Ubuntu :: Strip Down A 9.10 Installation?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm trying to strip down a 9.10 installation, which is destined to sit in the attic and act as a file/download server. Using Webmin (which is the greatest thing I have seen on Ubuntu, it rocks) I notice that the BIND process is using 5MB of memory, on an idle machine. Do I need this installed on a desktop machine ? Can folks suggest anything else I can disable/uninstall for a machine. I'm using neatx to connect to it, and Vuze as a torrent client.

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Ubuntu :: Strip Lucid Desktop Installation To MinimalCD?

Sep 6, 2010

I'm trying to get a minimalCD installation on a flashdrive but the installation never finishes... (i've left the installation runnin overnight for over 12hrs and only 90 percent got completed; whenever trying to retrive packages from the internet the process slows down to a crawl; i've tried ext4, ext3, ext2 and resierfs)normal Desktop insatallation works fine; so I was wondering if there is anyway to strip all the packages off a normal installation to get it to minimal installation, and than start installing the pacakges i need?

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Ubuntu :: Wide Black Strip In Firefox Blinks On And Off

Nov 18, 2010

If I click the mouse anywhere inside firefox browser window I get a big black strip and it blink on and off. See screen shot.Screenshot-Navigating and Working in Scribus | Linux Journal - Mozilla Firefox.jpg.I can get it to stop by doing a page reload. But it is very annoying. Has this happen to anyone else? If it has has anyone found a fix for this? While I was typing this it happen again.Screenshot.jpg

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Ubuntu :: Access Menu Strip When Not In Full Screen?

Aug 22, 2011

I've noticed in Ubuntu that a lot of applications like to make use of the strip of menus that go at the top of the screen; I think it's called a menu strip in Visual Studios.Anyways, the only way I can see it (that I've figured out thus far) is to drag the window to the top of my screen, thus maximizing it, then use the menu, and put it back.What I want is a less... tedious way of accessing those commands, preferably without changing my window position. Is there a trick to it? In windows, unlike Ubuntu, that strip is available regardless of window size; is there a reason it disappears in my Ubuntu?

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Fedora :: Strip Current Date With SED?

Nov 9, 2009

I have some text based reports in which I would like to strip the "Current Date" from and replace with equivalent number of empty spaces, for every occurrence.For example, here is what I need to strip:

Date: 11/09/09

If I manually run the following SED command, it works great, however I cannot seem to find a way to use the actual "date" command within SED, to get the desired results.

WORKING: sed -i -e 's/Date: 11/09/09/ /' myfile

I've been messing around with various attempts to do this using the "date" command within SED, but I just can seem to get it right. I've also attempted defining variables which call separate "date" commands for day, month, year and inject them via standard variable calling, echoing variable, expanding variable with brackets, etc... Here are a few of the SED command attempts I've tried:


sed -i -e 'sate: `date +%D`: :' myfile
sed -i -e "s/Date: `date +%d`/`date +%m`/`date +%y`/ /" myfile
sed -i -e 's/Date: `date +%d`/`date +%m`/`date +%y`/ /' myfile
sed -i -e 's/Date: $(date +%D) / /' myfile

I need to replace it with the equivalent number of spaces, as I'm going to be overlaying a PCL Logo here and need to keep the structure of the rest of the file. Cannot have the remaining portion of the line shifting left.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Strip Out The # On The CLI Text Editor?

Mar 7, 2011

how can i strip out the # command in CLI on openSUSE? or the exact way of this command in ubuntu

sh -c "grep -v -e '^#' /etc/squid/squid.conf.backup | cat -s > /etc/squid/squid.conf"

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Software :: Imagemagick++ - How To Achieve Strip In C++ Code

Jan 27, 2011

when i use image magick...in command, use -strip, can remove image's verbose but c++ code, how can i do?

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OpenSUSE :: Comic Strip Widget Is Too Small To Read?

Apr 5, 2010

I'm having some difficulties with the comic strip widget that I use to keep me updated on Dilbert. It started out in ok-ish size, a little small, but readable. Now the entire strip takes up 3x3 cm, totally unreadable. Is there anyway to fix that?

Here is a screeshot of it:


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General :: How To Strip/trim Characters In Command Line

Mar 23, 2011

I have a bunch of files (around 900) that have some special characters. Some of the files contains example, and quoting "[useless] filename (something)"so what I want is just to strip the brackets and parenthesis, some are folders, others are text files

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General :: Should Jpegtran Remove More Bytes Than Mogrify Strip

Aug 23, 2011

I'm currently using mogrify -strip image.jpg to remove unwanted bytes from images, it was suggested I could remove further data by using jpegran from libjpeg, something like:

jpegtran -copy none -optimize -outfile image.jpg image.jpg

The problem I'm having - if it even is a problem - is that jpegtran doesn't seem to actually do anything that mogrify isn't already doing. In all my testing the filesize just stays the same. If I remove the mogrify part of my code and replace with jpegtran then it seems to perform the same function.

For example:

image without compression: 300k
image with mogrify -strip + jpegtran: 272k
image with mogrify -strip only: 272k
image with jpegtran only: 272k

I was under the impression though that mogrify just removed image profiles/comments and that jpegtran did this as well as losslessly compressing the image to make it smaller. Am I missing something?

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Ubuntu :: Change The Window Scrollbars In 11.04 From The Frankly Annoying Minimalist Orange Strip?

Apr 30, 2011

Is there any way to change the window scrollbars in 11.04 from the frankly annoying minimalist orange strip to the far more user friendly large bar with clickable arrows top and bottom?

I'm using Ubuntu Classic Desktop...if I really couldn't get on with this scrollbar...would I actually have to go back to the previous OS release?

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Software :: Using SED To Strip Multiple Leading Hash Symbols From A File?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a quirky situation whereby I'm using SED to selectively comment out a line in a crontab job (on Solaris, I know but it's connected to the Linux function I'm working with).

What's happening is this.

Remove hash symbol

/opt/csw/bin/gsed -i '/^.*/usr/local/scripts/mirror-fix.sh.*/ s/^#//' $TEMPFILE
Restore hash symbol

/opt/csw/bin/gsed -i '/^.*/usr/local/scripts/mirror-fix.sh.*/ s/^/#/' $TEMPFILE

The problem I'm running into is that the script can sometimes prepend an extra hash # symbol if run more than once (I have a lockfile that I poll for to discourage this, but that's not perfect).

I wonder how I can modify that sed statement to remove any/all leading hash marks up to the first other character, in this case it's a 0 (zero) which is a crontab file.

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Slackware :: Dhclient Does Not Strip Or Escape Shell Meta-characters

Apr 6, 2011

dhclient does not strip or escape shell meta-characters

Summary: dhclient doesn't strip or escape certain shell meta-characters in dhcpd responses, allowing a rogue server or party with with escalated privileges on the server to cause remote code execution on the client.


ISC dhclient did not strip or escape certain shell meta-characters in responses from the dhcp server (like hostname) before passing the responses on to dhclient-script. Depending on the script and OS, this can result in execution of exploit code on the client.

CVSS Score:

For more information on CVSS scores, visit [url]


On SUSE systems, it is possible to disable hostname update by setting DHCLIENT_SET_HOSTNAME="no" in /etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp.

Other systems may add following line to dhclient-script at the beginning of the set_hostname() function:

In environments where filters/acls can be put into place to limit clients to accessing only legitimate dhcp servers, this will protect clients from rogue dhcp servers deliberately trying to exploit this bug.

However, this will not protect from compromised servers.

Active exploits:


Upgrade to 3.1-ESV-R1, 4.1-ESV-R2 or 4.2.1-P1. [url]

No patch is available for 4.0.x as it is EOL. Anyone running 4.1.x should upgrade to 4.1-ESV-R2.



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OpenSUSE Install :: Green With White Veins In Background - Strip Of Black Running Horizontally

Dec 10, 2009

I can configure my software's appearance? Well, for the KDM theme, the Grub Bootsplash, i can download themes people so generously create. I however, desire the BOOTSPLASH. or whatever it is, of openSUSE 11.1. the green with white veins in the background, and a strip of black running horizontally across, with "openSUSE" written on it in white. i mean the one that masks the initial Text interface, the FIRST GUI you see after GRUB. The one that also shows when you power down. Is this a plausible endevour? I do have my 11.1 iso, in case it's stored as a theme in there.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Configure Vlc That It Won't Show Tags - Ffmpeg Should Strip Tags

Dec 19, 2010

I have a lot of avis with annoying metadata that show in vlc. Since I cannot figure out how to configure vlc in a way that it won't show the tags, ffmpeg should strip the tags. This is supposed to do the trick:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Package Installation Error - Action Would Require The Installation Of Packages From Not Authenticated Source

Feb 5, 2011

Package Installation error

Recently I get an error while installing any packages offline.

"Action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated source".

The key icon at top tight corner shows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 64bit Installation Error During Installation Of Xserver-xorg-driver-all

Jan 20, 2010

I'm trying to install Kubuntu 9.10 on my machine (I had the same problem with Kubuntu 9.04). The machine is:

- Core 2 Quad 6600
- Nvidia 7600 GS
- Two disk seagate 500 in mirroring raid software

When I try to install Kubuntu, after disk partition, my system dosn't see the CD. He tell me to insert disk into drive but I doesn't touch it. I resolved this mounting an external hard disk into /cdrom. After this, the installation continues until the step "select and install software". At this step, the installation procedure tell me an error. During this error, in the other console, I've this:

Jan 19 21:58:09 in-target: Alcuni pacchetti non possono essere installati. Questo può voler dire
Jan 19 21:58:09 in-target: che è stata richiesta una situazione impossibile oppure, se si sta
Jan 19 21:58:09 in-target: usando una distribuzione in sviluppo, che alcuni pacchetti richiesti

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Debian Installation :: USB Installation Fails To Find An Installation Iso Image

Aug 15, 2010

I have installed Debian maybe 30 times over the years since about 2003, stable, testing and Sid on two different desktops and two different laptops. The only problem I have ever had is sometimes with a flaky daily build. It is one of my favorite distros.

BUT, I am totally frustrated is trying to install to a USB. I have followed the manual step by step about 6 times in the past two weeks. The result is always the same. The installation fails to find an installation iso image. Yes, I know the iso image and the hd-media vmlinuz and initrd.gz files are supposed to be the same version.

File: debian-testing-i386-netinst.iso from: [url]

Files: vmlinuz and initrd.gz from: [url]

The USB boots to a Language selection screen and proceeds through the Keyboard selection screen with no problems.

The next step which searches for an installation iso image fails.

Skipping that step and trying to load installer components from iso image also fails.

Searching the entire PC for an installation iso image also fails. (I even copied the netinst iso image to the HD root directory.)

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Fedora Installation :: F14 Installation Hung On "running Post-installation Scripts" For 90 Minutes

Jun 22, 2011

I'm trying to perform an install of F14 (fresh install over F13), and it has been showing "running post-installation scripts" for 1 1/2 hours now. I am wondering if this is unusual and what the implications might be of power-cycling and rebooting. I'd note this is a fairly fast machine with 2 quad-core Xeons (I forget their model number).

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Fedora Installation :: F12 Installation Hangs @ "Preparing Transaction From Installation Source"

Apr 30, 2010

Trying to get Fedora 12 installed normally on a laptop, but it's hanging at the aforementioned point during installation. The mouse cursor is movable and the system appears to be fully working. The progress bar isn't moving and there is nowhere to either shut down the PC or access the terminal?? I cannot check any progress or see any log of what the installation program is trying to do.

It's a P4 laptop with ~700mb of ram. This is a fresh install from the i386 DVD distro. Why is it so hard to get a running system in linux when Windows or Mac is ready to go in about an hour? I've spent a good 3 hours trying to find my way around this latest problem and I am SO close to giving up. What a waste of my time linux has been so far.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Installation Error - Could Not Install '/var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.10.1-0

Mar 23, 2010

I was trying to update from 9.04 to 9.10.

During the installation, I kept getting tons of errors. Finally something came up saying that I had to abort the installation and it did some stuff. I tried running an application, but I got an error. So I restarted the system.

The normal screen came up where I had to choose the Ubuntu stuff (I'm new to Ubuntu) in the box. I noticed that it had gone to 8.10... which I had earlier before installing 9.04, which went great. So I chose the first on and the system failed to start. I rebooted and tried all the other options, but they all had errors. Now I'm booted to Windows.

I installed Ubuntu from a CD I created. But it is now outdated because it is 8.10, and I have already upgraded to 9.04. 9.04 to 9.10 is where stuff went wrong.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 64bit Installation Fails - Installer Encountered An Unrecoverable Error

Apr 23, 2010

I tried to install 64bit 10.04 Release Candidate but it fails every time. I have been using 64bit 9.10 Karmic on this computer so it's suitable for installation.

I tried to install from USB stick and from CD but same error at the same point! It fails just befere it starts to ask your locations etc...

There must be something totally wrong on installer. Checksums are ok etc...

Errors seen with CD and USB stick installation: Pop up: "Istalltion failed The installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run so that you may investigate the problem or try installing again."

On command line I can see following error message on CD:

These errors with USB stick:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Device Not Found, Grub Rescue, Post-Installation Error

May 19, 2010

I just (for the first time ever) installed a version of Ubuntu. It is 10.04. I installed off of the Live Disk. I was having a great time until the first time I went to boot into it and I got the message
"Error: No such device: "long number" Grub Rescue> "


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Ubuntu Installation :: SOS:error After Installation From Windows-no Main File System Chosen

May 23, 2010

I just completed the ubuntu 10.04 installation using the windows' installer.After the installation, the system reboot. I chose "ubuntu" from the OS selection screen.A message appeared that the system would verify the installation parameters.

Suddently, a message was shown:
"no main file system chosen. Please solve this error from the partition menu."
And it wouldn't continue!

how can I find the partition menu and set the file system for the ubuntu?? An idea would be to enter the installation cd for windows (as if I would wanted to format the pc)...wouldn't then the partition menu appear?

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Installation Automatically Boots Into A Black Screen With Blinking Cursor?

Jun 24, 2010

Problem-PC automatically boots into a black screen with blinking cursor. No message or nothing

I have 4 HD. Primary drive has Windows Vista, Secondary no OS installed. Sata1 HD Ubuntu 10.04, Sata2 Windows 7. Prior to installing windows 7 all was perfect but once I did it, grub got all screwed up. The only way I can boot into grub is if I manually select my Sata1 which has Ubuntu on it and only then it allows me to select Linux or Windows OS. How can I change that so it can boot up normally as before? I'm assuming that grub was installed in the primary drive which has vista on it, but once I installed windows 7 it got deleted and when I tried reinstalling Ubuntu, the grub was not installed in the primary drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Missing Default Folder In Shorewall-common Directory After Installation?

Aug 13, 2010

I am setting up a mail server. After installation of shorewall-common, shorewall-doc

Following this link http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/
For setting up
It requires me to copy thge content of /usr/share/doc/shorewall-common/default-config/rules to /etc/shorewall
cp /usr/share/doc/shorewall-common/default-config/rules /etc/shorewall/

But i observed that the folder default-config is missing. I have purge it apt-get and reinstalled but still it does it have that folder. What could cause this thing and how can i go about it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Using Update Manager It Downloaded The Files And Then While It Starts Installation?

Sep 30, 2010

I am facing a disgusting problem. While I am trying to update my system using update manager It downloaded the files and then while it starts installation it shows the following message

(Reading database ... 60%dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:
files list file for package 'linux-libc-dev' is missing final newline


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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Update - Error 'installation Or Removal Of A Software Package Failed'

Dec 2, 2010

I i cannot install updates (181). I'm using 10.10, Heres is the error i get: The installation or removal of a software package failed.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Fails Every Time - Message To Reboot My Computer Appeared At The End

Jan 9, 2011

I recently decided to install ubuntu netbook remix 10.10 to my Toshiba NB200. I was using windows and I wanted to completely erase them. I burned the USB, I followed every single instruction the site had, and even though the installation seemed to work, and a message to reboot my computer appeared at the end, the installation finally fails. When I reboot, the only thing I get is a black screen with an underscore at the top left corner. I tried the installation four to six times and even tried older versions as well but all I get is the black screen.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Vista - 9.10 Installation Error - Permission Denied?

Jan 4, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 on my Windows Vista Home Premium machine. My specs far exceed the requirements to install, so I know there's no problem there.On installation I receive an error somewhat through that says something like:Quote:An error occured:Permission deniedFor more information, please see the log file:C:UsersUsernameAppDataLocalTempwubi-9.10ubuntu1-rev160.logSo.... I go to that file, and the last line in it is:Quote:OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso'I did run Wubi Installer as an Administrator, and unblocked it giving it full privileges.It's really annoying because my download speed is 80kb/s so it takes about 3 hours to download. During that 3 hours I can't use my internet so I have to wait, and wait, and wait, and then boom.error. And wubi can't pick up where it left off, you have to uninstall to reinstall, which sucks tremendously.

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