Ubuntu :: Lampp For 10.10 ?

Oct 12, 2010

It's been a short while since I had to put lampp on ubuntu 10.04. But, nevertheless I got it running eventually. I cannot seem to get it working on 10.10. Has anybody had experience with this yet? If so, what did you do to get it to work? Also, what differences does anybody know of that is preventing it from installing on 10.10 via the routes it would install on 10.04?

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Ubuntu :: Lampp Mysql Won't Start?

Aug 4, 2010

I had xampp going, but it got messed up and mysql wouldn't start. I thought reinstalling wou;d fix it, but it didn't.

when i do:

sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start
i get:
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.7.3a...


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Ubuntu :: Host A Site Using Lampp?

May 4, 2011

i have been trying to host a site with lampp in ubuntu and i am pretty lost and sick of all the error messages, maby somone could give me a step by step guide how to do it. or got a bether option ?

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Software :: Using Webmin With Lampp?

Oct 27, 2010

Does anyone know if you can reconfigure webmin to use the lampp services instead of the default server services (e.g. apache, mysql, etc.)?

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Ubuntu :: Changing Permission On Lampp .conf Files?

Apr 14, 2011

How can modify httpd-xampp.conf's permission on my opt/lampp/etc/extra/ directory? I tried chmod-ing it on terminal, there's no error message whatsoever on the terminal but it still can't be modified.

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Server :: LAMPP, Good For Internal Use Or No?

Jul 7, 2010

We want to build a couple internal web apps for about 150 people to use, maybe 10 concurrently of any one app/site. LAMPP seems to be pretty simple to use for all it does, but their website has the following disclaimer at the bottom of this post, and there's some people here, programmers who like to make things way more intense/"cool" for programmers than they need to be for a small shop, who agrue that it shouldn't be used in production. I'm not really sure our internal 150 people classify as the type of "production" they are referring to below, I think they more mean a public facing site. We're never going to grow any bigger than this people-wise, or ever make these public facing sites. Just looking for some advice, as lampp seems very easy to use, as well as easy to backup and restore the entire lampp folder and get going on another server quickly in the event of a disaster.

As mentioned before, XAMPP is not meant for production use but only for developers in a development environment. The way XAMPP is configured is to be open as possible and allowing the developer anything he/she wants. For development environments this is great but in a production environment it could be fatal.

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Server :: LAMPP Saying OpenSSL Not Installed?

Jan 18, 2011

I inherited a project that someone built in lampp, and I need create new SSL certs.

So I go to do so and it says that OpenSSL is not installed and to apt-get and install it.(Ubuntu by the way)

So before I did so, I wondered if it would cause any problems...since it was supposed to be part of the lampp stack.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mysql Won't Start After Running Lampp/security

Jan 11, 2010

I have ubuntu 9.10, and installed the latest lampp with default options. Apache/Mysql/Proftpd would start and stop fine. I then did:

...which I got from here...[url] Although I'm pretty sure I was never prompted for the mySQL password. At any rate, now mySQL will not start (Apache and ProFTP are OK). Where can I start debugging this? Where is the conf file for mySQL?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Change Mysql Data Directory Location In Lampp

Aug 23, 2011

I use dual boot with windos 7. i use xampp in win7. want to use lampp for ubuntu 10.04. i want to use one local server directoy for both . i successfuly changed htdocs location in lampp. but could not change mysql data directory location.

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General :: Lampp Won't Start Apache 'another Web Server Daemon Running'

Mar 7, 2010

I installed LAMPP a couple of weeks ago and was working fine. Today when I try to start lampp, it will only start MySql and ProFTPD. It says "XAMPP: Another web server daemon is already running." How can I find out where this other server is located and stop it?

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Fedora :: Install Lampp But It Gaves An Error That The Operating System Doesn't Support 32 Bit?

Apr 11, 2010

I am a newby in linux. i wanted to install lampp (xampp) but it gaves me an error that the operating system doesn't support 32 bit. I am using at this moment Fedora 12 x86_64.

I looked in another thread and they sad that i need to run yum whatprovides missing_lib_name but it don't show anything is there another way to get 32 bit support in linux because i really need xampp.

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Ubuntu :: Move Xampp's Root Directory From /opt/lampp/htdocs To /home/private/htdocs

Dec 2, 2010

i was trying to move xampp's root directory from /opt/lampp/htdocs to /home/private/htdocs (in order to use Ubuntu One) but when i restarted apache i got "permission denied" when i tried to load the index page.so i said to my self...hey..let's chmod
i entered this three commands in terminal:

sudo chmod -R 755 /home/private/htdocs
sudo chmod 755 /home/private
sudo chmod 755 /home
('private' is my username)

after a couple of seconds everything begun to disapper, shortcuts on my desktop, my wallpaper...all.i even tried to execute another command with sudo but i got a nice error message that said i don't have permissions to execute bla bla.now i can't even log into my user.

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Ubuntu Installation :: [Errno 13] Permission Denied: U'C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso'

Jun 29, 2010

I'm new to Linux, so I decided to try using Wubi to get started. THe problem is, when it finished installing 10.04, I got this message: OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso' Is there any way around this? It might just be that overly restrictive thing called Vista (which I have the bad luck to be using). I was considering getting a USB drive for Ubuntu anyway..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Errno 13 Permission Denied: U'C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso

Apr 11, 2011

I recently got interested with with OS.. So I downloaded wubi in Ubuntu website. I opted for the Ubuntu Netbook Edition as am using a lappy. However, halfway through finishing download I got an error. The log shows:

OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso'

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Ubuntu Installation :: Difference Between The Ubuntu Installer For Windows And The Ubuntu CD Image?

Jan 2, 2010

What is the difference between the Ubuntu Installer for windows and the Ubuntu CD image? If I use the ubuntu installer for windows, does it have the capability to partition my drive, will it enable to share files with windows etc or is it just a way not to have to burn a CD. Just curious, the exact details of the installation files were not made clear on the website. Note: Windows Version: XP, 32bit, SP3. I have not partitioned anything yet.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Win7/ubuntu With Ubuntu On Different Disk?

Nov 19, 2010

I have windows 7 installed on Disk2 (according to windows Disk Manager), and I installed ubuntu 10.10 on Disk0, choosing the dual boot option at installation.

However, grub does not load (presumably because its on disk0 and my machine appears to boot from disk3), so the machine goes straight into windows 7.

How do I get ubuntu to load?

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Ubuntu Installation :: New Ubuntu User Can't Load Ubuntu Or Windows

Oct 7, 2010

I'm currently running off of my live-cd, and after spending 4 hours of my life trying to fix this myself, i figured someone out here has to know how to help me. Basically, i wanted to try linux, then liked it enough to decide to put on one of my usb-drives (320g adata nobility NH92), and i couldn't get it to boot anything but windows w/o the live-cd, which would then boot the live-cd, lol, in other words, i couldn't get it to boot at all from the external, even though i had changed the setting in my bios to boot from usb first, and tried manually selecting boot from usb and all that fun stuff.

Sooo... eventually i decided it might be a problem with the bootloader, and while i'm not exactly sure at this point what i have done to my computer, all i can successfully boot is the live cd. When I try to boot w/o the live cd, whether i try to boot from my internal (windows) drive, or external, all i get is a device not found error.I think i could fix it if i had windows recovery cd's (i'm running xp, btw), or installation cds, but... unfortunately, they died in a terrible accident. So i have no cd's at all for windows. :/

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Ubuntu :: Upgrading To 10.10 - Error "select 'Ubuntu' In The Boot Up Menu Right After The BIOS Screen: Booting ' Ubuntu 10.10, Kernel 2.6.35-25-generic'"

Feb 13, 2011

I have been running Ubuntu 10.04 under Windows 7 (Is this call WUBI?) without any problems for a while. My other machines only run Ubuntu (9.04 & 10.04). I decided to give it a try to the latest Ubuntu 10.10. After going through the successful installation and then rebooting, I am getting the following error message once I select 'Ubuntu' in the boot up menu right after the BIOS screen: Booting ' Ubuntu 10.10, kernel 2.6.35-25-generic'


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Ubuntu Networking :: Ubuntu 2 Ubuntu Via Ethernet While Still Using WiFi?

Jan 26, 2010

I'm wondering if this is even possible. I've searched high and low and have yet to find and answer to this particular setup.

The setup:
Router is in another building.
Desktop connected by WiFi
Laptop connected by WiFi
Both the Desktop and the Laptop are in the same building together. About 5' apart.

SSH server is setup on Desktop
FreeNX client is setup on Laptop

So they can connect just fine via WiFi for remote desktop control of the Desktop from the Laptop (so SSH and FreeNX are working).Is it possible to connect the 2 pc's directly to each other by Ethernet cable AND transfer files between them by Ethernet while still being connected to the Internet by WiFi on them both?Or would the WiFi have to be disabled while using the Ethernet connection?Neither has a Gigabit Ethernet NIC so I know it would at least require a crossover cable or another router to connect the 2 by Ethernet cable.The idea behind all this is to be able to transfer files between computers quickly by Ethernet while the computers are still busy doing other things on the Internet by WiFi.

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Ubuntu :: Them Most Lightweight Ubuntu Or Ubuntu Based Distro?

May 11, 2010

I've been trying to find what would be the lightest ubuntu or ubuntu based distribution, I have an older PC I'd like to get up and running again, and would prefer something that works pretty quickly on it (for basic web browsing and other things) the specs are:

AMD Duron 900Mhz, 384MB RAM, 40GB HDD, Geforce FX 5200 128MB agp.

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Ubuntu :: Ubuntu Can't Override Previous Ubuntu Installations

Sep 19, 2010

1. I accidentally wrecked a previous Ubuntu installation so I decided to re-install via the Ubuntu disk. Unfortunately Ubuntu doesn't let me override previous Ubuntu installations...

2. Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat is due to released in about 3 weeks. I want to install it via a clean install.

3. So can anyone tell me how to remove both Ubuntu partitions safely. I am currently running WinVista with Ubuntu Lucid Lynx. I know I have to use something like this to erase GRUB2. Can anyone give me a good tutorial?

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Ubuntu :: Switching Betwean Ubuntu And Ubuntu Studio

Mar 14, 2011

I want to change from ubuntu 11.04 to ubuntu studio. Is there any way to do this without losing all my stuff/with out completely reinstalling the os?

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Ubuntu :: Connecting Ubuntu To Ubuntu Through VNC / Remote Desktop

Apr 19, 2011

The scenario is as follows - I will be moving across the country and my desktop will stay here powered and online, while I move with a laptop. I need a way to connect to the desktop for file streaming(music and movies) as well as using the virtual machines. I have thought about SSH and VNC.I need something failsafe. That's priority one. I won't be around to fix it if it breaks. I can set the computer to come on in the BIOS at a certain time if the power went out. But if I can get in remotely the whole setup is useless.SSH only provides terminal use, correct? So if I chose that route I would be able to access the computer via command line and play music and movies with mplayer and such, correct? But I would not be able to run the virtual machines? Because there will be no GUI, right?

I have been playing with Vinagre and Vino through the host and guest of a virtual machine and I cannot get it to connect. Is there a better application? x11vnc? I have forwarded port 5900 on the router and have upnp enabled. Got a better remote desktop suggestion?I would like to run this setup headless.(no monitor) I also would like to run it without a gpu if that is possible to make it more energy efficient.Both computers are 64 bits and will be running Ubuntu 10.10 and soon 11.04.Are these crappy ideas to begin with? Should I go another route to get my files and access the virtual machines?

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Ubuntu Networking :: File Sharing - Vista Can See Ubuntu - Ubuntu Cannot See Vista

Nov 24, 2010

After a reinstall of 10.10, I am able to turn on file sharing and so I set up a shared folder.

Windows Vista can see this folder but in my network place, there is only one icon, and it's a "Windows Network" icon. Upon clicking on that, I can see the local network, "Rompus Room".

When I click on Rompus Room, nothing happens for a while, then I get a message saying, "Opening "ROMPUS ROOM". Then I get the final message, "Unable to mount location", followed by, "Failed to retieve share list from server"

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Ubuntu Security :: Ubuntu Sudo Versus Windows 7 User Account Control

Jan 6, 2010

Is windows 7 UAC basically a user/system control system like sudo?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Not Connecting Ubuntu 9.10; Broadcom 4322AG 802.11a/b/g/draft-n WiFi Adapter?

Jan 13, 2010

I was running 9.10 in LiveCD mode and was unable to get online. Went to System>Administration>Hardware Drives and found "Broadcom STA wireless driver". Cool. So I went ahead and installed 9.10 (dual boot with Vista), repeated above steps but found no "Broadcom STA wireless driver" option, in fact no proprietary drivers. So I still cannot connect to the Internet, and I don't know where to go from here. (Note: I installed 9.10 side by side with Vista: good? bad?)


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Ubuntu :: System Files In Ubuntu, Usr/share/gnome-screensaver \ Permissions Are Denied?

Feb 5, 2010

So I wanted to replace my password prompt with this:it says to write it over the system files in ubuntu, under usr/share/gnome-screensaverbut i cant do that, as it says permissions are denied...

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Ubuntu :: While Installing Ubuntu Made Two Partitions And Set Two Load Points But There Is Only One Partition Shown?

Mar 8, 2010

while installing ubuntu i made two partitions and set two load points. //home/but in ubuntu there is only one partition shown(filesystem).. what is going on?

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Ubuntu :: When Login To Ubuntu All The Icons & Toolbars & Taskbars Are Appearing In Larger Size

Mar 25, 2010

when i login to Ubuntu all the icons & toolbars & taskbars are appearing in larger size.

my monitor size is 17" Samsung .

i dont understand how to solve the problem.

when i see on other systems its correctly detecting the monitor size and company.

but on my system its showing unknown for monitor company & the resolution 900 X 600 (16:10).

on my friend system the resolution is 1024 X 768(4:3). but on my system the max resolution is only 900 X 600 (16:10).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Ubuntu On Two 250-gigabyte Hard Drives In A RAID 1 Array?

Apr 4, 2010

I'm about to install Ubuntu on two 250-gigabyte hard drives in a RAID 1 array, but I'm confused about how to partition my hard drives. How much space should I give to each partition? How many partitions should I create and where should I mount them? (I should mention that Ubuntu will be the only OS on this array.)

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