Ubuntu :: Installation Doubt Due To Splashtop?

Mar 20, 2010

I saw this new HP laptop at our hostel that has this wonderful splashtop that shows as soon as the power button is pressed(unlike sony which requires you to press a button for booting up the splashtop).this screen has options for internet skype music etc and a boot into windows options.how could i possibly install ubuntu in this...... will grub replace this splashtop........

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General :: Doubt Regarding Kernel Installation?

Jun 10, 2010

Is "make modules" step needed to install a new kernel ? I want to install the general setup configuration. I don't want to add any modules of my own.

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Ubuntu :: Grub2--script Command Doubt?

Feb 23, 2010

I am on my way to coustomize grub2 n believe me i am trying very hard.....I found out about writing our own scriptslike

menuentry "Reboot"


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Ubuntu :: Shell Scripting Command Doubt?

Jan 1, 2011

How do i find out if a particular item is a file or a folder through the terminal ls -la gives 'd' before the permissions for every folder and '-' before every fileLike i want to write a script that backup data if it is a folder and deletes if it is a file

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Debian :: Doubt About Apt-show-versions

Apr 25, 2011

I use Debian Squeeze.


But if I go to [url] I'll find:


So, why the message "newer than version in archive"?

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General :: Doubt Regarding 389 Server Client

Jan 5, 2010

I have a doubt regarding the 389 Server Client Architecture. Say, I have 389 Server working and I have few Linux Clients. Now you say that if 389 client is configured it will login through credentials which is configured in Server. So what about the local Users on that Client.How will normal users in the Client login?

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Programming :: Pointer As Function Return Doubt?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm getting some information about C language and this session of a C book (follow the above link) is using a bad example for me. When I'm trying this example of function returning a pointer, my compiler is stating a warning that I return a pointer to a local variable. I realized that it is error prone after all this variable may be override before the function has done his execution. And the author is fooling me saying that this example is "perfectly safe". I'm wrong? There is something that I don't got yet? Sorry but this site is preventing me to post the link of book cause I'm a newbie, so a need the hack it. Just strip out the question signs:



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General :: Doubt In Echo A For Beeping An Alert?

Feb 6, 2010

Below is the shell script that I am writing to beep an alert but listen to nothing.

echo Listen to the alert!
echo -e "a"
echo listened ?

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Programming :: C++ Dynamic Array Of Struc Doubt?

Nov 28, 2008

I'm studing and making my first real life program in C++. I've got a doubt related with including a string type into a struct when I'm managing memory allocationdynamically.Bellow I copy the test program I did which works ok. But if I try to use string type instead of "const char *" into the struct I receive a "segment violation" error when I run the program. No error messages when compilling it.Does anybody knows if I'm doing something wrong?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Datos {


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Fedora :: Doubt In Syntax Of A Generic Make File?

Sep 15, 2010

I was learning to write a make file, I could understand most part of it of course with few exception I dint understand what does the below commands make(red font). I would like to understand what those syntax represent rather than mugging up without knowing what it means.

$(OBJECTS) :%.o :%.c
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $< -o $@


rm -f *.o $(TARGET) core

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Ubuntu Installation :: Package Installation Error - Action Would Require The Installation Of Packages From Not Authenticated Source

Feb 5, 2011

Package Installation error

Recently I get an error while installing any packages offline.

"Action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated source".

The key icon at top tight corner shows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 64bit Installation Error During Installation Of Xserver-xorg-driver-all

Jan 20, 2010

I'm trying to install Kubuntu 9.10 on my machine (I had the same problem with Kubuntu 9.04). The machine is:

- Core 2 Quad 6600
- Nvidia 7600 GS
- Two disk seagate 500 in mirroring raid software

When I try to install Kubuntu, after disk partition, my system dosn't see the CD. He tell me to insert disk into drive but I doesn't touch it. I resolved this mounting an external hard disk into /cdrom. After this, the installation continues until the step "select and install software". At this step, the installation procedure tell me an error. During this error, in the other console, I've this:

Jan 19 21:58:09 in-target: Alcuni pacchetti non possono essere installati. Questo può voler dire
Jan 19 21:58:09 in-target: che è stata richiesta una situazione impossibile oppure, se si sta
Jan 19 21:58:09 in-target: usando una distribuzione in sviluppo, che alcuni pacchetti richiesti

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Debian Installation :: USB Installation Fails To Find An Installation Iso Image

Aug 15, 2010

I have installed Debian maybe 30 times over the years since about 2003, stable, testing and Sid on two different desktops and two different laptops. The only problem I have ever had is sometimes with a flaky daily build. It is one of my favorite distros.

BUT, I am totally frustrated is trying to install to a USB. I have followed the manual step by step about 6 times in the past two weeks. The result is always the same. The installation fails to find an installation iso image. Yes, I know the iso image and the hd-media vmlinuz and initrd.gz files are supposed to be the same version.

File: debian-testing-i386-netinst.iso from: [url]

Files: vmlinuz and initrd.gz from: [url]

The USB boots to a Language selection screen and proceeds through the Keyboard selection screen with no problems.

The next step which searches for an installation iso image fails.

Skipping that step and trying to load installer components from iso image also fails.

Searching the entire PC for an installation iso image also fails. (I even copied the netinst iso image to the HD root directory.)

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Fedora Installation :: F14 Installation Hung On "running Post-installation Scripts" For 90 Minutes

Jun 22, 2011

I'm trying to perform an install of F14 (fresh install over F13), and it has been showing "running post-installation scripts" for 1 1/2 hours now. I am wondering if this is unusual and what the implications might be of power-cycling and rebooting. I'd note this is a fairly fast machine with 2 quad-core Xeons (I forget their model number).

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Fedora Installation :: F12 Installation Hangs @ "Preparing Transaction From Installation Source"

Apr 30, 2010

Trying to get Fedora 12 installed normally on a laptop, but it's hanging at the aforementioned point during installation. The mouse cursor is movable and the system appears to be fully working. The progress bar isn't moving and there is nowhere to either shut down the PC or access the terminal?? I cannot check any progress or see any log of what the installation program is trying to do.

It's a P4 laptop with ~700mb of ram. This is a fresh install from the i386 DVD distro. Why is it so hard to get a running system in linux when Windows or Mac is ready to go in about an hour? I've spent a good 3 hours trying to find my way around this latest problem and I am SO close to giving up. What a waste of my time linux has been so far.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Installation Error - Could Not Install '/var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.10.1-0

Mar 23, 2010

I was trying to update from 9.04 to 9.10.

During the installation, I kept getting tons of errors. Finally something came up saying that I had to abort the installation and it did some stuff. I tried running an application, but I got an error. So I restarted the system.

The normal screen came up where I had to choose the Ubuntu stuff (I'm new to Ubuntu) in the box. I noticed that it had gone to 8.10... which I had earlier before installing 9.04, which went great. So I chose the first on and the system failed to start. I rebooted and tried all the other options, but they all had errors. Now I'm booted to Windows.

I installed Ubuntu from a CD I created. But it is now outdated because it is 8.10, and I have already upgraded to 9.04. 9.04 to 9.10 is where stuff went wrong.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 64bit Installation Fails - Installer Encountered An Unrecoverable Error

Apr 23, 2010

I tried to install 64bit 10.04 Release Candidate but it fails every time. I have been using 64bit 9.10 Karmic on this computer so it's suitable for installation.

I tried to install from USB stick and from CD but same error at the same point! It fails just befere it starts to ask your locations etc...

There must be something totally wrong on installer. Checksums are ok etc...

Errors seen with CD and USB stick installation: Pop up: "Istalltion failed The installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run so that you may investigate the problem or try installing again."

On command line I can see following error message on CD:

These errors with USB stick:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Device Not Found, Grub Rescue, Post-Installation Error

May 19, 2010

I just (for the first time ever) installed a version of Ubuntu. It is 10.04. I installed off of the Live Disk. I was having a great time until the first time I went to boot into it and I got the message
"Error: No such device: "long number" Grub Rescue> "


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Ubuntu Installation :: SOS:error After Installation From Windows-no Main File System Chosen

May 23, 2010

I just completed the ubuntu 10.04 installation using the windows' installer.After the installation, the system reboot. I chose "ubuntu" from the OS selection screen.A message appeared that the system would verify the installation parameters.

Suddently, a message was shown:
"no main file system chosen. Please solve this error from the partition menu."
And it wouldn't continue!

how can I find the partition menu and set the file system for the ubuntu?? An idea would be to enter the installation cd for windows (as if I would wanted to format the pc)...wouldn't then the partition menu appear?

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Installation Automatically Boots Into A Black Screen With Blinking Cursor?

Jun 24, 2010

Problem-PC automatically boots into a black screen with blinking cursor. No message or nothing

I have 4 HD. Primary drive has Windows Vista, Secondary no OS installed. Sata1 HD Ubuntu 10.04, Sata2 Windows 7. Prior to installing windows 7 all was perfect but once I did it, grub got all screwed up. The only way I can boot into grub is if I manually select my Sata1 which has Ubuntu on it and only then it allows me to select Linux or Windows OS. How can I change that so it can boot up normally as before? I'm assuming that grub was installed in the primary drive which has vista on it, but once I installed windows 7 it got deleted and when I tried reinstalling Ubuntu, the grub was not installed in the primary drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Missing Default Folder In Shorewall-common Directory After Installation?

Aug 13, 2010

I am setting up a mail server. After installation of shorewall-common, shorewall-doc

Following this link http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/
For setting up
It requires me to copy thge content of /usr/share/doc/shorewall-common/default-config/rules to /etc/shorewall
cp /usr/share/doc/shorewall-common/default-config/rules /etc/shorewall/

But i observed that the folder default-config is missing. I have purge it apt-get and reinstalled but still it does it have that folder. What could cause this thing and how can i go about it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Using Update Manager It Downloaded The Files And Then While It Starts Installation?

Sep 30, 2010

I am facing a disgusting problem. While I am trying to update my system using update manager It downloaded the files and then while it starts installation it shows the following message

(Reading database ... 60%dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:
files list file for package 'linux-libc-dev' is missing final newline


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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Update - Error 'installation Or Removal Of A Software Package Failed'

Dec 2, 2010

I i cannot install updates (181). I'm using 10.10, Heres is the error i get: The installation or removal of a software package failed.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Fails Every Time - Message To Reboot My Computer Appeared At The End

Jan 9, 2011

I recently decided to install ubuntu netbook remix 10.10 to my Toshiba NB200. I was using windows and I wanted to completely erase them. I burned the USB, I followed every single instruction the site had, and even though the installation seemed to work, and a message to reboot my computer appeared at the end, the installation finally fails. When I reboot, the only thing I get is a black screen with an underscore at the top left corner. I tried the installation four to six times and even tried older versions as well but all I get is the black screen.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Vista - 9.10 Installation Error - Permission Denied?

Jan 4, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 on my Windows Vista Home Premium machine. My specs far exceed the requirements to install, so I know there's no problem there.On installation I receive an error somewhat through that says something like:Quote:An error occured:Permission deniedFor more information, please see the log file:C:UsersUsernameAppDataLocalTempwubi-9.10ubuntu1-rev160.logSo.... I go to that file, and the last line in it is:Quote:OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso'I did run Wubi Installer as an Administrator, and unblocked it giving it full privileges.It's really annoying because my download speed is 80kb/s so it takes about 3 hours to download. During that 3 hours I can't use my internet so I have to wait, and wait, and wait, and then boom.error. And wubi can't pick up where it left off, you have to uninstall to reinstall, which sucks tremendously.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Rosetta Stone Application Installation Ends Prematurely

Jan 24, 2010

I'm trying to install the Rosetta Stone v3.3.5 for Ubuntu 9.1 and here's what happens. I open the RosettaStoneSetup.exe with Wine and after the files extract and I agree to the terms the installation starts. The progress bar fills to the end and then I get a popup telling me that the installation ended prematurely.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Vista Installation Won't Start After Upgrading From Karmic To Lucid

Apr 30, 2010

My Windows Vista installation won't start after upgrading from Karmic to Lucid. If I select it on GRUB2, it leaves a blinking cursor on screen. And I tried doing the whole test disk thing and the boot info script. This is what my Results.txt file says


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Ubuntu Installation :: Canon MX Printer Installation On Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 AMD64

May 20, 2010

Canon MX320, MX330, MX860 printer installation on Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 AMD64 bit. I am sure Ubuntu Lucid is similar. Once I upgraded to Lucid 10.04 AMD64 bit I found that getting a Canon Pixma MX printer installed was not going to be easy. So I thought it help others if I posted my experience here. To pull this off you will need both the Debian package, (.deb), and the source package from either

Canon Europe: [URL]... Or Canon Australia: [URL]... NOTE: The only reason to get the source is to access the ppd files. They are in the Debian package but it is a lot more work to walk newbies through unpacking the .deb. Since there are errors in the source code it makes impossible to compile a driver. Therefore, you will need to install the 32bit Debian package and force the architecture, then add the correct printer driver from the ppd file in the source package. While these instructions worked for me there are a few assumption I make which mat affect your outcome. My MX860 has a wireless network connection.

In other words I have no idea if this will or will not work on a USB attached printer. (If someone would be kind enough to post back if they get that configuration working that would be cool.) The other assumption is that the general reader is relatively new to Lunix and the command line interface. The commands were cut and pasted from my working kconsole, so they should work for anyone.Here we go:........

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Ubuntu Installation :: Stategies For Dual Boot Installation On A Blank System?

May 24, 2010

Every tutorial I've seen on installing a dual boot environment assumes you already have an installed OS (usually Windows). My wife's XP system is pretty hosed, and she's been interested in Ubuntu. Because she's ripe for an XP re-install anyway, I'm planning on backing up her data, completely wiping her hard drive, and installing a dual-boot Windows-XP/Ubuntu environment. Any good step-by-steps for this, with good hints on how to partition, etc.?

If not, my plan B is to reformat and install a basic XP system, and then follow one of the tutorials for going dual-boot over an existing install. Does that make sense? I should mention, I've used Linux for years as a user on my ISP, but have only been using Linux on a home system for a couple months; so I'm fairly new to the install and administer side.

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Installation :: Ubuntu Fails To Load Before Installation When Attempting To Duel Boot / Fix It?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm trying to install ubuntu on a laptop (Acer Aspire 6530), and duel boot with windows vista. However, when starting up the computer with the CD in the drive, the installer fails to load, showing only a picture at the bottom of the screen showing a square and a circle with a person in it... This persists for as long as I have cared to wait (hours) and pressing keys at first results in nothing, then after sufficient key presses just produces beeps...

Anyone know what's wrong there?

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