Ubuntu :: Make The Mouse Setting "Default"?

Mar 27, 2010

I was just checking new kinds of things when i reached the mouse in the system.. i played a bit with the sensitivity and the acceleration and now my mouse doesn't feel right and i cant get it back to the normal settings..does anyone know a way to make the mouse setting " DEFAULT" again? (i made default bold, cause i saw an unanswered thread where no one answered properly.. ) ..make them normal in other words..

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Ubuntu :: Change To Single Mouse Click / Make Icons Tinier Than Default / Change Icons

Mar 12, 2009

In Ubuntu 810.. how do you set the mouse for one click to open an item..?What is that software that sets Trash's empty feature at the bottom of the right click on trash..? I had it, but I can't find it for this new install.Is there a way to default the cursor to half its minimum size, and customize its color to blues..?Is there a way to force the desktop toolbar icons to half of their minimum default size..Is thee a way to change the "Ubuntu Icon + Applications/Place/System" to just three different colored tiny spheres, without the Ubuntu icon..?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Adjust The Default Setting Via /etc/default/grub?

May 29, 2010

I have already had Vista installed on another drive and from what i've read on the webs you get to dualboot if you install ubuntu after vista. when i did install it (i installed on a blank hdd with no partitions, choosing the "erase entire disk" option since for some reason default option was attempting to eat a part of my windows 1 gb drive instead of using disk i specially made for it) and the grub 2 loaded for the first time, there was NO option to run vista. only 2 linux (normal and recovery) and 2 memtests. I've ran linux and went to google this. I found that i should add something to some config files in /etc/grub.d/From reading the readme file i understood i could add my own files that are named like NUMBER_SOMENAME and insert code into them. Because it said:Quote: For example, you can add an entry to boot another OS as01_otheros, 11_otheros, etc, depending on the position you want it to occupy inthe menu; and then adjust the default setting via /etc/default/grub. But then i found a file 40_custom that said:

exec tail -n +3 $0


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Fedora :: Freelancer And Wine - Make Game Unplayable Is Mouse - Mouse Isn't Moving Smooth It Jumps Around

Jun 22, 2010

Biggest one that make game unplayable is mouse. Mouse isn't moving smooth it jumps around. I cannot shoot anything. So i asked for help, and everybody just say install windows. And where is fun in that. If people when ever run into problem with some software on linux just install windows. Linux would never go forward. I m not some great gamer, but i would like to be able to play this game. Probably somebody run into same problem. I sow that people talk about something like dis on WOW and wine but simptoms doesn't seem same to me.

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Fedora :: How To Make Mouse Pointer Less Sensitive To Mouse Movements

Jul 9, 2010

I'm running FC12 and GNOME.If I move the physical mouse about one inch, the mouse pointer moves across the entire screen.That's way too fast and way to sensitive.I prefer the mouse pointer to move far less distance on the screen when the physical mouse is moved.

From System->Preferences->Mouse, I set the various mouse Pointer Speed acceleration and Sensitivity to Slow, Fast, Low, High, and and I couldn't get it any better. At the least sensitive settings. if I move the physical mouse one inch, the mouse pointer moves across the entire screen.How can make the mouse pointer less sensitive to mouse movements?

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Ubuntu :: How To Make Default Package Installer From Lucid Be Default In Maverick?

Oct 24, 2010

in maverick the default package installer (when I double click on a .deb) is Ubuntu Software Centre, how can I make the default package installer from lucid (was it called "dpkg"?) the default again? Ubuntu Software Centre is too slow and freezes every time I click on something, can it be replaced?

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Ubuntu :: Setting Mouse In 10.04?

May 14, 2010

I'd like to be able to set the middle-mouse button on a standard Microsoft 3-button optical wheel mouse. I can change functions by modifying the middle value (x) in this command:xinput set-button-map 10 1 x 3How can I configure the button to, e.g., autoscroll a la Windows or something more uncommon like Alt-F4?

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Setting Not Retained Over A Reboot

Jun 24, 2010

Windows XP SP3 on a Dell Optiplex 755 less than a year old. The user is left handed and therefore swaps the mouse buttons in Control Panel - Mouse. For some reason that setting is not retained over a reboot. I've loaded the registry hive for that user and checked the setting and it is correct before the user logs on but somehow gets reset at login.

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Ubuntu :: How To Restore Mouse Default Preferences

Jun 12, 2010

I was messing around with games on my desktop. I'm using lynx, relatively newly installed. I changed the mouse controls in one of the games to be more sensitive for movement. It seems like whenever I click on a windowframe in gnome, half the time the windowframe treats my click as a doubleclick. For days I've been messing around with the mouse settings under system>preferences, but I can't seem to get the settings right. Knowing linux, the mouse controls have to be set in a text file somewhere. How to reset my mouse preferences to the original defaults?

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Ubuntu :: Setting The Default User Accounts?

Feb 28, 2010

I'm using ubuntu and i need to know if it is possible to make a "prototype" account that sets the defaults for new users when a new account is made. How would i go about doing this. I would like to have the same start up programs, panel, themes, background, etc...

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Ubuntu :: Setting VLC Media Player As Default ?

Apr 13, 2010

I recently installed VLC Media Player and now wonder how I could make it my default media player in Ubuntu because every time I want to listen to a song, I have to right click and "Open With...VLC Media Player".

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Ubuntu :: Return The Desktop With Default Setting?

May 29, 2010

[URL] my desktop accidently become like this: Screenshot-1.png i can't find the favourites, internet, system, etc to start the application...what should i do to return the desktop with default setting..

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Ubuntu :: Setting GRUB Default Boot?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm trying to configure GRUB to boot XP preferentially- my wife insists. Having looked up the GRUB manual I see that I can set this using the default command.

The problem is, when I go to my grub command line default is not a recognized command. If I hit TAB for a list of commands, it isn't there.

I think I'm using some 0.9x version of GRUB, since the partitions etc seem to be numbered starting at 0, not 1.

While I'm at it, I was just going to play around and figure this out, but: the menu interface lists five versions of Ubuntu (all those weird kernel variations) then XP. So would XP be default 1 or default 5?

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Ubuntu :: Setting Vim As Default Text Editor?

Jul 13, 2010

I'd like to set Vim as my default text editor (so it opens when I click a file). How can I do this?

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Ubuntu :: Default Browser Not Setting Not Working?

Oct 21, 2010

I have both Firefox and Chromium installed on my system. I have Firefox set as the default browser, but if, for example, I open GIMP go to Help --> About then click on "Visit the GIMP website" it opens in Chromium, not Firefox.On Maverick amd64, fresh install.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Default OS To Boot In Grub 1.98?

Jan 27, 2011

I Just updated my 10.04 LTS system, which dual boots Windows XP. Prior to the update the default was to boot to XP, now it is to Memtest.

I tried to edit /etc/default/ grub and make the default be 14 instead of 12, which would be XP, but Ubuntu, (using gedit), refused to accept my change.

I don't have a problem scrolling around to pick XP, or the latest Linux kernel to boot, but my wife sure does. How can I make Ubuntu/Grub default to to XP ?

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Ubuntu :: From KDE To Gnome: Setting Nautilus As Default?

Feb 14, 2011

I had KDE installed (kubuntu maverick), and moved to Gnome (to support screen dimming on my dell laptop).

Now, when I click on Places and anything (say Desktop), Krusader starts up (I set krusader to the default in KDE).

Where do I change this? I can't find the location in preferences to change this.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Custom Default Applications In 11.04?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm trying to set the default apps using gnome-default-applications-properties. In previous versions I was able to set custom apps for everything. Looks like Gnome3/Ubuntu 11.04 doesn't let me do that for, say, the mail reader. I'm one of those people who still use Alpine, and in previous versions I was able to set the default to run an xterm (well, aterm) which auto-ran alpine.

This version, looks like that's not there. I'm wondering if there's a way to set that anyway. like registering a script I write as a "mail client" so it's available in the chooser. Second... and almost MORE annoying... the "Terminal Emulator" default app DOES have a custom option. But it also recognises that I have aterm installed, which I want to use as the default app... however, since it has an aterm option, it won't let me enter aterm as a default command. Which I want to do because I want to modify the commandline options. But if you choose "Custom" and type "aterm" into the Command field... it ERASES your commandline options and puts it's default sterm options in!

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Ubuntu :: Setting Default File Permissions

Jun 26, 2011

I have a file server running a cronjob to reset file permissions on a regular basis. I was thinking, I wonder if there is a way to do the chmod and chown command in a single command, as I always have to do both on the same folder, the way that you can do "chown root:users Uploads" instead of having to do two separate commands for chown and chgrp.

Then I got to thinking, are these commands even necessary? Every file copied or moved into these folders by any user needs to be something like "chmod 750" and "chgrp root:users", so rather than running a cronjob to do these modifications at regular intervals, there ought to be a way to set the folder permissions so that any files contained within will have these permissions.

The problem arises because users create documents, then a supervisor with elevated privileges can move those documents into a shared folder, however the permissions are wrong, they are user1:user1 for the owner and group and the other users can't read the file until a cronjob changes the group to be users. This has actually been acceptable, but certainly there is a better way to do this.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Default File Manager In Xubuntu?

May 13, 2010

Is there a GUI that will allow me to set a default file manager for Xubuntu? I would like to use the Nautilus File manager. Right now I access Nautilus from a launcher I have on my Panel. I would like to have the ability to switch file managers, set defaults etc...

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Ubuntu :: Setting VLC As Default Player - Right Click Not Working?

Sep 9, 2010

I have been trying to set VLC as the default player, i have been reading in the forum but nothing works for me.

When i hit right click on a file and open with and set VLC as default it opens the vlc just that one time, not always.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Default Window Manager To User?

Sep 13, 2010

I have a HTPC that launches XBMC standalone automatically, but want to be able to quit and login as a normal Gnome user. I heard that you can set a default Window manager to the user. How do you do that?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Setting Keep Changing Back To Default?

Sep 30, 2010

I'm not sure exactly what happened, but starting a few hours ago, every time i open firefox,the settings have all reverted to the default. I change them back to what i prefer, then when i open it again they are back to the default.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Default Programs For Shell Scripts?

Mar 31, 2011

Is there a way to make it so that opening an executable text file will automatically run, rather than prompt me to run, edit, or something else?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Setting Default Media Player ?

May 9, 2011

I am trying to set my default media player as MPlayer and selecting it with a right click in the menu, open with and then telling it to open with every time. It then opens it in MPlayer that time no problem but then next time I just double click on the file (or any file with same type) it just opens it with the original default player. I've tried using SMplayer as well as default and it does the same thing. I'm on Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Grub's Default OS To Windows

Jul 2, 2011

i always had windows as default in my grub (this is my desktop pc, mostly for gaming, i use windows here for about 98% of the time linux is just for working)i lastly upgrades to 11.04 (bad idea never change a running system)and now my grub starts linux as default and i dont know why.i started startupmanager and set windows as default no change i clicked myself into the /boot/grub/grub.cfg and opened it as su - it looks like everything is right here too but i could think of something, i need to change there.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 LTS : Change Default Setting For Stacksize?

Jul 7, 2011

Using the 'limit' comand in tcsh, I can adjust stacksize etc. I can put this in my .login file, but what I actually want is to set this system-wide as a (larger) default then it is now (including for bash if possible).

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Setting Mouse Options Without Xorg.conf ?

Dec 26, 2009

I just installed 11.2, and discovered when I went to setup my Logitech Marble Trackball, that there was no /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. After some Googleing, I created one using sax2, Edited it to add the appropriate parameters to enable scrolling using the ball, and all works great.

My question is if there is a more "correct" way to change the parameters, as the mouse parameters are obviously stored somewhere on the machine.

BTW, for those with a Marble Trackball, all you need to know about the xorg.conf setup can be found here:

Logitech Marble Mouse - ArchWiki

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Software :: General X Setting (NOT WM-specific) To Map Keys / Mouse Buttons?

Apr 24, 2010

I'm trying out various windows mgrs and I'd love to be able to preserve certain key mappings...
...but what's REALLY important are the MOUSE KEYS!!!!!!!
I use the mouse left-handed. I can set that in Gnome or KDE easily, but if I go into, say Ratpoison, it's un-set again.
Is there a system-wide (or as close to it as possible) mouse setting?

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Fedora :: Setting GDM Back To Default?

Jan 20, 2010

I tried changing my Theme via MAC4LIN and it didnt work i get an error messege that shows:

cp: cannot stat `/etc/gdm/gdm.conf': No such file or directory
sed: can't read /etc/gdm/gdm.conf: No such file or directory
sed: can't read /etc/gdm/gdm.conf: No such file or directory

Previous to this i had tried installing KDM but it didnt appear to do anything (as in change any of the display management settings) The guide that i was reading to install MAC4LIN just uses GDM so i decided not to pursue KDM anymore. I Get the following read out:

[Jason@Echo ~]$ yum info gdm
Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit
Installed Packages
Name : gdm
Arch : i686


The goal is to set all my GDM settings back to normal so i can have that gdm.conf file. Anyone know a way to set the GDM back and repair any damage ive done?

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