Ubuntu :: Remove Netbook 10.04 And Back To Original
Sep 7, 2010
I had download ubuntu netbook 10.04 version and use it from booting by USB key. I found it quite useful from USB and eventually installed it on my Gateway netbook, that's where my nightmare started. At installation option gave me to ubuntu side by side with my Windows Vista on the netbook. It used part of hard drive space to create a separate partition for ubuntu. Intallation is OK but display is very bad particular moving the mouse around Firefox. Screen turned white back ground right with messy character font. It tried move around and have to restart ubuntu to get out.
I thought it might be something display drive not setup but found no option to make change from within Ubuntu. I had frustrated to search for fixing option and decide to "remove" ubuntu from the netbook. The worst, there is no option whatsoever on how to remove it. I search this forum and script to delete the partition from terminal. When it restart, the MBR or Grun loaded with errors incorrect file system. That mean the MBR not load and it is a netbook. It does not come with Vista CD for me to fix MBR nor resize the partition. I had to re-install ubuntu again back to square one to use it size by size with Windows.
Any one have a clean and details steps on how to remove ubuntu, resize partition and able to bring the netbook back to Windows only?
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Mar 7, 2010
For the past 2hrs I have been struggling to make KDE launch plasma-dekstop instead of plasma-netbook, but all in vain.I removed, then purged plasma-netbook and plasma-netbook-default-settings packages but after logging out and re-logging in the Netbook UI was back! After restarting the system now I can't even seem to get the KDM. I am greeted with a black screen.--- I restarted the system again and the nasty little bugger is back again! This is so frustrating. How do I get plasma-desktop to load instead?---- Great now I can see that plasma-desktop and plasma-netbook both are running simultaneously! netbook on top of desktop. So my final Q is how do I stop plasma-netbook from loading?
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Apr 16, 2011
ubuntu one takes like 30s to start all of the sudden (it used to be almost instantaneous on log in). This is an issue for two reasons: first is the fact that system performance is drastically compromised while ubuntuone-syncdaemon starts since it is accessing the disk as much as it absolutely can, which means that other programs also take forever to launch; second, when it finally does start, I am prompted to unlock the keyring, which interrupts whatever I am doing in a fairly annoying fashion and prevents the screen from locking properly if the computer is suspended.
While ubuntuone-syncdaemon is taking its merry time to launch, the status of the process is "uninterruptable," and an entire processing core is used at 100% with IOwait, as it is furiously accessing the hard drive.Is their any way I can get u1 back to original, unobtrusive self? Could this be indicative of a hard drive issue.
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Mar 15, 2010
I am using the latest UBUNTU 9.10. It was working great. I logged in as Tom, put in my password and could do what I needed to do. Now when I go to the CLI through the terminal I get "Tom@new-host-2:~$ " which has no privileges. I obviously messed up something. I can't find a way to get back to my original prompt when I access the terminal.
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May 28, 2010
I wanted to change the resolution of the splash screen because it looked too big for the screen's area. I installed Start-up Manager, which I don't like any more because of this issue, and changed the resolution. The result was a garbled screen and so I reset to the original settings and re-booted. Now I have another garbled screen with 2 side-by-side very fuzzy/unreadable "Ubuntu" images.
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Nov 30, 2010
I have upgraded to 10.10 and I want to go back to the font used in 10.04. What was the name of the font in Lucid? Moreover, how do I make Google Chrome adopt this change? It is currently rendering all the web-pages with the Ubuntu font and I want whatever 10.04 was using. If I change the font in the Appearance -> Fonts panel, Google Chrome does not update.
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Jan 31, 2011
I want to change my computer back to its original self cause i have two computers in Ubuntu OS and i really just want one on it. My question is how can i change it back? I had Windows XP before ubuntu.
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Aug 15, 2011
I recently had a problem in Ubuntu 11.04. I had just installed GNOME 3, however, I didn't really like it as much so I decided to go back using GNOME 2,but then a whole bunch of things happened. I tried re-installing GNOME 2,but then I lost the Ubuntu enviorment and stuck only with GNOME and now I'm only left with a terminal whenever I log in. how to restore Ubuntu 11.04 back to its original state, like as if it had a fresh installation?
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Aug 23, 2010
I was trying out a theme from gnome-look (elegant gnome) and it had an option to change my gdm theme. I used it, did not like the look, but when I uninstalled it said there was no back-up. Now my gdm looks like something from windows 95! How can I reset it back to the original settings? I tried reinstalling GDM in synaptic but no change
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Dec 14, 2010
I just did a fresh install from 8.04 to 10.04 with separate "/" and /home partitions. I really wanted a new 10.04 system to start from scratch and rebuild it again & differently. Instead I got a really messed up system. Is there any way to change it to a fresh new 10.04 install. That nothing has been added to yet?
This is very important because on 10.04 my video card won't handle all the mods that I had on 8.04 and my system freezes very soon after I log on.
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May 15, 2011
When I first installed openSUSE 11.4 the /boot directory looked like this:
I had installed VirtualBox through Yast and decoded to delete. After deleting the /boot directory looked like this, pointing now to the desktop kernel.
I went into YAST and deleted all kernel entries that contained desktop, trying to get back to the original configuration.
After doing this, the /boot directory now looks like this.
Is there any way to get back to the original kernel configuration without having to do a complete installation?
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Apr 7, 2010
I am using Ubuntu 9.10, I removed the task bar at the bottom of the screen and replaced it with a new one. The problem is when I click on Fire Fox and by default Fire Fox would drop to the bottom of the screen, now it just disappears. Is there any way of putting back the original settings.
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Oct 6, 2010
Seems that i have totally ****ed up my sony vaio (vgn-fz21z). I've been doing some partitioning and formatting without really knowing what i was doing. Now it is a mess.The vaio comes with pre-installed windows vista, which is no longer installed. I want it to be.Ubuntu 10.4 is installed. In grub I can choose vista but that is only vaio recovery tool. Which is not working. When I try the format cption and take it all back to the original settings, it says that c: is too small or missing.
I also have some cd:s with windows 7 and xp on, but they can't be read. Now the vaio is not even accepting my ubuntu live-cd. I have nothing of importance on the computer, so there would be no problem re-formatting the whole thing. Can it be done? I would prefer is the vaio recovery tool could be left untouched, it has its own partition. I guess I'm asking: is there a way from inside ubuntu to make a total system re-installation, get rid of different partitions and reconstruct c:, so win can be installed again?
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Jan 24, 2011
I had installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a W7 OS, as a dual boot. I have removed Ubuntu, and now have that space as "free space". Between the original partition (c:) and the free space, there is a partition that contains the laptop mfg's factory image. I want to recover that free space back to the original c: partition. I was reading about GParted, but do not want to attempt anything until I have some expert advice.
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Dec 4, 2010
I have a laptop with 2 x different versions of Ubuntu installed as follows:
Ubuntu 10.10 on a partition; and
Ubuntu ultimate edition gamers (based on ubuntu 10.10 I believe).
I've only recently installed the gamers edition as a dual boot to see what it looks like. Now I've had a play around with it I've realised that I don;t really like it.What's the quickest/easiest way of reverting back to my original ubuntu 10.10 as a single boot? I don't want to re-install 10.10 - I was hoping I could delete the gamers edition to get back to my original single boot 10.10.
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Aug 18, 2010
I have a Sony Vaio vgn-sz440. Here is what the specs say about the video card.
I do not understand, do I have an Intel video card, or an Nvidia video card? Should I install the Nvidia video card driver, because every time I try, everything gets real glitchy and I revert back to my original setup.
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Oct 26, 2010
Having just upgraded to 10.10, I've discovered Unity, and I'm afraid its not for me. I absolutely loved the previous interface, and was quite shocked and saddened to see it disappear. But I'd like to keep all the other new software that comes with 10.10. So my question is, can I install the old 10.04 beautiful interface to run on the 10.10 edition? Re-installation is a MS solution, that turned me on to linux in the first place!
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May 2, 2010
I just downloaded Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04 and am running it from a usb flash drive on my Acer laptop.
At times I'd like to use the Gnome desktop. I know with the previous version there was a way to change to Gnome. Is there still a way to change to Gnome on the 10.04 version and if so how do I change to Gnome and back to Netbook Edition desktop?
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May 24, 2010
I'm using the Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Remix and therefore I have the built-in netbook interface: (pictured)
תצלום מסך-1.jpgIs there any way to remove this and get the standard desktop? because in this one I don't really have a desktop and can't create Shortcuts to specific files and folders.
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Jun 28, 2010
I'm new to Ubuntu Netbook Remix, yesterday I installed Ubuntu tweak and un-installed Evolution Mail, and when I check to "Office" menu in the left menu sidebar, I couldn't remove the Evolution shortcut in it.
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Oct 1, 2009
Is there a way in SuSE 11.1 to have the conventional desktop, instead the plasma desktop? I thought that installing KDE 3.5 will fix it, but I was wrong. I really don't want to download back SuSE 11.0, just to have my old desktop layout. SuSE developers should at least leave it as an option than to force people to install it
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Jul 4, 2010
After falling out with KDE4.2.4 and using fluxbox for a while, I was sufficiently impressed with my experiments with KDE4.4.3 in slackware 13.1 that I decided to go back to KDE. In particular I'm keen to use plasma netbook on my eee pc 1000H.
But I've hit an annoying snag. The problem is that if I set it to use plasma netbook (System settings>Desktop>Workspace>Form factor>Netbook) it works just fine for the rest of that session but next time I startx it goes back to the Desktop form factor.
The strange thing is that this didn't used to happen, it only started recently and to the best of my knowledge I haven't made any other significant changes or updates to the system. I tried removing the ~/.kde dir and letting kde setup from scratch but that didn't help.
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May 23, 2010
i made some desktops, some as folders, a new search page... now i cannot remove them. i am not give the option to remove any of them.
also if i try to change the page type, a NEW page is created instead of a change occuring to existing page.
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Aug 22, 2010
Ok, i want to remove ubuntu and replace it with windows
I have the iso of windows xp on my desktop and on a usb
I want to install windows xp in anyway.
I cannot use any windows computers to do it, 2 of the computers have ubuntu, and 1 has windows, and the windows one I cannot use because its password protected due to my parents and their fear of me crashing their computer (Lol)
I want to install windows completely on my hard drive and get rid of ubuntu
Reasons to get rid of:
1. Annoying on my netbook
2. Cant do my video editing with it (the way Iwant to do it)
3. Wine doesnt work with anything i wanna install
4. Too hard to use
5. Made netbook slower
All i want is good old xp
(used to have windows 7, accidentally wiped it with ubuntu, and now i want to install windows xp on Samsung N150 Netbok)
I dont have a CD Drive or access to windows computers
All i have is a 4GB USB
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Jun 22, 2010
Is it possible to run netbook and remove the side menu and just use the regular stuff?
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Apr 30, 2010
Is it possible to get "add/remove Application" back? Software Center looks nice... but that is all it is.. looking nice.... I really don't like the fact that you cannot select all the application you want to install and installed them at once. Especially when you first setting up your system. but sometime you just want "shop" through the list. Plus, you sometime you just can't remember all the name of the App you want to install, in "add/remove Application" you can shop through icon. you might argue, so did Software Center, but sitting in front of you computer, during the entire process of installing every softwares.... takes like hours.... With "Add/Remove Application" It takes a min to make all the decision and you can walk away. You wouldn't use it a lot. But it would be handy when you needed. I mean I don't really get why "Add/Remove Application" got replaced. Not to mention Software center "Gray Out" a lot I don't know. Add/Remove Application just make hell of more sense. I am not such if I can install the old package from ubuntu 9.10.
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Jan 31, 2011
I know the install is diffrent for 10.10 so figured removing would be diffrent as well. but im wanting to remove ubuntu and give back the partition to windows. i love ubuntu but i am a photographer and find myself in windows to use photoshop and the many plugins i have so much that at this point i would rather just have the extra space back for windows. and once i get a new desktop for photo work my laptop will be back on ubuntu!
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Apr 30, 2011
Running Ubuntu 11.04 and installed Gnome3 upgrade. Messed things up big time. Ubuntu will load, but will shut down when I try to access almost anything but terminal. How can I remove Gnome 3 or try to get back to Unity desktop or whatever.
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Aug 1, 2010
I have an encrypted file system and recently installed proprietary ATI drivers for my graphics card. The moment I did that, Ubuntu boots with a black screen. Now I'm attempting to get back into the OS to remove the drivers, but when I choose Ubuntu Recovery Mode from the grub boot screen, it shows some dmesg output and then the screen goes black. Whats interesting is it doesn't even ask me to decrypt the hard drive (like it normally does). how I can get back into the OS to remove the drivers?
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Sep 20, 2010
I installed ubuntu on my lappy but due to battery life reasons and driver issues I cannot use it; must return to windows . I do not want GRUB on it but I'm stuck with it now. how do I wind the clock back?
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