Ubuntu :: Install A Ssh Server On A Laptop?

Dec 16, 2010

can i install a ssh server to ssh into someones computer if they have a laptop since the ip would be changing somewhat often?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Server Install On Laptop Doesn't Install Pcmcia Support?

Jan 12, 2011

I am installing Ubuntu Server 10.10 on and old Dell Laptop. The network connection is an Xircom PCMCIA card.During install, the computer sees and interacts via the network just fine. For example, I can ping the gateway. Also, the command "lspcmcia" works and show the Xircom card.When I reboot, however, there is no network access, and the "lspcmcia" command is not there. When I try "lspcmcia" the OS helpfully tells me that I can "apt-get" pcmciautils, but, without network access, that fails.I tried adding the install cdrom to apt using "apt-cdrom" and then tried to "apt-get" pcmciautils and it got further, installing some dependencies, but acted like it still was unable to locate the pcmciautils package.

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Server :: Install Dig Command On Laptop?

Jan 18, 2010

I just install linux on my laptop(mandriva 2010) trying to use it to keep my server remotely but I notice that I do not have some commands that I used to use, one of them "dig".

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Install RHEL 5 Server In Laptop?

Mar 4, 2010

I tried installing RHEL5 server edition in my laptop and it couldnt detect the video card and so the installation continued in the blue screen and i didnt get the usual GUI for installation so i discontinued the installation.can anyone help me how to i install this.Pls i am in need of RHEL in my laptop.

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General :: How To Install GUI On Server / View GUI On Windows Laptop

Jan 6, 2011

I have a linux server in a remote location. I have access to it only via putty. How do I install GUI on the linux server and view the GUI on my windows laptop?I installed KDE and when I type startx I get errors.

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General :: Install Fedora 14 On Netbook Using A Network PXE Server On Laptop?

Feb 20, 2011

I'm trying to install Fedora 14 on my netbook using a network PXE server on my laptop. I can see in the syslog, that initrd.img and vmlinuz get sent over tftp. The problem seems to be in my kernel parameters:

LABEL fedora14-EFI-boot-i386
kernel /images/fedora14-EFI-boot-i386/vmlinuz0
MENU LABEL fedora14-EFI-boot-i386
append initrd=/images/fedora14-EFI-boot-i386/initrd0.img ksdevice=bootif lang= kssendmac text ks= selinux=0
ipappend 2

On booting up the netbook it can't find a root device. I'm not sure what to specify for the root= because I have deleted all the partitions on /dev/sda. I did this because originally it kept booting up the old OS, and I assumed there was a way to format the disk as part of the install. I'm stuck now and was hoping someone with more experience of bootloaders might be able to help. If possible I'd like to do this using the network rather than a usb.

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CentOS 5 :: X Server Fails To Start On New Install (Toshiba Laptop)?

Jul 6, 2009

I have a Toshiba A205 S5804 laptop that had Vista Home Premium installed. Tried to install Centos 5 (2.6.18-8-el5) and when I went through the install process, X Server failed to start so I had to go thorough the command line install. Once the install completed, it only booted to console.

The default resolution for this laptop is 1280X800 but I dont know if that is why or not. if anyone has a clue about my issue, please let me know.. I really dont want to install windows.

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Debian Installation :: Install For A Target System / Create The Image On A USB Drive For The 586 Soekris Server On 686 HP Laptop?

Feb 16, 2010

I wish to use my laptop to create a system for my Soekris 4801. I don't want to take the server down for the lengthy install ( took 6 hours last time, Fedora 5 ). I want to create the image on a USB drive for the 586 Soekris server on my 686 HP laptop. Then scp the image to the Soekris and reboot and configure the server.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Live CD BOOT/INSTALL With HCL K38 Laptop

Mar 16, 2011

I am using an HCL k38 pdc laptop and I am unable to boot KDE live cd of opensuse 11.4. The system boots to a graphical screen where a progress bar is shown. the progress bar proceeds to about 90% and then my system hangs. ALl I can see on my screen is that graphical image with suse logo and progress bar. Though my mouse works and I can move it all around the desktop but if I try pressing any key (CAPS/NUM LOCK/SCROLL LOCK) i dont see any LED notification for that. this concludes that the system is hanged.

Key board has no issue as I can use it in Windows.

I tried to boot the lice cd in text mode and it worked very fine from there I installed the system on to my HDD in dual boot mode with windows XP. But after installation when I boot opensuse from HDD it stucks at the same position.

I think this issue is with Nvidea graphics card as when the system boots I see an error message that says that the RAM has an address conflict with VGA ROM.

How can I use opensuse. I have even tried ubuntu 10.10 but it also hangs while booting or after booting. So far I have been able to manage only Sabayon Linux working on this machine however the ubuntu 9.10 was working on this system and it also started behaving similarly after I upgraded it to ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Booting On Laptop But Not Server?

Mar 10, 2011

this may seem a little odd, but I used my server to install Ubuntu on to an external hard drive. (long story short, the server won't recognize any internal hard disks with any type of video card installed. The video card works just fine when installed, and it will read both CDs/DVDs and USB drives just fine, it just refuses to even notice hard disks. I'm assuming an IRQ issue, but I've tried changing them with no success.) Having installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my external 250g hard disk, I attempted to boot it from the USB drive, since the system has that option. It tells me "error: out of disk" and goes to the Grub rescue prompt. Having followed multiple threads and advice posts, including on this forum, I was unable to resolve the issue. For s'n'gs, I hooked affore mentioned external hard disk to my laptop and tested it. Boots just fine. Then hooked it back to my server to see if it would boot. Still no dice [Just a side note, no the video card is not currently installed in said server, I was testing it to see if the thing would install and operate alright before I tested it with video card installed. Only ever make one change at a time, that way if something explodes, I know what caused it.] My initial objective was to get an operating system that would boot with the video card installed. Any ideas what might be going wrong here?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Run A Laptop As A Wireless Server?

Mar 1, 2010

Can I run a laptop as a wireless server? My friend runs his laptop off of his cable box and does not have a multi-port router. How can I have his laptop wireless act as an access point?If I can't be wireless, how do I have his laptop act as a server through a usb cable to my laptop?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Shut Off LCD On Laptop Server

Jul 20, 2010

I've just installed Ubuntu Server 10.04 on an old laptop. I would like the screen to automatically shut off after, say, a minute of inactivity.

- After some time, the monitor blanks but the backlight does not power down.

- I do not have a gui installed, and do not want to install one since this is a server. Most of the solutions I've found involve running X or KDE.

- It's an old laptop and the lid switch is broken, so closing the lid won't work.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Connect To Server Using Laptop Running XP

Oct 12, 2010

I had my Ubuntu Linux 8.10 Server working fine. I moved the location. The only change was the IP. I changed interfaces to reflect my new IP. Everything works except now I can not connect to my server using my laptop running XP. Before the move I had no problem connecting to the server with my laptop. Windows can see the server but will not connect. Can changing the server IP affect Samba?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Two NIC Routing From Laptop To Server?

Feb 27, 2011

I have a server that has two NIC cards installed eth0 and eth1 we use a linksys router ( which runs DNS for our LAN. I have installed Squid on the server which runs Ubuntu server (8.04 Hardy) w/ GUI. I can surf the net on the server with google chrome configured to use proxy server localhost:3128...works good. The router is wire directly to eth0. I have my laptop (running Ubuntu Hardy) wired to eth1 and I want to be able to surf the Internet through my server. From my laptop, I can ping which is the IP address assigned to eth1[?] by my router. I assume I need to establish a route from my laptop to my server. I would like to archive this via the CLI and I am not having any luck thus far. If I add static IP addresses to eth1on the server and eth0 on my laptop will this simplify the process? How can I add a route which will allow me access to the Internet via my laptop?

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface U 0 0 0 eth1 U 0 0 0 eth0 U 1000 0 0 eth1 UG 100 0 0 eth1 U 1000 0 0 eth0

ifconfig eth1 on the server:
eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:30:48:85:cc:1b
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::230:48ff:fe85:cc1b/64 Scope:Link
Up Broadcast running Multicast MTU:1500 Metric:1
RX packets:7701 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:7898 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
RX bytes:5572718 (5.3 MB) TX bytes:1506869 (1.4 MB)
Base address:0x9000 Memory:ef400000-ef420000

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Update On Laptop - Error "Can't Install 'xubuntu-desktop' It Was Impossible To Install A Required Package"

Oct 6, 2010

I downloaded the 6.06 version of xubuntu because i have a laptop that doesnt support high graphics mode, and i wasnt able to figure out how to get it to run in low graphics mode. i figured that i would get a version from a while back, and then update it up to the current version. now, to the problem. I was able to upgrade 6.10, but now it says Ubuntu version 8.04 available, so i tried to update it. it gets most of the way through the part where it says calculating or something like that, and then it says: "Can't install 'xubuntu-desktop' It was impossible to install a required package. Please report this as a bug." with an option that says close at the bottom. when i click close another window pops up that says: Could not calculate the upgrade A unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade. This can be caused by:

* Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu
* Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu
* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu

If none of this applies, then please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bugreport. Then the window just closes... anything that i could do to get rid of this problem? EDIT: Is there any way to update directly from an .iso file on the desktop?

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Ubuntu :: How To Install 10.04 On Laptop

Sep 12, 2010

how to install ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop but im a little caught up between using the wubi or full install heres my dilemma.I like the wubi but it doesn't support hibernation and from doing some reading it is not as stable and has some loss in performance.

The main issue I have with doing the full install is I'm a little concerned that making new partitions may screw up the recovery partition which I find really useful which lets me easily reformat my laptop without having to deal with all the drivers.So my real question here is twofold. Is there a way to still hibernate in wubi? And is the full install that much more stable and faster?Second should the recovery partition be ok if i later decide to start fresh again in the future?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get A Dhcp Server Running On Laptop

Jan 19, 2010

I'm trying to get a dhcp server running on my laptop. I want devices to be able to connect to a wireless AP I've set up (using hostapd) to then connect to the rest of the internet via my ethernet connection from the laptop.

However, I can't get dhcp to work properly. It always fails, leaving this message in the syslog

Jan 19 15:49:15 lucid-laptop dhcpd: WARNING: Host declarations are global. They are not limited to the scope you declared them in.
Jan 19 15:49:15 lucid-laptop dhcpd: WARNING: Host declarations are global. They are not limited to the scope you declared them in.


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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup Virtual Web Server On Laptop?

Sep 20, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 server as a guest on a Windows 7 host using VirtualBox. I've set the VirtualBox configuration to use a Bridged network connection so that I can access the internet through the Ubuntu guest and to access the Ubuntu apache server through my Windows host.This is all running on my laptop which connects to various routers using dhcp (some ip addresses start with 198. while others start with 10.) What I need is a single static ip address (or hostname/url) to setup my cms (drupal).how I can accomplish this given the varying routers the laptop connects to?

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Ubuntu :: Security Risk To Run Apache Web Server On Laptop?

Sep 29, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop. I have an Apache web server running that I can access at ("It works! This is the default web page for this server. ...").

Are there any security risks in leaving this running? Is the web server available to anyone outside my network?

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up A Wireless Dhcp/dns Server On Laptop?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm interested in the possibility of setting up a sort of hotspot using my laptop that will act as both a DHCP and DNS server in the hopes of running a softroot on my Nook e-reader.

According to the instructions posted here: [URL] I need to use Windows 7 and a couple different applications. Windows 7 is not an option for me, as I have Ubuntu Netbook 10.10 installed and would like to keep it that way. Can anyone offer any clues as to what I would need to use?

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Ubuntu :: Old 48MB RAM Laptop - Connect To A Virtual PC On A Server

Mar 20, 2011

I have this old Toshiba Tecra 730CDT laptop, pretty useless with it's 150MHz Pentium processor and 48MB RAM. I am considering to throw it out for good. But, before I do it, I wanted to hear maybe it is still possible to use it:

1) perhaps there is some really thin linux distro that would let me to connect to a virtual PC on a server, transmit the mouse and keyboard events, and get the image and sound streamed back.

2) Maybe there is some other smart use of such gear, like installing it in car or something. I doubt it though, because it's heavy (8lbs~3.6Kg), bulky and energy-inefficient. But still... it's so hard to accept that such smart pile of electronic must go to the junk yard.

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Ubuntu :: Wubi Can't Install On Laptop

Mar 19, 2010

Wubi can't retrieve the netbook versions... any fix for this? I really don't want to use anything else but wubi. I used it on my desktop, and it was straightforward and I really prefer it (it's pretty much the only reason i'm putting linux on here lol)

I'm getting an error, it says: an error occured: Cannot download the metalink and therefore the ISO

portion of the log:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Install 10.04 With A Cd On A Laptop?

May 2, 2010

I am trying to install 10.04 with a cd on a laptop. But when it get to the point where the setup box should appear, where you put in user name and password, it just continues running a screen with a ubuntu background and the curser just keeps flickering.

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Ubuntu :: Laptop Not Boot Up - Install From USB

Mar 21, 2011

I recently bought my self a Acer aspire 5552G, and now I'm trying to get the latest Ubuntu on it. I put the ubuntu on a USB drive and inserted it to my laptop. I changed boot orders so that all USB devices would come first. Now if I changed only one USB device to boot first (the one where my USB was inserter, as it indicated it had SanDisc in it) It didn't do anything, it still booted up the Linpus linux ditro wich was installed on the laptop when I got it. It has no GUI and I can't do anything with it.

If I changed all USB devices to the top list of booting, the laptop started and then a text comes on the screen :
SYSLINUX 4.03 2010-10-22 EDD Copyright (C) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anvin et al.
And now it just stays like that and no matter what I press, nothing happens.

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Ubuntu :: Install 10.10 On AMD Athlon Laptop?

Apr 28, 2011

A few days back, I burned a CD with Ubuntu 10.10 (maverick?). Have since installed 10.10 on an old desktop (pentium ii, 1.15 ghz) and it boots up ok - (apart from a 'freeze' issue which varies from 10 mins to 2 1/2 hours) Anyway, my immediate problem is I'm using the SAME CD to install 10.10 on a AMD Athlon laptop (which previously ran Windows XP). The installation process starts with the usual: TRY/INSTALL screen - I select INSTALL. The whole process runs for about 40 mins, using the entire 60gb drive (I've got rid of XP). The final few messages are: 'installing system', 'copying installation logs' 'installation complete' - 'restart now'. So, the CD is ejected after which I get a string of '2380 nnnnnn i/o error device sector 533280'messages. Then, 'will now restart' At the restart, up comes the UBUNTU screen and the intro clip...and there it stays. My question, does anybody know what could be happening - if anything?? Remembering that this CD was installed on the desktop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install 11.04 On Laptop

Jun 29, 2011

I have a HP Pavilion dv9000 that I had an older version of Ubuntu on. I wanted to install 11.04 which I have installed on my two desktop computer. The live CD work great and I wanted to install. I clicked on other to install in the hard drive where the old version was and every thing went well until I got to the page were it asked about (who you are) I put in my name and password and clicked on log in without password and then could not click on the forward button. It looked like everything loaded OK as it went and downloaded all the update files.

That was as far as I could go on the install. The CD was a 32 bit version but the computer is a 64 bit AMD. My desk top are AMD chip set also and it installed OK on them.

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Ubuntu :: Install Screenlets For 11.04 Laptop

Jul 1, 2011

I tried to install screenlets for my 11.04 ubuntu laptop so i typed in HTML Code: sudo apt-get install screenlets then the output was:


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Ubuntu :: Install 11.04 Into A Laptop Where The Windows OS?

Aug 8, 2011

I've been trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 into a laptop where the Windows OS was... quite FUBAR. And, when I try to load Ubuntu from a flash drive, this comes up.

cp: can't create '/root/var/log]: Is a directory
mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /proc on /root/proc failed: No such filed or directory

Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init. No init found. Try passing init= bootarg

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Ubuntu :: How To Install Joomla On Laptop

Aug 12, 2011

I want to install Joomla on my laptop. Do I need ubutu Server to do this?

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Ubuntu :: Apt-get In My Laptop To Install In A SD-Card?

Jun 20, 2011

I have been trying to create a SD-Card with Ubuntu 9.10 and add up some other programs. That has to be all done in my laptop. However, I got into a point that I could not go further. Normally, I would start my Linux SD-card on a board and type the following lines: Code: $sudo apt-get install liblapack-dev $sudo apt-get install libf2c2-dev Is there any way that could be done from my laptop once the SD card is connected to it?

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