Ubuntu Networking :: Webserver Not Showing Website?

Sep 15, 2010

I've actually gotten a webserver (hardy heron, server edition) working before and had a Joomla site up I could find on the net. But I did a fresh install of Lucid Lynx (desktop edition, that I added some packages to to use as a server). Between the router (wrong ip address?), port forwarding (set right?), my domain nameservers (godaddy) and the DynDNS service I use (for dynamic ip) I must have a wrong setting because, my joomla website shows up at localhost, but not 'out there' so to speak. I would like to get this site out there and working soon, as it's one I'm just doing free for a Community Garden.

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CentOS 5 :: Can Ping Webserver But Can't Load Website

Jul 29, 2010

Im running drupal on my webserver and, this morning all of the sudden I went to edit a node and now I cant load the website in my browser at all. I can ping the machine and SSH into it fine, but it will not load the website in chrome or IE, I have no idea whats going on here.

Edit: I did a 'service httpd restart', it took 3mins to restart, is this normal? After I did that it loaded once, not even all of the page, now its doing the same thing again.

Edit2: Now it seems to be working fine again...

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CentOS 5 Server :: Webserver Not Able To Ping Or Browse To One Particular Website

Nov 11, 2010

I have 4 centos5 apache webservers all on the same network, recently, 2 of the webservers have stopped being able to ping or browse one particular website where feeds are obtained from this site. I have checked and firewall and selinux settings are disabled. The two webservers are able to ping and browse other sites. Dns settings are the same for all 4 servers. traceroute for working and not working webservers are the same.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Not Showing Links Of A Particular Website

May 24, 2010

The problem actually lies with Firefox (3.0.19) After I solved my problems, everything looked fine at first. That was until I went to one particular website and found that some links were missing. They simply were not showing in the browser. They were showing in the source code, so they should have appeared. Now, I have two different profiles by using:


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Server :: Accessing Internal Webserver From Public Webserver

Dec 18, 2009

Ok let's say I have Apache Webservers on 2 different machines within my network, I have http://outterABC.com setup at dyndns.org to point to my modem at home, and my router forwards Port 80 to the ServerA Machine (i.e. I can access my webpage I setup for the Server A Machine.

But what I want to try and do is somehow access my ServerB machine's website that is on my same network. I tried something like this http://ServerB.outterABC.com and the apache page came up with something like the page wasn't available. I want to access the content of the ServerB website, but because I have only one router, i can only forward Port 80 site traffic to my ServerA machine's website. I'm sure it's a different syntax I should use but i'm just not sure what I should enter to bring up the apache root web page for the Server B website via http://outterABC.com

I tried setting up DNS A records on ServerA, but I don't think it will work with what i'm trying to do above.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Open Firefox, Some Website Works, On Some Other Website Firefox Says "Connecting To..."?

Apr 18, 2010

I open Firefox, Some Website Works, on some other Website Firefox Says "Connecting to...",but all the Sites I have Tested working on my Windows 7.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Set Up Nat IP Between Webserver And Database?

May 25, 2009

I am looking for advice on a what I am sure is a very basic procedure but I have never had to set this up before and am not sure where to start.

I am running 2 CentOS5.3 boxes. I have one webserver connected to the internet and behind a firewall. I would like to set up the 2nd server (database) behind the webserver and completely inaccessible from the internet. Ideally so it can only be accessed by first ssh'ing onto the webserver and then ssh'ing from there onto the database. The webserver connecting locally to database.

From what I have seen it looks like I need to set this up using NAT but I have never done this and do not know what is involved. Can someone point me in the right direction and optimally outline the steps I need to take to hook this up? Do I need to worry about any specific hardware configuration as well?

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Ubuntu Networking :: WebServer 2008 On Server Not Reaching Outside World

Apr 7, 2010

I have a Belkin N router setup with a virtual server to port 80 to which my server sits on.

However, for some reason, I can get to the server from other PC's on the Router, but from outside, it will not port to the Server?

Any ideas on how to setup this?

I have Windows Webserver 2008 installed running on a 3.0GHZ Server.

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Networking :: Configure Bind When Using Dynamic Dns For Webserver?

Mar 31, 2010

I am trying to configure a BIND DNS server to handle three websites on my home network, (my site, my sons site and our test site). Since my ISP uses dynamic DNS, we are using DNS2GO to redirect our traffic, 9EACH SERVER HAS IT'S OWN VERSION OF dns2go running).

My problem is that I can't figure out how to configure BIND since I don't have a static IP to enter into the named.conf or reslov.conf configuration files.

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Networking :: Set Up A Wifi Webserver In Adhoc Mode?

Sep 3, 2010

What I want to do is have two ad hoc servers running. One ad hoc network would host a web page giving stats on all the players and other ad hoc server to host an online multi player game. This way my clan can practice in any enviroment and setting (i.e parking lot outside at a park, motel rooms) without messing with a wired network. When someone connects to my laptop through wifi ad hoc mode, how can I automatically direct them to my web page? I've search this question high and low on alot of forums and google,but could not find anything relevant. maybe I'm just not asking the question right.I'm not sure,but I also might want to port forward tcp:28960 or UDP: 28960, 20500, 20510. Which is better for call of duty 4 Modern Warfare 2?

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Networking :: View Local Webserver From Xp Clients By Not Using Ip?

Jul 25, 2010

Im a linux newbie and I'm some sort of creating an Internal webserver or Intranet for short locally. My local webserver ip address is and when im trying to view this on my xp clients i will type it in the url What im trying to do is view my webserver instead of typing ipaddress I'll type hmij.edu.ph for example and trying to resolve it locally through local dns resolution.. so every time i type for example. my webserver name hmij.edu.ph i want it to redirect it to my local webserver w/out going to the internet first.. I already setup dnsmasq for dhcp and dnsclient resolution. is there any better way on how i can achieved this??im a little bit of confused on how to make this work. tnx in advance!

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Fedora Networking :: Mini Webserver - Internet Not Working

May 30, 2010

Long term Fedora user, I have recently decided to set up a small shuttle computer as a media centre (using mythTV), data store/NAS (so all my data is centralized), mini web server, etc. After installing I had the fun of trying to get my audio working correctly (which I did eventually .. after finding out I unplugged the audio after the second reboot and solved it after somewhere). After this, I got internet video searching working through mythTV using adobe Flash. I then went to bed only to find the internet not working (can't telnet, can't traceroute, can't anything). This is both as the mythtv user I have set up and as root.

The setup I have is:
PC -> router -> interweb -> -> interweb

I also have a laptop (F12) which is on
The laptop has access to the internet just fine (no problem at router / interweb).
I have the only access to the router and disabled any ISP access (no changes in router).
I have the only access to the PC (no changes in PC).
I have set SElinux to permissive (no selinux issues).
I have temporarily disabled iptables on the PC (not firewall issue).

So, I decided to look at the differences between my two machines on the network. Initially the PC was missing the route: U 1002 0 0 eth0
I changed the services on startup so thet 'NetworkManager' was off, but 'network' started (exactly like my laptop). I turned off avahi-daemon, and any other network sort of daemon which doesn't match my laptop (which I have also customized).

I then set my eth0 config file to this:
# nVidia Corporation MCP77 Ethernet
# NAME="System eth0"
# UUID=5fb06bd0-0bb0-7ffb-45f1-d6edd65f3e03

Commented out any lines which I didn't recognize. So, right now netstat -rn returns:
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface U 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 eth0 UG 0 0 0 eth0

And to me everything looks OK.

I even have inter-communication working fine (I can SSH between the two servers no problems - <-> I can do DNS queries from both just fine (nslookup google.com returns fine). I just can't get any information back from the net. Would it be work me doing a tcpdump or wireshark dump etc ('tcpdump > file' would be easier for me)?

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Fedora Networking :: View Local Webserver From Xp Clients By Not Using Ip?

Jul 26, 2010

I'm some sort of creating an Internal webserver or Intranet for short locally. My local webserver ip address is and when im trying to view this on my xp clients i will type it in the url What im trying to do is view my webserver instead of typing ipaddress I'll type hmij.edu.ph for example and trying to resolve it locally through local dns resolution.. so every time i type for example. my webserver name hmij.edu.ph i want it to redirect it to my local webserver w/out going to the internet first.. I already setup dnsmasq for dhcp and dnsclient resolution. is there any better way on how i can achieved this?

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Networking :: CnetOS 5: Can't Access Webserver Via Http From Host OS?

Mar 15, 2010

My server is installed on a guest OS on vmware. It really bugs me because I can't access it from the host OS's browser even though there is no discrepancy between /etc/hosts, /etc/sysconfig/network, httpd.conf files. Issuing ifconfig command also returns the same IP. I have also enabled netwroking in the vmware settings. And I can ping the guest OS's IP from the host.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: How To Configure Bind When Using Dynamic Dns For Webserver

Mar 31, 2010

I am trying to configure a BIND DNS server to handle three websites on my home network, (my site, my sons site and our test site). Since my ISP uses dynamic DNS, we are using DNS2GO to redirect our traffic, 9EACH SERVER HAS IT'S OWN VERSION OF dns2go running).My problem is that I can't figure out how to configure BIND since I don't have a static IP to enter into the named.conf or reslov.conf configuration files.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Configure - Set Iptables On Server 1 - To Acces Webserver From Other City

Jan 13, 2010

I am using centos 5.3 , and also using webserver in local network

Here is all configuration

1, server

eth0 , this is live ip

2, webserver


I want set iptables on server 1 , to acces webserver from other city ,

How to configure iptables

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ip Tables Point To Website?

Jan 22, 2010

i have an AP set up and would like to have all requests for a website sent to a specific ip address.. and am trying to get this to work in IP tables


no matter what site they try to goto it takes them to [URL] i want to use this to require people to login to my server when they connect to my AP before they can go any further.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Create A Website Name For IP Address?

Mar 11, 2010

I have 10 systems working on LAN with fixed IP given to all the 10. I have ubuntu installed. "ifconfig" shows my IP on eth0 interface. Query : I've my blog at /var/www with Apache installed and it works fine when i give the IP address of eth0 (Not And it works from any system when i gve the IP address.* How can i change the IP address to a simple URL. Eg: Instead of I've tried:1) Adding entry to hosts & configuring httpd.conf in apache. Did not work.2) I don't want any bind, as it should be accesible only within the LAN

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Ubuntu Networking :: Tune IP Address In To A Website Name

Mar 25, 2011

how do i teun an IPaddress in to a website name that i payed for? useing apachie 2. think stupid what line number to enter what code(s) i use notepad++ to edit system files with coreftp and putty by my side.

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Networking :: Can't Acces A Particular Website / Way To Do

Nov 29, 2010

I have met following problem: there is a website I cannot access.
When I am trying to connect to this site I get an error message. I tried all browsers installed on my system. Seamonkey, Firefox, Konqueror. All failed. I don't understand this completely as I have no problem with connecting to internet. Now I am thinking that I myself somehow unintentionally blocked an access to this particular site. Is it possible? Under W$ I have no problems at all.

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Networking :: Set Up A Website Locally (within A LAN)?

Aug 9, 2010

How would I set up a website that would be only accessible locally. There's a router machine (server) that keeps provides internet access for a number of client machines. I need to set up a learning platform (moodle) locally. The server machine runs moodle server (apache server) and students should have access to their accounts locally (no need to be accessible outside of LAN). First of all, what would be the best network configuration for it.Sorry for a dumb question, but could I just come up with any domain name if everything stays locally within LAN?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Is Not Working / Can Not Able To Open Website

Mar 8, 2010

I have cablenet connected on Windows XP. On windows it's working fine. On windows XP it alwasy ask me username and password and then it starts to work.But same cablenet is not working on Ubuntu on same laptop. It shows "connection established" if cable is connected. But I can not able to open website.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Privoxy Is Not Allowing Connection To Any Website?

May 15, 2010

I am running karmic on a laptop. I recently changed iptables to drop all new incoming packets (not the related or established ones) on all ports. I was not running a proxy, so this worked fine. More recently I got v 3.0.13 of privoxy with apt-get and looked through the config file. I changed the default port in the privoxy config to 8080 and kept the ip at Then I changed the Firefox settings to use a HTTP proxy at with port 8080. when I try to run privoxy with the command: privoxy /etc/privoxy/config , the terminal outputs no errors. Then when I try to access a webpage through firefox the page will not load, but firefox doesn't display any reason for it. I don't really even know if privoxy is running because when I check the logfile (after having uncommented the logfile line in the privoxy config file) it is blank. I don't know much about networking, but I was wondering if someone could tell me why this is happening? Well that was a bit dumb of me. I just had to allow new packages in from localhost.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Browser Sits On Looking Up (Website Address)

Oct 3, 2010

The issue I'm having is that browsers in Ubuntu 10.04 stall at the part of the process for loading web pages that is noted by the "Looking Up (website address)...". The page eventually continues to load, but it takes a long time. This problem effects all browsers on the machine (tried Firefox and Chromium). It is not a problem with the connection, because a Windows 7 laptop and even the Windows XP partition on the Ubuntu machine function as they should.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Host Website With Dynamic IP Address With NAT?

Nov 6, 2010

We have Verizon as our ISP with a dynamic IP address. We published our website but the IP changes frequently. How can we set Network address translator(NAT) so our website can be published regardless of IP changes? We don't have domain name and have no intention for one.

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Networking :: 2 Internet Connection For 1 Website?

May 12, 2011

I have ubuntu 10.10 server with a web site I am mess up in NIC configuration. I have only one web site on my server. I Have 2 Internet connection with static IP. I have 2 Network Card as follow eth0 (1st internet with static IP without firewall) eth1 (2nd internet with static IP without firewall) when i restart my networking it give me following error


shah@server:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
[sudo] password for shah:
* Reconfiguring network interfaces...


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Networking :: Run Shell Scripts From A Website?

Apr 11, 2011

I am trying to create a shell script (CGI) which will create a website with an embedded flash mp3 player. At the same time I want this script to overwrite the file currently in the playlist with another file which will allow me to change the song currently playing on the flash player. The reason I am doing this is so that I can copy the song I want to play to this file at a low bitrate reducing its size. The code I am using in my script is:

echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""
echo "<html>"
echo "<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always"


When I run the script the new page does not have the flash player and the song did not change.

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Networking :: Setting Up To View One Website Through Another?

Mar 16, 2010

I have several web servers, say myserver1, myserver2, and myserver3, behind a firewall that the higher-ups run. They recently changed the firewall to block all ports except for the ones they want open. I have www.myserver1.com viewable to the outside world, but www.myserver2.com is not viewable to the outside world. I was wondering if there is a way to set things up so that people could go to [URL] and view the [URL] and [URL] website content.

myserver1 is running Solaris 7, which will (hopefully) be upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04. myServer2 is running Ubuntu 8.04. myserver3 is running Windows XP. I was wonder if this is possible with any OS, not just mine.

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Networking :: Set File Links On Website Via Ftp Or Php?

Apr 8, 2011

My hosting server is running Linux / Apache. It would be very nice to be able to link some files (preferably hard links, but symbolic links also would help), but haven't a clue how to do so. I would be willing to write a server side php script if that would do the trick.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Grab The Exe File Off Of Acer Website And Install It That Way?

Mar 18, 2010

I just have a question. I am having problems with my acer extensa 5620z wireless. I went on a few fourms and tried a few things they told me to do and It did not work. My question is this If i install wine can I grab the exe file off of acer website and install it that way?

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