved prematurely. I'll try to keep it brief this time. After editing partitions I was left with a boot problem, namely "error: no such partition" and I am dropped at the 'grub rescue>' prompt. I can issue the appropriate grub commands and successfully boot the current kernel. Once booted, I executed 'sudo update-grub' and then /boot/grub/grub.cfg was rewritten with all drive and partition references correct. Likewise, /etc/fstab is also correct.

The problem comes when I attempt to reboot. I still get the 'no such partition' message and the 'set' command reveals that grub is still trying to reference the old partition. I've never encountered this problem before under similar circumstances. I'm guessing that this info must be stored in the disk's MBR as well as in grub.cfg because that file looks completely correct. Am I going to have to reinstall grub now?

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