Ubuntu :: Laptop Frequently Freezes Up And Has To Be Hard-reset

Jan 20, 2010

Under 9.10, my laptop frequently freezes up and has to be hard-reset. At first I thought it was a Firefox issue because it happens most often when I'm on the web, but the computer also crashed on me while doing things in Synaptic, so it must be something else. I have an HP Pavilion z5000 with an Ati Radeon 9600 Mobility, 1.25 GB of RAM and 120 GB hard drive.

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Hardware :: C840 Laptop Chronically Overheating - Hard Reset

Feb 19, 2010

I have blown-out and dusted the interior of the case with a feather brush, reseated the heat-sink with lots of paste, reseated the heatsink with a thin layer of paste, I've disabled speedstep in the BIOS to get the thing to run @ 1.2ghz instead of its' rated 2.0ghz, I've cleaned and lubed the fans with 3-in-1 oil. Yet, It still overheats. It goes like this. I'm running Slack -current BTW.

Boot ok...
XFCE4 starts ok...
gkrellm starts ok...
THM shows anywhere from 28 to 44C at this point...
Konsole starts ok...THM kicks up to 48C
Seamonkey starts...THM kicks to 50C
Load a ..... video to give the processor a workout
Within 2 mins THM spikes to 74C and fans start.
THM drops to 50C within a minute or so and then fans stop...
just let the machine sit for a minute...and...lockup
Hard reset
THM shows 66C during boot sequence
this pattern repeats every time I try to use this machine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Was Working From Fresh Install But Would Drop Out Often And Sometimes Freeze Laptop Resulting In Hard Reset?

Apr 20, 2010

Using karmic on acer aspire 5332.Wifi was working from fresh install but would drop out often and sometimes freeze laptop resulting in hard reset.Installed Ndiswrapper to try wireless drivers unfortunately i can't get them to work. How can i revert back to original ubuntu drivers?

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Fedora :: F12 Frequently Freezes After Suspending

Dec 19, 2009

I'm using x86_64 F12 on my dell inspiron 1440 laptop. My machine frequently freezes especially after suspending. Today, when I disabled the wireless connection, the machined freeze.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Frequently Freezes After A Fresh Install Of 10.04?

Jun 14, 2010

I recently installed a fresh copy of ubuntu 10.04 on my desktop computer which also has windows xp installed on it.The problem i`m facing with the installation is that,the system randomly freezes and i`m unable to use anything(MOUSE,SHORTCUT KEYS etc..,)All i could do is to go ahead and perform a hard restart using the power button.

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Frequently Freezes The Screen

Jul 15, 2011

The system frequently freezes the screen. The mouse is still moveable but there is no reaction on any click. Keyboard does not work either (pushing Num-Lock does not toggle the Num-Lock light on the keyboard). However, Alt-Print-b works for a reboot. The only other way out is to turn of the computer.I had this effect some time ago where I thought it was a problem due to the NVIDIA graphics driver. Since then, I changed back to the standard VESA driver and thought the problem would be gone. Just a thought

I toggled through the log files in /var/log which had the file date/time of the crash but I could not find any hint.Which log files could I look as well to dig for the problem? Or any idea for such an effect?

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Hardware :: Centos 5.5 System Hangs / Freezes Up More Frequently - Workaround This?

Aug 10, 2010

I recently installed centos 5.5 on a new system, details below. All worked fine for a couple of weeks, then the system froze up. No network access, no keyboard/mouse, blank screen. Had to reboot. Happened again about a week later. Then started happening every couple of days, then daily, and today it happened three times.

I see nothing unusual in any of the logs. The freezing does not seem to be correlated with any particular activity. Happened in both gnome and kde. While it's up, everything seems to work fine. I looked on the intel site for a new driver for this chipset but didn't find a linux version. I tried different versions of this same kernel (PAE, centosplus etc) but have not tried an older kernel.

I installed memtest86 (with yum) but when I try to start it from grub, the screen goes blank for a few seconds, then it reboots. Can't get it to start. Tried a bootable memtest86 cd that worked before (couple of years ago) and it wouldn't boot from it (bios is set to boot first from cd). Maybe this is a strong hint?

My next steps are to burn a new cd of memtest86 and try that. And/or to start removing ram to see if any of them are the culprit. In the meantime I'm asking if any of you have had similar problems with this architecture, or have other suggestions of things I could try. I don't have pieces of hardware lying around that I can easily swap in and out, unfortunately. If all this fails I'll try FC13. Any advice on whether or not you think that might fix the problem would be appreciated, before I go to the trouble.code...

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Crashes Frequently On Gateway NV56 Laptop

Apr 25, 2011

I recently switched from windows 7 to ubuntu 10.10 on my Gateway NV56 laptop. I previously had used wubi on it and had no problems, but with this installation it frequently crashes to a black screen and I have to reboot via the power switch. alt+sys-req+REUISB does not work, and I have lost a lot of data to this.

My hardware is as follows
-AMD turiion X2 RM-75 2.5 GHz dual core processor
-ATI Radeon HD 3200
-4 GB memory
-6 GB Ubuntu
-41 GB linux swap
-453 GB data

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Debian :: GUI Frequently Breaks / Laptop Goes To Sleep State Randomly

Apr 18, 2016

Note: I use debian testing.GUI very frequently completely breaks for me, it looks like this:URL....It usually happens after a short freeze or after going back to GUI from TTY (which doesn't display because of a known Nvidia proprietary driver issue).And sometimes my laptop goes into sleep state by itself while it's being used. This is lenovo ideapad z510 laptop, with intel+nvidia GPU (nvidia Optimus). To use nvidia GPU I use bumblebee.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Hard Drive Heads Frequently Being Set To Rest Position?

Apr 8, 2011

I've noticed since day one of installing openSUSE that my hard drive makes faint clicking noises quite frequently. At first I thought my drive was bad but after doing an extensive SMART diagnostics test (Passed) and researching on internet I've found that the clicking is actually the heads of my hard drive being put to the rest position via openSUSE's power management. I've confirmed this because if I run this command:

sudo /sbin/hdparm -B 254 /dev/sda

My hard drive will no longer make any noises and will run silently until the next reboot, as it keeps the hard drive spinning constantly. I'm basically asking (Because I'm paranoid) if the frequent hard drive head movement will reduce the hard drive's life span? I want to find out because I recently upgraded from a 160 GB 5400 rpm WD Scorpio Blue hard drive to a 500 GB 7200 rpm WD Scorpio Black. My old hard drive did not make as nearly as much clicking noises as my new one does, but the clicking can also be heard in Windows (Though not as frequent).

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Some Files From External USB Hard Drive Onto Laptop And Laptop Froze Up?

Mar 2, 2010

I was transferring some files from my external USB hard drive onto my laptop (running 64bit Karmic), and my laptop froze up for whatever reason.Everything on the screen stopped and the Scroll Lock and Caps Lock LEDs began flashing.Not knowing anything else to do, I hard booted off with the power switch.At this point, I was concerned if anything on either hard rive would be damagedI booted my laptop back up, and all seemed well until I trued to open my Documents folder.For some reason, Ubuntu will no longer open any folders at allI can't click on ComputerDocuments, Music, etc. When I do, a tab opens in the taskbar that says Opening folder. It stays on screen for about 20 seconds, and then goes away and the folder never opens.The weird part is if I open gEdit and try to load a file, I can see and get to everything.

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Ubuntu :: Disk Corruption After Hard Reset?

Feb 12, 2011

I'm facing a big problem with a corrupted disk on my wife's computer after she hard resetted the box after it froze up solid.Upon restarting it dropped into Busybox reporting something like

Quote:No init found. Try passing init= boot arg BusyBox v1.10.2 (Ubuntu 1: built-in shell (ash) (initramfs) ...This is VERY similar to a problem I had just a few weeks back with my own computer - see this thread for details of that. From that problem I learnt a lot, so I thought this would be quite straight forward, but I've ran into problems.The first thing I did was get a live disk, I chose Ubuntu Rescue Remix. It's a command line interface, which I am ok with, but I can't copy/paste the outputs here....so I am currently downloading System Rescue CD.sda1 is the root partition, it is corrupted. I used dd to make a back up of that by mounting sda7, and dding the whole partition image into /mnt/sda7/sda1.img .This seemed to complete properly, but, when I ran e2fsck on that img file, it wouldn't complete, throwing up a lot of errors.

ubuntu@ubuntu:/mnt/sda7temp$ sudo e2fsck sda1.img e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
Error reading block 2129920 (Invalid argument). Ignore error<y>? yes
Force rewrite<y>? yes[code]....[code]....

When I download and boot into System Rescue CD, I'll be able to run some more tests, in the mean time,I really want to save this disk otherwise my wife will be back on Windows permanently.

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Ubuntu :: Reset The System Which Will Also Format The Hard Drive?

Jan 28, 2010

I've currently got 9.10 and have (somehow) managed to mess the system up already!It's a new computer so I'm not fussed about data loss etc, but is there a way to completely reset the system which will also format the hard drive (as it was a download that has messed it up!) without losing the O/S?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Check For Hard Reset Damage?

Feb 26, 2010

I feel a little awkward in this Control Panel: first time user. I installed the latest version of Ubuntu yesterday. All went smooth until I got to installing printer drivers. The setup went online and my system froze...everything froze. I had to do a hard reset. The printer installation went smooth the second time. So far this is the only problem I've had. No details needed. What I was wondering is if there's any way to check if the hard reset did any damage.

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Ubuntu :: Xubuntu Hard Reset Stuck At Grub

Sep 17, 2010

I currently have a problem where when xubuntu is restarted using the power button, it will prompt the user with grub asking which selection to boot (xubuntu recovery or xubuntu) this feature itself is fine, but for some reason there is no timer, which means that unless you hit enter, it will always be stuck on the GRUB selection screen. I am wondering if there is any way to change this, is there anyway to enter a timer into the system so no matter what, after x seconds it will boot xubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Shutdown Or Restart Requires Hard Reset

Apr 30, 2011


Basically, when I do a reboot or shutdown and then the system tries to start I get a blank screen thus I have to hit the reset button and then I'm showed a grub menu (not sure why I have it set to autoboot) and then I can boot properly.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot After Hard-reset After Using Rm -r As Root / Enable It?

Apr 6, 2010

First of all, i'll just say this myself. I'm a dumbass and tried to fix somethings that wasn't even a problem from the start and now my 9.10 installation is totally fubar. There, done, now let's move on.

Ok, so I tried to delete a folder after compiling two binaries to the wrong folder and used the
rm -r
command on what I thought was the folder /home/lars/bin. And to add to the dumbass-ering, I was root while doing this. The computer hangs and leaves me with no other options than doing a hard-reset via power-button.

After rebooting I can't even see the login screen, it just hangs at the Ubuntu symbol.

So I give the recovery mode option in my grub menu a try and it gives me a bunch of lines, all looking good until I get this and the boot just stops with a blinking underscore. code...

Should I just beat myself for a while and then reinstall the OS or what...?

The hardware involved is a Asus EEEpc 1000h.

ps. I'm new to Linux and have so-far managed to get around by following guides and tips, just a heads-up.

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Fedora :: 11 Crashes - Computer Hangs And Have To Do A Hard Reset ?

Aug 11, 2009

My Fedora 11 installation was a breeze but i have been experiencing crashes sometimes. the computer hangs and i have to do a hard reset.

Here is what /var/log/messages say before the crash:

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Debian :: Jessie Screen Freeze - Requires Hard Reset

Apr 26, 2016

I'm running Jessie 64bit, and after installing the latest image and fully updating it, I get screen freezes using gnome, most oftenly when i press the start button to access gnome app grid. System becomes unusable and I have to hard reset. Just in case, I installed linux firmware from nonfree repos, but the issue persists. I don't use any exotic hardware:

Code: Select all00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor DRAM Controller (rev 06)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor PCI Express x16 Controller (rev 06)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06)
00:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor HD Audio Controller (rev 06)
00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 8 Series/C220 Series Chipset Family USB xHCI (rev 04)

[Code] ....

I'd say it's related to graphics, but I don't know how to get around it...

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.1 - Boot System Forces Hard Reset

May 6, 2009

I'm new to Linux, tried Ubuntu, had slow boot problems, tried openSUSE 11.1, still have slow boot problems. The issue seems to be that the ata.0 device is slow to respond (ERROR= -16), the boot system forces a hard reset, then a soft reset, configures for UDMA 133, says the drive is ready, then does it again, three times, and then configures the drive for UDMA 100. It's a brand new Western Digital Caviar drive, and windowsXP likes it just fine. Once SUSE boots, everything seems to work just fine. I thought the problem might be with the drive jumpers, so I reset them from cable detect to master/single. No change in the problem.

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Ubuntu :: Laptop Freezes All The Time - Can't Fix It

Aug 16, 2010

I'm dual-booting Vista and Ubuntu. Ubuntu freezes all the time, like every 5 mins so I don't ever use it. I just do a new installation every now and then to see if it fixes itself but it doesn't. It says that the battery has a low capacity, could this be the cause?it only freezes in Vista when I take out the charger, about at the same frequency as in Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Powertop Freezes Laptop / What To Do?

Feb 15, 2011

I was reading the forum yesterday, and saw a thread about powertop. Needless to say I tried it on my Toshiba NB305, and thought it might be good to see if I could also get better power usage from my wife's Toshiba A665. The problem is that when I run it on her laptop, it just totally hangs the system, and the caps lock light just sits there blinking. I am not sure why. Is it not designed for x64 systems? Any ideas, or similar problems? I think this laptop has an Intel i5 540M processor, and I am running Ubuntu 10.04x64 kernel version 2.6.32-29-generic.

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Ubuntu :: Shutdown Or Restart Laptop Freezes With 10.04

Jul 13, 2010

sometime when i try to shutdown or restart my laptop with Ubuntu 10.04 it freezes and this is the last message : init: gdm main process (991) killed by KILL signalith status 255nal executable binary formats[ OK ] *Stopping Likewise DCE/RPC Endpoint Mapper: dcerpcd i could not find shutdown log file if is needed where is it?

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Ubuntu :: Live Usb Freezes Laptop Instantly

Sep 29, 2010

when i stick in my live usb and turn my laptop on it freezes instantly, cant get past the laptop logo screen used "Universal USB Installer" to create the bootable usb changed to boot usb hdd first also.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Freezes After Laptop Lid Closed?

Apr 29, 2011

If I close my laptop lid for more than a few seconds, my screen will become completely unresponsive, aside from the cursor. Any idea what could be causing this?

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Ubuntu :: When Running Laptop On Battery Desktop Freezes

Oct 16, 2010

When I'm running the laptop on battery the desktop freezes. It doesn't matter what program I use, it also happens when I just boot the system login and do nothing. I then have no mouse, no keyboard - so no key combination works. The only thing I can do is turn the laptop off using the power button and turn it back on. Usually the desktop freezes with in 5 min after login, but I also had one case were I was able to work for about 2 hours. When I plug in the power supply everything works fine.

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Ubuntu :: Laptop Occasionally Freezes On Start Up With A Message?

Nov 24, 2010

I am using 10.4 on a Toshiba satellite pro L100 and have got it working well enough with ubuntu. However, every now and again it freezes on start up and I think it may be before the automatic disc driver check and scan that happens on start up now and again. It gets stuck and tells me

[ 33.117318][drm:rs400_gart_adjust_size]*ERROR*forcing to 32M GART SIZE (because of ASIC bug?)

I only ask as I have to do a hard shut down and computers don't like them do they?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome / XORG Freezes When Closing Laptop Lid

May 17, 2011

Gnome (or XORG, I'm not sure which name to give it) freezes up not always, but about once every 24 hours after I close the laptop's cover/lid. I know this happens when I close the lid rather than open it judging by the time the clock is locked at. The cursor will move around on the screen, but noting will react to it in any way. Other services such as FTP and Samba still work just fine when the computer is "locked down". Without more details to why the problem is occurring, I have no idea what to search for or where to get started solving the problem. I have attached the XORG logs (found in var/log) in case they are of any use.

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Ubuntu :: PC Freezes And Nothing Can Be Done But Hard Reboot

Sep 24, 2010

my pc freezes and nothing can be done but hard reboot. I apologize in advance if this thing is brought up before and for the length of my post. I have found a lot of interesting relevant stuff like URL... and URL... but couldn't resolve it.I am new in Linux and already my main choice of OS.I have Ubuntu 10.04, fully updated. Runs on an ASUS P5Q (listed in Ubuntu compatible m/b's) with ATI Radeon 4800 (don't know if relevant). In the last week approximately, I have realized that in seemingly random times the system freezes. I am not absolutely sure if this was something that could have happened earlier on, but it just didn't occur. It appears that this started after some update. The interesting part is that it came to my attention that it is 100% certain that will freeze during a file synchronization analysis between usb hdds with Unison (!). This is something I didn't use to do, and of course I have never been able to complete since I have this situation.

After that, two things come to my mind. One is, I wonder why the sync process provokes this, and if has got anything to do with all things said about X freezes, ACPI or hardware acceleration. Second, I wonder how on earth I could locate the relevant updated packages and rollback. You see, last week I remember at least 4-5 updates with 5-10 packages updated. Running through the dpkg log doesn't help me a lot, the list is fairly big, and I believe for a result not exactly guaranteed

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Debian :: Laptop Freezes When Going Into Suspend

Sep 30, 2015

I'm running stock Debian 8.2 with GNOME DE on an Acer ES1-512 series laptop. Whenever I attempt to go into suspend, either by closing the laptop lid or holding ALT when clicking the power button in the top-left system menu on the desktop, my laptop briefly flashes the default GNOME lock screen, fades to black, and then hangs there. Usually, when my laptop would actually suspend, the power indicator light would change from blue to orange and slowly fade in and out. However, now it just sits on blue. There is no way to re-awaken the laptop from this state, and I have to force shutdown by holding the power button.

Running Code: Select allgrep -i error /var/log/messages gives me:

Code: Select allSep 28 17:59:57 debian gnome-session[1188]: [1504:1536:0928/175957:ERROR:mcs_client.cc(752)] Received close command, resetting connection.
Sep 28 18:17:50 debian gnome-session[1188]: [1504:1536:0928/181750:ERROR:mcs_client.cc(752)] Received close command, resetting connection.
Sep 28 21:27:52 debian gnome-session[1188]: [1504:1536:0928/212752:ERROR:channel.cc(307)] RawChannel read error (connection broken)
Sep 29 14:21:51 debian gnome-session[1188]: [1504:1536:0929/142151:ERROR:mcs_client.cc(752)] Received close command, resetting connection.


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