Ubuntu :: Setting Permission On A Drive

Jan 25, 2010

I have a secondary drive for storage (local drive) which I want to give a regular user rwx rights, but so far unable to... I've tried (all this is at the root level of the drive) chmod -R ugo+rwx /media/share no errors here, but still unable to create a file/folder even tried chown -R user /media/share

Here, I got filename: operation not permitted

This is a fat32 drive, which I'm mounting at boot using fstab file.... like so /dev/sdb1 /media/share vfat auto 0 0

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Ubuntu :: Setting Permission For Scalpel

Sep 17, 2010

I have been trying to recover data off an external hard drive using scalpel. I got the files types done set up the external folder and then I go to run the program and I get an error message "ERROR: Couldn't open input file: /dev/sdb -- Permission denied" I tried resetting the permission for the external by right clicking the drive and going through the permission menu but every time the permission reset themselves.

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Ubuntu :: Change The Permission Setting For A Folder?

Aug 25, 2010

Im trying to run Wow with Wine , But its telling me i need to give to the wow folder write access , so im right clicking on the folder , then Permissions , And it has create or delete folder already on , but right below im selecting Read and Write but it doesnt let me do it :/ just goes back to blank .

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Setting Up Icecast2 Permission - It Does Not Work?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm trying to setup icecast2 so that I can stream music from MPD to other computers in my local network.I have MPD all setup, but I'm having trouble getting icecast to work.I believe its a permission problem.I've been trying to follow this tutorial but I have been unable to get it to work.I've looked at numerous other tutorials and haven't been able to find different that fixed my problems.


when I run:

icecast2 -b -c /etc/icecast2/icecast.xml the result is:

Starting icecast2
Detaching from the console
I/O error : Permission denied
I/O error : Permission denied
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/etc/icecast2/icecast.xml"[code]....

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Ubuntu Servers :: Running Php Files Without Setting Read / Write Permission?

Jun 26, 2010

On an Apache2 server someone else setup, I have a folder with drwx--x--x permission and the php file can still write in the folder. But on my own setup, I need to set the same folder to drwx--x-wx. Inside the folder, I have a index.php that runs just by setting rwx--x--x but on my own setup, I need to allow read permission for others/group before it can run: rwxr-xr-x (or else I get a blank page). I tried changing the folder and files to root but it's the same.

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General :: Setting Permission For Multiple Users To A Directory?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm having trouble breaking down permissions in linux. Here's the scenario. I have two users: UserA & UserB with each having to ownership and access to directories myDirA and myDirB respectively.

UserA --> /source/myDirA
UserB --> /source/myDirB

I need to set the permissions so that userA can access myDirA and myDirB. There are other users and directories but they should not be able to view outside of their own directories (which is the way it is now). I don't have groups set up for them and I'd rather not change anything else but just the permissions.

rwxr_x_r_x UserA
rwxr_x_r_x UserB

They're read/write/exec permissions are identical.

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Ubuntu :: Giving Permission To Hard Drive?

Jan 25, 2010

Alright I've got 2 hard drives in my computer and one of them has no data on it so I have to mount it to open it and once I do this it asks for a password to mount it.

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Ubuntu :: Change Permission Of Hard Drive?

Apr 21, 2010

I am getting annoyed that every time I try to extract, move, or delete a folder I get:

"Unable to move due to file permission"
"Unable to delete due to file permission"
"Unable to extract due to file permission"

I really have a hard time trying to use, and understand the chmod folder stuff in terminal. So I asked a friend and he helped me create a desktop program or icon where I would just drop the folder I wanted to use on it, and permission wouldn't be needed anymore.

Well, I dropped a a folder on it one day and the folder didn't open, so I tried another folder and eventually the thing never worked again so I removed it.

Is it possible to allow the entire hard drive or OS (Ubuntu 9.10) to give me permission to all the folders? I only installed the [password to log] in thing, so I wouldn't have to worry about people in my house using my computer without consent. If this isn't possible can someone post a method to create the launcher or icon?

Note: I made a root desktop thing (Guy holding what looks to be an ID card) but not even that will allow me to delete the folder in the file system. I the entire game that the folder is called is removed already, so there is no point me leaving this folder alone.

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Ubuntu :: Hard Drive Permission From Live CD?

Jun 24, 2010

For some reason, Ubuntu 10.4 LTS cannot boot normally, so I have reverted to a live CD, no concern, I can just reinstall, what I am concerned with is the fact that I get my music. I load up the live CD, and I am able to access my hard drive, but I as I found my music folder, I cannot copy and past and/or move ANY folders into a flash drive. It says I do not have permission.

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Ubuntu :: Why Don't Have Permission To Access Own External Hard Drive

Dec 13, 2010

I've encountered a very frustrating problem. I have both my desktop and my laptop computer installed with Ubuntu 10.10 recently. And I use a external hard drive formatted in EXT3 as a backup. I created the EXT3 partition on my external hard drive using my laptop, but I cannot access those files using my desktop. What's going on? If one day I lost my laptop, does it mean even if I have backup, I can never access without my laptop??? How can I solve this problem?

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Ubuntu :: Permission Denied (cloning Hard Drive With A Img)

Dec 31, 2010

user01@ubuntu:~$ sudo gunzip -c /media/xbox/xbox_image.gz | dd of=/dev/sdc
dd: opening `/dev/sdc': Permission denied
[sudo] password for user01:


I'm getting Permission denied even though I'm putting sudo in front of the command but, instead of asking me for a pass word it just says Permission denied "then" it askes for a pass. I enter the pass and it just takes me to the


prompt. I enter the command a second time and it says Permission denied again.

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Ubuntu :: External USB Hard Drive Keeps Getting Read-only Permission

Feb 17, 2011

I have a computer with Ubuntu 10.04, with few disk space. For downloading some torrents, I've connected a USB hardrive, ext4 formated. But this idea wasn't a solution, because the drive keeps getting read-only permission... Is there any way of prevent this to happen?

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Ubuntu Security :: Permission Denied On External Hard Drive

Jan 6, 2010

I have recently bought a new laptop, installed my first linux OS on it (Ubuntu 9.10) and an external hard drive with 500GB on it for backup. For the first few days my external hard drive was working fine, but then eventually it wouldn't let me copy/move/delete stuff to and from it. So I kept trying to change the permissions but it wouldn't let me.

I figured this would be a very very common problem, so I looked up some forums to try out the methods but they didn't work. So I thought I would ask you guys for help because I am pleased with the support. I wouldn't think this would be a hard problem to solve.

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Ubuntu Security :: External Hard Drive Permission Denied?

Oct 26, 2010

I have an external hard drive that has all of my Apple Powerbook G4 files on it. I plugged in my "Journal Extended" external hard drive into my new HP laptop with Ubuntu 10.10 on it.

All of my files are on the hard drive still, however lots of them have a little X on the folders and when I try to open them it tells me I don't have permission? How can I force the permission for everything on my external? It's my own files and I can't even access them lol.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Automount Ntfs Drive Without Root Permission

May 11, 2011

I have the following line in my fstab:


# external hard drive
UUID=4DDD273633F3859D /home/ross/external ntfs-3g auto,exec,user,uid=1000,gid=100,dmask=027,fmask=137,utf8 0 0

When I plug in the drive with this UUID, I get the following error:


Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: Unprivileged user can not mount NTFS block devices using the external FUSE library. Either mount the volume as root, or rebuild NTFS-3G with integrated FUSE support and make it setuid root. Please see more information at [URL] Is there any way that I can mount this drive (which must be ntfs-formatted) without root permissions? I have googled this error and it seems that many other people are having this same problem, but I can't find a real solution. Most people suggest just reformatting the drive.

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Ubuntu :: Permission Denied Errors When Executing A File On A Different Hard Drive?

Sep 8, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 beta yesterday and most of it is working very well. However, I ran into a problem with permissions today.I have a HDD containing my home folder and a HDD containing my data folder. The HDD with the data folder is mounted on /media/data/data_1.

jensen@jensen-desktop:~$ ll /media/data/ | grep data_1
drwxrwxrwx 8 jensen jensen 4.0K 2010-09-07 23:10 data_1/[code]....

I made sure I had set a+x rights on the file, tried executing it as root but the permission error stayed.When I copy that same file to my Desktop folder I can perfectly execute it.When it's located on the other hard drive I can't. I tried several command line scripts and they all work when I execute them from my OS hard drive,but not from another hard drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Create Startup Usb-flash Drive - Permission Denied

Jan 7, 2011

An uncaught exception was raised: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/media/e6f6ac46-4bfc-487b-9c81-aab706ead9e3/boot'

The above is the error message I get when I try to create an usb-flash boot drive. I downloaded the iso for Mint10 and use the "create startup disk" program to create the boot drive. I can see both the iso and the flash drive within the program, but when I click on "create disk" I get the above error message?

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Networking :: No Full Permission On NTFS Mounted Drive

Jan 28, 2009

I am using centOS-5, I have mount NTFS drive by using fuse. But there is no rights and even there is no option on right click to make new directory or to del any file or folder. This is line of fstab for NTFS drive

/dev/sda5/mnt/dntfsdefaults2 2

How can I get full access and control on this NTFS mounted drive.

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Fedora :: Cron Backup Permission Denied On External Drive?

Aug 28, 2010

I have a cron backup scheme in which I rsync, then tar, then copy files on my internal hard drives to an external (USB) drive. When it works, it works. But I often get a "Permission Denied" message for all of these tasks. how the external drive is auto-mounted so I edited the etc/fstab so that the owner of the cron job is also the owner of the external drive (I think. Unfortunately, I'm not at that machine right now (it's at work), I can't give the exact fstab line (I will post it as an update to this thread next time I am at the machine).) BUT, I still get times when the cron backup runs fine and other times I get the Permission Denied. This is a shared machine that is dual-booted, so what I *think* is going on is that when the machine is rebooted to Fedora, but nobody logs in, I get a Permission Denied for the cron backup. It seems like on days when someone has logged in as the main user and left without logging out that the cron backup runs fine.

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General :: Set Permission Of File On Samba Network Drive From Windows?

Oct 14, 2010

I am accessing network drive (Z:stream) on windows. Now the permission set on stream folder is like chmod -R 777 streams/ means all the files inside stream is at 777 but now i am copying some files from windows to this streams folder but permission on those files are not 777 ,i would like to have permission 777 on those files that copied from windows ...how do i do that??

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General :: CP Read Permission Denied - Cannot Copy Files From Pen Drive

Sep 23, 2009

I can't copy a few files from my pen drive. Got the files from a public computer, with windows. I use fedora 10.

cp gives the following error--->
cp const1.java /home/user1/Documents/scjp
cp: cannot open `const1.java' for reading: Permission denied
lsattr shows this--->
lsattr const1.java
lsattr: Permission denied While reading flags on const1.java
mount shows this--->
/dev/sdc1 on /media/disk type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096)

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Slackware :: Optical Drive Not Identified - Get Permission To Read / Write In The Device

Aug 6, 2010

On one of my machines the DVD/DVDRW/CDROM drive appears as /dev/hdc and is not identified as an optical drive by HAL. It is owned by root: disk and thus no users get permission to read/write in the device (not even those in the cdrom group). This stops playing DVDs, ripping CDs, no notifications appear when a disk is inserted, etc. etc. When I set the permissions for all to read/write from the device then users can access but still no notifications are shown.

On all my other machines the optical drive is identified as /dev/sr0 and is owned by root:cdrom . All have Slack 13.1 . Previously with Slack 12.2 this machine still had the drive in /dev/hdc but the permissions were right (I think because I added it to /etc/fstab with options for users to access it). I believe the problem is down to HAL not setting this drive to the correct group, but how do I fix it? I hate HAL, it has a mind of its own, just like in the scifi movie

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up New Hard Drive?

Jul 25, 2010

I already have windows installed and running on my computer. Right now there are two drives in it main program drive and a data drive. I want to setup a new physical drive that is soley for ubuntu. Do I format the drive in windows first or not?

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General :: Unable To Mount A Pen Drive (which Is Formatted In Ext2 Format) With Directory Permission?

Mar 27, 2010

i am not able to mount a pen drive (which is formatted in ext2 format) with directory permission drwxrwxrwx and file permission as -rw-rw-rw.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Label On NTFS Drive?

Sep 25, 2010

I'm attempting to set a label for my Windows partition, but it seems risky. Here's a picture of GParted before I attempt to set a label w/ the drive unmounted (wont let me change label when mounted):

After I set a label, the image goes empty as if it will format if I click 'Apply': My question, is it safe to hit apply or will it wipe my drive, and if so, why? In Windows I can just set a label even with the drive mounted.

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Software :: Setting Up Usb Flash Drive On Ubuntu?

Mar 20, 2011

setting up usb flash drive on Ubuntu. my plan is to copy a operating system on to the flash drive. so i can use on another computer.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up A Wireless - Bluetooth External Hard Drive

Jun 25, 2010

Basically I want a shared hard drive plugged into my wireless router and for the family (me and my girlfriend until the little one grows up) to be able to access common files on the same external without the desktop needing to be on.

How to do this?

Do I just use any external? Does it have to have its own power source if plugged into a router? If I have a networking router how do I access those neat features that seem to be written for WIndows?

There are too many things I like about Ubuntu to go back to Windows, but I would like some tips on having a shared external hard drive via the wireless router instead of dropping money on a new bluetooth enabled router.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up Hard Drive Partition With Advanced Settings?

Nov 27, 2010

Basically I got Windows 7 installed on my laptop and it's been doing nothing but slowing down more and more even though it isn't used for much more than basic internet use and I realized the hard drive was the cause, I did a bunch of stuff to try to fix it that I won't get into here, and in basic I'm to the point I'm just going to reinstall Windows 7, but this time with the help of Ubuntu's partitioning utilities.

I've already had the first ~5GB of the drive overwritten with zero's (thanks to DBAN) and now I'm booted on the Ubuntu LiveCD and trying to learn the command line stuff for formatting a drive. What I want to achieve is use the smallest amount of space possible for the MBR and that's also a point I don't quite understand.
After some research on Google I read that the MBR is on one sector only the very first one, yet the first partition on a hard drive starts anywhere from 63 to 4096. Why are they so far apart? And can I force the partition to be moved closer? I know I know their is pretty much no purpose to this but it bugs me knowing that their might be 31MB (64 512byte sectors minus 1 (MBR) and 64 (beginning of partition)) just going to waste when I could put the NTFS MFT there. Then the second and last part I want to understand is I want to make the NTFS partition have a 512byte allocation unit size and have it lined with the 512sectors on the hard drive so it can have the max performance. Does anyone know how to do this stuff or could find better info than I have on the internet?

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General :: Setting Up Menu.lst Option For Usb Drive?

Feb 25, 2010

since my computer don't support booting from USB, can we set it up in the menu.lst option so it will read?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Default Folder An External USB Drive - Apache2?

Aug 22, 2010

i have set up my Apache2 server and i have this question. Because my netbook (eeePC 701 4g surf) has a very small SSD Drive (4GB) is it possible to set the default directory of apache to be an external USB Drive? And if it is, how?

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