Ubuntu :: Testing The Copy Of Gnome 3?

Dec 2, 2010

i would like to try gnome 3, just wondering when, or if, the alpha was released yet, and where i could get in when it is released.

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Programming :: Coverage Testing With Gcov - Terminal Not Accepting Copy Paste?

Jun 1, 2010

I have this treacherous program in C which uses external static libraries (extern etc), and want to do a coverage test of it. The libraries are written in fortran. I compile like this Code: gcc -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -o main main.c library.o I run my nice program like that

Code: ./main Then I do the magic stuff
Code: gcov main.c library.f

Ok 98% of the lines were used in main.c, and I get a file with line counts and all that. Great! But, I need to know the coverage in my library too! It says 0.0% and that's impossible. So what can I do? I can't run it like an executable because it's a library.

And why is the terminal not accepting my copy paste? I copy some lines from my IDE, then I want to paste it into the terminal (with ctrl-v of course, not some crazy local application non-standard counter-intuitive key combo made just to cause agony among honest users!), and that could've been the only problem here, but it isn't. I can't even paste with that right click menu. So, if I was crazy before, I went nuts after that. My great "solution" was to paste it into the firefox URL field (not the search field ) and then copy that and paste it into the terminal. Is that common practice for you all while dealing with that unburied DOS-window?

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Debian :: Gnome 3 Not Testing

Jul 6, 2011

I installed debian testing (wheezy) in virtualbox as I plan on installing it on a laptop. I thought it would come with gnome 3 but that appear to not be the case. [url] Is unstable running gnome 3? Is there a way to run gnome 3 with testing or would that be a bad way to go about it?

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Debian :: Testing - How To Stick With Gnome 2

Aug 8, 2011

I am running a Gnome desktop but do not have the gnome metapackage installed. Recently I have noticed updates wanting to install Gnome 3 versions of some of my applications including gnome-terminal and gnome-system-monitor. I want to stick with the Gnome 2 versions and Gnome 2 in general. Is there a way of doing this without reverting to Stable?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Debian Testing / Minimum Gnome Environment?

Apr 4, 2010

I wanted to check it out.I want to install the minimum gnome environment.

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Debian Multimedia :: Install Gnome On Testing - Broken Packages

Sep 12, 2015

I'm on Debian testing and every time I try to install Gnome I get this:

Code: Select all# alexandernst at stupidbox in ~ [18:51:07]
$ LC_ALL=C sudo tasksel install gnome-desktop --new-install
tasksel: apt-get failed (100)

I tried installing it manually:

Code: Select all# alexandernst at stupidbox in ~ [18:51:35]
$ LC_ALL=C sudo apt-get install gnome                     
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done

[Code] ....

Is this a problem in Debian repos (held packages) or I'm actually doing something wrong?

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Ubuntu :: Copy Gnome Desktop Layout To Another Computer?

May 23, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04

I tried copying .gnome2 from my personal machine to another computer hoping my desktop layout would be manifested on the second computer, but it wasn't. What else do I need to copy from my home directory to the new machine to make this happen?

Also, is there a way to do the same with Firefox so that I don't have to reinstall the extensions? Copying .mozilla carried my bookmarks, but not my extensions. v

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Ubuntu :: Copy Gnome Panel Settings/shortcuts?

Nov 12, 2010

Curious if there is a simple way to duplicate a gnome panel?for example I have a laptop that I sometimes plug in a 2nd monitor for, when I do I would like to have top & bottom panels duplicate onto the 2nd monitor

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Commander: Disable The File Move/copy Confirmation?

Jun 2, 2010

How do I disable the file move/copy confirmation in Gnome Commander?

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General :: Copy Files To /usr/share/foldername With Gnome?

Jul 19, 2011

I had to copy some files from terminal to a folder in /usr/share/foldername so I did sudo cp -r something/ /usr/share/foldername which worked, but when I wanted to do it in Gnome, it kept saying I have no permission. How do I do it so it asks for permission, or how do I do sudo + task in Gnome ?

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Fedora :: Software From Updates-testing Repo / Grabbed From Testing Repo When Run Regular Updates?

Jun 22, 2010

I am using Fedora 13 and I have one program (wine) that I need to start grabbing for the updates-testing repo instead of the default repositories in order to get newer versions. I think I can figure out how to add that repository, but I need to know if there are any others I need to disable or any other changes I need to make to my system so that I don't confuse my set up with conflicting updates.

Also, is there anything special I need to do to be sure that only that one program is grabbed from the testing repo when I run regular updates?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Copy Files From XP Infact Folders Using TERMINAL In Netbook, Not Copy And Paste Using Mouse?

Jul 9, 2010

just installed ubuntu couple of days back on my netbook. I am still a beginner, enjoying my adventure exploring ubuntu. I have another desktop which runs on XP. I am able to access XP shared folders through my netbook(linux). However, i wanted to copy files from XP infact folders using TERMINAL in my netbook, not copy and paste using my mouse. Are there any commands for it?

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General :: Copy A Read-Only File And Make The Copy Writable With A Single Cp Command?

Mar 1, 2011

How to copy a Read-Only file in Linux and make the copy writable with a single cp command in Linux (Ubuntu 10.04)? The --no-preserve and --preserve seemed to be good candidates, except that they should "and" the mode flags, while what I am looking for is something that will "or" them (add +w mode).

More details: I have to import a repository from GIT to Perforce. I want that all Perforce depot files are Read-Only (that is how Perforce was designed), while all other files that were derived/copied from depot files are writable. Currently if a Makefile tries to copy a Read-Only file then the derived file will also be Read-only. This leads to build-errors when cp tries to overwrite Read-Only file second time. Of course the --force is a workaround here but then the derived file is also Read-Only. Also I do not want to mess with "chmod" after each "cp" command - I will do that only as the last resort.

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Fedora :: Disk Copy Utility - Should Be Able To Not Only Copy Files But Boot Sector And Everything

Sep 1, 2010

I have a 160GB harddrive which I installed a F12, would like to upgrade to a bigger drive, but I hate to have to re-install everything.

Recommend a good disk copy utility? The utility should be able to not only copy files, but boot sector and everything. So I just need to make a copy, change my BIOS to boot from the new drive and run everything as before.

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Debian :: Debian Testing Vs Debian Stable With Testing Repositories?

Feb 28, 2009

I am a ubuntu user but I want to go to the next level to use debian because what I heard of it, but I get confused to what to install on my computer do I install debian testing or debain stable with testing repositories.

- I want to use this system to the home use only.
- I want to use the newest packages because the stable packages is too old to use.
- What about using more than one repository i.e stable with testing with unstable at the same time (the same sourcelist)
- Is the testing and unstable sid packages good enough for the home use?

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Debian :: Copy Anything It Says Enough Space Memory To Copy?

Jul 5, 2010

I am using windows xp and debian linux.In windows xp I am having around 25 gb offree memory but in linux if i copy anything it says enough space memory to copy

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Ubuntu :: Testing RAID Setup ?

Apr 25, 2010

I have set up a RAID1 array and am trying to test if its is set up correctly/if errors are detected, reported and recoverable.

Started up the mdadm monitor with:


I set the RAID array to a faulty state by doing:


However I do not get any problem reports to my e-mail address. When I test the mdadm I get this result:


When I look in the postfix folder, sure enough.. there is no main.cf file there... but there IS a file named 'master.cf'. I am running Ubunto 9.10 with default components - have postfix but no sendmail.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Testing Without Virus?

Sep 12, 2010

Since I am having troubles with sharing folders with win xp in virtualbox, I would like to know whether the following sort of idea is feasible: I want a windows xp system on which I can test my softwares with crack files - and crack files are mostly unlikely not to have viruses. Can it be used nearly full featured kind of virtually, so that this immunity to viruses can be achieved? But usual windows system usually are vulnerable to viruses; hence this question.

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Debian :: Testing More Secure Than Ubuntu?

Feb 13, 2010

Ubuntu is based on debian unstable, but there might be some time lag before security patches get to debian testing --- so is Debian Testing more secure than Ubuntu ?

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Ubuntu :: Upload Website To Testing Server?

Feb 2, 2010

This is what I have thus far:
1. uploaded Ubuntu 9.10 and finally got rid of windows
2. installed LAMP -
3. trying to extract a site to var/www

The Problem: I keep getting the message I do not have permission to that folder.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Testing Live Cd On Old Computer - GUI Does Not Come Up

Jun 11, 2010

I had tried a previous version of ubuntu on this same machine a couple years ago. Version 7.xx I think. That live cd would boot up into the GUI okay although it was still kind of slow. Fast forward to now, I am trying to boot my machine from an xubuntu cd version 10.04. The GUI does not come up and I am only presented with a terminal. When I try to start the GUI (startxfce4) I eventually see a message that the monitor/video does not support color depth 24. Believe it or not, I still have that older version of ubuntu so I tried it again and sure enough it still works.

So here is what I have noticed is different. On the older version of ubuntu it appears to be using the 'glint' video driver. The new version of xubuntu is using the 'vesa' driver. I tried changing this by creating an xorg.conf file and adding a driver line specifying 'glint'. After trying to start the GUI with that change I get an error saying that the glint module could not be loaded.

So finally to my question, is the glint video driver loaded by default in xubuntu? I see it's package listed under xubuntu. I even tried installing the package myself using apt-get and that seemed to work. It went through some steps and did not report any errors but I still get the same error afterwards.

What do I need to in order to use the glint video driver with xubuntu 10.04? Of course, the other issue is that the install does not recognize my wireless card either so there is no internet access on this machine. Oh yeah, the video card in the machine is a 3DLabs Permedia 2 (it looks like ubuntu recognizes it as a Texas Instruments but still permedia 2).

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Ubuntu :: Lucid - Who's Testing Firefox 4.0x Pre And Beta

Dec 10, 2010

So far aside from the toolbar customizations not being stored in FF4.0b7, it all seems pretty darn good to me - that issue is even the latest Minefield build!

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Ubuntu Security :: Testing Shell Codes In 10.10

Feb 9, 2011

I am learning exploit development and learning some stuff about shellcodes now! The shellcode is absolutely right and have tested it. I am using the following code...(created by me) to run my shellcode..

// #include<stdio.h> we will not be needing this as we are not using any functions from the C library...Just basic logic of Pointers..
char shellcode[] = "x31xc0xb0x01x31xdbxb3x07xcdx80"; // basic exit shellcode
int main()
{ int *ret; // a simple integer pointer pointing a address
ret = (int *)&ret + 2; // change the address pointed by
(*ret) = (int)shellcode; }

Compiling :-
aneesh@aneesh-laptop:~/articles/C$ gcc test.c -o test -fno-stack-protector
Compiling gives no errors as expected..

Now the problem I am facing is that As I run the program :-
aneesh@aneesh-laptop:~/articles/C$ ./test
Segmentation fault

Strace output :-
aneesh@aneesh-laptop:~/articles/C$ strace ./test
execve("./test", ["./test"], [/* 37 vars */]) = 0 .....
set_thread_area({entry_number:-1 -> 6, base_addr:0xb78016c0, limit:1048575, seg_32bit:1, contents:0, read_exec_only:0, limit_in_pages:1, seg_not_present:0, useable:1}) = 0
mprotect(0xf5e000, 8192, PROT_READ) = 0
mprotect(0x8049000, 4096, PROT_READ) = 0
mprotect(0x15c000, 4096, PROT_READ) = 0
munmap(0xb7802000, 81274) = 0
--- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) @ 0 (0) ---
+++ killed by SIGSEGV +++
Segmentation fault

I have some feeling that its because the program has no access to the memory containing the shellcode (May be???)..

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Ubuntu :: While Testing Compiz - It Broke Desktop

May 19, 2011

Today, after some testing with compiz in my PC, I ended up uninstalling it again, because the video card didn't have the right specs. So when I rebooted, my desktop started acting weird - the applications' top panels disappeared, they couldn't be moved around, no more usable workspaces, etc ... also the mouse pointer keeps on rotating indefinitely, making my OS practically unusable. So is there any hope I can restore my desktop to its previous state, or do I have to do a full reinstall, which I'd like to avoid if possible ?

Using Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic, 64 bit, Gnome.

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Ubuntu :: Network Performance Testing Tools

Mar 3, 2009

I would like to test network performance, to get statistic information. Is there any tools where I could specify partikular message size send as a constant for many times and in an output I could get time for each transaction? There is a tool called ApacheBench, it is for webserver testing, but I would like to find something similar for network testing. I have also tried Netpipe, Netperf, Iperf, but they do not show information in an output, which I would like to see.

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Debian :: How To Run 'Testing'

Aug 24, 2010

I've heard a lot of talk about people running 'Testing' as a rolling release version of Debian. As I have a spare box to play with, I wanted to see what this was like. I've done a minimal install of Squeeze and had a look at /etc/apt/sources.list. As I would expect, the file refers to Squeeze and not 'testing' (I think Woody used to go for stable/ testing etc, but this then got changed). In order to run 'Testing', can I just replace the Squeeze references and do:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Kubuntu Desktop After Testing?

Jan 2, 2010

I have settled on Ubuntu 9.10 as my preferred distro and was keen to try out which desktop I preferred so I installed kubuntu-desktop and all its dependencies via synoptic package manager following a guide on psychocats.net. Decided I preferred Gnome and wanted to get rid of all duplicated applications etc so followed same guide to remove. [URL]


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Ubuntu :: Use Ssh On My Web Hosting To Install A Magento Testing Website?

Mar 23, 2010

im trying to use ssh on my web hosting to install a magento testing website but i can't connect to it. i tried reading this [URL]...but now im stuck with this instruction.. By default the public key is saved in the file ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub, while ~/.ssh/id_dsa is the private key. Now copy the id_dsa.pub file to the remote host and appended it to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2: i searched for the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 in my web hosting file manager but i didn't find it..

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Ubuntu :: Testing Bash Scripts Without Running Commands

Apr 16, 2010

Is there anyway to test a bash script without actually running the commands to see if the syntax is proper? Google is of no help.

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Ubuntu :: Testing Before Installation - Can't Connect To My Home Network

Jun 3, 2010

This is my first ever time trying out a Linux based system and I would like to ask a quick question. When you plug in your cd/flash drive it comes up with the option to try Ubuntu before installing it on your hard drive. When I go to try I can't connect to my home network. Is this because it is in the try mode? Or something else?

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