Ubuntu :: Remove Text From The Nautilus Main Toolbar?

Aug 8, 2010

Is it possible to remove text from the Nautilus main toolbar? I would like to see the buttons only, with no words such as "Back" and "Forward".

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Ubuntu :: Remove The Roll Over Text On The Toolbar?

Mar 8, 2011

anyone know how or if I can remove the roll over text on the toolbar. It's stopping my top toolbar from auto hiding when using windows selector.

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Ubuntu :: Remove The Text Labels Beside Toolbar Buttons?

Jun 4, 2010

This problem has been bothering me for quite a while. Here is how my nautilus toolbar looks like:As you can see, only Back and Forward buttons are labeled. I hope I can remove these labels to save my screen estate, but I can't find any possible option in Edit -> Preferences after careful review.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Text From Icons In Nautilus?

Apr 22, 2011

Installed 10.10 a couple weeks ago on my machine, and for the life of me, I can't find out where/how to remove the text from the toolbar icons in Nautilus.

There used to be an option under "Change Desktop Background", but it's no longer there. I checked gconf-editor and can't find an entry under metacity.

Any idea how to remove the text next to the toolbar icons in Gnome (nautilus) in Ubuntu 10.10?

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Ubuntu :: Move Nautilus Location Bar In Nautilus Up By Toolbar?

Apr 11, 2010

Does anyone know how I can move the location bar in nautilus up by the toolbar, as shown by this pic:

I'd rather not have to download the source of nautilus and edit the code / compile it myself.

By the way, a guy on Ubuntu Forums thought this was a mockup. It's not. It's the regular version of Nautilus, only I removed some toolbar buttons through the /usr/share/nautilus/ui xml files.

I just want the location bar next to the toolbar to conserve screen space, and be a bit more like Finder.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Any Way To Unhide Menu Toolbar In Nautilus

Mar 15, 2010

I just recently installed Nautilus, or upgraded, from whatever was pre-installed with Ubuntu 9.10. I accidentally clicked Hide Menu toolbar, which apparently in this, there's no way to unhide it. The only thing showing now is the Sidebar, and I don't know how to get any of the toolbars back. [URL]

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Nautilus Elementary Toolbar Editor Gone?

Oct 11, 2010

upgrade was flawless 'cept for this one glitch.

ppa w/in software sources is updated and responding properly,

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Ubuntu :: Custom Launchers On Nautilus Toolbar?

Apr 16, 2011

i have a question about customising the toolbar in the file explorer, which i think is called nautilus. i was able to add a few buttons by hacking about in /usr/share/nautilus/ui/nautilus-navigation-window-ui.xml ..but they were already defined actions. what i would really like to add is custom launchers. i have whipped up a python script that will foo and bar a glob of files in a directory, which i can pass as an argument to the script, and i would like this to be a toolbar button so i can just click an icon up there. so the launcher would need to know what directory is open in the tab which is in focus, or alternatively be able to launch from that directory as current working directory and then i can dig out the path in python. a keyboard shortcut for the launcher would be nice too

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Ubuntu :: Icons In Dropdowns And Customizing Nautilus Toolbar?

May 5, 2010

Not sure if this is just GNOME 2.30 removing customization ability, but I can't find how to add icons to the menu dropdowns and customize the nautilus toolbar (put text below buttons, etc) in Lucid. Is this function still there?

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Ubuntu :: Adding Entry In Nautilus Toolbar To Arrange Files

Mar 11, 2011

I want to add an entry in nautilus toolbar to sort files. Same kind of entry presented in the right click "Arrange items". I have checked nautilus-actions, but don't know what are the commands, and i want the entry look like view options already available in nautilus toolbar.

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Toolbar "open Terminal Shortcut"

Oct 13, 2010

I want to know, how to make a shortcut of "open terminal" in the nautilus toolbar. I have installed "nautilus open terminal", there is option for opening terminal in right click menu and file tab in menu bar. But i want the shortcut to be in toolbar. I tried to edit "/usr/share/nautilus/ui/nautilus-navigation-window-ui.xml" file, but i don't know the action name, i could not add that shortcut.

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General :: Firefox /Gnome: Remove Down Arrow From Folders In Personal Toolbar

May 29, 2010

In linux version of firefox (specifically in my case Debian's rebranded Iceweasel), folders of bookmarks in the personal toolbar show a little down arrow on the right of the name. It serves no real purpouse and just takes up horizontal space, is there a way to remove it?

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Ubuntu :: Locked Toolbar - New Position For The Toolbar That Sits At The Top Of The Screen

Mar 30, 2011

I have been working for the last three months with Ubuntu 10 on a destop. Doing just fine and loving it. I decided to try a new position for the toolbar that sits at the top of the screen. I did a right click and moved it to the right side of the scree, didn't like the look of that. Right click on the bar and moved it to the left, didn't like that either, so moved it to the bottom. having done all that I thought I could put it back at the top but alas, I can not right click on the Toolbar.

It seems as though the two bars are fighting each other at the bottom of the screen.I would like to go back to the default position at the top of the screen. I do have a terminal window available to me on the desktop so if I could find out the command line to type in, I should be able to reset my tool bar. Being new I have no idea what this command would be.

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Ubuntu :: Add / Remove Bits Of Text From A Text File

Dec 6, 2010

I am looking for a way to keep a log and make if then statements if a line exitsts in the log. I also am looking for a way to make a simple loop, like goto line number, and I also am wondering how to add/remove bits of text from a text file (plugins line in server.properties)

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Debian Multimedia :: Remove Items From Main Menubar?

Dec 17, 2010

I need to remove items from Main Menubar --> Places --> Removable Media and from Computer shortcut.

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Ubuntu :: Why Is The Text Field For The Path Not In Nautilus Anymore

Feb 26, 2011

Why do you have to press ctrl-L to use the location text box in Nautilus? There used to be a setting in preferences where you could have it always use the text bar. Now you have to use some gconf command in the terminal. The gconf command I've used also will only work for normal users. If I want to open a root nautilus terminal to move files around between my mounted drives then I have to hit ctrl-l every time. It is really annoying because if I am in a Nautilus window there are lots of times where I need to copy the path to something I am doing in the terminal.

Why does it seem like everything involved with Ubuntu is simplifying things at the expense of having options? I thought GNU/Linux was all about options. I guess it still is, but I just cannot understand why you would completely remove options instead of just putting them in an advanced section or something.

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Fedora :: Wine Program Stuck In Main Menu - How To Remove Entries

Jan 3, 2010

I installed WINE, and decided to remove it after installing something, I was unable to uninstall, so I just removed WINE, now, I have the program stuck in my main menu. I deleted the path and stuff, but it's still there. How do I get rid of it?

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Ubuntu :: Doesn't Booting Up - Black Screen Appears With The Text: Init: Ureadahead Main Process (306) Terminated With Status 5

Sep 11, 2010

I installed Lucid Lynx on my laptop a couple of months ago and for the most part everything was working fine. However, just recently the computer doesn't seem to be booting up at all. I start up the machine and then a black screen appears with the text: init: ureadahead main process (306) terminated with status 5 the (#) is different in some boot-ups

And the computer just hangs there. typing anything doesn't seem to help at all. I press enter and a new line just appears. I've left it there for hours and still no login screen.

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Ubuntu :: How To Remove These Lines In Nautilus

Aug 22, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04.1.How to remove these lines in Nautilus

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Fedora :: No Text File Preview In Nautilus / Get That?

May 22, 2010

Nautilus shows no text preview in icons for text files with preview enabeld.

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Programming :: Remove Lines In A Text File Based On Another Text File?

Jan 28, 2009

I have a text file called file1.txt containing many lines eg.


Then i have another text file called file2.txt contains


Is there a command to remove the lines in file1.txt based on the keywords in file2.txt? note: It should remove line3,line5,line6 based on 3,5,6

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Ubuntu :: Remove Floppy From Nautilus Places?

Jul 10, 2010

Is there a way to get rid of the floppy entry in the Places? This is not the bookmarks area (which is below) so I can't just right-click and remove or remove it from Bookmarks spot. I already tried commenting the floppy in fstab and then removed the entire line to no avail. Floppy drive is disabled in the Bios, I haven't had a floppy drive in 10+ years.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Nautilus And Replace It With Thunar?

Apr 4, 2011

Is there a way I can remove Nautilus and replace it with Thunar. I like Thunar more and would like to use it.

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Ubuntu :: Toggle Between Button And Text-based Location Bar Nautilus - Lucid?

May 2, 2010

How do you toggle between the button and text-based location bar in Nautilus in Lucid. I can only get Nautilus to show the directory path as buttons and not as as text based in the form of /home/Desktop.Previously there was a button to toggle between them.

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Location Bar - Switch To Text Mode Button Missing

Jul 1, 2010

I just installed 10.04 on a computer I put together, I noticed the button that allows you to switch back and forth to the 'text entry mode' on the nautilus location bar is missing. Is there a way to get this back? I found you can use CTRL+L or use gconf-editor to switch but I used that button quite a bit and want to find a way to get it back.

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Ubuntu :: Any Way To Get History Of Nautilus Like Copy / Remove Something To Usb Drive

Jan 14, 2010

I use Ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop.Is there any way to get history of ubuntu nautilus like copy, remove something to usb drive etc.

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Fedora :: Nautilus Is Dead - How To Fix/remove It

Feb 15, 2010

My part time hobby PC, running FC12, has started misbehaving following some recent updates. I hadn't booted the machine for about 10 days. It booted OK, I checked for updates, applied them, and then my problems started.When I boot now I get LONG delays after logging in and eventually will get the following error:

Could not display "x-nautilus-desktop:///".
Error DBus error.org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply:

Did not receive a reply, etc, etc...Have tried re-installing Nautilus, same problem. Being a relative Linux (though not Unix) newbie, what is Nautilus? Do I need it? Can I just get rid of it? Is there an alternative I can install that does work?

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Debian :: Make Nautilus Show Directories In Text Form?

Jun 1, 2010

When I try to view my home folder (for instance), I press the icon on the left of my name (/home/...) and it doesn't do what I accustomed to which is to show the text form of the directory. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

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Ubuntu :: Remove Items From Nautilus Right-click Context Menu?

Jun 19, 2011

I uninstalled xmms player quite a long time ago. I think when I had hardy heron. Currently I'm on 10.04. When I right click a .mp3 file I still have the option to play with xmms player showing up. Even if I choose an "other application" the xmms player option remains stickied to the top.Does anyone know how I can remove this entry? I did a lot of searching but couldn't find a solution.

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Debian Multimedia :: Text Files Preview Doesn't Work With Nautilus 2.28.4?

Apr 29, 2010

After upgrading to gnome 2.28.2 and Nautilus 2.28.4, nautilus leaves text file(including .php .jave etc,.) icon blank while it works well with image and pdf files.

gnomevfs-info asd
Name : asd
Type : Regular
MIME type : application/octet-stream
Size : 27433

Not showing "Default app" but automatically opened by gedit. I am sorry but I don't really know what info matters. So tell me what info I should post here.

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