Ubuntu :: Kill The X Server And Have It NOT Restart In 9.10?
Apr 27, 2010
Sometimes, i just want to run a shell terminal so i can access the desktop environment of another computer over ssh. is there a way to kill the X server and have it NOT restart in 9.10 Ubuntu?
I have a process that I cannot kill with kill -9 how to go about this?
It is an openvpn process but I cannot retsrat the service as I alreday have another openvpn service running on the server so when I do openvpn service restart, it won;t know which service to restart.
When I logout Gnome session, the whole system reboots. I found this command, "gnome-session-save --kill", it restarts the system, too.That's what is happening with two of my Dell destops(CentOS 5.6). How could this happen?
Today I run OpenOffice.org extensions update and it freezed fter showing me that everything was successful.When i xkilled it it refused tolaunch without any problem indication.killall soffice.bin didn't report "No process found" after 1,2,3...20 times.So I tried killall soffice.bin -i
the process is mcelog. When I do as root kill -9 2323 which is pid of mcelog the process is not killed. I tried doing the same from top, press K and enter pid of mcelog. doing ps auwx | grep mcelog I see there are several results. I tried killing all of them like kill -9 2355 2341 3425 2345. But re-running the above commands still shows them as running. How else would I troubleshoot this to avoid restarting of the box.
when u running command "top" u can see table and under %CPU i see some time used over 60% how can make server kill any thing using 60% or over auto ? i'm not using php or mysql i hosted vps's and they not runung mysql
Ever since I installed and started operating my FTP server, with a wired connection, my wireless connection to my computers has been going in and out a lot. My wireless connection is about a foot away from the router. Is it possible that the wired FTP server is pulling a lot of the internet signal away from my wireless setup?
I'm having trouble killing X server and keeping access to the console. I'm trying to install an Nvidia driver so that I can use OpenGL with Geant4. To install the driver, I need X server to be off.I Googled, and found a lot of things about runlevels that no longer apply in 10.04, since inittab has been removed, and that the runlevel now defaults to 2.
I tried CTRL + ALT + Backspace, but that just boots me to the GUI login prompt. In earlier versions of Ubuntu, I would set the default runlevel to 3, but since I'm already at 2, that seems to be as low as I need to go. I tried it in runlevel 1, but the installer warned me about the possibility of needing daemons that would otherwise be running. So in summary, I just need to be able to kill the X server and keep using the console on the current run level. If anyone knows how I can do that in 10.04,
I have a straingh problem with kill. I start a skript run.sh. With Ubuntu i can kill run.sh and the whole pstree is killed. with centos it does not work?
why does centos do not kill the wohle tree? is there someting with the bash? ubuntu use 4x and centos 3.2
Sorry to waste the groups time on this one, after killing that and biting fingers, I re-examined the ps list and saw the tar and bzip running fine (so even though I killed the backup .sh, it was still going along, so I simply removed those and all was well again.
Feel free to reply though with #3, if I have 30G of mail, I know gzip is faster but bzip is more compression from reading, should; a) tarring that mail actually drop to 3G total! b) est (I know it's tough) but backing up 30G, is 10 hours longer than expected? (I will run some tests on a smaller folder)
############### end update
this is on an old RH9 box and backing up mail. I started the job last night in a shell script, it's around 30G of mail, and it was a tar using bzip as there was only 20 or so gig 'free space'. The old backup script was in perl and just a tar mail folder and the total was 3G so I figured I was safe.
Well it started last night and this am it was still running. I did a kill -9 on the pid and ps now shows it as; root 9143 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z Feb23 0:00 [backup.sh <defunct>]
Disk space was down to 1.3G free (so somewhere all that space is being held temp somewhere), but I removed the old backup (3G which gave me a little breathing room of 4.5G), but the backup is still running somehow as the 4.5 is now 4.3. I tried the pkill, kill -9 pid, read someone said re-start the job which I did, then killed but nothing.
I really can't reboot this production box, so in RH9, I need to both; 1.kill that defunct backup 2.remove the temp storage it has made 3.figure out why it's taken 10+ hours and not done.
We have an internal application which takes below 10% cpu usage normally. However sometimes it hit above 85% or more (and stays there) causing the server to become very slow. Currently we have to monitor this manually, kill the process and manually start it.
command / script that will kill the process (using pid will be the best option as i think) when it reaches 85% or higher
(I saw another question that suggested to use monit but I have to get this done using the standard commands available in the current installation - RHEL5)
I'm running Ubuntu 10.10. I recently installed the open ssh server so that can sftp stuff. However, I do not want the server to always be on, only when I manually start So, I did an 'update-rc.d -f ssh remove'and now I don't see any startup scripts in the rcx.d directories any more.However, when I do a 'ps ax', there is always a '/usr/sbin/sshd' process running. I try to kill it but it keeps restarting under a different process ID.How do I disable sshd?
I'm have some desktop computers sharing my Centos 5 server diskpace through NFS. From time to time, without any warning, lockd bugs and all the users that are using GTK applications like Firefox,Gnome.get stuck.
My first atempt is to restart the NFS, but locked files persist because I can kill the lockd pid process, even using root account , I suppose this is because it's a kernel process. Here is the message error I get when restarting NFS matrix kernel: lockd_down: lockd failed to exit, clearing pid
I've started facing the weirdest problem. I have to restart the ethernet interface a couple of times a day and everytime i do that the server locks up completely and i have to hard reboot it.info: recently shifted to a new server, all new components and new installation, OS version CentOS 5.6
I have just finished the upgrade of the latest version and I'm at the point of my system restating.
My system automatically tried to restart but on the restart I got the 'terminal' view. It stopped when asking for my username (it never normally asks for this before the grub menu) and then password. I didn't get any further than that.
I now have on my screen (still in the terminal view before the grub menu)
"name@name-desktop:...$ "
I'm on my phone now so I don't actually have the symbol for before the dollar sign but your know what it is. The raised S on a 90 degree angle.
I have a suspend problem in my laptop. Sometimes, when resuming from suspend, the network adapter is down (that is, the network does not work and the light of the network adapter is off). Restarting the network service doesn't work, because I think that the system forgot about the hardware, and probably the driver should be reloaded.Does anyone knows how to do that?(ps. /etc/init.d/networking restart does not work, because the hardware driver is not being recognized anymore).
I have linux server which 6.2 very old which was installed long back. CVS is running there . problem is sometime the port doesnot listen sometimes listen if i do netstat -an.It is weired. not sure how to restart the CVS service in the 6.2 server
My Ubuntu 9.10 works well with the network through samba, but only if I first run - sudo service samba restart Then all is fine. I don't understand this. How can I avoid having to do this? Or alternatively where can I best put this command so that it will be run on boot-up.
I thought I would play around with php for a while and so set forth to configure apache. Whilst I was reading a website for installing LAMP stuff on ubuntu I thought I would give it a go. I installed a LAMP server with: sudo tasksel install lamp-server and lo and behold it crashed my operating system upon restart. So both my laptop and desktop were toast.
Everything is reinstalled now so is fine and I have installed apache2 and php5 from separate packages. The one thing that's troubling me is why it crashed. It seemed to uninstall vlc media player, m-player and gnome-player as well as removing the "switch accounts" button on the lock screen. Does anyone know 1) why it died and/or 2) why it chose to eliminate those programs specifically.
I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 on a home network (without internet access)Occasionally I need to restart the print server. Code: xterm -e 'sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart' each time it asks for the password but because this is a closed network, I'd like to dispense with it asking for the user password each time
I am having some problems after installing apache2-mpm-itk on my Debian 5.4 server. From my understanding apache2-mpm-itk will run child processes as root until a http request is received. It then suid's to the username in the VirtualHost directive. This is all working fine, as I can see a few apache processes started by a specific user.
However, the problem is when I try to restart apache. It will kill all the processes running by root but wont kill any of the processes that have been suid'ed to another username.
When i attempt to restart I get this error:
Code: charged:/etc/apache2# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart Restarting web server: apache2 ... waiting (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80 (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
If I do a "ps aux | grep apache" before and after I see all the root processes killed, but processes running as specified users from VritualHost directive remaining.
Now I am not an extreme linux power user, but I know a bit.
bit of a server noob having built a server to hold a php website for a client hosting at home, I have some experience, but VERY limited and don't speak fluent server.My problem is that overnight each day apache on my clients server stops responding. I can still access via putty / webmin.The best I can see it, it seems that apache 2 opens too many child processes and chokes the system. My reasoning for this is:-Though I have max child set to 20 with a keep alive of 30 there are dozens of child processes 'apache2 -k start' running, some of which were started 9.5 hours ago.
-I can stop apache, though that doesn't kill these child processes. I can terminate the parent process which does kill the child processes, however restarting apache after killing the child processes results in a system crash. Rebooting the server remotely after apache has stopped responding also results in a server crash. That is NO response on any port.I would be happy to display any pertinent server config/logs etc if anyone can help me troubleshoot this?
Code: andy@novo:~/srcds/orangebox$ sudo ./srcds_run -console -game cstrike +map de_dus t Auto detecting CPU.Using default binary: ./srcds_linux.Server will auto-restart if there is a crash. Illegal instruction Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem Wed Dec 1 16:22:40 GMT 2010: Server restart in 10 seconds Illegal instruction Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem Wed Dec 1 16:22:50 GMT 2010: Server restart in 10 seconds Illegal instruction Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem Wed Dec 1 16:23:00 GMT 2010: Server restart in 10 seconds ^X^CWed Dec 1 16:23:01 GMT 2010: Server Quit In a never ending loop - i then add the -debug flag - and do sudo updatedb then locate debug.log but none has been created...
i have installed dhcp,there i declared the subnet and network,i used command include "/etc/dhcpd.conf.jutu1"; to start and other files, but it show me this error when i want to restart the DHCP, if you need more information contact me, i have configured this file too jutu1, but it don't let me to restart dhcp from /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart, this show me this message