Ubuntu :: Can't Boot Into Recovery Mode - Get Back Into The OS To Remove The Drivers

Aug 1, 2010

I have an encrypted file system and recently installed proprietary ATI drivers for my graphics card. The moment I did that, Ubuntu boots with a black screen. Now I'm attempting to get back into the OS to remove the drivers, but when I choose Ubuntu Recovery Mode from the grub boot screen, it shows some dmesg output and then the screen goes black. Whats interesting is it doesn't even ask me to decrypt the hard drive (like it normally does). how I can get back into the OS to remove the drivers?

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Ubuntu :: System Won't Boot, Can't Find Safe Mode, Can't Launch Recovery Mode

Nov 18, 2010

I attempted to install Catalyst 10.11 for my ATI HD 2600XT and the system now only displays lines and a large block of pixels where the mouse would go. CTRL-ALT-F1 kills the system and does not provide a command prompt. This is a single installation, not dual-boot, but there is no Press Esc to access the Grub menu during startup so I cannot choose safe mode. I attempted to get into Recovery mode using the flash drive that I used to install the system and it tells me there is no Recovery kernel (I used the 64-bit Desktop installer, not alternative). Does anyone know an alternative to get into the Grub menu other than ESC during bootup? Alternatively, do I need to download the 64-bit Alternative ISO and create a new boot disk with it so I can access Recovery mode? Is there something else I'm not thinking of?

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General :: Way To Remove 'recovery' At All And Revert Back To XP?

Mar 8, 2010

I had a desktop pc running XP home, my daughter has an Acer Aspire 100 running a Linux OS which developed a problem so I attempted to create a recovery disk from the supplied DVD onto a memory stick via my desktop PC. It transpires that the recovery wasmade to my desktop pc in error and now my desktop does not boot up at all. Is there a way to remove this 'recovery' at all and revert back to XP??

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Ubuntu :: Recovery Mode Won't Even Boot?

Apr 6, 2011

I'm having a huge problem right now and I could use some help deciphering what's wrong.I can't get my system to boot (see signature) and even the recovery mode is buggered. henever I try to boot, all I get is a flashing underscore. This is the same for both the normal and recovery modes Kernels. I've run the boot info script from a live cd and I've attached it to this post.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot Into Recovery Mode So Easily

Mar 8, 2010

This is an urgent problem. I removed my propreitary ati display drivers because I had to update them but I don't know what happened. Now I can't boot. The screen shows the Ubuntu splash screen but then the login screen does not come on. I get a blank screen. Worst of all, I had removed Recovery entries from the grub so I can't boot into recovery mode so easily. It's urgent. I don't want to reinstall with my exams a week away.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Will Not Boot / Even Recovery Mode Isn't Working

Apr 16, 2011

as Ubuntu is my only OS on this box.I had this PC running as a server for a few months with few reboots.I installed updates as usual yesterday, and hadn't changed anything configuration-wise since the last reboot. Well last night this server that I was running was moved to another Windows box and so I finally got to shut this PC down for the night. In the morning, I was greeted with an endless splash screen. It went on for 20 minutes without anything. I did update the kernel through update manager.

So what do I do? This machine has a 1TB HDD with a lot of very important data on it--reformatting is not a considerable option at this point. Which is bad because I don't know what else I could so when even recovery mode isn't working...

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Ubuntu :: Kubuntu 11.04 Won't Boot Also In Recovery Mode

Aug 4, 2011

I had many problems with installing kubuntu 11.04 on my laptop HP Elitebook 8560p and after downloading different iso everything works well, but sistem freezeout and would not reboot also in recovery mode that would load untill Recovery menu when system won't responde.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Only Possible In Recovery Mode After Upgrade To 9.10

Jan 19, 2010

After upgrading to 9.10 Karmic Koala, my Amilo Laptop (AMD64) refuses to boot. I installed GRUB2 which works fine for my WinXP ... and Karmic will boot in recovery mode.

When trying a normal boot, I get a black screen. CRTL-ALT-F1 yields just a blinking cursor. The system will immediately reboot when pressing CRTL-ALT-Entf.

When booting in recovery mode, I choose "Resume normal boot" from the menu, log in while in cosole mode and enter "startx" ... and the grafic environtment works fine!

Why does the system work in recovery mode, but does not start with a normal boot?


Here's some information on my system:

cat /proc/version

Linux version 2.6.31-17-generic (buildd@crested) (gcc version 4.4.1 (Ubuntu 4.4.1-4ubuntu ) #54-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 10 17:01:44 UTC 2009

description: Notebook
product: Amilo A3667G Series


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Ubuntu :: Boot Freezes In Normal And Recovery-mode?

Nov 13, 2010

I'm posting this in the "General Help" category, because it doesn't really fit in another one. Feel free to move this thread, if it's the wrong place. I'm having a problem with my Linux. Since today, my Kubuntu 10.10 (running on an Dell XPS M1530) doesn't but anymore.
Neither normal, nor recovery-mode is working. I also tried out different kernels in the grub-menu without any success. The boot-process stops at:


[2.115441] EXT4-fs (sda2): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode: Opts: (null)
Begin: Running /scripts/local-bottom ... done.


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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot Regular OR Recovery Mode (Meerkat)?

Jan 1, 2011

I have GRUB on my laptop with Ubuntu and Windows 7. GRUB and Windows 7 seem to boot just fine, but recently, Ubuntu doesn't boot. My suspected cause is simply because I've often shut down unofficially. My laptop doesn't have a battery, and even the AC connection is awry, so as soon as an accidental disconnection or something occurs (because it too is broken), it'll essentially shut down.

I try booting Ubuntu, and it doesn't boot. I think I see that Ubuntu and the dots page, but it'll hang there (and I waited overnight). Immediately, I want to run an fsck, but I seem to be unable to, so I run Recovery Mode. I always get a forever loop of a bunch of stuff that doesn't make sense to me, but this is one thing that I always see (or something similar).


[295.439361] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): __ext4_get_inode_loc: inode #1571 (comm pci-db) unable to read inode block 525047

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Grub Recovery Mode Menu To Boot Up

Apr 30, 2011

I started a thread over in installations and upgrades in which I was trying to upgrade from Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 using the upgrade manager. My computer froze in the middle of the process, requiring me to restart my computer. When I try rebooting Ubuntu, I get an error message "The configuration defaults for Gnome power manager have not been installed correctly" and then a blank screen. No mouse pointer, no cursor. It will not take me to the Ubuntu desktop screen. I've already found the sudo commands I can run to try and fix Ubuntu. They are as follows:

sudo apt-get clean (If the problem is not having enough free hard drive space)
sudo dpkg --configure -a (If the problem deals with the upgrade installation process)

However, what I can't get is the terminal to come up to run these commands. In the other thread I started, someone mentioned that in the Grub menu, you can choose "recovery mode", hit "enter" to boot it, and it will give you a menu of options to choose from. However, when I choose "recovery mode" and hit "enter", I do not get a menu but instead 3 pages of data about my computer that ends with this:

"Begin: Running/scripts/init-bottom...
Done. "

It gives me a blinking cursor at the very end but I cannot type anything and I cannot page up to see the 3 pages of data. What I am looking for is a way to get to the recovery mode menu OR somehow open up a terminal so I can run the sudo commands. My computer automatically logs me in, so I do not get a login screen and Ctrl+Alt+F1 does not work for me. Anyone know how I can open a terminal with only access to the Grub menu? Perhaps a BASH command that I can use in the command line that will open up a terminal? To summarize: My computer does not boot Ubuntu. I get an error message followed by a blank screen. It does not go into the desktop screen so I cannot choose Applications->Accessories->Terminal.

My Grub menu consists of Ubuntu and it's version, Ubuntu and it's version with recovery mode, memtest, and Windows XP (I have a dual boot system). In the Grub menu, I can select "e" for edit, "c" for command line and "enter" to boot either regular Ubuntu OS or Ubuntu recovery mode. "Sudo" commands are not recognize if I choose the command line for either Ubuntu OS or recovery mode. I have a Live CD for 10.04 but you cannot run sudo commands because you do not have access to root on the Live CD.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Screen: Duplicate Options And Its Recovery Mode

Jan 5, 2010

i'm a recent convert from windows and my first few days with this os have been great. to think i've been living in the dark all this time...

anyway, my question is about the boot screen in bios. normally it booted up thusly:

ubuntu-linux generic [...]
ubuntu-linux generic [...] (recovery)
memory thing
windows xp

but today, the boot screen showed two instances of ubuntu generic, its recovery mode, and the memory thing (i forget what it's called exactly. do you know what i mean?). i installed the os only once.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 8.04 - Kernel Panic On Boot Even In Recovery Mode

Feb 18, 2010

I have a 8.04 x64 server installation that is receiving a kernel panic on boot no matter which kernel I choose even recovery mode.

[ 27.738620] raid1: raid set md0 active with 1 out of 2 mirrors
Begin: Running /scripts/local-premount ...
kinit: name_to_dev_t(/dev/disk/by-uuid/c224854e-37bd-491a-b895-48e8bf07fe00) = md1(9,1)
kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/bby-uuid/c224854e-37bd-491a-b895-48e8bf07fe00
[ 31.665733] Attempting maual resume
kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot...
[ 31.717461] kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
[ 31.717471] EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
Begin: Running /scripts/local-bottom ...
Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ...
init: Error parsing configuration: No such file or directory
[ 32.064009] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

I have built a new server, now I am trying to restore my db from mysql. I have a backup that is out dated, I was hoping there was a way to copy the files over and have them work on the new installation. I can boot the server with the installation cd using recovery mode, I can get to the hdd and mount a smbfs share from the new server. I have tried to cp the files retaining the permissions and get a permission denied error, but if I copy without retaining the perms they copy just fine and do not work.

I have setup the new server with very close to the same version of all software. I have built a new instance of my service using all of the same users and passwords. I then backed up the new db and moved it over and attempted to copy the old db over. I did not copy it straight to the mysql folder as I did not share that folder out. Any other ideas to get this db recovered? What about getting my old server to run again just long enough to get a mysql dump?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Repair / Boot A Recovery Mode From The Install Disc?

Apr 25, 2010

So I have been messing around with the new 10.04 and I managed to screw it up. When I started to log off, I closed the lid to my laptop so it would hibernate, but instead the screen went black and I could only see the cursor. It stayed like that for several minutes so I shut it down manually. When I booted it up again, it froze on the splash/loading screen and I haven't been able to boot it since. I've tried to boot in recovery mode, but I think my campus internet interferes with the downloading of the necessary files from the internet. Is there any way to boot a recovery mode from the install disc? Or am I SOL?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Complete The Boot Process Even In Recovery Mode

Sep 20, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10.04 by wubi. It works perfect until I installed and ran "startupmanager". I find that I can't enter ubuntu, even in recovery mode. The screen keeps showing "rstslog main process ended, respawning [fail]" and other text

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Ubuntu :: Running Recovery Tool - Cannot Boot Into Safe Mode

Nov 20, 2010

My friend asked me to look at their laptop as it was not booting up. I checked it and found that you could not even boot into safe mode. I have used a windows boot disk to try and sort any issues but this has not worked. The problem is he never made the recovery disks by the manufacturer so I cant reinstall windows. I can access all the files on the hard drive when running Ubuntu. So what I need to know is it possible to run the manufacturers program to make the recovery disks from Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Failsafe Graphics Option In Recovery Mode Boot Fine

Nov 24, 2010

This started a few days ago and I checked back through recently installed packages and nothing looks related. If I boot into ubuntu normally, plymouth looks a mess, but then things boot fine but while the mouse is showing and ubuntu goes about with connecting to networks and so on, but it doesn't register the and input from the mouse or keyboard. It will sleep if you press the power button, but its no more responsive after waking up.

If I boot into recovery mode, and use the failsafe graphics option then everything runs fine. Apart from 3D graphics being pretty slow, which I can kind of understand. I get the same behaviour on all of the last three kernels. I'm running the latest maverick on an HP 6715b. i386 version although the processor is 64 bit compatible. 2Gb RAM.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Experimental Nvidia Working In Recovery Mode But Not After Normal Boot

Jun 28, 2011

I tried to make Compiz work using the experimental 3D support of the free Nvidia driver, because I am suffering from a bug in the proprietary driver (click here for launchpad entry). The free driver I mean is the one that shows up as "Experimental 3D support for NVIDIA cards" in the "Additional Drivers" manager (note: for some reason, this option will only present itself when no proprietary driver is currently active).

Now the strange thing is: the driver does not provide 3d support, and behaves generally awful (lots of glitches and so on) when I boot my system normally. But when instead I boot from the grub menu into recovery mode, then select "failsafe graphics", and then select "restart X", the whole thing works perfectly! So now I am running the experimental 3d driver, I have compositing working, 3d animations on docky. Somehow, the failsafe boot sequence does something right that my normal boot sequence does not. When I reboot in normal mode, everything is screwed up again.

I have no idea what statistics about my system I should include here, because I really have no idea what could possibly be wrong. I am running 32bits Natty in Classic mode, on an Ahtlon Dual Core 4850e machine, with a GeForce 6150 LE graphics card. These are the normal and recovery entries in my grub.cfg:


menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.38-8-generic-pae' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
set gfxpayload=$linux_gfx_mode
insmod part_msdos


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Ubuntu :: Recovery Menu (in Recovery Mode) Does Not Work?

Aug 18, 2010

I've got a, as it seems to me, strange problem.I've inadvertently deleted my user from the group admin so I'm in the same situation of a lot of other users (read a lot of messages about it).My problem is that when restarted in recovery mode there is no way I can choose the 'drop to the root shell' or similar in the menu.The menu appears for a second and then I've got an empty screen. If I press a key I've been requested for a username and password that of course is not what I need.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Finding A System Reconfigure Or Recovery Mode Boot?

Jan 18, 2010

i am not able to start gnome desktop though most gnome applications work in icewm and xfce4 newly installed. the system config edit button i cannot understand what keys where to edit? how do we reinstall gnome fully? by the way my system is

intel 845 mother board[gigabyte]
LG Studioworks 520Si monitor.
250 80 Gb disks
512mb mem
LG dvd writer

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Not Booting / LiveCD Doesn't Boot / Grub Recovery Mode Doesn't Boot

Jan 4, 2011

Ubuntu 10.10 doesn't boot at all. The liveCD only boots once every like 30 attempts, installing from liveCD froze, but the Alternate CD worked and installed ubuntu. Now when I try to boot into it using GRUB, it freezes at the beginning of the boot process.With normal boot it freezes at line: Starting AppArmor profiles Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox.With recovery mode it freezes even before showing me anything

A little kinda like the liveCD, if I try like 30 times, it might manage to boot once in normal mode.That line keeps on repeating, the the xxx.xxx integer changes each time, and this goes on forever.I tried removing my floppy drive, but it didn't help.I tried to boot with fd0=noprobeThe one time it booted, when I restarted, it froze while trying to restart.

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Ubuntu :: Recovery Mode To Normal Mode With Graphic?

Dec 7, 2010

I accidentally chose the "recovery mode" and now i dont know what to do. What commands i have to enter to go back to normal ubuntu mode with graphic etc?

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OpenSUSE Install :: ATI Fglrx Drivers - Cannot Boot Into Normal Mode

Jan 15, 2011

I've installed fglrx drivers with 1click install on openSuse11.3. If I try to boot in "normal mode" I end up in black screen. However if I boot in safe mode, then login and startx, everything works ok

~> fglrxinfo
display: :0.0 screen: 0
OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4300 Series
OpenGL version string: 3.3.10151 Compatibility Profile Context
Shows fglrx works OK, as well as overall performance is pretty good.

I've done
aticonfig --initial
radeon drivers is also blacklisted
but running (if it means something)
# depmod -a; lsmod | grep radeon
radeon 868858 0
ttm 64561 1 radeon
drm_kms_helper 32944 1 radeon
drm 221516 3 radeon,ttm,drm_kms_helper
i2c_algo_bit 6728 1 radeon

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Ubuntu :: Use A Windows-based Recovery Partition On A Dual-boot Computer To Overwrite Partition And Remove GRUB Loader?

Mar 9, 2010

is it possible to use a Windows-based recovery partition on a dual-boot computer to overwrite the Ubuntu partition and remove the GRUB loader? For instance, if you booted up your computer, accessed the hidden recovery partition and used it to reset the computer to it's factory default settings, would that effectively remove the Ubuntu partition and the GRUB loader? Would a completely new installation of Windows overwrite/uninstall Ubuntu and GRUB automatically?

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Ubuntu :: Odd Resolution - Monitor After Switched It To TV Mode Then Back To PC Mode

Feb 8, 2011

When I first installed ubuntu 10.10, the display was for some reason tinted green and shifted a few inches to the right. After experimenting with the resolution preferences, I eventually got it to a large resolution (1280x720 ... or something like that) yet is was quite blurry. I found out that the problem was with my monitor after I switched it to TV mode, then back to PC mode. It became perfectly clear! All I had to do then was adjust the screen positioning by shifting it left a bit.

Even though I have made the resolution I figured out to be default, whenever I turn the PC on after shutting down, it goes back to the "green-and-to-the-side" mode. :/ Ain't really a big problem, until I tried to fiddle with the resolution preferences s'more.

Somehow, I have set it to be twice as wide of the maximum my monitor can display, went back to being green tinted for some reason, and is completely shifted left (yet the right side is still visible) This means that I cannot see what is going on the left side, and cannot adjust the resolution preferences, nor can I click blindly cuz the border is only around my visible side of the screen. Now it is stuck like this.

I've researched many hours and eventually found the terminal command for the resolution preferences. it popped up on the visible side. Although it was to no avail cuz I HAVE TRIED EVERY SETTING AND OPTION and absolutely nothing changed. I assume a system restore would simply revert it back to the previous satisfactory settings, but the thing is I want to FIX it. I am new to this terminal stuff, so I want to learn it and all that. To put it simply, here's what I want:

Learn how to manually adjust resolution without depending on a simple dialog box. Make the satisfactory resolution default and consistent through turning it on and off. Link that could teach me the essential commands, all this googling is stressful. D:

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - How To Get Into Recovery Mode

May 1, 2010

How do I get int recovery mode in Ubuntu 10.04?

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Ubuntu :: How To Get Recovery Mode 10.04

Jun 17, 2010

ok so i have been haviung the same problem for a while now and it is starting to **** me off, with every distribution of ubuntu i am getting thuis stupid message when i log in it is ionoly every once i a while that i get it but saince i have upgraded to 220.04 cannot fix it. i could fix it befor pretty easily, the probklem is when i get t o the login screen i get this generic login menu whne i attept to login i get this message somethiung like power management is not installed correctly. like i said b4 it was easy to fix, all i would do is to go to the ubuntu recovery thing, which is apparently not available ion 10.04 it does not evn give me a choice which to boot how do i get to recover mode in ubuntu 10.04?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get To Recovery Mode

May 4, 2010

recovering a partial upgrade to Lucid.

4 core Xeon , was running 64 bit 9.10.

Upgrading over the weekend, but it failed, and suggested running dpkg-reconfigure -a

I couldn't launch any terminal/xterm windows, and couldn't login via ssh (kicked me out with xmalloc failure) or through a virtual console (showed garbled characters)

So I had to reboot.

Now the boot process -- I've tried recovery mode for all othe kernels I've got installed, but all fail in the same way:

Begin: Starting AppArmor profiles...
bash: xmalloc: ../bash/locale.c:73: cannot allotate 225469542417 bytes (0 bytes allocated)
Failure: AppArmor profiles failed to load.


It looks like it might be a libc problem. At any rate, I'd like to get into a recovery console to restart the update.

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Ubuntu :: Live Usb Have Recovery Mode?

May 22, 2010

I run 9.10 from a live usb with persistece, and got /etc/sudoers awfully messed up. now i'm told to fix in through 'recovery mode', but i don't think live usb has one. is that true? what about my sudoers? is there another way to fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Ctl Alt F1-6 And Recovery Mode (CLI) Don't Work?

Jul 19, 2010

Afraid I'm an utter newbie. I'm using 10.04 64 bit. I only noticed this after I tried to install the NVIDIA driver and all my ubuntu os'es blackscreened after restart. Because I couldn't even access recovery mode, I ended up reinstalling ubuntu, overwriting the old root.I thought the problem was due to the driver, but it's even now persisting. I can run the terminal (within X?) but if I try ctl alt <F1-6>, the screen just freezes until I do ctl alt F7. Furthermore, recovery mode still leaves a black screen after the initial loading text. I need it to work before I attempt reinstalling the NVIDIA drivers again, as I don't want to reinstall the OS and all the programs.

Sometimes it feels like I can do stuff in recovery mode, like Ctl Alt Delete or sudo shutdown, but sometimes not. Not sure if this is related, but grub also lists windows vista and windows recovery as the opposite they should be (I thought my windows was completely screwed until I tried windows recovery).

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